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Elves edition

THIS GENERAL ISN'T JUST ABOUT SLAVE TRAINERS OTHER GENRES OF GAMES FIT HERE ALSO (Please read the next part for further clarification).

This is a general about slave trainer games and the creation of games where you play as a male and dominate women. Discussion about games not being created here is also acceptable as long as it's related to the topic at hand(i.e. playing a male and dominating women). Futa belongs in weg not here. If it has a dick it's not a woman. If you let others fuck her, you're a c u c k and you don't belong here either.

Just use f95zone fag

Tropics list

If I forgot you please mention it

Maverick wrote a guide for scripting. Shows how to write/structure scenes for coders. Good for idea-guys & script-writers:
Contact info for major contributors:
Some of these people are looking for writers and artists. If you're interested mention it.

Report & ignore shitposters, people that scream proxyfag/samefag/waifu/waifufag, people that post beast, multi-male gangbang shit and futa spammers
Previous thread >>8274361
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Better thread
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Was there a new loud house update or something?
I need to look into that after the webm posted from the last thread
The webm got me interested
dubious sluts
Yeah, adds some backstory between Linc/Lynn and supposedly has "cheats" to unlock gallery but I never found out where to use them.

A web search is bringing up nothing, is that is development?
its some dev that posts in this thread and remakes a game every other week
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Cool putting my game's art in the op. I appreciate the support. I recently just released a new beta update to my small community. 0.8 now, only .2 away from release. Added achievements, new art and a dirty talk scene for Sirena, talking about spanking and breaking her. For anyone who doubts the dom part of the game, this scene is heavy on her wanting to be broken and bred.

How do you guys feel about Four elements trainer? I really enjoyed it but it does have some weird content in it. It is all optional though.
>How do you guys feel about Four elements trainer? I really enjoyed it but it does have some weird content in it. It is all optional though.
The whoring parts of it were shit.

The fact you're taking over peoples bodies instead of using your own is also fucking moronic.

But there were good things also
>The fact you're taking over peoples bodies instead of using your own is also fucking moronic.
that's a serious deal breaker, it's a shame I really liked the art, but dropped
oh my reading comprehension
I felt like the fetishes are a bit on the nose, and didn’t have the same gravity of taboo that would make them enticing. I mean, if it’s so common to have breeding pits filled with sex slaves, sluts can strut around naked in public without batting an eyelash, and people act like being super sexual is normal, all really deflates the tension. It’s not even sexy in way that weird shit being normalized can be sexy, it just feels boring.

I don’t think it’s a dealbreaker, at least initially, since ostensibly, you start out as the avatar reliving a past life. It would make sense if you were only possessing Aang, especially since the the avatar is supposed to be the same person, just reincarnated. It gets wonky right afterwards, though, because you go from possessing Aang, to possessing Zuko or your own donutsteele OC, back to Aang, and then to Tenzin.

Both of these problems prevented me from really getting into it. That, and there was just something slightly off about the art style. The art is not bad, but it’s good enough that the imperfections feel uncanny.
this was made first, migrate

Ignore the shitposter here.
>How do you guys feel about Four elements trainer?
Boring. Maybe if I had been into Avatar or Naruto or whatever I would have felt differently.
I liked that it had loli I hated what they did with the mc
I mean he could have just added time travel instead
I think he wanted to have his cake and eat it too, by inserting fetishes that can only be done between specific characters, while also having an internally consistent narrative allowing to be able to play as different characters.

In my opinion, he should have narrowed down on the fetishes he really wanted, chose only one protagonist, and to not get so horny-brained to forget that if everything is sexual than nothing is sexual.

Also, he should have hired a writer or editor on retainer. With the exception of the really common archetype of a protagonist, the character writing was mediocre.
it's not SOME dev, he's seemingly the only one actually being able to deliver a masterpiece, once he finds the right ingredients. neither tropic's game nor the one from the OP pic interest me, but prince adolf's game i'm hyped for.
Yeah that sounds about right.
maybe one day.
I hope this is a game that will run on joiplay
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I like the Avatar girls, that was the main draw for me.

