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1. Post a bondage image when you request. Ignore requests without images.
2. Post female bondage only. Male bondage posters, you have your own thread, use that.
3. Don't feed trolls, ignore them. Ignore and report their posts for being off-topic. This includes off site drama bullshit, rumors, and politics.
4. If you post AI bondage be sure to say so either in the post or the filename.

Have fun!

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Anyone know why the Boundhub private videos extension is so finicky about which videos it works on?
"Oh yeah well if u think u can kidnap me then put ur dukes up pervert!"
Man i know its not just me, 4chan SUCKS now wtf. Nobody got time to wait for a whole fckin minute, gook moot.
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>how the new posting rules got me n the bondage homies feelin
Ever since i was little i just LOVED this shit where these smaller little guys team up and rig down a much bigger victim.
Like if Gulliver's Travels was about a woman then id bust a fat one on the hardcover, thats on Jah
This is Lureda they might be my favorite bondage artist of all time but they're super underground and not rly known as well
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Anyone have Holo the Wise Wolf by Starlite-Knight
No real gags, just cloth and tape shit? My day is ruined.

He's dogshit
There’s a Dropbox but it’s like difficult to access because you NEED to sign in or something?
More Asuka (in plugsuit) please
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Alright, guess I'll be the first to ask. How we doing on getting the new finished set?
yall guys got magnolia's latest Dropbox links?
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Nigga kys
Ryner e links???
Thank you.
Retards first
His stuff's only on discord only buddy, it's the same reason you don't see kusujinn posts anymore. That and he went full footfag for a year and people stopped caring about his art.
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I have them, but you keep failing to pay the picture tax.
Not the same anon but here. I also would like the Ryner pics
Can you share the source of the image?(tried saucenao no results)
Also +1 for Ryner
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I'm mostly contributing to this because I don't recognise the name ryner e and want to see some art I can compare with and go "Oh right, them", or whatever.
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Anyone have Drew Gardner’s 282 posting from his website?
Does anyone have this kyuso379's picture. https://kyuso379.fanbox.cc/
Request with an image (that isn't the preview for the image you're asking to get) or not at all. Learn to read the thread rules, dumbass.
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Sorry, my bad
We cant see shit no more? Is that what youre saying?
The point of this forum is to get free shit. Dumb fuck
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Unless someone links the discord to Kemono...nope
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Guess you really don’t want it then, bucko :^)
Literally three posts above you, someone was reminded to post images to go with their requests. They did. Do the same and you may get what you're asking for. Keep whining like a bitch and you'll get nothing at all.
I love how early into a thread you can tell it's gonna be a shit show
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Many such cases.
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anyone have macoto's new work?
Ffs i keep doing that shit sharing images in the past threads already. Its all the same getting ignored. I only got the attention when i didnt share an images. Stupid asf
Being told you're a retard isn't an indication that your methods are improving, it's an indication you're a retard. If you got no responses when requesting with images, it's because people didn't have what you were requesting. Get used to not always receiving what you want. Doesn't make it a better idea to start outright doing it wrong to get more "attention".

Can you maybe not post the same thing 5 fucking times
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Great thread, everyone! Let’s hit the showers.
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Post an image to go along with your request, chud.
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I wish she'd just bite the damn bullet and make full on rape stuff, she's practically already dancing on that line
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I'm glad she doesn't, I like where her art's at but would hate rape.
>File too large
More than anything, this fucking filesize limit keeps me from contributing more often.
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Bro find a better obsession. At least the ">tfw no camie gf" guy was endearing in a way, you're just cringe
It's not a request it's a demand faggot
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It's only been posted yesterday lmao, chill

