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Better Call Saul Edition

Previous thread is in a deep sleep here:
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chicken hypno my beloved
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What's your preferred hypno eye style?
I love kaa eyes. full spiral and gradient is also sexy
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Empty + color change
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inner spiral
What's the appeal? Mind control is only good for me if she's actually fully cognizant of what she's being forced to do but is powerless to stop herself from carrying it out.
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makes pp hard
Though canonically she'll probably be resistant to it, the idea of hypnotizing Sabrina makes me incredibly hard.
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She is my absolute favorite subject for this (even though I am absolutely sick of fucking Hypno and his Gorton's Fisherman ass usually also being involved when she is).
You might like pic related's doujin. No hypno in sight and the art is amazing. (even when there's no sex involved)
Very much appreciated. Looks perfect.
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I prefer the whited out ones or the empty or glowing irises. They are all good in their own way though, anything that indicates their mental state is altered and submissive is nice.
Canonically resistant girls giving in after a mental struggle is 10/10. Canonically weak girls having their will broken every Tuesday is also nice.
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you dont see this too often which is too bad but i do like the idea of women hypnotizing guys to sleep with them. usually theres sissy hypno posting which i dont like but i could go for more guys being hypnod to fuck hot chicks.
Very keen on the idea of someone mind controlling their rival only to make things worse. They take the lady gunning for the same job and turn them into a slut only for the lack of inhibition to get them the job. They make someone obsessed with sex and suddenly their girlfriend has dumped them because he can't go more than twice in one night.

Even better if they're snapped out of their trance and find actually they like the freedom. Your new sluttified boss makes you do all her work and rises up the ladder with a quick blowjob she'd once before fear but now took little issue with.
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See this doujin: https://nhentai.net/g/358056/
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susuri on pixiv.
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That’s Maya, right?
Maybe. I just saved it from Tinsay's twitter because it was hot as fuck
Is that Saul and yang?
Shame Tinsay himself is kind of a leftist douche
hard to pick between inner and full spiral

second best is ring eyes

fully white out and hearts by themselves dont do anything for me
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That's like 90% of all artists. I don't care what the people who make porn I like think at all
I had an inspiration for an MC idea from... well, I'd imagine some people can guess, but anyway:

>Lazy stay at home husband is constantly berated by his lawyer wife for never applying himself and mooching off his parents money.
>Threatens divorce
>See's an suspicious ad about dealing with marital problems
>Turns out a Mad Doctor is brainwashing wives into being stepford housewives for their husbands for a fee.
>Wife is kidnapped
>Strapped into the device (tm)
>Is told that her husband secretly set up an account to pay for the procedure.
>Tricked her into taking the knockout drugs.
>Carried her to the car, and to the clinic without anyone noticing by himself.
>And Set things up with her work so nobody would notice her being missing for two weeks.
>And she then, instead of doing the normal ranting and raving, surprised everybody by suddenly gushing at how impressed and proud she is that her husband managed to do all that, by himself, without her ever suspecting a thing.
>Literally has never been more attracted to him as she is right now.
>Actually would kind of like an off-switch on her brain when she get's home because of how stressful her job is.

