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File: turtlechan.jpg (1.05 MB, 3577x3200)
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Dark skinned characters only
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>Dark skin
She just looks tanned though
Shut up, shut the fuck up.
File: Bulumblebee.jpg (142 KB, 1551x1815)
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Tan or natural, it doesn't matter

If they have dark skin, post it.

Also, I don't think she's tanned.
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Dark skinned characters ONLY, that includes males.
My bad.
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It's cool
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For those who like dark skinned characters and don't mind race swapping
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was meant for
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>Dark skinned characters only
>suck a dick
File: Roresu.png (2.24 MB, 2364x3906)
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Quit being a illiterate fag
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>why isn’t the dick the color I want it to be?
>you’re an illiterate fag
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>>why isn’t the dick the color I want it to be?
This but unironically.

>>you’re an illiterate fag
Yes, yes you are.

Glad to see you agree with me.
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Don't forget to stretch daily, anons.
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>ass hair
Muh fucking fetish. Good god yes.
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