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Previously: >>83593659
The cartoony side: >>>/aco/csdg

size takeover edition

No DALL-E generated stuff.
No futa.
Report trolls.

General: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki | rentry.org/sdg-link | rentry.org/rentrysd
Hires Fix: rentry.org/hiresfixjan23
Inpainting/Outpainting: rentry.org/drfar | rentry.org/inpainting-guide-SD
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Create LoRAs, TIs: rentry.org/59xed3 | rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
List of models/LoRAs:

>Auto1111 extensions
ControlNet: github.com/Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet | rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
Regional Prompter: github.com/hako-mikan/sd-webui-regional-prompter
Tag autocomplete: github.com/DominikDoom/a1111-sd-webui-tagcomplete

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And one of these why not
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Integrating faces into zonkey is tricky
I set up adetailer to do a double tap, inpainting the same face twice
First pass has denoising >0.5 and high mask padding
Second pass denoising <0.5 and low padding
This allows it to transfer the light and grain into the new head and then adds details
Can also make zonkey looks less zonkey with a refiner or try v5.0
I fucked up the neck of course
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5.0 now
Prompted a towel to soak up the juices
zonkey magic merged that with a kitchen sink into this practical doggy bed thingy
Kek use controlnet on adetailer works for me with necks
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Zonkey 4.2 FTW
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Have to keep that in mind, haven't used controlnet in ages
The issue is just the rectangular mask from the simple face detection model, and then the inpaint doesn't agree how thick the neck should be
Usually I just reroll or tweak mask padding/erosion/blur
But in this case I could use a segmenting face model to limit the mask to the face proper (Anzhc Face seg 640 v2 y8n.pt)
I use it rarely since it excludes the ears, but that's not really an issue with the full frontal shot here
The head one that includes hair is also an option, but hair can be large so you effectively have a large padding and then quality suffers
closer to same size is more
I'm not using a LoRA like the anon that came up with this
For more size difference I need miniboys, but these always turn into underage boys for me
Better than the holding a glass of juice that used to happen.
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I usually prefer to negative prompt wrinkles away but I think this isn’t bad, you can decide if it’s good
troll post
Na, it's like when kittens are removed too early from their mother and they all just start looking for things to suckle. But it's the opposite, the guy probably got raped by an old woman.
he must have pretty bad eyesight too
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Damn I can't believe I never made any gens of her yet
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why do stable diffusion girls all have the same face / look related? dall-e faces are so much better
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it's a filter to keep dall-e bros out
and dall-e keeps us uninterested by making all people look plastic
because stable diffusion is a huge toolkit that requires some intelligence to master and dalle is a “my first AI” playbox with a big plastic screwdriver
What is this, october 2023?
Dalle3 looks like shit now.
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"what did you DO, beast boy"
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Chat-GPT wrote this bait

Stick around if you like, we have milk too
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geez what happened to the last thread
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good: finally got a decent tongue out
bad: tiny little legs
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Your stuff was always great, but this is a noticeable upgrade even