Maybe I'll get it at some point, though it's only one dollar so you could very well get it before. I assume you want the Thundercats pic, since the other one is already on Kemono with the rest of its pack, but here it is anyway.
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Blah blah blah. Tell that to someone who cares
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Ive been seeing a lot of ryner request and i just found out that he locked his content via sumthin' i really wanted to see his new work tho. Anyone want to share? Hehe
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I gotchu
Also, new translated work soon!
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Don't mind the file's name, anonymfile doesn't like moon runes for some odd reason.
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new translated soon 0.o, cant wait to see
dont have anything to pay you back, just drop PO's work link here:
I think someone that's subscribed would need to post the link, he changed it recently so it's not found on Kemono anymore. I don't think at least.
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does anyone have all of boundnerd69's gumroad content. the kemono only has one 2 vids
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For anyone asking about Ryner, he's changed it so that links are sent over through Patreon's new chat system. I'll send a resized image of one of his newer works (fuck me, the 4MB limit makes the original resolutions too fucking big).

Also, Jesus Christ I forgot why I hated the new posting system till now. Three years and this shit is till obnoxious.
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Looks like Bagel finished Pt 2 of RaG Bad End, if anyone can share a link to it that'd be appreciated
Man, it pains me to admit it but PlusOut really fell off. His artstyle feels so... copy-pasted now. Almost all artists have a case of same-face syndrome, it's only natural, but he's on another level entirely. The rope that's way too thick and feels like a custom brush doesn't help either.
I've always thought his art was good but same-y, but he really leaned too much into it lately.

Here's the pic he's remaking with the set the other anon linked. It just feels... better. Look for his pics from that time on his DA account and you'll see what I mean. You can still tell it's the same artist, but barely.
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if you have all of ryner's works since he changed where he posts his links can you do us a solid and put em in a drive/dropbox/MEGA/etc folder
Every artist that starts a patreon falls off. It just happens because they start putting something out just to have the paycheck for the month. If you have 100 people and 4 don't like your work you can still slack off rather than someone who's paying $200 out of pocket for a personal commission. Artist get lazy because they're not challenging themself. Every patreon right now is pick anime girl, pick pose, choose variants. Repeat next month.
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Honestly no, most end up just fine, his artstyle evolution is really a special case. Even Jam, whom I criticized in the past for his now-simpler art, doesn't feel like literally the same picture over and over again, and is at least trying to adjust for the artstyle and design of copyrighted characters.

This thing about Patreon "ruining" artists seems overblown.
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Sorry, it took a while but here it is
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Its hot seeing someone like Arturia out in a situation like this
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I don't think Jam is the best defense of patreon. Jam trying and not trying are very different. But i also think it's a pointless topic some artist are just moving on because patreons killing bondage artist accounts in 2024, so I'll have to bitch about the next site.
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yea, hate to admit but still like art since he only post on DA only
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Help me, I have girl coming tomorrow and I want to tie her like this >>8385704 or >>8391934 with arms crossed like that, behind her back. What's the name of this pose and do you have any tutorials? Previously I hogtied her and frog tied her but with arms along and now want to try this style.
It's often called a box-tie: https://rope365.com/box-tie/
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Gotta enjoy how we've had the same little bitch since 3/4 threads spoiling it for everyone.
Bro must not have had a loving family
Yeah what a faggot he is for making requests
Includes relevant pic with their post = not a faggot
Does not include relevant pic with their post = faggot
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Do you have more elijahpinks ?
Heres my pic request tho
>Whines about it

Clearly a retard

it looks amazing, thank you
Long shot, anyone have access to this in high res?
Anyone have the newest Yor Forger pic from Ryner? If so could you please share?
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when Mag started she dropped new pics every week. now we're lucky to get one a month and we never get character suggestion polls
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Hey does anyone got the new Rover pack from Bagelbomb and the new Rent a girlfriend BAD end comic please???
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I didn't intend Jam as an example of a good Patreon artist, quite the opposite. I thought he fell off also pretty hard but definitely not to PlusOut's level. I still enjoy Jam's newer art more often than not.