Is there anything even remotely like that out there?
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A fair number aren't but have to keep up appearances to avoid being attacked, ostracized, or just generally blacklisted from the community. Why? Well the leftoid retards are often quite loud and have the time to dedicate to ensuring slander sticks to people... And once you're slandered you have now become radioactive, even if others think what you did is fine it won't matter, they can't publicly support you without causing a hassle for themselves.
Remember that episode ended with hologram furries singing Ode to Joy
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You misunderstand my point. I don't care what the people who make my porn think one way or the other
They are not people to me
The idea of spreading ideas is a very well-founded but ultimately shallow hoax. In reality, the second people are exposed to an idea, they either agree with it or don’t. You can’t really change how people think by making an argument or propagandizing to them. The only way anyone will ever change their opinion is by empirically experiencing the truth. I know that sounds pretentious, but what I’m trying to convey is that anyone who does or believes blatantly fucked-up hateful leftist shit, or conservative shit, which is less common in the hypno scene, is 100% aware of what they’re doing and cannot be reasoned with, and there also isn’t some conspiratorial social straitjacket they’re using to silence everyone else. Those people are falling into line naturally and refusing to resist when they very much could all come out at once and tell Edge, Ink, Letter, and all the other faggots to fuck off.
im not reading this post hypnosis porn or gtfo
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>i’m sick of weeds AND anti-weeds!
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>ADHD and autistic people are more predisposed to hypnosis kinks
>ADHD and autistic people are also more inclined to be leftists with strong senses of social justice as a result of being forced to "behave" and treated like outcasts
>Artists are also likely to be left-wing because careers in the arts never pay well, leading to a desire for social and financial security that doesn't conflict with their passions

It's not rocket science, guys
Honestly, I think it's weirder to be a hypnokinkster and be right wing. What do you get out of it? Is it a purely surface level "hot woman shut up and do as she told" thing?
Using the terms ADHD and autism to describe yourself is like willingly calling yourself a nigger. Stop sucking shrink dick. Leftists are scum and just because more “””neurodivergent””” people are a part of the left doesn’t change that fact, and it doesn’t make you conservative to call it out.
Not right wing, and that's not why I got into hypnosis, but you describing hypnosis kink as a "hot woman shut up and do as she told" thing made my cock twitch.
AWMBH was a lefty? The more you know.
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I have no idea. I was just posting with an image because I feel bad when I offtopic post without one
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Do you think people are reading your rambling scrawls about politics while they jack off?
>Smut writer is on hiatus
>Closed patreon intake during hiatus meaning that I can't access any of the stories there
>Patreon backlog is significantly ahead of publically posted stories (and still growing)
I have no lewds, and I must cream.
what writer?
Director D.Z.
>it's weirder to be a hypnokinkster and be right wing. What do you get out of it?
The precious damsel/waifu/hot heroine being corrupted by the predatory hypnotist?
You can access everything on kemono
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You are ignorant to how propaganda works to alter mindsets. Look into repeated exposure to an idea, mirror neurons, and perceived group consensus. Reality has a surprisingly small role in many peoples' sense of truth. I believe the only people for whom your post pertains are those who have developed critical thinking skills.
You’ve never even seen a neuron.

>The only way anyone will ever change their opinion is by empirically experiencing the truth

The truth "empirically experienced" can be altered through regular exposure to propaganda. Truth becomes a moot point when you have belief. Why do you think propaganda had been used for over a millennia?
Unfortunately, I can't. His kemono was only updated until May 8th, and since he isn't taking in any more patrons, it probably won't be updated. Funny part about this is that I wouldn't be complaining if I hadn't accidently discovered his kemono page and read ahead of the public release schedule in the first place.
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man theres something about women getting other women to be sluts is one of the hottest things
I like kaa eyes but I don't care much for the snake itself, though I also like blank, heart and full spiral, it depends on my mood I suppose.

also method I go for coin, VR or some sort of dancing, I really like girls being hypno'd into ballerinas and princesses being the sweetest happy ladies.
check again ;)
Thanks dude!
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So I know Palworld's popularity dropped off a cliff, but did any good coom mods come out of it?
Need more of her
Bump for humping hypno-whores
more so just kind of an annoying freak that focuses on really annoying overly sadistic shit
leftism is literally the sadist’s gospel. that’s the whole reason it got popular and why non-conservatives are still afraid to mouth off to them
brother I don't care about your brainworms I just don't feel like seeing torture porn on my timeline
so you’re saying you’re sick of weeds And anti-weeds?
I'm saying when I'm jerking my shit to foot porn I don't want to see noncon psychological torture
does he actually retweet that shit? i haven’t followed him in forever
ever since going into "retirement" and then semi-unretirement it's been going way up but I think it was always subtly there
i can’t believe the sadist is a sadist
it’s almost like when someone makes crybullying people a pastime, it should be considered that maybe it’s part of their sexuality and you need to get the fuck away if you don’t want to be next
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>What do you get out of it?

