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File: Knight of Love.jpg (1.44 MB, 1639x2317)
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1.44 MB JPG
Thread Rules
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Provide names and image references in a single post.
>Do not make more than one request. When your request is delivered to your satisfaction, you can ask for something new. Do not second or bump other requests.
>Show appreciation, not "thanks in advance".
>Ignore requests from obvious spammers.
>Don't fight spam with spam and/or trolling. It wastes posts.
>Screencap edits belong in >>>/aco/movies
>If your delivery exceeds 4chan's file size limitation (or the delivery cannot be posted here whatever reason), consider uploading it on catbox.moe or our booru first.
>imgur and twitter uploads are not recommended for image quality reasons.
>New thread can be created *only* after this one reaches Page 10 at the bump limit.
>Editors are encouraged to occasionally help out on other edit threads on this and other boards of 4chan (and beyond).
>Please don't forget to bump the thread if it falls to Page 10 before hitting the bump limit.

>Collection of Deliveries:
/co/ - http://the-collection.booru.org/
/v/ - http://vidyart.booru.org/
/aco/ Edit Booru - https://acoedit.booru.org/index.php

Color / Edit Thread: >>8336829
Previous thread: >>8311825
File: VeesNewLook.png (304 KB, 945x1134)
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request Vee with a star shaped boob window with double Ds
File: 475128.jpg (262 KB, 1600x1200)
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Requesting Betty naked under her transparent rain coat
File: combined.jpg (2.02 MB, 5166x2700)
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Requesting the removal of all the text and motion lines.


requesting the removal of the phone
Requesting nude, jewelry removal, and Add Hyper breasts, please.

I believe most of you are familiar with the Camp Sherwood comic by Mister D https://jabarchives.com/main/gallery/misterd/101
My question is, are the characters aged up enough to be acceptable as a request on this board?
File: Marco and Shezow.png (167 KB, 1148x1052)
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167 KB PNG
Requesting cleaned up lineart and colors for this sketch of Shezow and Marco Diaz.
Shezow reference: https://files.catbox.moe/pvcfp0.png
Marco reference: https://files.catbox.moe/jzk49n.jpeg
File: Booette Transparent.png (924 KB, 2000x2582)
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I'd like to request Luigi to be removed from this image. If possible, you can also edit Booette's arms crossed to hold her tits, so that way you don't have to redraw the chest.
File: g-DIGVd3.jpg (267 KB, 1545x2048)
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Requesting Bubblegum's crown be removed, her tail and ears be made pink like her skin tone, and the spirals expanded to fill most of her eyes.
File: IMG_2333.jpg (1.34 MB, 5166x2700)
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1.34 MB JPG
She’s still and quiet!
File: Mrs. Boonchuy.png (2.36 MB, 1536x2305)
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Requesting nude edit of Mrs. Boonchuy (Amphibia).
File: IMG_2334.png (1.91 MB, 1545x2048)
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1.91 MB PNG
Like this?
Thank you!
File: vambre exposing.jpg (395 KB, 3328x3328)
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Requesting that a tiny naked man is drawn stuck in Vambre's ass, slightly sticking out of it. I mean this as a giantess sort of edit, an example of what I mean can be seen in the last thread here >>8365412
File: - Akihiko.png (1.14 MB, 827x1169)
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1.14 MB PNG
Requesting changes to his:
Eyes color: Gold -> Grey.
Penis size: Make it slightly longer.

References, If you need:
Official Splashart: https://files.catbox.moe/tjihop.jpg
Penis: https://files.catbox.moe/rxsc08.png
requesting the removal of the egg on her pussy
For the OP pic, requesting a longer pussy slit (like about twice or so the current length) and the removal of the hair strand between her thighs.