Yeah, but those pics are way higher quality, with high-detail rendering, and usually dozens of variants. I agree we should get polls back and I even think this many variants is overkill but this is really oversimplifying the situation
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Sure do, need one in particular?
Bro keeps releasing top tier content, but somehow I keep coming back to this one and the Mirko one.
Yall got any similar peril pic?
More Elijah's Rogue please

Pic request
Rogue? Can't remember if it's an OC
Can anyone update bondageprojects?
Where do you get off posting an image of an adult woman without anime ambiguity? YOU SONG OF A BITCH! Also The Ghoul totally looks like Cowboy Chewbacca for some reason. Good find.
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So, the final update of the game is out, still trying to beat the superboss. What do you think their next project will be?

With how friendly they are with Magnolia, maybe an Omni-V RPG could be a thing. You got the colorful cast and a modern setting as they might be burn out in the fantasy setting.
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They teased that the next project is called "Olive Branch". They haven't shared anything beyond that, but based on the name and the logo being a bunch of dots linking to other dots, I'm betting that it's going to be some sort of CYOA about forgiveness. My guess is it'll be an alt reality modern setting so they can take a break from fantasy while still worldbuilding with fictional countries and problems. They're going to share more info about Olive Branch on Monday, so you had good timing to bring it up.

Speaking of the final didnapper 2 update, anybody have it? I wanna see the new outfits.
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They should do a Semi Auto Semla game.
Man to be honest i need a lot of em. Starting from jessica rabbit post. I stopped my subscription because i dont have a lot of money. If you could share it man. Thank you in advance
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Anyone care to add Letiprincess Fanbox to Kemono?
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Didnapper 2, final updoot here.

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Does anyone have the full version of this pic?
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someone have hidden bondage soda pic from Plusout?
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Recent plusout works have too many OCs. Furthermore,plusout never improves and does not listen to the opinions of his supporters. I'm sure there is a lot of hate among supporters, including me. What do you all think?
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Collection Updated: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JUTlSPChvMVCNJ8Z_qyiQWxSG2ZaUz_E?usp=drive_link
I do like a lot of his older stuff, I thought his style with petite girls works way better than the busty chicks they draw. It'd definitely be nice seeing more angles, positions, and gags, though. Kinda tired of the same old OT(M/N) with some tape or some shit, they do ball gags well and I'd like to see a few cleave gags every once in a while
Got any more new and old Liz pics and sketches done by Elijah
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Redhead? Checkish
Lipstick? Checkish
Webbing? Check
Full treatment? Check
Scene where the eyes and hair are visible and not the arms, mouth, or nose? Check
Mmphing? Check
Delicious 2D and not disgusting 3D? Check
Official and not fanart? Check

I think this might be the greatest DID moment of 2024.
Forgot the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vezBLQf8xow

Als, blonde gets squat? Check.
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What do I think? Hell, I know he has hate among his supporters! Do you not remember those times that he gets harassed by them, such as with the whole OC fanart poll domination scandal or the recent bunny girl debacle? The man practically got bent over the barrel in both of those cases!

I can't speak of whether or not he improves, but he sure as hell listens to the opinions of his supporters. It's just that one set will be entirely reliant upon the input of the supporter who nominated/suggested that set. It takes larger concerted efforts to get his capitulation. But even then, an even-headed approach or conversation with him will actually have some more merit in swaying him, in my experience.

As for the "too many OCs," I personally find that there's two issues with PlusOut's OCs:
1) His list of characters is a bit small. I mean there's, what, seven characters? That won't even last for a year's worth of one-off content!
2) (And this is the big one) Some of his OCs get too much representation! I mean, come on, we're forced to see Soi be bound for TWO months in a row!? Spice it up with a Saga once in a while, you rat bastards!