Best of your ADs yet
A common negative prompt I see is "abnormal eye proportion", it might fix the extreme cross eyed-ness
A little cross eye is super cute though
what did he mean by this
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thanks! now that I can gen 10x faster it's much easier to mess with tweaking prompt/settings... I might be reaching critical mass on freckles, can't seem to find a high res fix shader that doesn't clump them
With a powerful machine and very specific preferences, I think you are going to end up making your own LoRAs
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Top notch, as always.
dalle bros got buck broken again by big corpos
some journo got their cici shut down
they will run out of lewd gens to post soon
expect an influx of delusional crybabies
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not a bad idea, I also want to check out the animation sector but work has been a lot lately
A troll is trying to rile up things
Report and carry on.
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I'm finally understanding what's wrong with XL making blurry (skin) details especially on inpaint
It strictly mimics what it learned from real photos, i.e. how a real camera lens works
Here I got super sharp detail on the tit and her back without adetailer, but that's just where the focal plane ended up
Skin texture, imperfections, peach fuzz and stray hairs are all there, but everywhere else they are blurred out
You just can't have everything in focus at once, like HDR does for light
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yeah that damn focal plane hits a lot of my gens too despite trying to prompt against it...if the face is the out-of-focus element I'll try a face inpaint or double adetailer pass to sharpen
< for perspective shots I get a lot like this...
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but high step double adetailer at 0.25 and 0.1 cleans it up a lot (different pic, just showing a general example)
I wonder if that is fixable with a LoRA, since we basically have that for light already
The detailer LoRAs don't cut it, probably trained on macro shots
What we want is higher focus on details that are already there
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prompting for things like "sharp focus" or negative prompting things like "bokeh" doesn't really seem to touch the focal plane on the subject themselves, as you said that's probably an artifcat from the photographic sources. I don't know if a lora could do it either - you might need something like a last pass sharpener in the same vein as adetailer, to apply a light blur and then sharpen focus based on a separate prompt
I think it's that it was trained on whole images, and the whole image is tagged as "sharp focus"
It doesn't know that we are interested in the sharp part specifically
Bokeh has the same issue, those are images with blurry background and a sharp subject, so that would be counterproductive in the negatives (and I kicked it out of my prompts)
Maybe a controlnet variant could do it
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Damn looks juicy + inviting any tips on reproducing that juiciness?
Really digging that bloodpunk lora. I can't get it to generate nice thick blood covers like picrel though. All I get is shitty blood splatters. Any idea how to prompt for it?
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iirc I stole this part of the prompt from civitai and just slapped it in a wildcard file, so it has lots of unneeded quality keywords that are probably completely unused..."wet" is the go-to keyword but can result in extra fluids in unwanted places.

(masterpiece, best quality, dynamic angle), woman alone, woman, solo, from below, bangs, arched back, thin waist, pussy, too tight shorts, pervert woman, sexual pose,provocative, spread ass, cameltoe, pantyhose, no panties, transparent bodysuit for competition, wet, wet swimsuit, covered navel, covered breasts, covered nipples, covered pussy, wet pussy, tender erotic look, silhouette lighting, dark studio, contour lighting, two-tone lighting, low lighting
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btw the Elsa Jean XL lora seems super clean, doesn't seem to overwrite much other than body type and face
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and yeah that's not a pic I'd normally keep, looong torso is looong
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This was just a test image to show refiner lighting
Here is a version with detailed face

This is so awesome
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Thanks, was a lucky gen, trying to get cunnilingus to work now, still doesnt work 100%
Had to detor to add juice because of redheadanon, haha
Oh ok, tried wet already, but that didnt work, downloaded a lora now for this because I was impatient
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This isnt my hat
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One failed gen more because this one worked out nicely for feet/socks coomers
This looks so relatable
If you can get her covered in anything else (maybe mud? slime?), you can turn that into blood
It might happen on its own, like when colors bleed between parts of an outfit or outfit and walls
Or you could force it using Prompt(-Ex) mode feature of regional prompter
>when he fucks you with a 4" cock and kisses you goodnight with a prehensile 11" tongue...
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"taped over mouth" just wasn't working without having a dedicated lora it seems...
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Not a bad outcome anyway
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These pussies are looking a little bit weird... Like they're too smooth and plasticy
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Yeah non-pony bondage is impossible without LoRAs
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I want more hot blondes (celeb or not) getting punched in the face. For the promptsmiths out there I would prefer dick punched.
just make an AI general thread for fucks sake
and when did the SD thread become WAY better than the Dall-e threads?
Can you make the sons young?
Sorry to hear about your cici
SD people improved their craft over time (steep learning curve) and exchange ideas (SD is not just prompting)
There's even collaboration going on making LoRAs
One guy made a LoRA that generates Dall-E looking images of Emma
Meanwhile on Dall-E side:
MS tightens filters all the time, cici provided only temporary relief (and guess where the journo will run to next)
Dall-E constantly decreases in gen quality, all beyond anybody's control
Thread is not newcomer friendly anymore, schizo ramblings ensue every time
People stopped sharing prompts even
Autistic screeching whenever SD is mentioned there, even though inpainting/img2img could help with censorship (and LoRA training!)
Instead of treating Dall-E like just another AI tool that fits into an ecosystem, Dall-E users built an identity around using it (something they don't own or control)
They painted themselves into a corner
not a huge fan of the futa in this or the cartoon bred.
>sorry to hear about your cici
no idea what this means, don't care about your babbling
Says No Futa in the OP right there
You don't see a lot of strapons here but those are okay