Thank you again to the anon who did the original edit. I don't mean any disrespect
File: Starfire X Raven.png (2.26 MB, 2472x3296)
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2.26 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Starfire and Raven.
File: 1640221056879.jpg (77 KB, 720x1543)
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Requesting nude edit
File: 20231202_223447.jpg (445 KB, 862x1600)
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Requesting this octoling girl naked
File: Marinette X Alya.png (3.48 MB, 1920x2060)
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Requesting nude edit of Alya and Marinette.
Requesting for the stockings to be removed.
Excellent, thanks
File: IMG_2339.png (830 KB, 862x1600)
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830 KB PNG
Squid butt!
File: Goth Mrs. Boonchuy.png (2.2 MB, 2880x3070)
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2.2 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Goth Mrs. Boonchuy (Amphibia).
requesting penis replaced with puffy pussy that has a wide and visible clit. stubble around the pussy and treasure trail. remove groping demon hands.
full size https://files.catbox.moe/06gpe2.png
Requesting the removal of the crop tops from all the Dazzis, making cirrostratus more transparent around, her body so that the nipples can be seen, the altocumulus to be edited in such a way that her crotch is visible. And depending on how possible it is, adding her slit to the ones where it could be visible
File: blackfire.jpg (1.24 MB, 3155x4250)
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1.24 MB JPG
request to remove that weird boner on the bottom panel
That's clearly a finger tapping on a phone screen. Look at the bottom where the video time bar is, this is a recording.
File: Daemonette.jpg (198 KB, 1920x1751)
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198 KB JPG
Hi! please, could someone remove the Bra and pelvic curtain from this daemonette from Warhammer 40K? The golden objects on her hips can remain, they look decorative.
File: EpZ9MDbXYAEXZuo.jpg (85 KB, 600x1900)
85 KB
Requesting removal of piercings and addition of big teardrop shaped breasts please.
File: Willow Park.png (2.72 MB, 1629x2304)
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Requesting nude edit of Willow Park.
could it be edited so so the bottom girl gets her pussy spread/presented by the top girl, while the top girl looks with lust at the camera
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Requesting to change Sig's topknot to look more like his actual canon hair antennae

Here's the sprite sheet
File: 3_.png (969 KB, 987x1191)
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969 KB PNG
requesting decensor
requesting removing the anus
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Requesting this pic of Female Aang edited so she's naked (no asshole please)
File: Leah Stein-Torres.png (1.77 MB, 1680x2480)
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Requesting nude edit of Leah Stein-Torres.
File: transformation 29.jpg (313 KB, 1600x1920)
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requesting removing her bra and panties
File: misty request.png (2.81 MB, 3378x1855)
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Requesting the first two pics of Misty edited with her HGSS hair color and hairstyle
Request to do any (if not all) of these modifications:
•Remove the cum squirting out of the tip
•Remove the horns from the girl's head on the left
•Finish the circumcision (remove the fold behind the tip) so there's a little groove between the tip and the shaft
•Change the hair color for both the women to be dark brown, or light black
File: 1718577154168254.jpg (200 KB, 700x990)
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Requesting bimbofied futa Danny. If breasts are too much of an ask, then just bimbofied/pink sissy.
can someone remove the dick
File: Xirs_reward.png (1.04 MB, 1898x2225)
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Requesting no bra edit
File: Ami and Yumi swimsuit.jpg (721 KB, 4093x2894)
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Requesting a full nude edit of both Ami and Yumi (from Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi), by removing their swimsuits/bikinis.
Orig. art by Ed Mon-Ki
(Also, apologies to the original artist)
Requesting defutafication
File: editpls.jpg (635 KB, 2683x3925)
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requesting this character to be edited to be monika from doki doki literature club

