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Azula would definitely be into something feet related. Probably something akin to humiliation while enjoying it herself, just going off of vibes.
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i wish this artist wasn't shamed into hiding their oc behind a paywall
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I have an unquenchable lust for Jaiden's sexy feet
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Why is the only artist who emphasizes non-con footdom a literal shit eater as well?
he does scat too? nice
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For those who are also into giantess shit at the same time.
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stop shilling your fucking "pictures of cartoon faces" thread you moron
Why did this anon give me such an idea then? Huh?
he didn't mean link your thread here he meant talk about it here. ESL
You can't have your thread be both a kink thread and a thread about posting characters that don't have enough kink art at the same time.
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I need those thick ass feet wrapped around my
what's wrong with her clit?
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What ever happened to abby nii? I really liked this guy's Shantae art
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I dunno, but disgusting and terrible anatomy is why I hate nudity in foot fetish art
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>getting a footjob from a cyborg girl
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Same. I'd fuck Jenny's fat soles relentlessly
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I want to see her feet get rubbed
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I need to be glued to her sole
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what happened?
I'm coom hard too
such sexy juicy soles
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nta, and not sure
but i do know he is a cringey faggot who uses his own feet to model female characters and generally acts like even more of a dysgenic faggot than 50% of artists. so i assume it has something to do with that?
learning that ruined his art for me unfortunately
Bisexual chads stay winning. Who gives a fuck.
fucking based, bichads never fucking lose and rottenheart puts out banger after banger
They aren't hiding their oc behind a paywall. Their most recent drawing on twitter is of their oc, although I do wish he'd do more art of a different oc of his.
>learning that ruined his art for me unfortunately
I can see how that might ruin it for some people but I'm bi so it doesn't bother me.
Also I've seen some of the irl images rottenheart has posted to twitter and I've gotta be honest, he has some pretty good feet imo
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This. I love some male feet especially asian guys which I came to a lot.
>but i do know he is a cringey faggot who uses his own feet to model female characters
if his feet aren't fugly, and he isn't posting them alongside his art, i personally don't care.
RIP Scott Blair
yes i know you faggots like it
though I'm still confused why he has to apparently
>hide behind a paywall
there are way gayer artists out there drawing absolutely vile stuff, so not entirely sure what's up with his page
nononono what??
first rankerhen and now him too?
why universe why?
yeah man, he got cancer, it sucks his art was perfect
uncannymegan is still selling some of his stuff, like h left her all his stuff for her to sell
top lad
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so glad i bought his foot book when i did. such a damn shame
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hung jury of the street fighter!
in sexy reverse bunny suit with sexy stirples! sexy!
Dogshit art from a dogshit artist
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I don't follow artists' antics, what happened?
Scott Blair has some good art, would hate it if something happened to him
He died of cancer in april
god i want to insult you for being retarded but it would go right over your head
literally look at the 2 or 3 preceding posts of the post you replied to
im trying to be polite but jesus christ
Yeah, I don't read when it matters most, for some reason...
Here's one of my favourites as an apology
Ah shit.
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I've seen far far worse to even consider him "dogshit" by dogshit standards
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He's very good when he's not acting like an emo faggot and spamming cringe jenny giantess shit
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speaking of rtue2 there's some dipshit posting gore on the FootFetishBooru with a username "I Hate You Rtue2". Complete insanity.
At least rtuenuik has improved from how emotional he use to get but even he wouldn't stoop as low as that particular hater
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why is every giantess artist so good at drawing feet?
it's a shame really since i don't care for it much
why what
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That booru is a ghost town why going on a rampage there instead of his twitter or discord
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Mental illness? I think it's the same boorukingdom person that's been spamming in his replies. All rtue seems to do is ignore and block him for the most part.

Talk about emo faggotry...
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I love toe rings
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