Maybe a gray area, but turns out a bit too pedo looking for my taste
If you want to make some yourself I would share on catbox though
>merge generals for my convenience please
Have you tried /r/?
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It is in the OP, >>8375246 No futa, but the only thing we can do for the ones unable to read is to report.
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which one >>8380499
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Personally i dont care about the futa gens, technically i made this op (not the others) but i just copied and pasted the oldbone. Is there any reason this was banned? Too much spam of it?
They arent sons, kek. And no like the other anon said
SD's prompt understanding is still worse than dall-e, but with the proper tools and patience you can make a lot of stuff work.

But man did i have fun in early dall-e, pic related is from that time. It was already about giantess stuff for me kek (and going around the filter for booba). The gens could be really 'dynamic'

Imagine what we could already have if it wasnt for the cucked censorship
>This looks so relatable
Uhh happen to know any 10ft women?
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A couple then and there isn´t frowned upon, but morons tend to really overcome the tolerance, both in numbers and attitude. So measures get taken.
The last time futa came up, it was concluded that it would encourage them to come in numbers
And the ones that were posted quickly became bestiality fuck monsters
It's like how the guy sits there watching, I'm sitting here admiring the image itself the same way
Almost like a mirror
Nogen loser beggar shitter Pajeet
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I knew it wouldn't do hardcore bondage by default, but no tape over mouth even? I couldn't even get handcuffs to gen properly. I have to dig in to some new models and stuff.
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Check out joschek's LoRAs on civitai
Can you use XL or do you stick to 1.5 for limited hardware?
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I have decent hardware, I just have a limited idea of what the hell I'm doing and little time and drive to look into it much.
You made good use of your time, your gens turned good real fast
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I appreciate that, it wouldn't have been possible without the guides and guidance of people ITT

I like how the AI just decides to put the capitol building right in the middle of a cityscape
That´s a result of training, pics of her most likely tend to have it on the background.
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Good results with zonkey 5.0. Would be interested to know what settings people are using with it.
>futa banned
Don't be retarded.
This is western /d/ and splitting /sdg/ into three different threads on /aco/ would be a waste.
Nice pic
I keep going back to 4.2 because it doesn't seem to prompt as well. Really hard to put my finger on it, but it clearly acts differently

Your logic would apply to the cartoon thread. But this here is realism.
It's actually non-aco to begin with since there is no comic stuff here.
If you're going to be pedantic and your division is between 2D and 3D, then shouldn't you be using the term shemale instead of futa?
But it's not really 2D vs. 3D. Semi-realistic 3D renderings are a gray area and regularly accepted by both threads. Mostly if there is a highly detailed skin texture visible, it goes here.
What this thread is about so far: Realistic women.
Some features can be exaggerated like size, tits, gaping holes.
But having dick and pussy on the same creature is not realistic.
Kind of pedantic, but it quickly devolved into non-human stuff before.
Now a female with a dick? That's basically a flesh colored strap-on. I think this should be here but that's just me.
But again, even if the board is western /d/, this thread here is not even western because it's simply not comic. We try to make "photo" realistic stuff.
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There are 4 AI threads currently on the catalogue and one of them is a bump limit DALL-E thread. I don't see an issue with having a separate extreme/alt AI thread
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glasses always do this for me also. where its like only 50% of the glasses. Maybe there is a lora to add glasses, but It might change the eyes on the subject also. maybe not
But where is the thread to post realistic futa images, all i see is anime bullshit

Btw i need so badly a lora for fashion runaway on pony
How many AI threads does /d/ have? Can't you add a realistic thread over there?
It's a total mess. Time for a dedicated AI board
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requesting this girls boobs be made bigger.
also since the shirt originally covered her entire torso before I edited it the area around her armpits need some reworking.
pubic hair would be nice but lesser importance.
>>8361077 oops
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this "please wait a while before making a post" shit is a pain in the ass lol why do i have to start the timer again if i'm doing something else for 16 seconds after it runs out...

