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Can someone post some new Wishberri stuff?
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Artist name?
Reposting the old art mega
It looks like Nasfan9's style to be, but I don't see that art on any of their accounts.
I could be wrong.
I've been on 4chan for like 15 years and still don't know what touhou is

Also when I tried making this post on mobile I got someones ban msg saying
>plastic backed diapers
shaneysqueeboy on dA
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does this work well with "horror" stuff?
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NEVER let this link die, there's alot of rare things in here!!
Zoomer horror works well with diapers
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Do any of you anons have any Lana art
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Made a diaper edit of some Pippa art I saw recently that looked perfect for it. Hopefully it's halfway decent.
Edit some more Pippa. She’s perfect for diapers.
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Horror game girls are great for diapers
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Pointing down or pointing up?
I don't usually like asking for stuff mostly cause I know it gets annoying.

But it'd be cool if someone wouldn't mind dropping Red-Moda's stuff from now back to the start of this year, The dude has stopped uploading his stuff on Twitter sadly at least in any timely fashion.
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how much TCOAAL diaper art is there?
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Very little, but I have at least one more
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diaper art of oddly specific groups of characters is always comfy
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What makes the pic look an advertisement?
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* like an advertisement?

Generally position while humping matters. If you're someone who points down you'll probably want to ease closer to the bottom middle when grinding. If you're pointing up then you grind your diaper near the top front. I do wonder what the majority of /aco/ does, point downward or upwards when wearing.
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To repeat a ? I had last thread, and to once again spark some conversation...
>What's everyone's favorite diaper? AB or medical?
>Do you wear for just comfort, or do you use them(wet or mess)?

My current favorites are Tykables Overnights and Rearz Daydreamers. They are INCREDIBLE diapers. For work wear I really like Sunkiss masterpiece. Super quiet, and hold a lot. If I'm in public I only wet. I sometimes wear a crinkly one if I'm out just for the thrill of possibly being caught. I save the messy fun for home.
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>They found contraband in my rectum, so now I have to wear a diaper for as long as I'm on the ward...
My favorite was the ABU Kiddos, but those are discontinued. SDKs are the next best thing, but ABU is perpetually sold out. Diaper Minister's Kiddo Jr Pluses are similar, but not exactly the same.
>My favorite was the ABU Kiddos
Kys toddlerkun
>Rent free
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Random aspiring drawfag here. Tried abdl art for the first time, as well as made digital art that doesn't look like absolute shit for the first time.
I can better at paper with colored pencils, but I don't want to draw padded art on paper because it's liable to being found, but on the other hand my artstyle on digital looks really cookie cutter which I don't like.
The character is just a random unnamed girl. (who I planned to make a little chubby but I feel like I went a little overboard)

wish i was padded rn.
Not bad, proportions are not too wack, however when making a character "thick" or "fat" the bones don't change only the fat around the bones. Meaning the feet shouldn't be scaled up with the legs.

If ur aspiring to draw, but don't want to on paper, then I shill mspaint. It will take away all the shiny buttons and features, and leave you with the essentials, and it will force you to draw and not get distracted on polishing turds. Fill up ms paint canvases until it's full, and use and break down real human references, and every now and then you can study GOOD artists art.

Keep drawing, this fetish is being voided of any artists since they've all gone down the paywall path.
>that doesn't look like absolute shit
Yeah... about that
Oh piss off
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>not posting Lana's superior mom
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I hate that I like diapers, why can't I like something else
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Stop bitching and just do it
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Why would liking something else be better? Because other people don't like diapers or are afraid of them? Appealing to others won't do you any good. Just as you try to give up diapers to appeal to others, those same people will end up telling you to fuck off if you ask them to stop liking something you don't, so why bother kneeling to them?

Just wear the diaper and enjoy it.
>but those are discontinued
They aren't. They are just ovepriced now.
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If anyone happens to have a Sixonesixone/genericpetname archive of like 2013-2016 stuff that would be greatly appreciated! Still hunting for some of her work in that period, namely a piece of Faora from Man of Steel.
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try diaperedanime
>10 Up
>2 Down
Isnt pointing down for people on the smaller side?
You're also looking for old sixonesixone?
I might have some of their old pieces I'll post what I got when I get home, I am personally looking for their old Franken Fran images from back then, they got purged for being too "off putting" and I have been searching for them.
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Pointing down is when you don't want to leak from the waistband and prevents boners.
If you have a larger dick and you point up you are more likely to piss out to top waistband, I'd argue pointing up would only really be feesible if you are smaller
Also you flipped your numbers, its 10 down 2 up
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>Oh god- they weren't lying about those laxative cookies!
Already tried, doesn’t have specifically what I’m looking for. Either that or it’s tucked away somewhere.

That would be greatly appreciated! Like I said, if you happen to have Faora that would be amazing! I’ll see if I have any of Franken Fran.
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Sure give me a bit to go though my old archives, I'll see what I can dredge up.
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Im too big to point up. Id piss above the waistband.
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you don't get to choose when you wear a chastity cage
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I'm also attempting to organize everything I have from sixonesixone's Deviantart that I'll zip and share soon. Should be near 300 images once I'm done. No Faora or Franken Fran in my collection though. Thanks to the anons that shared them during the early /aco/ threads since my collection is mostly made up from them.
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Pampered rn, I don't think I've ever had to take a solid shit this bad before. Don't expect to keep my padding clean for much longer.
Massive fart pushing themselves out. Nature's knocking on my back door real hard now.
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You totally crushed it, this is an amazing edit!
Do you plan on doing any more edits, let alone requests of any sort? I'd absolutely kill to see some more VTubers in diapers, with particular one's I'm gravitating towards (Doki and Mint at the moment- they've totally asked for it).
This is also a more general question for anyone here that may recall, but I swear there was a collection of diaper images for use in edits that some editor made. Would love to have that back, since I never saved it in the moment but suddenly feel greatly motivated to try my hand.
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If you mean the pngs, then this
Larger points down, Smaller points up. Smaller can point up without worrying about leaking.
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Suika wife who wears diapers (lovingly and teasingly) for you.
Dammit Nas, you keep me bound here with your seemingly random drops that don't go up on Pixiv or anywhere else. Not complaining if you're on a Touhou kick though, good diaper art of them is rare.
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touhou girls are in fact, made for diapers.
Imagine the smell
>just locked myself in a diaper and footed pajamas
what should i do with the keys anons? i have company coming over in the morningbut i want to be stuck for the night in a diaper
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Nvm, it was liquid. Bleh.

Ah well. 40 wet wipes and a shower later, I'm feeling much better.
If you have company, doing something like that is probably a bad idea imo. Wait for a night preceding an uneventful morning.
the risk helps me get off, unfortunately. just looking for ideas.
Fuck off, don’t beg for your mid
Nijinigger refugees.

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