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Requesting this be edited so that instead of a loose hanging top Maya's breasts are drawn larger so it becomes a very tightly fitting top, filling up that empty space completely with her breasts and cleavage. Bonus points if her top is also made to look like its stretched or barely holding in her jugs.
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Requesting clean up and colors
File: edit8.png (1.06 MB, 827x1169)
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1.06 MB PNG
Delivery for the eye colour, will see what I can do about the dick
File: edit9.png (1.15 MB, 827x1169)
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1.15 MB PNG
Best I can do desu, added around 5 cms?
Not original poster, but this is very good quality. Thanks for your help.
Requesting hard futa cock
Requesting the breasts be reduced to a more normal size, something along the lines of:
try and keep the roundness though
File: edit14.png (294 KB, 1522x1482)
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Work in process desu
I know the other anon you're doing this for didn't want one, but can you make an alt with an asshole too, please?
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According to le reference images the stripes go into the buttocks but I'm not sure how to connect them to the stripes on the legs so I left it like this, hope you don't mind. I also got lazy towards the end so the linework is not the best in the world
Not too good at drawing those, sorry. Feel free to use my image from >>8379486 and request it in the small edit thread
You're good. Very good.
NTA but this is amazing
>the stripes go into the buttocks
I think the joke is that the arrow is pointing directly to her bumhole
Or here and this looks great
Though if it's not too late, can you add the rest of the butt crack. Butts being drawn with that little space between the crack lines is a pet peeve of mine and I would like it fixed please
File: GJDwCSSWEAAlTIv.jpg (2.54 MB, 3785x4096)
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requesting a nude edit for the one thats left
Request to make the chest look a little big.
And please add a thumb tip around the base of his dick where it should be sticking out to properly look like he's grabbing it.
File: TurnIntoMale.jpg (472 KB, 1080x1080)
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472 KB JPG
Please turn this futanari picture into male autofellatio:
>Remove all clothing
>Transform chest into pec muscles
>Create Abs; eliminate all belly fat
>Eliminate all excessive body fat that looks feminine
>Short buzz cut hairstyle, black hair color
>Make the entire background dark grey
File: 1697256293169932.jpg (568 KB, 2035x2757)
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requesting the removal of the micro (wouldn't oppose if you want to give it a bit of color)
Requesting a fully nude edit
File: triple sahira red futa.jpg (3.91 MB, 4000x8160)
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3.91 MB JPG
Requesting make her not a futa.

If it's easier, I don't mind adjusting her skirt so it covers her crotch and you don't have to draw her pussy/
File: edit15.png (314 KB, 1522x1482)
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Hope this is better, then
I'm just a beginner desu, unironically used MS Paint for all my edits, I did a few more across different threads the past few days
Thank you anon, I always assumed the arrow just pointed one way, going from the lower back to the forehead
File: Untitled~1123.jpg (203 KB, 1140x1080)
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Okay, I manipulated a few things and made the chest a little bigger. I'm not good at drawing. Pretty please, editor...
>Draw a thumb at the base of the shaft to complete the hand grip
File: edit16.jpg (2.53 MB, 4000x8160)
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2.53 MB JPG
See URL for better image quality

FYI she's not really wearing a skirt, it's tight leggings with a sheer skirt layered on top
It works for me, anon. Thank you!
File: Gammatelier Sahira_MILF_C.png (1.08 MB, 1200x1800)
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Requesting edit the skirt to remove the futa cock outline.
File: Gammatelier Sahira_MILF_A.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1800)
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1.01 MB PNG
There's a non-futa nude version. But the one with the skirt is definitely with a futa bulge.
Much better
Thanks a ton anon
File: totally spies.jpg (798 KB, 4096x2662)
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requesting Sam's face be changed to a lock of arousal or excitement
requesting editing her fingers so instead she spread her pussy
File: GNrFTzIbQAAT0L_.jpg (176 KB, 1507x2048)
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Requesting a lighter skin tone for the man getting titfucked.
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The ladies are nudified and aged up to 4chan standards. I’ve added ABC; asses, boobs and curves, plus pubic hair. All characters depicted are 18 years old, 21 years old in some jurisdictions. Age statements on file.