...and then if you mistype the captcha you have to wait again lmao i miss moot
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A thought just occured to me, what if, right, there was a fashion show, but all the models on the catwalk are well known sissy, trap, shemale, ladyboy and trans porntars
That would be a sight?
realistic (lady)boys are pedo
if you want CP, make it yourself
Go there.
>realistic (lady)boys are pedo
How about a Shannen Doherty in honor of her passing
photorealism mate
pedos don't get a pass
they get the rope
So ladyboys would be pedos?
I genuinely don't get it
making content in this thread of underage looking persons is CP
pedos are the ones that need this material
you can do whatever you want in 2D instead
Oh I see.
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>The Force awakens....
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For some reason this lora always tried to make her face look almost cartoony
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Prompt of any of those?
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Um, just curious, do you use a specific file to get boobies like that or is it purely prompting?
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And pigtails
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pony tags you could try:

{massive|large|huge} breasts, sagging breasts, {huge|large} nipples, breast hold

if your pony model doesn't give you good results with these, it's a shit pony model
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But it was also repeated use of img2img
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this is where the real pros hang out
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I've been switching between zonkey 5 and lustify
Hi everyone, do you know how I could get this kind of image?
Or this ?
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"grainy sitcom still,1980s" makes this pic for starters
Pretty standard looking photography stuff
My XL outdoor gens look a lot like that (example >>8376398)
Are you new and looking for places to start?
Very hairy forearms and happy trail and it's going somewhere. More real looking tits too.

Thanks for the prompt tip !

No, I already use ia etc... but I couldn't find any specific templates or prompt to get this kind of photo.

These photos were taken for information on Twitter, evolacore. And so I wanted this kind of template/prompt to generate images like this. If you have any other ideas, don't hesitate to say so.
I don't know what any of that means lol
To get prompt ideas, look for something called a (CLIP) interrogator (or img2prompt, https://replicate.com/methexis-inc/img2prompt)
You feed an image in and it spits out possible prompts
The results don't always make sense of course
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And a fat ass
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Anyone else going through their celeb photo collection and nudifying it?
It's a good way to get started in SD
But it's more fun to make original gens with them
Trying celeb LoRA training now for the missing ones, it's really not that hard
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do you dare plap the wendigussy?
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I think you've genned enough today m8.
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I'm digging it
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Is there any way of improving on this?
Is Tensor.art any good? Can I make something decent with it? I only have a laptop atm
weed wacker?
mfw not making them from scratch with the power of txt2img
finally got expressions working
would look amazing as katy perry and taylor swift
more like these
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Couldnt get her to generate without a lora on pony realism. Even then it required a lot of touching up to not look too shitty.
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Failed attempt at Katy Perry, still like the overall composition though.
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And one more Taylor.
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The pony models don't do celebs
You either need a pony LoRA or adetailer (inpaint) over the face with a non-pony checkpoint
Or both actually, since the pony LoRAs can lack a little likeness
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So *that* is the most dangerous game.
Oh la la...
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solid job
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New version of the LoRA in the works?
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cici mind fucked me so now I have to find a new outlet for my pornographic expression. I installed sd last year but hadn't figured out how to get good results. I gave it new go around a few days ago. Here's something with pony realism, a super short prompt and a face adetailer. Thank you for the resources. I also used perplexity to trouble shoot python error messages when updating automatic1111.
Good you have the basics down
Now make her do stuff:
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