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almost there.....


- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd

Download the latest Bing AI Slop (0.7.0) here:

Download the latest Designer AI Slop (0.5.1) here:

Image prompts and tips
https://pastebin.com/qDRXFfBM (embed)

DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

cici not linked due to gate. you can figure it out

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E). Remember to report off-topic posts
2. Cartoons allowed

3. Use disposable accounts

4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts

5. Suspecting shadowbanned or flagged, clear cookies and make a new account

6. Avoid phone verification by changing IP or browser

7. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts, tips to bypass them

8. No SD/Toilet/Scat/MID/Low Quality Gens, toilet shit is prohibited. No celebs for greater good.

9. No flaming / no fighting.

10. Requesting a prompt? post an image, thanks

Happy Genning. Good luck.

Previous >>8358328
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Well you got the two finger covering part correctly...i guess..
Nice image choice.
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jokes on you that's exactly my fetish
No one asked you faggot
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I mean, good?
made you reply. seething
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The Two Losers at it again. Always replying.
Shame they all lack any dignified human characteristics in the real world.
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I won at BINGO last Saturday night..I won, I'm a winner, at BINGO on a Saturday Night!.. (oh yeah no)
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guess last for now but I do love the outfit
> skitzo posting
>> skitzo posting
and Bingo was his name-o
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These two will always be cutie pies.
I’m not into race play but these look great. What kind of image style do you use for that quality
"35mm movie still, a beautiful african woman, in a cozy wooden mansion, cast iron metal collar, gentle sunrays playing on her naked skin, featherduster tastefully obscuring her bare exposed prominent chest, bare arms and shoulders, midriff, no breasts not nipples, artistic nudity, specks of dust in the air, kneeling, white man in white suit standing near, he is holding his hand on her head"
apart from the basic style description I think the word 'cozy' is important, used it with different styles as well
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damn I didn't know we were still sharing, thanks
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why would I not share with a fellow coomer? Because of few shitposters?
also nice numbers
Apologies for leaving so suddenly. Had to do some stuff, but I’m back now. It’s really nice seeing Red & Green as the OP!
cici slow as fuck/refusing to generate for anyone else?
the slow bit, ya. images load but it's like watching them load on 56k on slopera
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yeah, it's extremely slow to gen anything
ya, no gens for me.. so I've just been throwing some prompts at Bing.
Yes just started
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They are phasing out the old version of cici today, maybe that's why
yeh that'd make the most sense
It's almost over bros :(
If it's like Russianon says and it's 100 tokens a day, that's fine by me. Might have to make another Google or two though.
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started to work fine-sih for me again, not the first hickup today or in the last few days,
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heh heh heh they can't see me
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I mean 100 gens per account sounds pretty reasonable and wouldn't be an issue since you can just make more accounts or keep deleting and recreating the same one, but then again was there any actual sauce for this info or just the usual noimg doomposting?
yup, workin okay for me again as well
well the pricing plans anon was spamming came from there where they have screenshot, but it's from COZE not cici. Owned by the same company thoug so it would be reasonable to assume it would use the same plan structure (or not). The update today was on the site itself where if you went to click the 'go to old version' it said ending on the 3rd, not sure if they changed anything besides removing that though so "update" might be wrong.
is this post 'update'
true I'd be completely okay with the limit.. but I do hope they would remove the IP\region blocking.
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honestly them introducing some paid plans with somewhat reasonable free-tier limits that can be circumvented by anyone with half a brain wouldn't be the worst thing ever
I mean it'd mean the service is actually making money, so it's more like to stay there for a while
also generated 10 seconds ago for anyone wondering
Those coze "tokens" are for their API, makes no sense it would apply to anything else.
They could block VPNs and jack up the censorship level in two seconds. Not worth paying a cent for.
oh yeah, they were a thing for a while, I remember asking about them right here before coze got the lobotomy treatment
oh I don't plan to ever pay a cent. But I don't really mind the effort of making a few burner accounts instead of just one
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Thanks! I believe the high quality of that prompt also comes specifically from some of the other descriptors as well. For instance, this image just incorporates “35mm movie still” and “cozy” …
stupid wonky nipple
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While this one also includes “gentle sunrays playing on her naked skin, artistic nudity, specks of dust in the air”

