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The content of his that you can post anyways
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i love goth sluts
you're not dying so another ai fart tranny thread can live, not yet
Same brother
Condom impregnation
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Andava makes very hot stuff, how does he compare with Calm and Shadman? Is he considered a good artist?
Andava is good but c'mon. Shadman is just on another level
Nah Shadman is better
No way, Shadman may be more provocative but Andava got better girls
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always confuse this dude and pumps_nsfw
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this thread needs more Grace
shadman is fucking garbage
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is there any more of the big nosed one?
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this one?
Her name is Erica
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what phenotype is that?
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Nah you're insane. Shadman is the best artist ever. Andava learned all he knows from THE Shad
andava hates shadman.
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whats the story behind this?
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dont let the thread die fuckers
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best andava girl
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almost forgot andava was a lolicon too. but atleast he draws them in a petite young lady way ig
Seconding this. Can't find any info on this...
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Shadman is a pretty bad artist desu. He just got by being the edgy internet man of the 2010's. But you'll note it's 2024 and not 2016

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