Okay, I recognize Juniper Lee and a fairly oddparents gender-swapped Timmy Turner, but who are the rest?
File: FBI_tits.png (2.95 MB, 1280x1920)
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2.95 MB PNG
You did good; very good.
OR here, thanks for the edit! And also for aging them up, i wasn't sure if 4chan would allow it or not, i always think the age rules here are a bit confusing, since we have a fair share of teenage or underaged characters. The other girls are Trixie (cap) and Tootie (glasses) from Fairly Odd Parents and Goo from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Not to be nitpicky, but their faces seem a bit blurred, why is that?
I'm not the editor. But if you compare the original picture to the edited one, the heads were shrunk down. Open each picture in separate tabs and flip back and forth between them...
Ah, you're right. Maybe Anotherymous did it as part of the age up
AI is getting closer, still fumbling fingers tho, and the straps blend into her hair and her pouch blends with the foreground between her wrist
File: Girth.Inspo.png (791 KB, 1250x1080)
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Request for a breast reduction to a small size:
Yup. Big head with a skinny body and narrow hips usually correlates with an adolescent body. This editor went to great lengths for your request since they had to fill in the space around each character's head.
Yes, you’re all right, I shrunk the heads to make the bodies look longer. But I didn’t notice the faces blurring, sorry about that.
I also adjusted some cheeks and chin lines to make the faces more mature, and looking at it, I really should have shrunk Timmi’s and Goo’s eyes a bit, also for maturity.
As for the rules, I once got a temp ban for making an adult nude in a picture with a fully dressed kid in it. (Lilo and Nani if I recall.) The child wasn’t reacting to the nudity or even looking at it, but banned I got! Perhaps the rules or their enforcement have changed over the years, but I’m still not going to risk it. However this picture was so obviously a labor of love, I couldn’t resist dabbling with it. Thanks to the Requester for sharing!
That's a bummer, man. Maybe Catbox can help circumventing such situations, but i don't know
I'm glad you enjoyed doing my request, but all thanks should go to you for all the effort you put in this edit. Really, i'm very grateful
A bit off-topic, but are you the one who did this request a long time ago? https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/7528616/#q7537950
You're greatly appreciated here. Any requests that you fill touches our dicks, I mean hearts. Much love to you, kind anon.
File: by synnfultiger.png (485 KB, 1100x1785)
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requesting removing her panties so we can see her pussy
and please give her some medium sized boobs while at it, even if they would end up still be covered
unless you want full nude
Yep, I’m pretty sure those are my edits.
I don’t specifically remember it, but that’s my “Appologies to” in there. I should remember to do that.
Kind words! Thank you!
Well, i was the one who requested it. Would you happen to have a PNG version of this pic? I was thinking about making another request in the future with this edit as basis, but the JPEG artifacts may be a bit bothersome