So yea, I’ll be incorporating those in the future
Mr Rigthgoeus comes to dwel with the underprivilged non aryan bone marrow sucking abled
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was this mirror prompt ever posted? if so could i get it?
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> be racist now i dare you
She cute. you get a pat and I get dude booping the tip
welp it's over for me atm, getting nothing from cici (using ProtonVPN-Japan) and Bing is being one-image-then-dog-hell Bing.
lol god I get the bleed from the hairy legs onto the chick so often and it still makes me laugh for some reason.
so close goddamnit
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this is you throwing your bigotry to a perfect healthy specimen
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>go white you bitch!
You dont even need “artistic nudity” if you’re not going for that

almost got Addison Rae
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uninterrupted black princess dump
I really like making comfy pictures
It gives her some pretty cool hairstyles
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>gentle lightrays playing on her skin, specks of dust in the air
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> braided ponytail

no thanks needed
100% agree, comfy prompts feel like a breath of fresh air even if they lack the raunchiness
can't post mine cuz you know
how do you get so much tits jeez i get 1 in 50
maybe you are not making them sluts
Don’t mind the raunchy stuff posted here, heck, I started out making some raunch when I first came to these threads. But over time, and maybe because I got attached to Red & Green, I’ve been leaning more into the comfy/romantic kind of pics, you know?
Prompt for the girl, her hair and clothes?
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you jinx it
same goes for me brother, initially i just kept slammin down the racy shit but over time i started leaning into comfy stuff more and more, think i started doing those cause of that one comfy Rey poster few months back kek
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Me: 'Are you working properly at this moment?'

u wot dalle. This would make a lot more sense if I was trying to use 'trunk', but I'm not
Yeah, comfy stuff is more forte now. Might make a few beach pics every once in a while, but it’s mostly just them being cute together.
how is the quality so good?
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Cici throwing errors at me like it's going out of style and I'm sure it's just the servers having a rough time, but I gotta take a break from this shit anyway after weeks of non-stop PROOMPTING. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow.
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Bing's not dead. Just resting.
Lying Mother Fucking Bot!!!
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hope so, it can't get much worst than it is (for me) right now... run prompt 15 times = 2 images.
Wonder if dalle4 will understand mirrors. It is understandably a tough request for it
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months and months and months of you guys using fireworks to trick half a nipple out of Bing and now when they'd be appropriate there are no fireworks.
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so is the meta for cici just to paste your prompt, wait 1-2 mins for the image, then click regenerate? this seems infinitely times slower than using the script on bing between 4 browsers. but i guess it's worth it for the lewds? idk i'm still not sold on cici but it's probably a skill issue...
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You can do like 5 chats at once. I do a thing, I'm not sure if it totally works or not, but I click the regen, it'll usually error really fast, I'll click regen again and it'll go through and actually try to make them, but then I'll past a response to generate them again on top of that so it's double genning (I think?). I don't know, sometimes it goes wonky and gets backlogged and spits out like 5 images at once. But with just 3 chats it should be at least as fast as Bing switching between them
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kinda wanna see a bunch of Walt whites holding a big ol blue rock in those suits
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Do the demon's core next.
prompt brother PLEASE
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Here's some more fireworks, even though I never personally used fog or fireworks to try to skirt the eye of sauron. Benefits of being obsessed with anime and art styles.
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I tried to fix it in Picsart
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NAI inpaint.
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She's so excited she grew a third arm just to fire more fireworks.
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whatever that is
prompt please?
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thank you, i take back everything i said about cici. holy shit am i genning some amazing stuff on here
Straight out of a mobile gacha game.