If anything, I'm more frustrated with the supporters who ALWAYS vote for the same god-damned things to be drawn. Seriously, we had 4 bunny girl sets in 3 months, and we've seen Soi get tied up 4 fucking times in just six months when other OCs are lucky to get two or more sets a year. Can't you morons see that variety is what spices up the stew? No shit it's getting stale, you keep asking for the same stuff!
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Realized that Rogue was the bitchs name.
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(And go back up for P2)
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No probs, there you go
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Sure do
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Pic request for demand right after this message >
Anyone got these pics from the Fantasy Frontier 2 pack, especially the Sara one?
Or else, if you got any rare Sara pic, I'll gladly take it off your hand

Cordially, the queen wanker
Man thank you so much i really appreciate it. But like i said i have his stuff starting from jessica rabbit and then ive stop my subscription beyond that i dont have em. If you have can share em? Im a bit obsessed with his art. Hehe
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You're right. I strongly agree that the voting bias is too severe. To be honest, I would like OC to be drawn once a month or once every three months. I would like you to draw more characters from other anime. Plusout will suspend support for the month of August. I believe that supporters who are dissatisfied with the current situation should unite and demand improvements from Plusout in the name of democracy. Otherwise, the negative chain will continue for the rest of your life...
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Woah Thanks!
I'm gonna have to subscribe next to update my collection.
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It is blindly obvious that you did not read a word of what I truly said at the end. PlusOut is not the one that is truly steering this ship, that would be the crew itself. And, as we have already seen, the crew is retarded. Remember the quote of the wise wacko: "Democracy is government by the people, of the people, for the people. But the people are retarded."

I agree that a different OC a month would be perfect, but only sometimes does PlusOut have a say in the creation of an OC set. Would you have preferred it to be like the years past, where direct democracy saw that a few OCs dominated the polls and made sure that only Genshin Impact characters could be the alternative winners? And, to my disgust, even now the Mihoyo characters dominate the polls, rendering the only successful alternatives to be the predictable waifu of the month.

Nay, it was not the piss-poor management by PlusOut that caused the issues of the system we see now, it was Democracy itself which has rotten our experience to the nth degree. You wish for us patrons to unite and demand PlusOut satisfy our whims in the name of "democracy", like every idiotic campus communist. No, I see that the problem lies with the people themselves. They, the tasteless imbeciles that always vote for the most generic and mainstream minxes, are the ones to blame for the maladies that we still experience. Why, if anything, the new remake trend is going to just make the patreon all the more hollowed.

So go ahead, rally under that banner you dare call "democracy". Rally behind it like the fool you truly are, for you and those that worsen our barren fields are cut from the same cloth. You will find no support from me, o' sophomoric idealist.
Has anyone got ANY parts from the Chiruzu bad end comic by bagel?
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Hey there everyone, I’d like to ask if anyone possibly has the animated version of this Nicole bondage.
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Anyone have Bagelbomb's Nicole from Zenless Zone Zero
>entire thread is begging
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Many such cases
Much gay very retard
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Complaining about begging is useless and ironically less beneficial to the thread than begging itself, since there's always one request or two that end up fulfilled
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Any chance someone would upload the Linux version of Didnapper 2? For the Steamdeck users out there. Windows version runs like shit.
Only big problem with begging is when people forget the "post an image with request" rule. And no, the image you're asking for a full version/alternate of does not count.
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Beg as we may, beggars like us rely on the good will of people who may have these things, and to complain about this, especially when providing no new bondage art or helpful information regarding these topics makes you look like an idiot. I haven’t frequented this threat in a long time, but I thought begging was what we did best here, no? I’m hopeful that people will show up with the things that others need, but in the meantime, quit complaining so much and, if you find it absolutely necessary to do so, at least post it with a side of eye candy.
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Here you go. Happy cooming!

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Hi everybody!
Jam's nude edits dropbox have been updated with the 2021 edits :
For those how likes my edits, thank you and enjoy!
veyonis on DA, but this is the only bondage image he has
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Does anyone have the full version of this?
>You can't stop them all so just give up

Retard logic
Cry harder bitch
Anyone could update gbeeee kemono of kurumi
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Maybe cause we're not pedos like you
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Alright just saw the announcement post. Next game is called Envoy and it'll take place in a post apocalypse where the player explores the land catching the local monster girls. And then you train and bond with them. Pic related is the starter wolfgirl they teased.