Yeah, I think part of it being on the nose was the jokey writing. It didn't take itself seriously, which diminished a lot of the tension.

I thought the MC stuff was weird as well. Can't always get what we want in a game, but I'm ok with it as long as it doesn't force what I don't like and doesn't have what I hate.

It is made with Unity. I'm targeting only Windows for now but once it is 1.0, I will check out building it to Mac, Linux and Android.
how long will that timeframe be? do you release the game in 0.x updates? or release it all at once including the android version?
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I'm very picky and I have a very specific workflow. I do not like to release something that isn't in an extremely healthy state, i.e. no bugs, lots of content and features and tools established. I also do a lot of testing to ensure I like a feature and how it's implemented, content creation being streamlined is a must.

Currently, I'm at 0.8.1, and I have 2 more major features before 1.0. Content/Feature list so far:
- 1 hour of Rune story + 1 H
- 5-minute Sirena dirty talking about spanking (purchasable via achievements)
- Achievements and checklist window, 25 achievements
- Rune's achievement shop
- 4 selectable guides that teach you how to play, welcome you and you can chat a bit with
- version checking, change log window with each version coming with a unique mini scene
- music system (so far with a lot of scratch tracks)
- Outfit system, you can for example set a guide to be nude and all her scenes work with the change

I want to finish for 1.0:
- 10 minute world/story intro
- cleaning up Rune's content
- items for Rune's shop
- many minor tweaks
- scene titles
- scene info panel

Giving a time is not easy as a game dev since I never know what might be more tough than I thought, or I might come up with new ideas. I'd like to say next Friday is 1.0. Then I can relax for a week and test out the other versions. I'm 90% sure it should be very easy to build for mac and Linux. Android I have no clue since I've never developed or built for mobile.

I could write up a dev guide for Unity if there are any devs interested in making a Unity VN/game. I also have a few tools I could share.
Why is everyone suddenly using unity
I've been using Unity for 15 years. Other people? Because it is a great engine, easy to use, insane quality assets on the store, tons of resources and so on.
I'd just use renpy
renpy sluts
I always suggest Unity with nani novel. It is 100x easier and more featureful than renpy. Also you can do a lot more and build to a lot more platforms. With some extra tools I can import a character PSD and directly have it in game fully working with poses in a matter of minutes simply by drag/dropping.

I write all my scenes during runtime, so I'm playing the scene while making it. God I love nani novel
>Because it is a great engine
>It is 100x easier and more featureful than renpy
Okay but how does it run? Every Unity game I've played, admittedly by hobbyists, has run like absolute garbage.
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Posting in this thread just to show my support for Yours To Conquer. You go, YTCDev.
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>Okay but how does it run? Every Unity game I've played, admittedly by hobbyists, has run like absolute garbage.
That is because they have no clue what they are doing given a larger tool set. Using Nani out of the box runs perfectly fine on all platforms. Depending on the complexity, it should run faster than renpy since Python is a slower language and you have less access to compression tools and formats.

Out of the box Unity should run faster than Godot and Unreal. I've been doing game dev for a LONG time and started with Unreal back in the day. I have industry experience (which I regret since it's a soulless machine) and teach. Unity is the best engine, unless you have a specific reason to use another engine or not use Unity. I always recommend people try them all and find which workflow they prefer. They all have their ups and downs.

Pic rel is my main game for visual context. My stress testing in a dense foilage area with 15 NPCs all using abilities and the environment being destroyed I get 100+ fps on a 6-year-old gaming laptop. I also don't use multithreading, if I did I could probably half my CPU usage for NPCs.
Yeah but the unity fags often don't export to linux so they can blow me
I don't think most people have a linux machine to test out the linux builds. I have a steam deck, that's what I'll be testing it on
>build to a lot more platforms
Really? I didn't know Unity can run on more platforms than Ren'py. To me that is one of the most important features it has since Ren'py can run on Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, in browser and IOS.
use virtual machines
virtual sluts
Any way to get access to the beta?
I'm very picky about letting people try it while it is still cooking but I need individuals to provide feedback and test it. I have a spicy discord server that you can request access to by emailing:

If you are ok with it slowly coming along and being a bit rough, feel free to email and I can send you an invite.
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one day... ;_;
>> that image
Fantastic - charming + hilarious.
Would Free Cities count as a slave trainer?
Free shitties is awful as a porn game.
charming sluts
I haven't been to these threads in years, but I want to make a slave trainer with a TF focus where you enslave monster girls/humans or maybe anthros, (I haven't decided yet which style I'll go for, but I know if I go anthro I will post on trash instead since it's not allowed here), and you train/TF them, then sell them, or keep them and use them for farming/milking/adventuring for/with you, but what I'm wondering is. How do the big name slave trainers stay on patreon? As I thought patreon banned coercion, noncon, and hypno which is typical for the genre.

Also would like to know if I have optional futa, NTR, sissy, tftg, etc. is it still ok to post here? If not I understand, I know the OP states futa and cuck is for weg but I just wanted to know if it's optional, if I still have to go the metaphorical weg cuckshed lol. Plus any other advice for new devs?

I've seen you post in the dev threads, I'm glad to see you've come so far and close to release, very nice art.
Why would you want such cancer even if optional.
cute art, make a fucking game
Sorry, It's just some of my fetishes, I like the idea of capturing male, futa or female monsters and adventurers, then sissifying or transforming them into monster girls slaves or milk factories. The NTR would have options to disable the player getting cucked, or the player being the bull or both. With a disclaimer even if you have it on that you were entering a NTR route so you can avoid it. I won't post progress here and just use /trash/, /weg/ and /d/, but I may come back when I have a demo just to see if any of you'd like it, and if no one here does then I'll stick to the other threads. I think some of you may enjoy it though, if you just disable a few fetishes at the start, at it's core it's going to be a maledom literal slave trainer game after all. I may not even keep the NTR, but the sissy, futa, TF, and TG content is part of the core idea, although I may allow a toggle for sissy and possibly futa content.
>Four element trainer

I forgot his name, but the third(?) Chapter while playing as Tenzin (aka the evil route iirc) is hilarious, it genuinely got a few good laugh out of me, which I wasnt expecting from a goddamned porn game.
your mom is shit
Korra is a low quality slut. Get a better taste in sluts
how is she low quality?
>He even has to ask this
sad sluts
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I'm working on a new scene for Sirena. You can have her blow you or you can eat her out before you bend her over.
>you can eat her out
Yeah, now I'm a 100% certain you are a girl irl.
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Please read the first part of what I wrote and check the pic. It is up to the player how they want the scene to go. The scene always ends with you bending her over. Also, her only content now in the game is a scene where she talks about being dominated and spanked by you the player.

I just realised you are more than likely the dude spamming blacked stuff. Oh well, good excuse to post more info about the game. Thanks for the (you)!
ngl, you sound like a cuck.
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Very excited for your game. Especially Sirena. Dude is a cuck if he doesn't want to return the favor on a hot drow. Will say this though homie, even if it's a throw away account, be careful putting your email out on 4chan.
It's a public email and made for this purpose. I can easily delete it as well. Plus the whole thing is safe behind an authentication app.
Blowjob scene looks good. Are the elves in this setting the typical elves are superior type of elves or what.

I think calling someone a cuck for what the dev posted is retarded. However in a porn fantasy lel the idea of eating someone out is disjointed from the male fantasy. One of the main reasons its done is due the fact that men don't have the female advantage of being able to go forever, something porn protags don't really have a problem with.

There are more people that like being jerked off by womens feet then actually eating one out.(Nearly as baffling)

There is a reason there are so many jokes about this, men don't like to do it. It also gives you mouth cancer.

Really the men you say constantly talk about liking it always look like the faggots irl.

