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Shortstack General #231

Reforged Edition

Previous Thread: >>8283669


>No futa
>No gays, but lesbians are okay
>No racebaiting
>No gas or onara
>No drama
>No AI 'art'
>No weird shit that's too 'out there'

Post pics, stories, whatever you got that involves pocket-sized sex bombs, just be excellent to each other.

If you're an artist who draws shortstacks, what are you working on right now? Share what you're making!

Fairly recentish shortstack VN:

fanfics for nerds who read someone recently updated
The New Demon Lord patron reward
The Ratcatchers
Samina Cass:
Warcraft Goblin Story:

Fine dwarvish lasses
Which way, 'stack fan?
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I have a need for Goblins.
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I'll take both
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finally finished this and got the okay from huffslove to post it

are we gonna make teapots official?
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No, go to /trash/ with that shit
>Nooo the new panel focuses on the guy instead of the girls boobies!
Unironically kys
not the same anon. this isn't a homoerotic thread, it's pretty clearly stated in the OP. if you want to lust for cock there's designated places you can do that. but this is explicitly not the place for that, i don't think it's unreasonable to ask you to go take that to where it's supposed to be, that's all
You MADE IT? Fuck! Great job dude!
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> getting your dick sucked and fucked while being fondled by a bunch of imp women is gay
>Entire thing is the group of female imps having 'fun' with the guy.
>This somehow means its gay because the guy has a single panel to himself
Yeah no. You aren't fooling anyone. Fuck off and never come back
ok fine, ill concede that there is plausible deniability because female characters are included as little as possible but you and i both know that the focus of the comic is the guy, come on, specially with the teapot thing, you cant deny that if youre being fair
>getting your dick sucked and fucked while being fondled by a bunch of imp women is gay
No but talking about "teapots" certainly is.
How is a group of Shortstacks explaining/demonstrating why he's a teapot, gay? Especially since it ends with him getting sucked and fucked by one of them.
NTA, but TA is just trying to keep gay / futa stuff out of the thread. We didn't use to have a no futa rule as well for a while, but as all /aco/ regulars know, futa fanciers can't help themselves but dump their entire dickgirl collection unbidden into every thread they see. Apparent;y there are long running "male-shortstack (teapot)" threads in /trash/, not that I care to go and check.
So in other words. That faggot is starting issues for zero reason.
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>same filename from last thread
>same sample low res
>butthurt about general reminder to keep futa and gay shit out
Just look at this disingenuous nigger faggot, reposting same shit again and again for the sole purpose that people don't outright dismiss his shitposts since he's "contributing" alright.
Oh hey look. It's the underage retard that got mad when an anon explained to him why some anons like pregnant women. You gonna run away after getting slammed again little boy?
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nightmare shit
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Dunno if its official but thats what Im calling all male shortstacks from now on
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i swear it was thought up here years ago
so vaguely remember it being discussed before and the same idea getting pitched
I also recall this.
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>are we gonna make teapots official?
dont ask me, im not here to think about the dudes in a sexual manner.

but i'll give you that thats a very cute dude possibly getting manhandled.
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REEEE-posting... shameful

>that phrasing

nice catch

I'll preventively say this is a 'raid' by some fag/s trying to gay it up in here.
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the whole set is really nice, but this pic in particular is HORNY.
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>Nice catch
Bitch really? Are you really trying to act like you're a different anon?
Watch out anon. All those dicks might set off the crybaby
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no, retard
>"so you're saying"
is a fallacy
Calling male Shortstacks "Teapots" isn't really a new thing. It's pretty old at this point.

Actually, a lot of the early Shortstack fandom (back when it was coalescing into something tangible instead of just general enjoyment of Midna or other girls nebulously) actually used the term "Teapot" alongside Shortstack. Because the girls were "short and stout". This was back in the early 2010s, as I recall? Might've been a little earlier. I used to make threads on /h/ for teapots and fill them with all sorts of stuff. Mostly comic pages from Ibukichi or Zankuro. Before that, there were sometimes little threads made on /d/ for the fetish and that's where a lot of the arguing over names came from. People fell into a few different camps about what to call the girls. Anyway, point is, there was a time when some called all Shortstacks "Teapots", but the name "Shortstack" stuck instead. Now Teapot is usually used to mean the boys (because handle and spout), but people tend to go back and forth on what to call male Shortstacks because the fandom isn't large enough to really coalesce itself into a solid form like Shortstack tends to be.
Remember how that anon was asked politely to not post gay pics, and then he spent the rest of the thread spamming his gay collection, necessitating the rule? I remember.
There's getting justifiably annoying over an anon intentionally posting gay shit, and then there is autistically screeching over an anon posting something that has a SINGLE PANEL FOCUSING ON THE GUY.
there's having a point, and then there's being overly defensive and making strawmen because you're the anon in question
don't shit where you eat
>everyone who doesnt accept futa in the non-futa thread is the same person

huh, neat. i only got into shorstacks some time after hellmouth to mouth
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forgot pic.
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btw, sorry im posting a bunch of old pics, wana put them out there before i delete em.
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>this is average?!
>im gona die!
What was that sex game called where you picked up shortstacks from a bar and you could have a treesome with two goblins or fuck a tiny cyclops girl? There was third scene too. I think the game was in black and white.
That's the biggest suspension of disbelief about shortstacks, that they can take even average size dicks without getting torn up.
I don't know.
I've seen some midget porn, where an 'above average' guy is doing the fucking, and the midget took it okay (not talking about 'John Holmes' type guys, which would be painful/damaging to the midget I would guess).
There's a video of Tiny Texie literally getting used as a onahole and she was lovin' it
I wouldn't put a lot of stock on a pornstar's performance for what good sex is.
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seconding this inquiry.
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all good man. wish forest would pick a name and stick w/ it tho. bro has gone through foresttherotten, foretbwat, forestbox, and like 2-3 others i can't remember. makes tagging his stuff a real pain
Goblin City Nights, I think
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Do you think goblins are stretchy enough to fuck while giving birth?
depends, you could definitely help out by applying some gentle leverage through the other hole
Yes! That was it. Oh, it has a sequel too!
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Poke goblins in weird unpleasant ways and they might return the favor.
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Here's a sketch page from tinkering on a character design a couple weeks back.

A green Adelia? Now that's a rare sight.
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neat, thanks!
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i'd worry more if their newborn are squishy enough to sustain the uh... 'friction'
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they dont look short at all... nice rendering tho
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oh, thats meant to be honey goblin
Super cute. I love Christmas elves, pixies, brownies, and tiny hat-wearing cuties in general. Conical or Phrygian, brimmed or floppy. Love 'em all.
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I guess I can post some OC of the best princess.
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(sure you can)
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same thats why i had those pics saved, cute designs and that vibe of folkloric background that i quite dont know.
i 'll look if foursnails has any more of em.
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lmao ignore the quote, i was just googling that
Wait if she's not an elf then what is she?
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