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A thread where all Movie/TV edits (requests and posts) can be found and asked for.
All kinds of western Movie/TV requests go here:
To remind you again, that this is a screenshot edit thread, not a redraw thread so keep that in mind.

1. Provide references for requested characters and keep them to one image/post. Please pick out high-quality and reference pictures.
2. Animation screenshots, from movies and tv are allowed to be requested and edited too
3. Requests should have the highest resolution/HD quality reference images that are NOT BLURRY. Anything made in 2010 and later should be at least 720p or higher. You're allowed to crop so long as the image was already in its highest resolution/HD quality.
4. Be clear on what characters you want to be edited along with details.
5. No line/sketch illustrations as requested.

Previous thread: >>8357278
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Requesting Velma naked and implicitly masturbating. This could be done like this:
-Move her left hand towards where her crotch would be offscreen
-Make her right hand grab her breast
-Add a little blush and drool
-Maybe change her computer screen to show porn or something
I meant this as Previous thread: >>8313731
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Requesting a nude version of Harley Quinn and another for both her and Poison Ivy.
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Oh, thanks for reminding me!
Here she is, all aquatic and erotic!
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Requesting Phoenix Amazona with her tits outs.
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Nude Please
Looks great. Thanks
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Here we have the naked Harley version.
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And here we have both girls all nakie!
Requesting a naked edit of Olive from High Guardian Spice with huge breasts and pubes like in this
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Forgot Image
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For the 4th of july, requesting Miss America fully nude.
Thanks bro! ^^
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Give her some big chocolate jugs stretching out her outfit!
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The naked truth about Miss America!
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And here she is with a bit of bunting!
Thanks and happy 4th of July!
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Requesting another version with headbands off, and add hyper breasts, and bigger butt please.


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my Ami and Yumi request from >>8315246
Delivered by HTDmason (Great Job)
Here's a comparison...
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Requesting the spies naked
Requesting Jessica Rabbit in a red white and blue bikini
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Requesting thicc nude edit(s) of Ami and Yumi:
(Idea: Yumi wonder why Ami got the sexy thicc boobs, but she got the sexy thicc butt?)

Ami: Big boobs (not too big), normal thicc butt
Yumi: Normal thicc boobs, big butt

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Bonus screencap for my AmiYumi request.
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since it's 4th of July
/R/ A sexy Captain America edit for masha
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Requesting both ladies naked
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Requesting A Nude Edit
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In honor of 4th of July, I am requesting Jessica busty and her top be changed to an American flag themed bikini top please.
Requesting Carmine to have a white bra and panties, and for her panties to have an embarrassing strawberry pattern.
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Wow! Suddenly I want a treat from Blondie’s bakery!
Request nude edits on Ishi Barasume from Forgotten Realms comic.
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Three or four different art styles. Exciting!
Just had to dig through last three to four issues for good shots.
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Wasn’t requested. Just wanted to edit them.
Requesting nude edit on Janice Em from Preluce to Shadow Chronicles comic.
No pubes since android.
Nice, we need more Simpsons jugs.
OR Here, thanks.

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