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Previously: >>8341078
The cartoony side: >>>/aco/csdg

No DALL-E generated stuff.
No futa.
Report trolls.

General: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | rentry.org/sdg-link | rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar | rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: rentry.org/59xed3 | rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
List of models/LoRAs:

>Auto1111 extensions
ControlNet: github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet | rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Regional Prompter: github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter
Tag autocomplete: github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete

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And that was the preventive archive dump.
I'm a retard, how to get stable diffusion to make NSWF images?
>Can you fuck it?
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Sorry, not from netherlands, but did you like the muslim girl? I sometimes wonder whats under all that fabric ;)

So tried the model from >>8358726 with one of my favorite gens from last thread. Not sure if I like it more, it looks "cleaner". Maybe I have to change my quality tags around, what do you think?
prompt for nude,naked
for hardcore stuff, use a pony realistic model
I spotted kopie in the filename so it suddenly seemed very plausible. German then?
I guess the hijab adds some flavor, but i'm pretty indifferent.
This one looks nice! I know too little to give a good opinion comparing them.
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As long as we're on the subject of dutchies, ik heb een serieeus questioon. In my experience, some percentage of Dutch women have a phenotype where they get very cold when they orgasm. Is this phenomenon limited to brunettes? I never had it happen with a blonde
I don't have enough experience to really make a hard statement, but I think I get what you mean. It occurs to me some girls really get very red skin in their neck area or other places when aroused, just like some people get red from a workout or heat. Or certain people after a sauna lol. How effectively your body can discharge heat is probably a large factor.
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>first time making a lora based off of a real person
>fucked up sample settings so it just keeps vomiting out artsy-paint like shit instead of a realistic model
>praying the lora itself cooks fine and doesn't come out like shit, and that the bad samples might correct themselves with higher steps done
Also hoping that training on pony realism doesn't come out super awful.
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I'm not even sure what my fetish is anymore.
On a side note, this shit is so good that I wish I was more horny so that I could cum buckets 3 times a day. If I cum today, I'll only be horny again in 3-4 days. I have always been like this and don't know why.
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Finally got the sitting on lap pose, got another gen, which is even better. But I pulled the wrong pic and now I could only post it a few hours, or do you coomers not mind a 6 finger version, lol
Cheeky bastard
Post America
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Good, need more Bhad Bhabie
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Happy birthday, USA
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I need to do some America themed gens
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This is anti America gens
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AOC is based because someone having strong negative opinions about her is a direct indicator of that person not being as smart as they think, she's like an IRL dunning-kreuger detector
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>I'm super smart guys, like all AOC lovers
>can't properly name Dunning-Kruger
If this isn't bait, it's the biggest self own I have ever witnessed
But Poe's Law remains in full effect
Kewl story, non-genner.
nice thread
sd lighting is getting better

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Didn't really see the need to attach a gen since I didn't comment on your picture
Just your idiocy
stop bringing cancer into the topic. im another regular user of the topic.
If you're NTA, you should have just stayed out of it and kept your mouth shut
Now you reply without gen...
Just stop owning yourself people

I have a pretty comfy desk chair, but I'd replace it with her lap without hesitation.
Youre still being cancer. I dont think you can handle 4chan.
Calling out faggots that mention politics at every opportunity is not cancer
It's literally calling out the cancer
Why virtue signal as a stranger on the internet to other strangers? Anonymously?
youre cancer and your bringing the thread down.
the cancer is spreading
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so presidential that no adetailer is needed
maybe those guys are onto something
but nogens calling something cancer and complaining about thread quality, wow
very impressive likeness!
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The cope is off the charts
>for hardcore stuff, use a pony realistic model
any way to get it without making accounts?
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Couldnt gen the american flag bikini and missed the 4th of july anyway, so i threw in 'big american tits' and called it a day, sorry ameri bros
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So here's my lap gen that I really liked
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The weak fear the strong.

I dont know what happened here, I didnt prompt for this at all. I will try to replicate it however now that I know this is possible. So far my attempts have failed miserably. The ai is cruel sometimes
AOC literally a traitor to the Republic

Gtfo with that shit
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>at Heavens Gate with St Peter....
>at what brings you here anon?
>well, I was sitting in muh kitchen with muh giantess gf and she said she was really horny and needed a dildo.
>I figured there are worse ways to die...
Tried the interrogators on it to get some clues
It may have strayed from the lap sitting prompt and crossed over into "sitting on person"
Besides the predictable "giantess,size difference", this particular image specifically has "macro giantess"
Maybe that changes the composition so the woman fills almost the whole frame and the guy ends up even smaller
cool, now make her do things and have things she never did during her prime.
I made 20K gens and only now learn about Variation Seed
Fucking hell
Good thing I didn't waste a lot of time inpainting or running through img2img since that is even better

Not that I know of
You can log in with different services, I use a throwaway account on one of those
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Btw this is what I meant. This pic on first glance comes pretty close and despite the glitched out apron it even has less artifacts.
But when looking closer at the quoted pic the guy is much more integrated between her legs. You basically can feel the pressure and heat from the muscles lodged behind the fat of her thighs. How the fatty tissue of the labia softly rubs against his head.
While *this* pic might as well be a slightly better photocollage.
All the coom already is there in these models, hidden behind billions of billions of parameters we have to tinker around, so the best stuff is hidden away from us forever despite being seemingly so close.
We need better prompt understanding by the models.
Try to regen that image with Seed Extra --> Variation Seed a few times
Zonkey seems to need a bit higher Strength values like 0.15 and then little details start changing
The model is full of little details that can't be prompted for and they don't come out every gen
Jiggling the noise a little, you can start seeing new things
Might fix the partial bra strap for instance
Also helpful when increasing steps and that changes the image too much, just keep rolling the var. seed
Which webUI is best for nude inpainting? Currently using comfyUI but not always getting the best results. Anyone have a guide on this?
comfy is really advanced, never tried but there's probably inpaint workflows to download
A1111/forge is more intermediate, nothing special for inpainting (can make your own checkpoint-specific inpaint models somehow)
Fooocus is newbie friendly and (almost) XL-only, but has a surprisingly good inpaint model (I think someone replicated that in a comfy workflow on civitai)
As >>8364084 said, Automatic1111/forge is a more practical UI. ComfyUI is for those in the ways of the node.
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A concrete little example of this. You can prompt for "wet pussy dripping" and the predictable thing happens almost every gen.
But turns out in about a third of the gens, it makes a matching little puddle on the floor in the appropriate place...
Zonkey always keeping track of the bigger picture with its details (but maybe all pony models are like that)

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