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A thread for farting and burping art of western origin.

Previous thread:
Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org (Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org (vintage and rare onara art)
Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:https://discord.gg/XkzsGwk

>No begging for kemonoparty updates or asking for unsolicited requests
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Keep up the variety
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman)
>No furry/anthro (monster girls are allowed)
>No Yokai Watch/single series spamming
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No wonder he took a break, this looks bad and good at the same time somehow.
He didn't take a break...
and what's wrong with it?
Don’t expect a reason, some fags just like to tug their lonely dicks and complain on these boards
Why are you here if not to tug your dick?
To defend black queens, of course.
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Unironically Based.
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Unironically pathetic.
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Submit to your stanky ebony goddesses, ytboy
I won't say that is bad, but it does feel a little bit uninspired, like a close friend begged him to do it. But maybe I'm reading too much idk
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Huge shoutout to asian artists who still censor their art in twitter out of all places
It's part of their fetish.
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Because dropping in to watch a club of gooners critique their porn is really entertaining
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Brap Royale elimination 13: Yeah, the prompts for the feast in the simulator wouldn't save or execute properly. So I have to improvise for this elimination and the next one.

So the prompt came out as: Zelda (CDI) sets an explosive off, killing Goal, Vanessa, and Charlotte Custard.

So I decided to use this one as a free space.
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I will never get over you managing to make Zelda from the CDI games actually fucking hot, like good on you man

Who’s left after this?
too based for words
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Any Queen Marika braps?
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Stage 1: Denial.
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This is kinda the case for me. The first brap content I ever watched was Lizzy and whenever she accidently crapped a giant "OOPS!" would censor her butt. As a guy who doesn't like seeing scat it was a hot compromise.
Stage 2: Anger.
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Who's Art Belongs to?
It was drawn for a previous thread. Anonymous artist.
Don't suppose we'll get any art of the Satisfactory girls after the latest trailer had one rip ass and almost shit herself

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I want Chun-Li to tie my face to her ass for a whole day.
That's it, that's the post.
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The ones who are left are CDI Zelda, Chisato, Hex Maniac, and Cassandra.
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>still butthurt over getting banned
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Truly only peaks remains now!

Honestly despite being the guy who added Cassandra to this, I’m pretty chill with any of the remaining 4 winning. Though I am hoping my gal gets at least one more fart in
You want an old woman to fart on you?
It's Chun-Li.
who drew this art?
old lady farts are rank dude
I agree
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Uh, based? Where do you think we are?
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Well top 3 get full rendered drawings. So, your chances are good.
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is that not one of the appeals of this fetish
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some people like the sound more than the smell thats probably why
I wish I could experience that Harley farting scene for the first time again. Like why did they put that in and why aren't there more official animations of her farting?
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That makes it even better
you all fell for my bait to post more old lady farts
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if you wanted milf/older lady braps all you had to do was ask, my friend
It doesn't work when it's the exact same handful already posted in these threads instead of actual new pictures.
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There's no new art because GILFs aren't drawn a lot to begin with.
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A goddamn shame, that.
Did Cadence from Necrodancer end up doing anything?
I rather see them than this putrid shit
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Does anybody have links or vids of farting contests or some other stuff like that? I find them really hot
Still antsy over racial slurs on 4chan?
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Your issue is with the mods, not me.
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this guy can only make a single pose
Which is a shame because he did have some variety before he went on to repeatedly hop on and off of twitter.
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Looked over the list... she was supposed to be in the last drawing... sorry anon.

I'll draw her solo as consolation. I'm unsure if there's anyway I can take a request from you without having to ask and depend on the honor system. But, if you can figure that out, i'd be more than happy to take it.

(You know, so some other anon doesn't pose as you. you never know if anyone else wanted her to win as well.)

Once again, my apologies.
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Or if you could, screenshot my post replying to you with your request. That could work.
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The only female character who canonically braps in the CSM universe is dead, bros...
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I like how Mitsuri being a massive braphog is likely canon due to the insane amounts of food she eats
when did she fart?
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it's a good pose
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Based. This is the ideal woman
when you draw all the time it gets pretty boring and limited on what you can do with it besides changing the character
perhaaps he should draw it but from other angles and perspectives
Power shat without flushing.
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Shitting isn't farting
Surprised they didn't have this joke in the game. Sequel when?
never ever
You're not really into farts if you're not into scat
>bro it's all from the same hole so you HAVE to like it bro
What a shit-eating faggot you are.
>both from the same hole
>both smell bad
>both give the girl massive relief
>both jiggle the buttcheeks when forceful enough
No no he's got a point
Any reason you have for liking farts over poopie is arbitrary
Any reason you have for liking literal shit is a bad one.
>no argument
Maybe for a dumb ape who can’t distinguish the difference between briefly smelly air and solid human waste
Go back to your toilet country, pahjeet
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Wonder what happed to their previous account(s)
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Miku braps
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today I will remind them
who made this?
There's no real difference unless it involves your mouth.
Libright gets a bad deal here by getting a whore instead of a cowgirl or whatever. Somebody had a bias.