Didn't know that was wordfiltered since I never use it. Lel
wut is she a clown?
Clown pussy
clown reaction for clown anons
I guess
>Didn't know that was wordfiltered since I never use it.
what is the filtered word?
Elves are for worshiping human cock
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Very true! I even wrote them to be like that in the game's world. A female-only race that needs human men. Nothing more comfy than that.
playing summertime sagas update rn. and first off haveing to start a new save is trash design. second i started in cheat mode to fast forward and skip shit ive seen but apparently its so bugged no npcs are spawning. only the mom and sister
epic work only took 5 years
Lel there won't even be new content for like 4 years
Didn't realize that
So do elves get birth to female elves and male humans?
I generalized a bit, the greater idea is:
Elves mainly have female children, they can give birth to males but it's rare and when they do it's rare the child survives (there is a lore reason for this). So there have been male elves. They give birth to elves and can mix with male elves and only specific human men (divine touched as they call them). During the time of the game, their island only has a female population, the last king recently has gone missing. They can conceive children with magic but it's a practice looked down on. Natural-born elves show off their belly buttons (magic-born have them too but aren't supposed to show them off). That's why Vivienne and Sirena have exposed navels (they are natural born). I like the idea of cultural tisms.

I have a retarded amount of writing on the topic and how it all connects but this is already a blog post and a half.
Imagine a male elf being born and raised and he gets together with a human woman.
Any cool 2D game from the last 5 years you would recommend? Was already going to check the game on OP btw
Another Chance, Maeve Academy
>Wanting a human woman
What a fucking mistake
what game has the kinkiest/hottest mindbreaks? Stuff that's really satisfying to see.
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Yes but no one likes it here, I assume bc it's text based.
The AI Art module that runs using stable diffusion is a lot of fun, and there's now a Tavern export for slaves. And the game is still under active development.
Someone's eventually going to get a successful port of the entire IC into a 3D engine (it's been attempted a few times...).
Speaking of which, most of that content is in FC...
Right on queue
Is there a retard-proof guide somewhere for it? And for FC in general. I never tried it out, since text-only is offputting.
Obviously akabur games
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> retard-proof guide
Experience tells me such a thing does not exist.
But you can d/l source here: https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/
Precompiled is here (continuously updated): https://mega.nz/#F!vzxgwKwL!L4V4JEk1YfWcvC7EG76TMg
For AI Art: Pic related is basic enablement.
You'll need to install Automatic1111, which is a whole thing of its own, and ofc have a computer that can run Stable Diffusion and gen images in ~30 seconds or so (read: modern computer w/ graphics card.)
Maeve's Academy has almost no content
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FC with SD is insane, really improves your experience. Wish there was a game like FC with more slave interaction and without that excel spreadsheet part, I just want to fuck around with slaves (both literally and figuratively)
Personally, my problem with AI slop is that most dudes making it don't even bother making solid pics with it and touching them up. They make trash that looks fucked up like they are just using the first output. It gives me a mighty feeling they are low-IQ retards.
Yeah, you can get very good results just by using decent prompts and inpainting. But apparently spending 10 minutes to read a fucking guide on that shit is too much effort for your average ai-jeet.
I had in mind a transformation game, which would use SD to gen images, and be something like a trainer or bimboizer. SD does a fairly good job making images based on prompts that slowly alter the npc. It could be a slave trainer, or prisoner experiment, etc. I’ve no idea what engine I’d use.
FC AI Art is always going to be slop by that definition. There’s no active alteration of images; you basically get one shot and that’s it. Much of the prompting and lora work that went into FC was based on idea FC would be a one shot gen engine.
NAh the porn is garbage
>Right on queue
He is right though, it's not so much a porn game as a management sim. As a managementCHAD I have no problem with that but I understand why others do.
Most free shitties fanboys won't understand this post.
So the pregmod is the FC itself? Becasue when I tried googling FC; the original seemed abandoned, correct?
Yes, the original was abandoned long time ago. I don't know why they still call it pregmod.
Pregmod isn't a "mod" in the sense that you need the original in order for it to work. It's standalone.
Because they can't handle the truth
Pregmod and FC are interchangeable at this point. The original FC was set aside a long time ago. There were several forks, but Pregmod is the only one that I know of under active development today.
Thanks frens, it was kinda strange before, now I get it.
I think it’s out of respect for the original author. The OC content is considered sacrosanct by the main devs supporting it, as there’s no other lore available.
It’s been completely rewritten at this point, from original Twine to JS. I don’t know what if anything it uses from original sugarcube scripting.
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Working on a new character design
very cute
cute sluts
the cutest

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