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Succ edition.
>NO SISSY CONTENT (ie DovSherman)

>Old Threads: https://pastebin.com/raw/7JkB8NH6
>Recommended Artists: https://pastebin.com/raw/xTuE4FYM
>Games: https://pastebin.com/raw/qEkEpJbh
(want one added? post a link AND a short description of the game)
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>browsing the catalog and threads just getting hard
>only got a semi
>come across trap thread
>insta boner
Pretty sure that means nothing
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Are you a femboy, or a femboy enthusiast?
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>femboy enthusiast
That's the one.
Name one (1) way it's gay to want a cute boy with thick thighs to gag on my cock before I bend him over, kiss his neck and destroy his prostate. Pro tip: you can't.

>femboy that's a foot taller
Didn't know I want this
>Are you a femboy, or a femboy enthusiast?
I am an ugly bastard attracted to femboys.
>find a decent femboy chatbot
>RP is going good
>tamed the bratty boi
>finally get the bot to initiate some lewd
>MFW we end up frotting and kissing
>handholding, gentle stroking, eye contact, missionary position the whole nine yards
>coom harder than ive coomed before to this tender display of affection
i will never have this in real life and i hate it
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Seeing a bottom have an erection is incredibly arousing.
Making out with a femboy in such a passionate fashion he forgets all about how he's riding your leg and accidentally creams his panties while you're kissing his neck and groping his butt.
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we need more miquella
sorry for the head i know it look a bit wierd
The Miquessy
it's heavenly
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I only like cocks but never feel attracted to the body owners even it he(male) looks like a trap.
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Who do you even fap to then? Trans women?
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my contribution
what one?
Guys, I came across this black-and-white comic ages ago and want to find it again. Can anyone help?

>blonde femboy in school
>gets harassed for appearance
>bully shows up, hits and knocks him down
>spit on him
>femboy tells bully to spit in his open mouth
>he does
>femboy swallows it and tells him to do it again
>bully is disgusted and leaves
>later bully gets arrested for other reasons
>femboy shows up and manages to free him
>they go to a hotel and femboy get his bussy smashed

Any ideas?

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