Probably a libleft. Would explain the garbage editing.
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I like this girl. Artist?
@iiikodo on twitter. I think they went by soggysomnia before the account got nuked. Some of their stuff exists on r34 too.
>they went by soggysomnia before the account got nuked
oh for fucks sake this is the 6th time she does this.
i blame the retards from xitter for blowing her cover everytime she makes an account.
Yotsuba all grown up?
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I feel wrong just thinking about that

Toxixent on deviantart
Not my fault my eyes can see.
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>Your issue is with the mods, not me.
I have issues with both.
It clearly has to be a reference to her, right
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Was gonna wait and post this commission I got from Zaina until they actually posted it themselves, but considering it's been nearly a year since I got this, and they're kinda dead right now... Here you guys go.
Nice! And yeah I hope Zaina is alright. It's one thing to quit and it's another to go radio silent.
What Danganronpa girl’s farts would you want to huff the most?
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Anybody still have a folder or something of Smeo's stuff?
The person who did said they'd dump it in the /onara/ Discord if interest was expressed. Interest was expressed, but no folder was shared, then someone joined the server just to beg for it like a faggot and we haven't heard anything since then.
Personally, I'm still waiting for it to be shared.
Miu, of course, is the most fitting.
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We can only hope that Zaina will come back someday.
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Damn :(
>Literally lives inside a toilet
Why is there no brap art of hanako san yet brap bros? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanako-san
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I can't believe anyone on this earth wanted to see kamala harris farting. fucking yuck
>Why is there no brap art of about a kid that lives in a toilet that kills people?
This, draw Tulsi ripping bombs on Kamala's stupid face instead
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good fucking taste
why is this picture drawn so weirdly realistically feels like shes staring into my soul i dont like it
remove the killing part then and just have hanako san fart up a stinky storm
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There's some art in pixiv. Most of her spotlight was stolen by an OC that's basically blonde Hanako.
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Yeah, exactly, why isn't there more?
>Ohhh.. I didn't think I'd make it
>Doesn't make it
I just need a thicc girl in tight jeans letting out kingassripper-tier wet farts.
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Hey anon, what's the source? Lwa braps are kinda rare
ok yoshi
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Jean farts are one of sexiest subset of braps in this coomunity. You don't have to have severe autism like Yoshi to like them.
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Second part is her dropping a bomb in the toilet, so scat warning.

Imagine being Kaede’s piano seat cushion.
I can see her bragging about how noxious her farts are, then becoming an apologetic mess if someone really calls her out on it.
Everyone here has severe autism, including us. We're on 4chan.
It's true. I've thought way too much about the physics of farting
Sorry to serious post here, but can someone please help me, I feel like im being gaslit. I had a conversation with someone last night, and she told me all fetishes/kinks are a symptom of porn addiction and niche internet communities enabling autists to jack off to "weird shit". She said most young men with fetishes got them from watching youtube videos, but that's not the case with me at all. I cant remember how I discovered my fetish, but it definitely wasnt through discovering it via the fucking internet. Do people actually believe fetishes were invented by the internet now? By the end of the conversation she basically called me a hopeless pervert with no future because I have a fart fetish
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Should’ve asked her to let one rip
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James Joyce was gooning to his wife's farts way before the radio was even popular. Benjamin Franklin wanted woman to fart more and to make farting socially acceptable. The oldest joke recorded is of a woman farting on her husband's lap. Humans have been fascinated about farts for thousands of years. Granted internet porn is like fucking pure heroin you can get into from a very young age with no effort at all. God knows the types of kinks Gen A will have with the weird shit that's being mass produced on youtube and social media
>God knows the types of kinks Gen A will have
But aren't fetishes something you awaken, and not something you just arbitrarily get? Like farts aren't meant to be sexual, and tons of people awaken their fart fetish by just watching a comedy sketch of a woman ripping ass on tv. I personally feel like no matter what media I was exposed to as a kid, I was always going to have a fart fetish. It's just meant to be.
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I love when people crop fart porn
I've seen this image on /v/ a few times. Still funny to see them get all excited for it, only to deflate when they hear it's brap porn
>I can see her bragging about how noxious her farts are, then becoming an apologetic mess if someone really calls her out on it.
>No grotesque bodies
I distinctly remember thinking about girls farting in an erotic way before i was exposed to the internet. That said there are some fetishes out there (cuckshit, raceplay, futa) that i think are true products of porn addiction or at the very least a decline in moral standards.
>By the end of the conversation she basically called me a hopeless pervert with no future because I have a fart fetish
Stop telling people about your fart fetish negro word will spread
to be honest, I always took fetishes as having formed from what you've seen and also (but not always) having different brain wiring/being neurodivergent or whatever the term is. Basically, if you watched a lotta fart jokes in cartoons, it may awaken a fart fetish in you (but not always). If you're like autistic or whatever, it may help increase the chances of kinks developing and what not. That's my take on things, at least.
The idea of a complete prude humiliating herself by farting in front of someone who she was just calling a brap addicted pervert, her face getting as red as a tomato

