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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

F95 Latest Updates - https://f95zone.to/sam/latest_alpha/

Previous thread:>>8356899
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My wife.
Which weg are you playing today /vweg/?
Do you like it?
>Do you like it?
>Which weg are you playing today?
I'm not telling. /vweg/ are a judgmental bunch.
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Paradise Lust
yeah it's pretty good
Also finished the new Superhuman update a few days ago, was nice
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Which weg are you playing today /vweg/?
Do you like it?
pic related
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My wife.
Why are DAZ Studio's hips so terrible? Shit...
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because daz sucks
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that is strange
Pale Carnations
summer heat
we were just kids, no I don't like it
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What's wrong with it?
it's a meme game
Oh I hate those too.
lost at birth, I like the main story stuff but all the side hoes are disinteresting
>Which weg are you playing today /vweg/?
I am playing the waiting game. Though I think I will try a new non-weg game.
Why American girls like to wear those enourmous panties?
isn't she dutch?
Hmm, let me rephrase that
Why do American porn game assets have those enormous panties? They're ugly af
it's a daz gobbo thing, you'd need to be a wegger to understand
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Others sigmas keep winning, another 5+ lewds episode for us
This asshole continues to annoy me with shitty hand positioning.
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the only path worth plaything if we're being perfectly honest
The new Midnight Paradise update alpha version, it's ok I guess but a bit buggy.
Is there a list of more granular information like an incest story that focuses on a particular family member like the aunt or sister as opposed to mother or daughter. Or monster girl where it tells you if its just a single character with pointy ears or actually mg focused? F95's tags and even descriptions in the thread are leaving a lot wanting
check out my pleasure, it's completed
Sisterly Lust?
My Early Life?
I don't recommend the latter one.
freeloading family
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I appreciate the suggestions but I was more just looking for a list or other resource that actually lists what content is in what game
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>a list or other resource that actually lists what content is in what game
to put matters into perspective, it'll exist when you make it
I didn't like how they ended this one.
it had the best aunt though
Why is this bitch always messing with AssMan's guitar?
gingers are musically inclined, just look at ed sheeran
ginger gobbos are similar in that regard
daz is so fucking ugly man, disgusting to look at.
btw Am I the only one who uses this board for wegs? Everything else on here is retarded, I browse the catalog sometimes and say wtf in my head quite a bit.
What did you expect? It's the biggest futa board on the site.
I never went on this board until a year ago when I started playing wegs, has it always been like this? How does someone end up liking that type of shit and the other fetishes, do you have a documentary I can watch or something.
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don't forget all the femboy threads here, there's a lot of those too
That's not even bad by weg standards.
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>Lewdlab got suspended again
Joyce never ever
you're not missing much
I just want this game to end already.
It probably took him like a solid hour to get her hands to do what they are doing. Its autistic devving
what happens when it ends?
Why is the egg coming out of the shell already fried?
there really should be a /daco/
Nova is so adorable
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Been playing a few.
Straitened Times is one of those autistic sandbox sims where you grind lust and follow girls's schedules, but it's not half bad. The weakest part is the writing/plot.
Also just started Reclaiming the Lost (pic related). It has that corruption vs love approach, and I went with love, so I have seen almost nothing thus far. I've noticed that most dad MC weg tend to have the protagonist be very sentimental, which is annoying at times.
Leather mommy sexo
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Is Luner the prettiest Eternum?
Does she make comeback in the newest game? She's cool and hot as fuck.
Anyone got the new Jill Valentine Wgqhs vid?
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She's the tenderest
I find someone else to be the prettiest
Why did you delete my picture you prick
What with the image spam?
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>Which weg are you playing today /vweg/?
I've been playing My Early Life by CeLaVie Games
I like the spirit of the game, but no I don't like it
The game it's baffling in a way that is hard to describe
Sorry to say a lot of people have had sex with your wife
Is Nova really that short?
Those are obviously two-click presets and he just got lucky that the left hand's preset looks about how it should.
OPsperg, a mentally stunted idiot that doesn't like it when he doesn't make a new thread
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they are all so pretty
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Annie was using high heels iun that arc, as seen in pic related

Indeed! The dev broke the mold with those girls' models
bring back the pigtails please
Damn that's a terrible case of sameface
apart from Dalia and her mom, they look nothing alike
It's the grind and the moon logic of the events that kills the game for me.
If you remove the hair they would be indistinguishable from each other
You are such a retard lol

