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Girls playing sports and "getting their sweat" on afterwards. Especially as the big summer competitions come to a close
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Hello Sports fans, If you want to know, Our board qualified to compete in a Summer Elite competition vs other boards on 4chan. We have not been on this stage in 5 years, and now it's our time to take the competition by the balls and earn a gold star for winning. Here is an FAQ if you might be confused https://pastebin.com/7yXYbFqn
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We quakified right from Winter to here, something we have never done. So the skies are high for summer. If you want to have a part in making this team. You can look at this poll and vote for who you want to see run around the soccer/divegrass pitch alongside Shygal, the captain https://forms.gle/4fRrSB4WGPkSay6H6
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Alright, will vote.
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imagine the smell
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Thanks to anyone who voted on the poll. Results are that Jenny Wakeman will be our second gold with the >artist and the shortstack goblin as our silvers. And Mexico-chan will sit this cup out thanks to her copa america showing and will be replaced by clussy.
At about 1 est the draw will happen in the faq link and we will know who we are playing. thanks for all the continued support
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Results are in and we will be playing against /tv/ /int/ and /vp/ this league. First match is Friday vs /tv/, a big shoutout to the edit thread and to the French for allowing such horny cartoons to air on television
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What's the current roster?
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https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//aco/#Current_Squad If you want to check it out. Here you go. Gold medals are in gold boxes and silver medals are in silver boxes
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Game one soon about 15-20 minutes to start vs /tv/. A board that goes hand in hand with ours. They are a tough team but everyone starts the game 0-0
Good luck, will watch vods if I fall asleep...
>vs /tv/
gimme Na'vi blue coochie
Well, at least it's a draw, not a loss. But it was a robbery...
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results were a draw. not bad but not the greatest. Game 2 will be on sunday around 4 pm est vs /int/. Western Board, lots of countries to be international in. Should be a fun time
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Game two soon vs /int/ A very international fair behind this match. They are a scary team in this group and game. So we will try our best against them. Game starts in 15-20 minutes for anyone here
Good luck today.
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ah well losses happen. We were put in a group with very tough teams and this one just bit us at the last second. We still have one more game to save some face Next saturday at 1 pm est vs /vp/. Pokemon can be enjoyed by everybody then.
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