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Helltaker General #164

Cute n' horny Fly edition
Welcome to /htg/, the Helltaker game general.
Post art, gameplay, tips, how much you want to [cuddle] a demon, autistic fanfic, whatever is related to the game.

>Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289310/Helltaker/
>itch.io: https://vanripper.itch.io/helltaker

>"What is Helltaker?"
Helltaker is short, free to play puzzle game in which you control a man who journeys into the depths to Hell to make a dream of creating a harem of sharp dressed demon girls a reality.

>"Why /htg/ and not something shorter?"
Because "/hg/" is used by Halo General.

>"Why a general for an hour-long game?"
Apart from typical waifu autism, Vanripper, Helltaker's creator, had considered making the game open source, meaning fan-made content and expansions.
Fan projects are also on the table, such as spin-off games, mods, and dating sims!
Also every 20 threads, and on certain holidays, join us for Harem Hellfighters!

>Level Editor Mod

>Full game/achievements guide

>Helltaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iybUh3-WtfE [Open]

>Examtaker Guide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uGNdQLIUtw [Open]

>Vanripper's Twitter

>Vanripper HT comic archives

>Vanripper stream archives

>Helltaker Booru

>/htg/ Archives

>previous thread: >>8291745

T H I C C Mommy Fli:
She's got more children than she can readily count.
Fuck it, I still would.
Still awesome no matter what.
What does Justice pussy taste like?
Mint, because of how cool she is.
I like the one on the left better.
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When it comes to Paizuri, Beel certainly has the bubs to take Taker's dick:
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Get in
Comfy :3
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fym cold, you look like you're sweating up a tsunami under there
Seriously I have yet to see an "inviting under the covers" picture where the girl in question is not fucking DRENCHED in sweat.

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