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Her and her mom
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why do you think he almost never draws her getting piped
There's plenty, but it's all with the artists fucking midget self insert character.
My only complaint is just how impersonal it is. Every piece he does involving penetration barely feels as if that is happening.
Also even though the long dick shota was funny sometimes it just doesn't work at all in porn
that's like 1/80th of all his stuff, and it looks terrible. the best thing he drew was it happening off screen with that dad who made a bet with her that if he won, she'd give his kids some step-siblings
>and it looks terrible
That's just your opinion bro, everybody's got one.
cool. mine's right though
No it isn't.
depends who you ask
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Anyone got the full set?
she really needs more anal.
Something something my character is too precious to get fucked by anyone.

Artists like Inkershire, Cake, Diives, and Nuclearwasabi, ALL bound by petty morale with their OCs.

Thank God for artists like Ploxy, Arabatos, Lucy fuchs (at least back in their heyday), iron-0xide, and others who said "fuck that noise!"
Commission more then.
>hit tge bell
>throatfucking CM...
and he'll never draw it
sorry ur thread sux bro
Maybe he will, maybe he won't.
It's a possibility
Fair enough.
this anon gets it
Need more art of CG getting knocked up. A girl drawn with tits and hips like that really should have at least one decent preggo pic.
honestly, this is relatively niche for a thread, but I wish you Command Grab fans good luck. She's peak.
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Nuclear Wasabi has done plenty of porn with his other characters. With Command Grab, the entire joke was that she's a fapbait character but you never see her naked or actually getting fucked. Not his patreon is practically nothing but her getting stripped and fucked.
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It's literally just so he can do multiple layers on the same base picture and split them up between his patreon tiers.

"CG cumming with hearts in her eyes and she moans 'I love you' as she's lovingly impregnanted" is probably something we'll never see because all of the pics of her getting dicked down are either for humiliation or her losing a bet.
in sadpanda

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