I think it's a subset of the "girlfriend who calls you a faggot" genre, or even just the idea of a pure woman calling you out for your dirty deeds, only to out herself as a degenerate because she let a niche term slip, for example, saying "braps" instead of "farts"
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>ed edd n eddy style fart porn
what a time to be alive.
Why do we have so much fetish superiority here? It's always "Oh THOSE fetishes are for disgusting degenerates while our fetish is just an extension of natural sexual desires" or whatever the fuck people are spouting nowadays
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That's how it is for every fetish/kink. People hate themselves for having niche sexual fixations they can't control, so they shift the focus to other people
>at least I don't have THAT fetish, THOSE people are the worst!
It's even worse now that redpillnet believes fetishes were created by evil porn jews, and far lefties believe any fetish is a byproduct of misogyny. It creates a negative feedback loop and makes younger guys and girls feel ashamed for being attracted to something as innocent as farting
its the same reason you see the same incel spamming the nword every other post. He feels deeply ashamed because of his fetish, so he needs to put other people down to feel superior
Away, twitterfaggot
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farts that reek of rotten fish might be where i draw the line brap bros
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If it doesn't smell like HOT GARBAGE I want no parts of it
there he is
Frankly, your weakness disgusts me.
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I rather a hot garbage gf than rotten fish gf
Does anyone know what Max's fetish alt is? You can't tell me this motherfucker isn't into farts
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beanermane is pretty good at emulating different anime artstyles honestly
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Can we please get some girl on girl crotch farts that aren't futa?? There's a lot of potential there but practically no artists have drawn it.
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Scissoring farts would be fucking PEAK
>both girls take turns split positioning their butt on the other girl's privates and act as a vibrator as they rip massive ass
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been a long time since I've seen a good disgust pic
I have never watched/read Chainsaw Man - nor do I ever plan to - but I would 100% swallow Makima's braps. There is simply something special about her.
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Thinking of how many brap artists we're going to lose because they drew that elevator pic that Shadman did.
Is Shad in the public eye again or something? Are people rediscovering him, or somehow seeing his art for the first time?
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That situation with Mr. Beast and the trans person being accused of grooming kids had people making lists of everyone who talked to Shad because the accused got some commission from him and hung it up on the wall
Damn, the Smiling Friends boys and every pre-2015 Newgrounds animator is on the chopping block then
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They tried a few years ago when Chris O'Neill was in a feud with a trans artist. Oney made it clear he didn't give a shit and the twitter mob eventually left him alone. Now he's the composer on Smiling Friends and twitter trannies have nothing to say about it.
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I think more people are referencing the Tenn version since it blew up in the FNAF fandom
the male brap thread is back, in case anybody here is at all interested. Though, knowing the shitfits i've seen people throw about male farts, I don't imagine too many are interested. Still, the option's there.

half the people on that list barely had any or zero interactions with him i doubt anything is going to happen buts its pretty crazy how much there doing to not make that person look bad
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As far as I can tell like 90% of the people doing it are just clout chasers while basically everyone else either doesn't care anymore because it was so long ago and or that they're getting sidetracked from you know, someone being accused of grooming a minor

I know they've tried cancelling the Oney guys before but basically no one gives a shit anymore because everyone knows it's for clout
It's all damage control, because that's all troons and their dickriders know.
>one of our beloved trans womxn did this?
>well LOOK! [unrelated person] did it TOO!
not enough
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>you see the same incel spamming the nword every other post.
Deluded and obsessed.
Finding this video through middle school was something else
I think the point of that list was to show that a whole swathe of people interacted with the guy (even after he drew keemstars daughter), and to only call that person a pedo for it was, at best, hypocritical. Didn't seem like a "let's get everyone cancelled party" post.
Define Ed, Edd, n Eddy style.
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after looking at what that anon was referring to, I think I can see what they mean, at least in terms of some of the expressions having that sort of Ed Edd n Eddy vibe from how they're drawn, mainly in the eyes and mouth. Though it being mainly those makes sense, as those, alongside eyebrows, are the most emotive parts of a face
Idk how it’s deluded when it’s literally what you do. The only person you hate more than the blacks is yourself.
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who's this cutie?
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Juno from Overwatch 2

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