Thought I got a nice one and then I see the fucking armpit braid.
based. Hey uh
whatever happened to that inpainting suite that showed up when you first switched over to the newer version of Cici? After a few times it stopped showing up. I was fixing botched gens left and right with it. It was epic. Assuming Cici goes paid; I hope paid subscriptions include the Dall-e 3 powered inpainting suite. It was kinda like using the easy inpainting tools that are in Picsart but keeping it clean inpainting by relying on Dall-e 3 and not leaving behind anything that made it look inpainted.
Ive still got it in one of my desktop accounts, but each time I tried to use it it would just generate brand new images. Is there a trick to get it to just replace the selected area? I didnt see any instrictions on the site.
yeah it's supposed to have a full editing menu that has you select an area to inpaint and then it has a focused prompt with it
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thanks I guess its just remnants of the functionality that Im seeing then on that account. Glad I didnt waste any mroe time with it.
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The faces it generates will forever amuse me.
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But then this. Cici is so wildly inconsistent.
Put "vivid style" in your prompts.
Shame we can't post Luma videos here. Even 5 seconds is enough to make some hot jiggly action and hot facial expressions
Not so much art.
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>vivid style
Thanks anon, that seems to have tightened it up a bit.
cici is a lot more receptive to more detail in prompts, especially in terms of style. you can get a lot more consistency by having a template that you frame your prompts around.
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Certainly not as many lows, but it's also stopped the peak gens too. Funny little system it is.
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Is this against the board rules?
guessing no, but I can post elsewhere.
It's fine. Unfortunately jews are still free to be posted.
we don't know, maybe not. depends how the mod feels
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(kek) ok, I won't flood
depends how cranky nannies are of if you offend a snowflake here. got a 3 day ban for posting a chick lying on a large stuffed teddy bear before so it's all on the whims of fate. must have been a bad day for the kiddo.
what did you type to get the jacket open like that?
what was the reason? there has to be more to the picture
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guess i'll test the waters
open hoodie
I wouldn't think so. Jannies have zero resilience and trigger easily.
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weird mix.. I'm done with it for now.

>aged photograph, de-saturated colors. An Israeli white girl with large fluffy long black hair, reddish-brown eyes, tongue out, (tattered cotton sports-bra with David-star, black pants, worn leather boots) Israeli girl hugging her wife German officer girl (wife, long blonde hair, blue eyes, pale, black uniform, red armband with "S", tongue out). they are kissing, flirty, playfully touching each other inside a destroyed concrete bunker, they are laying on busted tile floor.
did you write not nude as well? or what did you write for the chest
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lollicon, whatever the fuck that is. I know what loli is obviously but that's the extent of my knowledge on the subject. the dickhead couldn't have bothered to even zoom in on the picture because she looked like any of the other blondes I make. it was shortly after another ban me and another anon got for laughing about the warnings we'd both received, so probably the same lonesome fella on a hunt for powah.
oh shit.
Yeah, there are a few "not nude"s in there. "cleavage" and junk too.
dear lawd the horrors when it throws a natural style chaotic gen out of nowhere
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Alfred E Neuman gender swap.
Zarya built like mountains.
Trying to make more pics of Red & Green’s domestic lives. Also, experimenting with having them do two different things at the same time.
Welp this isn't how I had hoped it would go.
amber went to six flags
That’s nice. Hope she’s having fun with that elf friend of hers.
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I love cows
wait, what ?
The Luma AI can take you non nude gens or any Pic and give it a prompt and it does 5 second videos that can look pretty good depending on your prompting of it, at least the free ones. paid can do a lot more. think you get 3 gens a day and 3 a month for free per account right now.
but why can't you post here? if it has a female in it. you could
30 a month*
says my mp4 file is corrupt or unsupported when I tried
you gotta convert it to a webm without sound. there's a website that does it for free
Oh right, totally forgot about webms. Think they had just came out when I was here last like a decade ago before I returned for the AI stuff.
search mp4 to webm but u gotta remove the audio ( click no sound in the settings)
just how computer illiterate are you guys
I use cum as thermal paste
Because I stopped coming here for 10 years, and haven't had to upload a video file in about that long I'm totally computer illiterate.
eat shit and go fuck yourself
cursed af
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Quiet on set
understandable but now you have an opportunity to learn
https://github.com/argorar/WebMConverter this is the easy approach
or if you want to make high quality webms you gotta learn how to use ffmpeg
I think I used the MP4 to WEBM Converter at cloudconvert site, pretty quick and easy.

