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Harem Edition
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Thread Question: Is it possible for a futa to remain loyal to just one woman?
Reading List





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Where are the shy dickgirls at?
pretty good
why'd they quit...
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Ask, and ye shall receive
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I'd say it would depend on the futa's character. The shy/introverted ones would likely be perfectly content with one partner while the more confident/extroverted would consider having a harem as a status symbol.
My personal favorite dynamic is of a shy futa + adventuristic female, where the female would goad the futa into fucking other people, because she's so confident in her ability to keep the futa to herself.

Here's my favorite shy futa.
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we made it bros
I'd like to recommend this story https://www.literotica.com/s/exotic-sensations on behalf of another anon
it's a wholesome and romantic story
forgive the watermark
More rimming
This still remains peak, mutual cock worship is the hottest shit and its so rare to see a futa and their partner sharing the massive dick between them
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>More rimming
Here you go anon.
>This still remains peak
Agreed. I'll post some more G4E and/or mutual cock worship anims.
Perfection, would gladly take Tracers spot by force if I had to
Nice. I'm the Anon who recommended that story. Nice to see that someone enjoyed it.

Try this one.
It's short, but I like it.
gonna read that one later but from skimming over it, it looks good too so thanks
I still have to read the other works by the previous author. I usually don't read anything at all but if I do then I either read 1 story or 10-20 stories one after another
people who like obscenely large cocks are degenerates who have poor taste.

I mean not only would these penises be extremely impractical if people had them to the point they wouldnt be able to walk around properly but the sheer act of pumping enough blood to make them fully errect would cause the person to lose consciousness or die.

The idea of liking large penises shows how niggerish human consciousness has become as africans only have large penises and like large penises because their women are famously promiscuous and not faithful so the biological driving force towards given african men larger cocks than normal is directly tied to trying to force their women to be tied down to their man by sheer force of being fucked by a cock that is so abnormally large they are compelled by sheer force of animal pleasure that they wont stray because they are addicted to it and cant get anything better.

ie once you have a very large penis its very hard to go back to one that is normal sized so essentially the black stereotype of having a large penis is like a biological arms race much like Ducks raping each other and evolving their genetially to compensate African woman are so unfaithful/lustful/greedy that it forced nature to evolve African men with larger and larger penises in order to compel them to stick with their family otherwise they literally would not survive as a people.

The Greeks on the otherhand viewed large penises as barbaric and consequently they are the foundation of literally everything good in this world and are the peak of white civilization.
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THE definition of trying too hard
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And to make up for me wasting an image slot on a meme, here.
Fat futa cocks are based. They make women tremble in fear and arousal.
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Didnt read lol
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Any open slot is worth taking
Dorm milf > brat word
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God I love that image. So fucking hot.
you don't know anything about anything. honestly.
you've never passed a biology test in your life. same goes for health or human anatomy.
you might be one of the dumbest people on the planet.
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If that woman can keep up with the futa's desires then yes.

Otherwise it's well-known that Futas have the instinctual urge to breed as many females as they can.
How does a woman keep her futa satisfied?
varies from futa to futa, but most of them will want a fertile female who will always be available to worship or take their virile cocks.

Some will be happy with just being pleasured, but some of the more dominant futas may demand cock sleeves at minimum or default to mind-breaking breeding of the woman/women they claim as theirs~
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I wonder what you think of boys becoming futas?
Well, Bridget's a dickgirl now and Astolfo's gender's always been at least a little questionable, so I'm here for it.
Rock and roll! I was talkin in a universal sense, but heh, that'll do
I got to reading it and I loved it. this light-hearted stuff is so much better than FUTA RAPE MACHINE #78231834.
once again thanks for the recommendation and if you have any they are appreciated. I am slowly getting a little list together of works I have to read and then I'll get to it and read them all
or does anyone know of futa cyoa's? any kind of theme would be fine just something interactive and not too long would be nice
Are there any good futa on male comics or games out there?
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Medical professionals can't contain themselves around futas.
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Dickgirls need their separate thread. They're not futanari. I'm not wrong. It matters.

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I want a setting where futas are natural harem-formers, with libidos that encourage them to take anywhere from 3-8 female partners. In occasions where futas enter into relationships with each other, they'd combine their harems to be freely used by either of them.
I usually prefer female to futa and male to female
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>futa widowmaker
she's been driving me crazy lately, to the point I have to stop myself looking for it
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>I want a setting where futas are natural harem-formers, with libidos that encourage them to take anywhere from 3-8 female partners.
This is a decently common trope.
>In occasions where futas enter into relationships with each other, they'd combine their harems to be freely used by either of them.
Haven't seen this one before though.
damn those are so good. I'm really mad at myself for being so bad at finding quality smut
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Bratty and alternate teen girls all have fat cocks.
as well they should
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same thing don't care
a dangerous drug, that one
Very good, very good indeed.
Could be some bull's harem.
Thanks, bro
Any interest in bitchbreaking a futa dom here?
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Indeed, and a highly addicting one. Asari too but widow is just a perfect fit for it
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blue dick hits different
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It really does, such a shame I can never seem to find a mass effect thread when it's up or when I'm feeling the need for blue babes. rip the days of mass effect generals on vg
also as nice as that padme is, excellent work on the arm gloves and those heels, especially the thick jizz splattering and covering one
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It doesn't have to be a Mass Effect thread explicitly, for example >>8384530 also fits the bill

lel, didn't notice the pogging cherub at all. But yeah, KinkyJimmy's got good eye for juicy details like that.
Wayforward dev understood late Shinzo Abe-san vision
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>Shinzo Abe
Filia, the main character
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true, but an ME thread comes with the added benefit of ME anons as a given.
>miranda getting treated like a fleshlight by asari
true art
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Shinzo Abe's whole thing was encouraging Japanese people to have sex and reproduce in order to combat Japan's birthrate crisis.
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>miranda getting treated like a fleshlight by asari
As God intended
glad you like my AI slop, anon
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