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Heroes turned rogue Edition
Women being taken against their will by other men or humanoids
>Bonus for humans raping other (inferior) races
>no futa shit
>no gay shit but lesbians are allowed

Previous thread

Thread questions
>What would be your first step if you wanted to betray your party?
>What could be a reason for a hero to turn rogue?
>What would be your first law after you became conqueror?
>How would you deal with defeated rivals and foes?
>What is the proper way to punish the heroine?
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Has any Anon in these threads ever posted a list of mainstream 21st-century novels or books that have explicit rape scenes in them?

Off the top of my head:
> "The Fan Club" by Irving Wallace
> "China Nights" by Janet Rosenstock.
> "Let's Go Play at the Adams" by Mendal Johnson
> "Blindness" by Jose Saramago
> "The Big Rape" by James Burke.
> "Two Women" by Alberto Moravia.
> "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson
Thanks. Any particular favorites?

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