And adding another point to our previous discussion about the age of the characters, this thread here has quite a few that i thought were too underage to post on this board, so maybe the age rules changed after all? https://desuarchive.org/aco/thread/8377948
Requesting nude edit (as most of the gown is clear it hopefully shouldn't take too long)
HQ: http://files.catbox.moe/ssek25.png
File: IMG_2380.png (2.25 MB, 2703x2900)
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2.25 MB PNG
>Do you have a PNG version of this?
Actually, no. In a post-operative drug haze I deleted that one. So I re-edited it. I hope it works for you!
File: 6347045 -.jpg (2.93 MB, 2000x3000)
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2.93 MB JPG
Before going to sleep thought I'd make the request of editing a dude behind the chick in this picture.
I didnt find many good shots by the same artist, would this do?
Aw man, you didn't need to, but big thanks for that! It'll come in handy in a future thread
File: 1720377279978274.jpg (366 KB, 1600x1200)
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366 KB JPG
Thank you so much! That is a beautifully done edit! Very nice work!
Requesting nude edit of Charlotte La Bouff
Bonus for a nude edit of Charlotte, can't put here due to file size: https://files.catbox.moe/2arxwb.jpg
Requesting larger breasts edit of this picture >>8378402
Any bigger is fine
Requesting Marinette and Alya masturbating each other
File: 6394558.png (2.78 MB, 2048x2048)
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2.78 MB PNG
requesting a dialogue edit so it's a azula x zuko picture
requesting a (female) defutaficaiton please
The one in the OP is a thumbnail so use the one of >>8374328
File: yonaga angie.png (398 KB, 980x1260)
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398 KB PNG
requesting coloring. the character is yonaga anige from danganronpa, also could I you do a version presenting her cum-less pussy?
Oh thanks I didn't saw the resolution or the filename having the m
Could I get a 1920 x1080 wallpaper with Zelda on the right and the blue things in the centre?
File: zelda.png (232 KB, 1920x1080)
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This is what I had in mind btw, and use this colour as the background?
Please transform this monster into a male sucking his own massive cock.
Request to convert this futanari into male.
File: IMG_2392.png (886 KB, 990x765)
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I gave it a try.
Request to defuta this picture into a man self sucking.
This is the natural progression of their relationship. Thanks, you're awesome
Please convert this futa into a male.
File: IMG_2394.jpg (1.66 MB, 4000x4000)
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I turned the dick into a big purple dildo. Does that work for you?
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Request to remove hand and arm, remove jock strap, remove foreskin and color from the tip, and then increase the muscles in size a little bit.
Please make this into a man.
File: just one.jpg (508 KB, 1892x2632)
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Requesting the guy on top to be removed
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625 KB JPG
Please change the face expressions of the girls on the left and middle to match the girl on the right.
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731 KB JPG
Please remove his bracelets, remove her necklace, close her eyes, and change her hair color to dark brown.
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316 KB JPG
Please remove her shirt, and reduce her tits in size by 50%.
File: 1710853308582.jpg (426 KB, 1650x1098)
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Request to get rid of that purple thing on the far right, and add a big splash of cum to the female's ass area on the right side of the picture.
File: 1719696041863.jpg (63 KB, 832x1216)
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You would make my dreams come true if you changed this futa into a well hung biological male with your magic editing skills. (Plz)
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Please add powerful jet streams of yellow urine shooting out of their whispering eyes.
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2.56 MB PNG
Please reposition the black mermaid's eyes inwards a tad bit.
File: 1670381334286.png (1.57 MB, 1500x1130)
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1.57 MB PNG
I would greatly appreciate it if the cock, in this image, right here, right now, were to increase in circumference 2-4x thicker.
File: 1719609193588.jpg (280 KB, 1373x1600)
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Request for a little extra pre-cum dripping from the guys dick tip, ALMOST touching the nun's hat.
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66 KB
Belle needs her top removed, and a slight breast reduction to match up with the real life specifications.
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523 KB JPG
Please remove the excessive amount of saliva dripping from her chin, and what's on her tits needs to go.
Well now this faggot is spamming again I can be sure my request won't be filled.
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1.04 MB JPG
Please close her eyes, and change her mouth expression to a small smirk.
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Please give her a face expression a person has when their food is delivered to their table at a restaurant.
File: edit24.png (489 KB, 832x1216)
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I tried but I got kinda bored and lazy at some point, hope it's still somewhat useful to you somehow
Couldn't change the hair and hands because the background is a pain in the arse
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Request to change painful anal to pussy stretching intercourse. And then change her mouth to an open mouth smile expression.
That's so good. Anything is better than nothing. Thanks for your help.
File: ori.jpg (163 KB, 850x1093)
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This is an edit, I easily found the original
Some racist troll edited the black one to make her look retarded, essentially
Don't deliver to this guy, he's making multiple requests despite not getting any deliveries
You're welcome anon, you're free to request further changes in other threads or specific changes in this thread. You didn't specify which body type you wanted to I assumed you wanted the male equivalent of the girl, aka a kind of twinky, skinny dude
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Request to increase penis girth 3x.
Ohhh okay. My detective skills aren't as advanced as others. I tried looking for alternatives and couldn't find what you found. Thanks.
File: 120607052_p0.jpg (283 KB, 1355x1275)
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Requesting full nude edit of Kara
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954 KB JPG
Please extend the penis length to at least her ear area, if not past her head.
File: morgott mogh rule63.jpg (3.95 MB, 2952x3500)
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Requesting remove the tiny guy at the bottom from the picture.
requesting to edit out the flute
full resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/mq4sxg.png
NTA butthis is a great edit
>I turned the dick into a big purple dildo
Hey that's really good idea anon thank you so much
Requesting to remove the pubic and anus hairs.
File: 1710823092670.png (2.74 MB, 2400x4084)
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Requesting make her boobs look less saggy.
File: Rawhide X BW.gif (2.51 MB, 2271x2268)
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Requesting someone adding a cumshot scene after this. Also, give BW some sexual moans.
File: Shantae 2390.jpg (1.13 MB, 3000x3000)
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1.13 MB JPG
requesting removing her top
Nude edit request. Give Marina either dark brown erect nipples and vag or green like her hair.
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1.14 MB PNG
How does this look?
Please remove the clothing from this 10/10.
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Requesting remove the guy fucking her chest. The guy, the cum, the text so that her chest is clean.
Please add more American food in this picture. (Chili dogs, cookies, bags of chips, soda, etc.)
>muh diiiick
Please nudify both female characters (posters on the wall) in this image.
requesting the removal of as many dildos and vibrators as possible
requesting decensor and a topless edit, also could her nose be made smaller or somthing?
please remove the futa dick
File: IMG_2411.jpg (1.62 MB, 2894x4093)
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She wants to be ginger rooted!
I also corrected the spelling.
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And here I did some facial reconstruction.
Please stick around for a while.
I hope he does but I highly doubt it after that guy started spaming his requests.
Please add a tiny boat floating on the water to the right. And I'm the boat, add a hamster. Bonus points if you can make the hamster wear a business suit.
File: IMG_2419.png (1.11 MB, 1400x1067)
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Like this? Is the hamster the well known ‘little man in the boat’?

