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Dicks and deltoids, boobs and balls. Bimbomaxxed gym bros. Haven't seen one of these in a while. 3D and 2D welcome but please avoid AIslop unless it doesn't look artificial and fucked up. Moderate realism akin to artists like Dmitrys or Nacnac is especially welcome.
please don't compare futa to trans. it's not the same.
>please don't compare futa to trans. it's not the same.
If they have a penis, they're biologically male. No reason for internalized homophobia. We can enjoy our fetishes IRL or in art without denying reality, anon
Nannac's faces are the pure trannyshit. It's hideous.
>If they have a penis, they're biologically male
Futas have both sex parts. You're comparing them to males on HRT and the fetishism around women with dicks exists independent of transgenderism.
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>First pic
That's a lot to tuck.
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Sorry to say but you've got shit taste anon.
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Look at that thing throb, kek
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I wish my balls were that big :/
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Futas are beautiful creatures that don't actually exist. Trannies are a group of mentally ill people addicted to mutilation and feeling discriminated against.
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TQ: How much muscle is too much for you?
For me it's anything further than picrel.
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where can I get some 3d model of theese?
smutba.se has a few, some artists release them on patreon, but the majority are custom made by the artists or commissioned
>t. Thread of repressed homosexuals and chasers
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The real world goal should be to advance cosmetic and medical techniques so that MtF trannies can look as good as 2D futas

They'd go from being discriminated against to being everyone's desire
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Elf sex?
Blizzard/Nintendo can make that canon
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How is any of this futanari when they have foreskin, please leave and make a dick girl thread instead of shiting up this one. This is for FUTANARI
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This is OP, imagine having this much sheer autism in a porn thread, LMAOOOOO
mental illness
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Futanari is a Japanese category of “women” with a cock and a pussy instead of balls. Over time people kept adding nuts. Then you fucking fags became obsessed with men pretending they are women and here we are. It’s not the same.
Nuts are better than pussy on futas. I still think of them as girls though.
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>posting the wip instead of the completed work
Your heart was in a right place, but still.
I want my cock & balls to be that big. Life's not fair.
since /d/ is only for eastern art, this shit should be moved to /trash/ or /b/
Moar like /fit/-anari amirite?
It really transcends boundaries how stupid y'all are
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I get the feeling she likes to be called 'daddy' under the sheets
The ideal type of woman
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Sexy and powerful
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