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Pocket pussy version
>Bonus for tokage_setsuna
>No gays no futa and no single males
>No Queen of Spades cringe
>No Mineta
>No ntr shit
>No gas nor onara
>No drama
Previous thread
Thread question
>What quirk is most suitable for sexual intercourse?
I love the idea of Setsuna letting you carry her pussy inside your pants and fucking her from afar
"Split me in two with your dick~"
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>No Mineta
Da fuq your problem with him?
seriously, all these rules and not the obvious two?
>No Bakugous mom and Deku cuckshit
>No Ochaku and Bakugou reverse-cuckshit
It's always the same shit with these threads. Someone post Deku and Bakugous mom and then someone else replies with Ocahku and Bakugou. And then we get back to step1, over and over and over again.
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It’s just two schizos. This general may as well not exist because it’s only ever these two spamming back and forth in this never ending cuck war. I don’t even know why these threads still get made.
Simple, the MHA girls are very erotic.
She is so fucking hot!
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It'd sure be nice, then, if the threads weren't clogged up with only two of the girls from the series being stuck in an eternal cuck-off
she's alright I guess
Tell that to the decuckfaggot
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Literally the first post in this thread is bacuckfaggotry. So it seems like the bacuckfaggot keeps instigating things. If you look at previous threads it's always the bacuck that starts things. Kinda funny considering how often he tries to play the victim.
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I mean neither of them are the victims. Bacucuck might initiate but they're both just as bad for spamming the threads nonstop.

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