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Summer edition

Previous thread >>8204809

Thread question: Where did your love of mermaids come from? Was it a singular event or experience, something more gradual and subtle, or a mix of both?
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Mine was as follows

>be me, 4 or 5 years old
>at library
>skimming through a book on mythological creatures for whatever reason
>get to page on mermaids
>see picrel
>immediately stunned and mesmerized
>in my eyes, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen
>eventually put away the book after standing there for who knows how long
>extremely flustered for the rest of the time there and the ride back
>thankfully my mom didn't notice
>from there I secretly tried to learn as much as I could about mermaids
>I'd have fantasies about them
>I imagined my female classmates in school as secretly mermaids
>whenever my female cousins would come over to swim in our pool, I'd always want them to pretend to be mermaids and I me a shark
>they always agreed, mainly because they thought it was fun
>years go by and the fascination grows stronger
>hit puberty and teenage years and learn what a fetish is
>realize I've had it since childhood
>commit myself even more to consuming any piece of media that had mermaids
>rest is history

I'm still amazed all it took was one illustration to get me where I am today. I do hope I eventually get a partner who also shares the same level of fetishism I do, but I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery lmao
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Mermaid peach was the greatest thing nintendo could ever do for me, I'd wanted her to be real for years

I busted so many nuts the night she got leaked
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thick tail made for hugging and squeezing
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I wonder if that webbedfingers guy on pixiv lurks these threads, he'd love picrel
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This concludes my dump. That was a pain in the ass to get through, but I wanted this new thread to have a strong start
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I wish I could pay for the creator to make more scenes
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I used to read greek myths a lot when I was young. It probably sowed the seeds of my tf fetish, but there were also harpies and sirens and other beings that were part human female and part something else. Likely the love of mermaids grew from that.
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Reminder from /co/ that calling mermaids "sushi" to her face tends to enrage them
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For the previous thread did anyone else's image counter hit 301? Because i didnt see any deleted posts
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I have it bookmarked, and you're right. The image count jumped to 301 from something like 280. Even though no new images were posted aside from last night's dump
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waggy sackies
Is this a post tf thing? Part of a bigger comic?
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that appears to be the case
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Best girl arrived
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Based eel naga
that chubby elf anime airing this season
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>be me, 4 or 5 years old
>at library
>skimming through a book on mythological creatures for whatever reason

Hey annon, out of curiosity did you get a copy of the book?

I mean considering it awaken something important in you I would imagine you went out of your way to get a copy of what awaken it and keep it for memory/nostalgia sakeā€¦

(Would be legendary if you stole the book from the library, not any random copy but THE ONE that began your mermaid kink)
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Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find what book it was. I only rediscovered that image a few years ago while I was browsing mermaid art.

Given just how many books about "mythological creatures" exist already, trying to pin down that specific one would be like a needle in a haystack.

Really, the book itself is inconsequential; it's the illustration that's the important part. I imagine if the book had used an illustration or statue of Atargatis, I probably wouldn't browse these boards lol
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Rip in peace nagatoro
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You may not like it, but this is what peak mermaid looks like.
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You're right, I don't
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All mermaid vtubers must show their tail while streaming
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