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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8315702
/tg/ & /wsg/ Smut Archive

40k Kink Meme

Warhammer 40,000 Reading Collection

Warhammer Fantasy Reading Collection

Warhammer Audiobooks & Audio Drama Websites


Writefags, link your work in-thread so it can be added to the archive instead of posting for long stories (e.g. https://pastebin.pl). This is to prevent them from getting lost between threads. Drawfags, feel free to post original art. People especially appreciate it when you give them meaningful feedback and criticism, so make sure to do so. It is simple, and both writefags and drawfags will love you for it.

>I'm interested in writing, but I don't know where to start!
Write. Write. Write. The mega.nz links are there for a reason. The more you read, the more comfortable you'll be creating a story of your own. For any more questions, check the 'Writing Resources' post below or simply post a question in the thread.

>What happened to /tg/'s Weekend Smut Threads?
/tg/ used host their weekend smut threads years ago, but some anons were against it, believing smut threads to be not "true" /tg/ or disliking erotic fanfiction in general. As a result, any smut thread was spammed with so many shitposts that the threads stopped all together. More specifically, threads were banned because the shitposters kept ban-evading and spammed false threads all day long. As a result, the mods gave up and set the threads tagged with '/wst/' on autosage. This is not exclusive to /tg/, however. Many other boards like /v/, /tv/, and /co/ had anons shitposting in order to purge writers.
=== General Writing ===

Creating a Story

General grammar tutorials and key notes

How to Write from a Second Person Perspective

Tips for Writing Grimdark


Body language

Facial Expressions


Guide to Constructive Criticism


=== Erotic Writing ===

Smut 101: An Introduction

Writing Erotica

Smut Writing Tips for Aspiring Writefags

Thesaurus for Male and Female Sex Organs

Thesaurus for Sexual Action

Thesaurus for Erotic Description

How to write an Orgasm

/wfg/ Community Thesaurus
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>Art Megas
>>https://mega.nz/folder/yn40jYbB#7qJ-ZAXEgFw-FixizevWBQ - Blindwildcat WH art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/H99m3IhY#SbpRVp2fghX8OABqHX5yOg - Lewdanon art
>>https://mega.nz/folder/8skznaBS#ibTA-IlvIaDtIl7asqOR9Q - Geabull art

The Dragon of Starfall
>Asoiaf/fantasy crossover

By A Hair
ear play and body hair, Male human x Female Eldar

X Marks the Spot
https://rentry <dot> co/76m5oedr
F! Rogue Trader x M! Eldar Corsair

The Blade Bids The Bettor
F! Fire Dragon x M! Eldar, tags: haughty eldar, humiliation, forced marriage, naked dogeza
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rumor has it GW is planning on adding Marines to the Drukhari roster. Here's a leaked concept image.
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mandatory WHFB image
Good, but not eldar enough imo.
How much clothes do you like on eldar? I like Commorraghian moderately clothed style. Sometimes more clothes is sexier than none
Honestly, I have nothing particular in mind. I just love the idea of an entire clan of psychotic, hedonistic punk girls who wear very little going to town on each other. Thought the idea of a group of them capturing some poor dude, using him like a sex toy, while the ones unable to do much eat each other out or start scissoring and then leaving him when they've had their fun... I would not say no to that!
futa version?
Showing skin in Commorragh is a power move. Its not just the matter of getting stabbed, but the fact that Commorragh is a dirty, dangerous, and disgusting place. But also, a lot of it comes down to getting stabbed.
Like the wych in your image isn't just showing tummy because it's cute, it's also a challenge to anyone who sees it to just try and spill her guts all over the sand. Lelith shows the most skin because she knows you can't do anything about it, but she'd like to see you try.

Also, Commorites are big into conspicuous consumption, wearing lots of sexy clothes means you can afford lots of sexy clothes.
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Reminder that guard only have an average 15 minute lifespan on the battlefield.
The profound lack of AoS porn speaks volumes to its failure as a setting, especially in the face of FB continuing to get a steady stream of attention.
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>eldar x ogryn

How big are ogryn cocks?
Big enough to kill an Eldar with a few thrusts.
Hmm, alright. I've got some ideas, but I'll warn you now - it's going to involve those malstrain Genestealers from Hive Secundus, so I hope that sort of content isn't a deal breaker.
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Big enough to be used as clubs, in an emergency.
Why, I saw one take the head of an ork clean off with just a swing!
It's really deflated from 15 hours, huh
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Give it a few years and grimderpers will have reduced it to 15 seconds.

The actual figure of 15 hours wasn't for Guardsmen in general either. It was specifically relating to a particularly heavy battle of attrition where the '15 hours' line was used to emphasise just how bad that particular conflict zone was. And not even that outlandish considering that at Stalingrad the average life expectancy of a Soviet soldier was ~24 hours.
People always forget as well that the Iggies are meant to be a force hundreds of trillions in size - rough estimates of the Imperial populace put it at quadrillions or quintillions - and they're not shy about throwing bodies at planet-annihilating forces or weapons. So a couple of million guardsmen going straight from deployment to a meatgrinder again and again and again is going to lower those averages pretty swiftly.
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>It was specifically relating to a particularly heavy battle of attrition where the '15 hours' line was used to emphasise just how bad that particular conflict zone was.
Unfortunately it has become a meme that new writers like to throw around regardless of whether it makes sense in that particular context
>censored pussy
why? Is the artist japanese or planning on selling in japan or something?

Are there any stories with good Slaaneshian corruption/moral degradation? Maybe with a little body transformation Im not picky.
there should be an overflowing bush there
Do you like "I can fix her" stories?
All my stories are about making her worse.
I know, Fifteen Hours was one of my first Warhammer books. I saw a good opportunity to riff on something silly and took it.
How would you write a voyeurism story? Any advice?
it's a third person story written in the first person, with an occasional "i might get caught" or "i shouldn't be here"
if you want her stirring the pudding, you can have that as well.
For Yrliet you're gonna be spending a lot of time talking about the elantach's emotional canvas and yrliet's reaction to it.
maybe at the end yrliet decides to let him touch her without freaking out.
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Ohhhfuck, those bedroom eyes. 10/10 would make more soldiers for the Imperium, while kissing her scars and telling her how beautiful she is.
Shattered Sisterhood and Pleasurable Defeat were the only ones I could find with a quick search

There are probably more though

And if not we should make more
Lewdpencil here, with a WIP. Iron Warriors vs Ymgarl genestealers! The poses are all mostly in now, still have to add more details and all that fun stuff. But here you go!
>same old shit
Hell yeah~
mand need to get that eventually
Oh fuck, that's so good. Love the two central figures especially, can't wait to see it finished!
I thought that was the finished product.
Would you have sex with servitor?
I’m really liking the one on the stairs! Is there any story behind this one?
I haven't seen this posted before without the commission splash on the side and I don't feel like removing it since that seems strangely petty.

Ayway I think this is the first 40k art i've seen from this guy. I like it.

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