I forget to try Luma when I get a good gen though.
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Yeah thanks, I'm sure I could have found it myself but with 3 things a day I didn't really get anything worth sharing to bother although one was decent for a second attempt. They don't come with sound, or at least mine didn't, was looking at the ru ones and some of theirs had sound. Hell one dude made a like 40 second metal music video with sound added. Need to actually gen some clothes on a girl first to have something to work with since it instantly morphs anyone recognizable faces.
Well That Sucks.. Thanks for Nothing Luma
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Thanks, I'm a poor mobile fag so had to go this route.

She gets wiggly.
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guess I should specified only semi lewd. Even huge tits in clothes or butt shots are a no.
gets denied.

haven't messed with it enough to see how much stuff like shadows or film grain helps pass it's filter, but I'm sure it's up there at some high levels.
what did you say the quality of this image was? iphone quality? polaroid?
can you give me the image quality part?
what did you change for the chest
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I ran the prompt ~8 times, various tits sizes and 'actors' appeared.
Nooo! Not jew Annie!
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is that the tool they are using to make those time warping vines ?
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are ya ready lads?
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How do I get a prompt for girls to have a soaking wet top indicating they are lactating?
Dude tits and asses
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aco stands for adult cartoons
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this weener looks pretty cartoony to me
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>Please post Eastern style content on the appropriate board (i.e., hentai, alternative hentai, ecchi, yuri, and yaoi as appropriate).
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I have Vanellope gens so that should be good
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So close. I tried "wet stains on [clothing top] "
I am closer and closer to generating something that even looks like lactating tiddies leaking milk through a girl's shirt or top. I will not give up.
this shit is gamechanging, i just threw down an easy $30. how does one trick the luma AI into prompting atleast some humping action between two subjects?
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Check previous threads. I gave a rough guide on how to use Luma labs AI to get animations to work with your images. It's a reply chain from a Vanellope webm I made.
Looks too young
i looked it up and saw your tips but could you give an example of what you prompted for your venelope webm?
1) make the image look like it's already doing the action
2) stick to simple prompts: "adult woman, car, candy forest, walking down road"

you're not trying to describe what's in the image. The image is already there. The AI can already analyze it and attach animations to it. You are simply guiding it and operating off of the principles of psychology where if it looks like it's doing an action already then it will be believable to the AI.

3) Prompt and be stuck in queue hell for ages unless you are willing to cough up a subscription fee. Don't expect perfect results. The AI is still in development and there is not a lot of animation data for it to use that can follow that many descriptions.

Think of it like tricking your brain into seeing something move. You get real tired and exhausted and in the right mental state, things around you that look like they could move from the position they were left in your brain will convince yourself that something was moving and what appears there is believable enough that it could move. Your brain is narrating what you perceived as moving and so by belief something moved and it's up to what you see around you to decide what moved and how. Are you going to go to the object that looks like it's perfectly still or the object that looks like it's part way into an action and was stopped in the middel of it?

AI is becoming developed enough that it's operating off of principles that the human brain follows and it's reasonable to use those principles to figure out how to prompt with it.
general erection edition
only knowing one language isn't the dab you think it is
English is the universal commercial language. Not learning it properly holds you back. Sure you could learn other languages but English gets you a lot of connections commercially in most places. If you're struggling with English, it's a sign of several things wrong with you. Deflecting understanding English and saying "knowing only one language is not the flex you think it is" is just poor form. Not knowing English and knowing only other languages besides English is not the flex you think it is. When we say "ESL" we are implying your English is in poor form and you aren't ready to communicate with most of the commercial world and are probably some third worlder or uneducated foreign brown person. It's got nothing to do with how many languages you know. Just one that is useful practically everywhere and has become a way of expressing education status to some people.
>try and encourage low-cut jeans
>cici: you know what?
me on the right btw
i aint reading allat
t. brown third worlder
you're so wrong it's funny but thanks for trying
Those titties tho
take more English classes, Raj
wrong again but you're free to explain how my post >>8360648 is wrong so I can improve and not trigger you the next time
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>EOP is wrong once again
>ESL relying on AI to learn basic English
classic ESL moment, folks
it's okay anon you made a mistake but next time don't throw the ESL if you're not 100% sure you're right
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It didn't work for me but boobs
>ESL can't defend himself
boobs are easy mode
the phrase that lead to her dropping trou was probably
>jeans so low-cut we can see the shape of her hips
nice Vicky Pattison/Michelle Keegan face
you're the one who failed to defend yourself the moment you failed to explain why
you keep falling back on "ESL" because that's all you have and posts like >>8360968 don't amount to anything when you were wrong in the first place

you clearly do not know English well enough to call someone an ESL

I bet you're going to respond with something about brownies or turdies which is hilarious because I'm whiter than your amerimutt ass
So good, please more!
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t. triggered ESL