>guy started spaming his requests
What? Was I being spammed? Huh. I hadn’t noticed. Oh well, no harm, no foul.
<3 Perfect! You are amazing! Thank you :)
Please cover the eyes of the backdrop people with sunglasses.
OR here, thank you so much!
OR here hey that was a really good edit, don't you have any suggestions for drawing nipples? Mine usually are off center and out of style
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I closed her eyes but the smirk is going to be too much for me (unless you don't mind if copy it from another picture), anyways I left an eye-less version if you don't like it and you want someone else to redraw her eyelids
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Humbly requesting fully nude edit and replacing the penis with an extremely bushy pussy.
requesting full nude edit
even shantae's bottom
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Requesting a nude edit
Your efforts are very much appreciated. May you blow the most epic loads over the hottest chicks you come across. Many thanks, kind anon.
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requesting putting a hole in her suit to show her pussy
no anus
requesting a nude edit of this amelia bedelia drawing with an embarrassed expression and some pubic hair. and if its okay a version with + without the stockings
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Is she bushy enough for you?
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I'd like for pic related to be made into a 3840x2160 wallpaper
The only elements I want are the 2 girls and the pole on a black background
Thank you! It's much appreciated! I hope it's not too much to ask but could we go bushier?
>was I being spammed
I meant as in, he was practically begging for requests of his to get made or at least that's the sensation that I've got from that ammount of posts in such a short time span.
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“No, no, Amelia! That’s not what I meant when I asked for vegetables served to me raw!”
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“Much better Amelia!”

>begging for requests
Oh, yeah. I mostly ignore that guy/those guys.
Sometimes I try to explain why I don’t do re-requests, but I’m not angry. Every day is someone’s first day on 4chan.
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Okay! It looks like she glued one of those Koosh Balls to her pussy!
Is it Kooshy enough?
That's great, thanks a lot!
You're the hero we deserve. Thanks for warning us.
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requesting line art, yes i know its strange but im just looking for its lineart
this is perfect anon thank you
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Here we are!
Would you prefer it without background?
other board delivery
Thank you anon :D would you be fine doing a quick no background version?
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Sure, no problemo!
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Requesting to remove the dialogue and the rest of her body to be colored from the same black as her mask
Thanks anon! :D
Hurry up and fill my requests. All of them. That's right, I have dozens. Do it. For free. Right now :)
you forgot to say please mate
can you do a pregnant edit of these
Entitled bump:
>I demand the requests in this thread filled at a quick pace without any money compensation
Meant to post this in here
Requesting someone please remove the piercings in Lois' nipples and bellybutton.


