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ACOs favorite once in a blue moon MH thread.

Frightfully tall tails, sensual spirits and a guest appearence by Abbot and Costello.
Eat your heart out univeral studios!!
The halls of monster high are looking more like the SUR ally.
Get ready for another amazing calassel creature feature--

Staring living dead girl frankie stein, thic vamp bitch Draculaura( a little teeth never hurt no one), fear leader team captian Cleo de Nile, or her sister Nefera -fresh out of monster university sure to make anyone's obilik stand straight up.
Fashinista Clawdeen ready degrade your last century threads, and the creature from pool room, Lagoona blue.

Catch up with your favorite ghouls

Who's your favorite?
What do you think she's into?

Drawing requests? RP ideas? Any write fags in the crypt??
Thread theme:

MH just got that much scarier!
Shout out to my man josemexico for still pumping out GreaT MH SMUT
So what's your favorite mh movie?
Do you give a fuck about gen 3?
Have you played any of the games?

It's still crazy that cleo and frankie are a Canon couple in the new series...

By far the best opening of any movie. And honestly one of the only solid ones..
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Ever After High stuff cool to post here?
I feel like she should have a knot.
Hell yeah bro, always welcome.
Anything with raven and apple is a plus.

Anyone else love how Maddy could hear the narrators fight?
Most definitely. I'm pretty sure I drew her bro with a knot a few times. The question is can dracc take all of clawd's knot?
Love how annoyed drac is in these
Jose if you still lurk these threads we need more annoyed drac!

Now that she graduated (wait she's like 1600, and she's been in hs this whole time?)

She's ready to see the world and has no time for nobody's who would thirst for her back home
I'm surprised there's not more femdom stuff woth cleo.
She is royalty, after all.
I don't know what lore you guys follow.

I guess g1 and the movies imply she's been put to gather Ala frankenstien's Monster, but with teenage girls ( holy shitvwhy didn't anyone make a 1970s exploitation film with that plot, could've been a cult classic)

Or if you read the books,
Her dad sculpted her body out of (redacted) to make, I shit you jot, "daddy's perfect little girl"

Sooo damn that's something.

Anyway I like the Idea that her body has urges and knows how to do things she's surprised she can do
Look up Frankenhooker. As for Frankie herself, there are a few fics with that premise.

Looked into frankenhooker and that sounds right up my ally. Hope it's like Death becomes her, which is an awesome comedy I recomend.

I don't suppose you have any links to those? Like 3 years ago I feel like there was a good fiction like that going around. Not sure if an anon here wrote it or what.

I hope we get some write fags this thread.
Here are those fics I was talking about:


Wooord your the man!
Do you have the "trainer" first, I think it's a principal and frankie and an unfinished clawdeen one?
I remember frankie was really eager and kept saying "yes sir" it was a Google doc from like 2020
You mean this?:

Bro I am eternally greatfull. can't tell you the last time I read this.

Mh has great lore and so much to build on. I wish I was more of a writer.
If I had any talent I'd run a quest about a normie attending Monster High.
I'm not sure what you mean by quest, is that and?

Let's say you are a normal, recently transfered to Monster High. I'm sure the head mistress would explain to you codes and conducts and assign you someone to show you around.
Dracualaura as it happens, is bubbly enough and happy to do it.
Maybe introduces youvtobthe fear leading team. Cleo looks you up and down unimpressed.
Quests like the ones here: https://fiction.live/
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The question is can Clawd take her?
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100% personally would bottom for thick dracc
Is Cedar cute enough to be worth splinters in your dick?
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Animated is wild
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Hope yall can read this.
Kitty having sex with her mother is so wrong and hot at the same time
If you want an actual relationship, I'd say so.
She turns human at the end of her story right? So just focus on non-sexual intimacy with your compulsively-honest girlfriend until that happens. If you gotta get your nut out that badly you could still probably figure something out, mutual masturbation, thick gloves, toys if they're available.
If you just wanna get your dick wet it'd probably be too much work though.
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>"Hey Cedar, why did you buy oven mitts?"
>"I bought them for Anon's and My 4 month anniversary, and I hope you won't ask any followup questions."
At six months she's getting a can of varnish.

How accurate would you say this chart and the next are?
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I have a few AI genned pics.
I have posted a couple before. Just checking first to see how they would be received.
It's not like there are that many people doing smut of MH or EAH. I say go for it.
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God AI is so obvious it’s sickening.
Great. They are mostly just stuff that's a little sweaty or suggestive nothing hardcore.
You taking requests?
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Go for it dude. I tried myself but didnt get great results.
Any new mh smut is welcome
Bro i love your story. Its hot, it reads well. Like i think you have clawdeens way of speaking down for sure.
Perso ally not a fan of the dick selection.
Like some fat sasquach cock sure, but not with hair all along its shaft. Or like the rock gargoyle cock just seems unpleasant. I dont thats just me.

Im surprised no werewolf knot or manny's womb knocker didnt make an appearance.
Still a great fic, would reccomend.
I didn't write it, I commissioned it. The author is OwtheEdge on AO3, go throw money at him to do more MH smut.
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Wished this got more pages.
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This looks great, who drew it?
Disclaimer, he also did a Apple/Raven/Darling comic.
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>"... and that is why we should re-legalize the private ownership of monster-kind. Thank you."
That reminds me of a Howleen/Anon greentext somebody did. Does anybody still have the paste in?
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it's gone forever
Can i get the sauce, since couldn't find anything
Thank you
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He does good work.
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Catch of the Day.
Haven't looked at genning anything for months.
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From the new Monster High novel
Getting turbulent c cups flashbacks.
Found it: https://pastebin.com/FHHZd2f5
Got more samples?
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I've read the whole book, so I'm willing to answer any questions.
How stupid does it get? Like bad or just entertaining?
It's kind of boring to be honest. It's a lot of Draculaura being sad or going through drama. It does play with lore in some neat ways. I did enjoy it, but it's not really essential reading.
The stupidest thing is that Ramses DeNile basically becomes a Trump like character, in a plot that get hand waved away in the third act.
What are the best or lewdest bits?
Personally the best thing about the story is that Lagoona and Gil break up. Lewdest is just that Cleo is an oversharer and we learn about the Snakestone.
It's overall pretty tame, save to excerpts I shared.
There goes my hope that Frankie blew a guy under the bleachers.
One time event.
what's the event?
The fact that it genned nipples.
She should probably put the sword down.
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Any love for Lagoona?
Darling was probably training, until Kitty got horny
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