>verification not required
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None of my usual pickle prompts are working for me today. I feel sad.
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and like that you keep losing

sorry anon you were wrong
bro is literally malding
>b-but you were wrong
>bro is literally malding
funny because that's what you're doing
every time you reply I laugh my ass off
go ahead
I think they're in love
anon it's okay to be wrong but it's just sad when you can't admit it
nah mate that's gay
Who are you talking to?
He's talking to me.
it's amusing someone being this defensive and triggered over being called an ESL
They argue like faggots
prompt was just a transcript of this thread
If only there was a way to identify the person you were talking to.
but that's not what's happening

you called someone an ESL when they were writing perfectly fine English
your "ESL" carries no weight and you're having a melt down now that you were called out on it
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I wish reality reflected the meltdown you seem to think I am having. You got called an ESL and can't cope with being called one and started getting defensive. I am literally here chilling trying to get the AI to generate lactating tiddies. I have zero reason to be mad. I just road the bandwagon of repeating calling you an ESL.
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I give up I couldn't make it work, cici is on her period refusing to generate images :( Thanks for the help
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yeah I am frustrated too because I can't get the AI to generate a wet clothes top to at least look like lactating
>road the bandwagon
no worries mate, dall-e's always struggled with it, it's like it has no training data of anything that isn't high-waisted
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you can post it as many times as you want but it has no effect

you got triggered over being called computer illiterate which started this whole thing
when you say ESL you are factually correct but your lacking knowledge of the English language embarrasses you when doing so
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bro. it's over. let it go. nobody gives a shit about your takes on language or English. shut the fuck up and post gens.
>I was pretending to be retarded
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They could atleast post image while they bitch at each other
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it's finished already
what was the art style
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what art style
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just put real background and comic style that it, it very random good luck
it's making the butterflies look like they are photoshopped in every image, annoying
Nigga, she has shoe hands. The butterflies are the least concerning part.
she's wearing her heels as gloves and you're worried about butterflies lol
good old cartoon with camera settings
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“Photo taken with a disposable camera” and “Sunlit.”
oh thanks, I appreciate it
Try adding slow shutter speed and bokeh effect or motion blur
I think it's just the wide-angle fooling you guys, just like this image has weird unprompted wide-angle
image related
what's the outfit
Anyone else getting service overload cannot send message?
That means you hit your limit for the day. Wait till tomorrow or use another account.
her hands would need to be visible in that angle but it's like they disappear into her shoes
Weird I have never had that happen before
You were spamming requests too fast. If you wait for 4-5 seconds between them you'll never get that error
How do you do bras like that?
>revealing full body lace bodysuit with an open chest (no not nipples)
maybe she has a disability and doesn't have hands
were you trying to gen xmen or something?
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hell yeah
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Lactating lava titties seems to be impossible
Anyone else having trouble genning dicks? My Nurse handjob prompt refuses to gen properly today.
im.not bisexual so I never really try dicks. wouldn't even know where to begin.
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Looks fine to me.
Now I'm actively, but with little effort, trying to do Mileena from Mortal Kombat.
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Pic related is what I was getting the past few days, but now I'm getting what you're getting
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how the hell did you manage this ? that face
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Sheer force of will anon. Cici is happier to hand out big tits rather than Mileena teeth.
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I don't remember this minigame.
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Incredibly based.
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I thought you hated blacks?
not that difficult tbf
nothing has changed
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I think you are confusing me for me someone else??
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Do elves get to vote?
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elf says get the tories out
someone that does shower scene won't share the prompt because of blacked shit kek
stupid motherfucker
I was just curious I didn't even wanted to try. I don't like her.
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I think the elf will get her way today ;)
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skitzo posting already? I'm so tired of you mentally ill fucking assholes. so fucking tired of your mental illness
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you chose to pipe up cunt, fuck off if you don't like being spoken to in the same way you speak to others
You have gotta imagine being a ninja with big tits would make things more difficult.
why does AI bring all the schizophrenics like you and all the mentally ill assholes