So sounds like it's basically Pokemon but if the mons were monster girls you capture and force into your haram. They specifically mentioned exploration will be the main focus over combat which is great because the boss battles in Didnapper 2 were fucking trash.
Clearly, she's 18. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Ur retarded, pls go to jail
Can someone share some ryner e pics? The one we cant no longer access
LOL, in what world do you live in? At least the anime sicko's try and lie about the characters age within reason.
I like what they're cooking. A monster collector with damsels has been something I've been looking for years and the closest thing I've found was Pokemon Girl Hunter and the less said about it, the better.

Wolfgirl as starter? What other tribes you think will meet? Spider, Kraken and Driads are almost a given, I'll go for a crack idea and said that there will be ghostgirls with poltergeist powers to move around restraints.
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>the closest thing I've found was Pokemon Girl Hunter and the less said about it, the better.
I never tried any pokemon DID fangame, what's wrong with them?

Since exploring will be such a big deal, I imagine the monsters will be added based on potential for solving puzzles and dialog confrontations. Like a Bird Girl could carry you over a short gap like Parakarry, or a Vampire could hypnotize a troublesome NPC.

But for an out there idea I'm gonna say Lich
>summon skeletons to stand on switches
>talk to ghosts for hints / warnings / lore
>terrify difficult people by raising the dead in front of them
>help an NPC get closure for a loved ones death by letting them talk to their spirit
You nab her after a tough fight and she says stuff like "Restrain me all you like. You will pass on eventually and I'll have revenge". Then after spending lots of time training and bonding with her she goes "Of all the mortals I shall outlive, you are my favorite."
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Hey guys so it turns out I’m actually retarded. The animation is on R34 if you’re looking for it.
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Anyone have Mischief Remake's newer images?
Handgags are underrated
>Handgags are underrated
Incredibly so.
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I raise you: Chloroform
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Does anyone know how to save boundhub videos? They must've changed something because I can't download videos anymore with seemingly anything
Try the Palemoon browser and I think it was the T12(?) menu, if you can't manage to download vids abusing that then I don't think anything will work for you. I rarely want to download vids so I always forget after a while.
>T12(?) menu,
F12*, typo. Not entirely sure it was that part but you get what I mean.
yt-dlp still works. It's slow, but it works. Then again, it always has been slow with boundhub, so... yeah.
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Anyone have a favorite DiD writer or fanfic?
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Someone, please, may post here good pictures of silver Wolf in shibari with ballgag!?
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The Mode,l By Pleasurist. I believe I have the only copy of it that still exists on the internet, I'd upload to somewhere for preservation but Pastebin won't allow it and I'm not sure where else to put it.
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OC, not sure if nosehooks count as bondage, does anyone ITT like em?
Anyone got this image set? Belle from ZZZ is pretty good.
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Fuck, didn't upload the pic
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Image to go with the request.

(btw do traps count under rule 2 if they're clothed? One person I found recently drew Venti and they draw hella good tight gags)
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Is anyone have a plusout July drive
AnotherN has some Banger Fanfic Stories
For a second I thought Raya100 had gotten an Update on KP. Looks like I was wrong. Could someone do that soon Please?
ESL gtfo
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Lead girl is in shorts again. Expectations low.
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Nicole by Plusout folder link please!
Pretty sure traps still aren't allowed, clothed or otherwise.
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Anyone got any of the DamselAudioRoleplay or Mythina_VA tracks? Kemono is no good. I'll share a recipe to a kickass cordon bleu chicken.
Looks like some clown is mass reporting Shadow-XCP
got a link to one of em?
Any artists taking commissions?
What's that?
a little question somone take pictures or albums or comics with images of the character Bianca Amaretto, especially from the live shows that are no longer on TheKuroiHoshi? thanks
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ESL fuck off
Kittisri is seemingly always open, pretty cheap compared to most artists, and they don't charge until they're done, but the time they take to actually start seems to vary a lot depending on what you want them to draw.
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forgot the image
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Do any of you have the NSFW versions of Gingrjoke's June and July jacks?

They're on his discord now...
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Requesting anything after May 31. i want to see GD's New Years Escapees and close friends closet the most out of those. Sketches would be excellent too. thanks anon
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forgot pic
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New thread!

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