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No off topic garbage, low quality images, or trolling. ERP is OK!

>About /xivgd/
OG Balless futas, full package herms, and vaginaless transwomen are all welcome.

>Dickgirl/Futa Mods

>Previous Thread

>Vanilla Thread
>Fag Thread
>Off Topic/Fetish/AI Thread
>Drama Thread
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>Vanilla Thread
>Fag Thread
>Off Topic/Fetish/AI Thread
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smooching that +
Any link towards a hrothgal cock mod? Barbs or knots I mean.
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Oh gosh! being smooched by such a cute Elezen...
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such a cute bunny deserves to have her balls smooched~!
Holy moly she's hot, is she into male chars tho

Where does one go for hot m x f+/f+ x m action like this
Who is she? She's perfect.
I wanna kissu that pp~
yum, breakfast
Anyone got benis mods working yet?
Yeah they are working but since we are missing IVCS posing right now is a little complicated because you cant move around the pp also animations dont work either.
We're so back
Lucky! I don't want to reinstall textools, so I'm stuck waiting for penumbra to update :(
penumbra is up but you gotta reinstall

what I did: uninstall penumbra -> remove the repo -> restart game -> check the testing build updates box in the experimental tab -> add repo back and reinstall.
Oh! I'll give that a try in the morning when I get back from work, then!
nice op
for that one person in the last thread who was talking about futa size content, while again it isn't in game there is more from that one guy making ai futa ff14 pics (just going to link that part of the thread instead of posting any images here) >>11061834
ok i don't really know how to link across boards, whoops
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Quick and dirty one, we still don't have PP bones... its so over T-T
>That scoff
Cutest futa rava I've ever seen
Post big meaty gocks
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you can't tell people what to do like that
You should probably post more of that meat, anyway...
I second this motion, need more gock
Cute bunny
what cock mod? also is that pre-DT?
smol gocks
who is this queen anyway
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pre-dt and it's nyl's, stay strong and wait for updates :)
if you're willing to use textools you can probably get this look again already
I need a hroth mommy to knot me
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Tifa mod?
Post sleeve
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Ixion up on Balmung
what pp mod?
Thank you! <3
Still patiently waiting for Penumbra to update. Until then, I'll get my gock fix here!
It's up long ago, you need to enable testing versions in the experimental tab and then restart your game. Then right click on penumbra and toggle "recieve experimental testing versions"

Most mods can be fixed by TexTools, just use the "update for DT" somewhere in the options
Thanks! I'll try it out now
Working now! Thank you very much!
Tried out the testing version of penumbra, and it works! I'll need to update my other mods, but I'll be back to making the occasional pic with smol pp lizzer soon enough! The scales on her horns, neck, and tail don't match up with the ones on her body at the moment, so I'll need to figure out which mods are causing the problem and fix them. Problem for another day, though. I'm just happy it works. :)
Fixed it! Nekkid smol pp lizzer is back! Now, I just need to tinker with poses when I have more free time.
utter perfection holy hell, I offer my life in service
[spoiler]she looks so much better now lmfao[/spoiler]
The new lighting and stuff works wonders, don't it?
Would let you do so many things to my Sunnie
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somehow I don't believe you
Any recommendation for a body that has
>Small tits
>Small cock
>Big ass
Its for a bunny if that matters. Nymph seems like a cute choice but thats too flat for me.
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I'm dogshit at posing so is art okay?

This has a lot of breast and penis options, including pretty flat but not completely flat
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Cool, here's more.
Bottom shemales?
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>Cute femboy/smol dickgirl kinda feel
>Quite a few choices of trendy, cute, and/or sexy clothes
>Literally has ZERO ass
>cute smol pp and flat chest
>no booty
>no hips
What in Christ's name is that face sculpt
Low effort

cute lil pp
How do you feel about nursing handjobs
Gonna hose this stinky bitch off before forcing her into a chastity cage and turning her into a proper submissive bottom bitch
I swear to god biofems have no idea what actually looks good and they're just faking it/coping what gay men tell them to do
has bibo trans been updated to new textures yet
I like the hotdog dick when it's erect and when I'm just doing futa on futa or futa on female, but I really don't like doing male on futa when the dicks are different. hotdog also has terrible foreskin and only has large bibo legs
where are all the hung giants
Needs pounded
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good shit
and then she topped them both
Eventually, but not yet...
I can't say I understand the point of the massive lips and breast surgery scars, but if that's what gets you off, I suppose that's your business, not mine.
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Then why are you making it your business? Faggot.
Youre more passive agressive than a real woman
What option are there for futa cocks now? Any fitting YAB body?
I use the updated bibo+, but that's mostly because it has small cocks and full-package futa options.
No idea if it'll fit YAB, though. I haven't used that body type.
Nyl works with updated YAB, that's the only one I know.
the thought of a hrothgal knot knocking up my thighlander is driving me wild
Post her
can't post her, she's not a futa and also i don't want people from here to see her
i'm just an admirer
in FF lore, there really isn't!

To me, fake tits and big lips are hot. The idea of her sporting out big fakies is nice.
A shame, I play a knotted hrothgal +, would've loved to sleeve you up, out of curiosity, DC?
Where the fuck am I supposed to post Lamaty'i's fat gock
Ah, I'm not on NA unfortunately, I mean we could meet on Materia if anything
Catbox it I think jannies are super anal about fur shit
Calm down, Alisaie
i could meet, name a place
I can't really right now, but I'll tag your post again when I'm up!
sure <3
i dont have a sub atm but i can be ur sub on my free trial account...or dom whatever prefer am a switch. im also on primal
I can meet up if you want to Anon let me know if you're around
i'm around, name any place and i'll meet you there
How about Sophia, Gridania on Materia?
I'll be near the Aetheryte... At... The Knot, pun not intended.
It's not even her final form :)
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rest of the set at imgchest.com/p/5xy2lmnjn4l, probably a bit too spicy for this board

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