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File: Krekkov.jpg (251 KB, 1368x1559)
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Thread about muscular femboys. Typically possessing a very feminine face and more feminine muscle proportions.
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So literally normal dudes.
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I'd tap that
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Would this count?
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Yeah though i will say, the pecs looks like breasts (Not that i'm complaining)
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So then, would this be considered a ambush trap?

As long as it's a muscular femboy, go ahead and post it.
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i just came to this board by accident and now i stumble across this thread, where it has been in my life???
i dont like this, his smug aura is mockin me
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Hoshi likes adding them to what would otherwise just be femboys or traps and literally calls them trans tits.
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Thought this stuff went on /y/?
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How is Krekkov the ONLY fucking artist to get this right?
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What do you mean?
No thanks. Fillion spam ruined /y/, no moderation whatsoever just like /cm/. At least /aco/ has semi competent jannies.
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Death by snu snu <3
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R8 muh boi N8
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not bad
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>you’ll never defeat an ambush warrior into amnesia and make him your lawfully breeded malewife
I want to lick Kabru's muscles clean so bad. Pero pero pero
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