My (virgin) wife is the queen the bedroom and she hypnotizes me. I am a tall, fit, masculine man and we love the power reversal because in every other aspect of our life I make all the decisions.
dude is getting hypnopegged 100 percent
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>My (virgin) wife

Why aren't you having sex with your wife, anon?
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got any hypno art suggestions i could try sending?
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That's a new take on a classic pose
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human male hypnotizing human female
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willing hypnosis
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Yay, I get to post this weird shit again
These were great. Source?
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Where’d you find this? I’ve never seen any Wednesday hypnosis anywhere
Kemono Party
waow, groundbreaking! any characters in particular or hypno method?
Honest to God, @artofadam has one of the best catalogues of Hypno porn, as in, the Pokemon hypnotizing sluts. Busted more than I can count to his collection.
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Anybody got the full version of Zel's newest pic? Looks like a bewitching branch is being used on her so it'd be hypno

His kemono hasn't been updated for a bit and I'm a sucker for girls in helmets, especially if they're being hypnotized which seems pretty rare
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What is this harem outfit from exactly? I keep seeing it on the hub but the tags don't say.
Only relatively recently got into hypno stuff (Bea x Hypno was my gateway drug). For me, it really depends on the situation, characters and context.
>anything involving a pendulum
Full spiral, inner spiral, or ring eyes
>male/male-monster dom hypno
Whited out or empty iris
>anything involving a snake
kaa eyes of course
>tentacles or other worldly doms or other creatures
glowing iris or full empty
>yuri hyno, especially lezdom hypno
glowing iris or heart eyes
>mind-breaking during actual sex
always heart eyes, inner or full
>mind control from psionic powers or magic spells
whited out or fully whited out
Bea X Hypno?
>Bea X Hypno?
The karate tomboy trainer from Pokemon Sword and Shield. Hypno of course being the pokemon of the same name.
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>Bea and Hypno
Excellent taste. I like that despite her martial arts training, fitness and meditation, she's still as weak to mental domination as before, if not more so, going by pokemon type weaknesses. All it does is make her a hotter piece of hypnobait.
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Rika from Made to Order is dancing and singing "I Love to Singa" while being under alien control.
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that made me chuckle
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You got something similar that doesn’t have 30 minutes of singing about snake pussy
god polmanning really is incapable of drawing women with a different face
why is he so highly rated is beyond me

Output. The guy cranks them out. Once saw him put out five commissions in a single week.
>that doesn’t have 30 minutes of singing about snake pussy
What are you, gay?
But yeah
Wow thanks you got any more big dawg?
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>Libby with swirly eyes
Finally, child me can die happy.
Didn't she get hypnobeamed already?
SOPMOD and Ro635 from girls frontline getting hacked and spacing out because they are cute robots
Yes, but without the spirals, so it might as well not have happened as far as my fetish is concerned.
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a shame its AI because Ms Heed is a criminally underused character in hypno porn, like its her whole power and no one draws her
Ms. Heed getting hypnotized
Season two when?
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oh gmun is alive
That pic is pretty old but yeah he's alive
Lae'zel from Baldur's Gate entranced by magical music
That isn't helpful. Which artist?
I am like >>8393060 except when any psychic powers are involved and sometimes tgis can include electronics, I like a purplish glow to the eyes. Although sonetimes light blue or bright green work too. I usually like purple. I am guessing whatever NFSW thing that got me into this had purple eyes although the SFW things were Power Rangers and Yu-gi-oh, the later using empty eyes. The Millennium Rod was also a direct control that was borderline possession. Despite also watching Danny Phantom, possession is not my fetish.
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It's literally in the post.

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