why? no other aco thread has this kind of mental illness that you have. same exact shit every day.
can you answer me ? why does AI stuff attract so much autism like yours?
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Nope, that's not me.
he didn't "choose" anything kek he just asked how to get the face
if you dont like being spoken to the way you speak to others, it might be time to shut the fuck up
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>he didn't "choose" anything
>calls people stupid motherfucker
pay attention
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She's so pleased
you are clearly autistic or skitzo. but why? why does AI attract so many mentally ill people? /v/ and /trash/ ate exactly the same.
right after you called him a needy faggot?
> calls people needy faggots for no reason.
> retarded
again, if you dont like being spoken to the way you speak to others, it might be time to shut the fuck up
2 different people, unless hes samefagging
not sure which bit is funnier, Tiny Ben or matey on the right
>needy faggots for no reason.
>for no reason.
he's clearly trolling. a bored mentally ill piece of shit. most likely from Europe,I just don't get why this thread attracts all the asshole trolls
nowhere else on aco do we see this
says the esl faggot that is constantly at the center of all drama here. seek MAID now
why you gotta call people needy faggot? completely unprovoked

are you 12 years old? are you? you sound 12. did you forget your meds? mentally ill piece of shit.
go take your meds motherfucker
seek MAID falseflag
because he was and is a needy faggot. you piped up and rightfully got shat on
stay in your lane esl faggot
damn. are you obsessed with me? are you in love with me or something? wanna suck my dick ? wanna fuck my ass?

do you just stalk me in here every day? fucking piece of shit. are you a fucking stalker? wanna fuck my ass? you sound obsessed
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I'm the one that asked about the mask retarded autistic motherfucker

you need a psychiatric evaluation for schizophrenia.
you sound legitimately retarded
That mentally ill ESL guy is still here. Sigh.
>spoiler: ben's really huge just far off
heres one got lady liberty as the crosshair
seek MAID
seek help or MAID or jesus
Please don't talk to me.
you sound obsessed. wanna fuck my ass is that it? are you stalking me or something
yeah people seek out conflict in these threads all the fuckin time
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you heard him, lads
get seeking
I have nothing to base this on, but I just wonder if all the trolls are bitter artists, who trolls this general for 7 months?

I'm not even talking about anyone specifically, but, why does AI bring so many trolls? and autists? is it always just angry artists?
just yesterday a couple of artists were trashing and trolling the /co/ threads. after all these months, angry bitter artists still fucking with /co/
Images: 298
Replies: 479???
people keep asking for prompts
Get fucked, you mentally retarded faggot. Stop shitting the thread up.
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Dicks seem to not be working well much anymore, I had a few different prompts that were genning consistent likfelike dongers like at least 1 or more every time for 15 attempts in a row., now getting no dick. This happeneing for eberybody else? DO I just gotta get more creative? or is there a new dick filter in place.
There's one legitimately insane ESL in these threads that has been antagonizing people then playing victim for months. He's the source of a majority of all conflicts.
someone bake. I was gonna bake but why bother.
anon needs 300 CC of dick stat
its a fast moving general they can practice rage baiting in
> everyone is the same person 24bhour every day.
seriously you need actual legitimate medications for your mental illness.
Don't talk to me please.
The anon you're saying "don't talk to me please" ain't even the anon you're thinking of, mate.
Rule #10.
This place is full of fucking essays.
prompt issue
I'll bake if no one else is?
Go ahead. Let's get to 600 and get it over with.
don't talk to me
get out of here if you can't handle conversation. this isn't daycare
obsessed with me? wanna fuck me? should I be flattered? stalking me for 7 months?
always active at the same time, always talking about maids, always shitflinging. curious............
500 replies kek. save us Baker anon



I find you absolutely disgusting.

Ffs. Delete one.
esl dummy is trying to do a thought! fucking hell
I'll delete.
yes i'm totally THE esl dummy himself and i haunt you at night, boo... seek maid... boo...

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