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>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest third-party launcher for the server you want. Alternatively you can place mod files within the win32 folder; if so, place the modified checksum file after client has loaded.

>Modified Checksum:

>What third-party launcher?

>Is there a Mod database?

>Is there a Modding community?

>Free-to-Play @SatomiMiyaMD Mods

>Free-to-Play @Rem_NoireL Mods

>leaked paywalled mods
https://pixeldrain com/u/tpKQfxM6

>How do I create webms?
Pick constant mode and set the filesize limit to 3mb which is the max 4chan allows, and tick enable high quality mode so it does two passes. That should give you a decent enough output under 3mb assuming the video isn't too long.

>How do I loop webms?
Pick a static background first. If there are any moving objects (lights shimmering, water, clouds, etc) in the background the loop will be very noticeable. Once you have your recording pick your first frame and try to end the loop on the same frame (this webm was made with Webm for dummies, pretty easy to use and has all the tools you need). The dances loop perfectly already so it's not so difficult to match both frames. You just need to keep in mind some things like accessories, earrings or hair flapping around may not match the first frame due to wacky game physics and/or unstable framerate so if any of those is giving you trouble you may need to remove them.

Previous thread: >>8328156
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Will the dog-loving minheight and the guy that needs his dog taken care of finally meet?
should've also done a nude version now that I tihnk of it. Oh well.
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11 posts in and the thread is already ruined
Playing Elden Ring btw
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for me it's WuWa
For me its slutty girlcock addicted minheights desu
blint has the best sylphid face desu, she should gock down jiggu sisters.
horny desu (pariahs need not apply)
That's me!
>maint in 40 min
>not enough time for a quickie
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OK this is actually adorable.
Snowcunny des...
finally some good fucking content desu
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When are we doing it again...
Pump and dump?
Sex and cuddles afterward?
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Is that a yes or a no? either way post more and I might hit you up after maint
Depends who's asking.
i'd love to... i'll have some free time next week!
nta but id help
I'm a minheight that love cock!
What kind of cock?
That's an anon?
Say what you'd like to see.
Midheights with fat asses and tits
cute t2 minheight white girls.
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Any cock! Big cock! Small cock! Smelly cock! Clean cock! T3! T1! Who cares? I love cock!
my crush!
Alright, will try later.
do you collab with anons? I forget if you've mentioned this before.
Jiggu... post some content so I can do it to you
They posted here before.
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HOLY, finally someone wore this again
That hair...
Who is it?
I never collab with any anon other than my friend but I welcome the idea
Wanna be friends...
yes! love this content
what's a good way to reach out to you? Id kudos but I dont know your name, or ship really.
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Guess I'll have to make an alt there sometime, hate how the one makeup I use isn't account bound but at least I wont need much else.
My main is S3 but I do have alt in S2 too
Good to know. I might try to find you on ship3 first unless you wanted to try and do a meetup, though I might not see it immediately
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/la barf
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Cute tomboy sylphid, sis.
So pretty, I like you.
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Ah... <3 >////<
Don't do this to me...
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Let's take some teasing ones for /aco/ men...
>//////< I cummies
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Teasing ones?

You and me pressing breasts together and stuff!
Ah.. >///< im hard again mommy...
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Depends, who's asking?

im close...
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I love you... >//<
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I wanna make a donation >///< mommy...
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Go ahead, then
Uhm I did that -kind- of donation twice... >////< I meant monetary
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Uhm like a biig meseta donation c:?
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Thanks, but no thanks.
Oki >///< thank you so much..
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Hey, we heard you guys like caseals
Oh god no
>that pool
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Is it true that some of you are so deranged you can even get off on balljoints...
I shouldn't rub one out this soon, but...
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What are you rubbing, anon? Do you have enough sunscreen?
HOLY MOLY, I'm gonna polish my balljoint if you catch my drift...
All that's missing is my fat pp desu
breeding sex with both of them specially the pink one...
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What did you expect?
can you take black cock?
He's literally fucked himself so yes
You two should meet up and fap together
I know...
Go on without me I am busy for another while...
I don't see anyone else...
If you can wait about another hour...
Fug... look at MMDs in the meantime
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looks dumb, too fast
I disagree
cute plump butt but please take advantage of the 4MB file limit /aco/ has
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Nice little Yuri we have here.
I like it very much ty both of you Anon
thats jiggu and blender
Dick could be better positioned but this is about to be some good content

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