>mom and her two daughters have similar faces

im in shock
no they won't
>no oyakodon because of patreon
fuck Patreon
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>sally scene
>sarah scene
This next episode is shaping up to be pretty fucking good desu senpai, especially after he shit on Sarah so hard last episode w/ no content (only 1 convo w/ 3 or 4 lines) and then making the MC trash her w/ no input after just spending the night with her and Melanie (don't even get a scene the night after like others), and then of course w/ how long hes been blue-balling everyone w/ the Sally scenes.
t. cannot distinguish irl faces like an npc, never remembers a face like an npc
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bros... will i ever find an azraesha irl??
I hope so.
t. is a slop devouring faggot with no self awareness
any anti-cuck devs to support?
if you put a close up of their faces with no other distinguishing features like hair, literally anybody except retard npcs like you could tell who is who. i'm sorry you can't tell girls apart and can only focus on guys because you're such a disgusting faggot, but normal people can tell
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zoe better have some real content next update or we riot, who's with me?
Agreed, she is best girl.
The nasty tattooed tramp? Why?
she turned down bbc for mc, she is the chosen one
No... but I will!
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there's nothing wrong with patreon, devs simply need to do better
There is nothing right with patreon, devs have no incentive to be better
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Is Stellar Dream any good? I never see it mentioned here or in the other thread. I seem to remember SHELTER being pretty decent.
it's fairly excellent if you enjoy 2dcg wegs
Sounds good I'll check it out. Thanks
>college daze update
>sarah scene
>mel scene
>camila scene
>jade scene
>obligatory quinn scene
>obligatory lily scene
>possibly sally, zoey, elena, or heather scenes
Othersgods, this update is for us
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Happy 4th of July Anons!
Fuck you.
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Bless you.
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weg devs are lazy milking scamming shits
That game is a riot, in one moment you meet the character and if you choose the corruption path, she instantly goes
>uuoooooohhhh I'm a slave to your dick hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm
What a shitshow.
weg corruption at its finest
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They need to be put in their place.
Is it just me or is there something slightly off about her face, like it doesn't match her skintone, it's a tad more grey and dead.
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it's a 2dcg weg, the bar is set much lower and beggars can't be choosers
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Idk if the dev disabled screenshots or just changed the hotkey. S or shift+S doesn't work. Is there a way to enable it myself?
have you tried turning it off and back on again?
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I even slapped it a few times.
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that's why the weg curse exists, balance must be maintained
From a quick search, it seems like it's pretty simple to disable Renpy's default hotkeys. Unless there's some kind of WASD minigame the dev absolutely had to include, I'm not sure what level of brain damage is necessary to think it's a good idea (or even acceptable) to do so, though. Anyway, from that quick search, look at the code and see if there isn't a
> $ config.keymap['screenshot'].remove('s')
in there somewhere. There are probably other ways to do it too. https://www.renpy.org/doc/html/keymap.html has some information.
Because she's hot
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No she isn't.
Oh, she will be after I'm done with her.
That's what she wants you to think.
The MC of this one literally has the same size dick as me. What was the dev THINKING
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same here, do you think that was intentional?
It probably was if I had to take a guess.
yeh, that's also what I too was thinking as well
The Wants Of Summer
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I tried looking for the file that has that line but I couldn't find it. I added my own /common/00keymap.rpy since there was no common folder but the game just crashes. Thanks anyway. I'm done with the game for now cause it was really short, I'll try it again next update
how was it? do you recommend it?
It was alright, renders aren't anything special but it was kinda funny in a non-ESL way. This seems to be a side weg to Powers That Be, No Place Like Home and ALT CTRL DEL (apparently the dev is made up of 2 teams). Haven't played any of them but I'll probably check them out at some point
well don't forget to keep us updated!
Those are some extra gobby looking gobbos.
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nah, there are much worse out there
I looked at that weg after you first posted and when I saw who the dev was, I understood more. BOG is a fuckwit and I refuse to believe that more than one person is involved.
>and I refuse to believe that more than one person is involved
Why is that?
what weg do you guys think marked the split between "old age" wegs and "new age" wegs?
Being BaDIK
>white stockings
aggh my fucking dick
also, game?
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what hame.is this from?
Summer's Gone
I realize I'm setting myself up for slowpoke.jpg, but I just realized why Derek might be more tempted to work at the Nursing Home than the Pink Rose in BaDIK considering his mom's condition.
You are moron, they have the same bug eyes, button tumblr noses, with pouty lips
You are just too entrenched in mediocrity and shit to notice it
bros should I go with Honey Select 1 or 2 for my /weg/?
nah, the full anime style won't go well with the tone
It has been hinted he's actually really smart and he may be faking his whole personality for some reason, I wouldn't be surprised if some big event about him happens at some point
Vinny and the dean were both working for Derek all along.
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huh I didn't think of this actually
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I don't think so bud.
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hell yeah
Left Hand Magic
Okay... Any particular reason he isn't banned?
>what if Emma Watson was a jewish streetwalker?
Dumping porn on a porn dump board is not against the rules, in fact you need to post at least 6 images when starting a thread to begin with. It's why /jp/ has a JAV thread instead of trying to talk about it on a porn board
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muh dick
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Do you keep your favorite abandoned or finished WEGs on your drives in case those dead links stay dead?
lol the vanilla fag OP bumps his own thread all day and then blames the original OP, says he is spamming when its clearly a tactic to bump and popularize his own thread. Its all so tiresome
why the fuck is opsperg still allowed to spam threads to death
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So I played the alpha of NLT's new game, Lola is the best girl, but gobbos are underwhelming, worst to date in his series. New combat system is absolute dogshit and buggy on top of that
Has anyone else tried it out?
>My Early Life by Qui, monsieur, QUI?
>t. newfags who can't into greentext
pathetically weak attempt at gaslighting
his non cuck route is actually based

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