(Had to use Catbox because the file size is too big...)
This thread was slipping away. Bump to the rhythm bump bump to the rhythm bump.
Rescue bump.
>Gusts of wind
>Owl hoots
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requesting coloring for princess ruto
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requesting removing her black bodice/clothes to show her cleavage
keep her sleeves and her purple thingy
requesting the removal of the streams of pee, would be nice if she also regains her lost limbs
People are having very good success in the color thread so far.
Consider making the same request there.
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request high heels edit instead of shoes
Also, change the nail color to something else.
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Requesting the black shirt the other woman has on be more open some you can see more of her crotch and stomach. Like she has her shirt unbuttoned and hanging loose and open maybe
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How’s this?
And is that Luthor’s Mercy there with Pam?
Requesting Splash Woman to be nude please.
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She’s moist! Damp even!
Now that's a beautiful moment. Thank you.
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like this?
request both Cemila and Willow's asses to be this big https://bbw.wiki/images/f/f8/Natashacrown.onlyfree_20210607_13.jpg
requesting removing the ribbons on her boobs and crotch, here is an alt if it helps: https://files.catbox.moe/93mo6s.jpeg
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not quite but its the right part at least
its just that i asked for cleavage and theres none here
no boobs to see, not even areolae seen peeking from underneath the purple thingy
Yes that's poison ivy and Mercy who works for Lex Luthor
requesting to edit her face into a black screen with two normal sized digital eyes like these
Nice. Thank you so much, Eddy. I'd just about given up hope.
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requesting thong removal
Request for Splash Woman to.be fully naked
OMG thanks so much!

No offense to anyone who's into it, but I might never understand the appeal of piercing your own nipples.

Just the thought alone makes me squeamish AF.
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I gave it a try.
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How about this?
Yessss :)
Thanks to you, my joy has increased.
It looks good! Thank you for ge delivery Eddy!
Can someone please remove the bulges and make them look like girls, i don't mind the flat chest i just want to get rip off the bulges

(I know that you may say "the dick make it better" but if you are willing to do this i'll aprefiet it)
this is the stuff!
thank yu
>Quads of squeamish, checked.
I used to have my ears pierced back in middle school. I remember a tall kid with ear piercings got into a fight and had his piercings ripped out. When I was in high school I took them out at some point thinking they might get caught on something. That's so 90's for guys to get their ears pierced. As for the nipple piercings, I don't see the appeal either. Same with tattoos.
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Making an additional request.

I separated them into two pictures. Requesting remove the traces of the other girl from each 'solo' picture.

So for Mogh here, remove the staff/handle thing around the hand.
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For morgott, it's a bit harder. Have to remove the other gal's arm and fill in the staff part it was covering.
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Can someone give her a tighter ass / apple bottom that works more - something a gymnast and athlete would have.
You're fucking awesome Eddy. Thank you very much!
Seriously, thank you for hanging out with us and helping.
Requesting her g-string to be removed.
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Thanks! Cynthia is so sexy. I like that you can see her butthole ever so slightly.
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requesting uncensoring
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Like this?
Still too bubble-butt?
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holy shit, thank you!
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requesting to edit out the condoms and pubic hair in the bottom right
keep the pubic hair on the left or remove it too?
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requesting the removal of the dicks
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requesting removing rottytops's top
Cum dodgerrrs, of the 21'st centuryyy!!
Do as you wish
Requesting the band aids to be removed from Bea’s nipples.
Requesting the removal of the leg straps, the glove on her right hand, and the choker in both the main pose and closeup shot.

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