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Good stuff. Very normal
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words words words
I thought this was /aco/ not /lit/

What wrong words
Isn't porn already inherently misogynistic according to feminists?
The only good post in this horse fucking shit thread
> according to femnists

Yeah, because those arw sane and trustworthy
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Where would a feminist find these? so I know where to avoid of course...
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Motherless is full if this stuff
Nah you're thinking of pre-2010s feminists.

nuFeminists have decided that being a cockslurping whore is in fact empowering and brave. Coincidentally just around the same time they could start making appreciable money off it thanks to the explosion in monetised social media.
what is that? never heard of it
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It's a secret
if you know then you know
Good cause it’s not misogynistic
Most Incels can't coom to women, they have to add in talking about how much they hate women with other men specifically. Only with strings of text can they release.
If you only knew.... most of the people cooming to this shit are females themselves
The incels are over in the gentle femdom thread idiot, this is the femcel thread.
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honestly remove the part about the house being bought by her father and this isn't misogyny, it's just a guy stopping putting up with shit from a gynocentric society
not gonna read all that shit, who the fuck made this, a closeted leftist meme maker?

Shit, I actually like these ones, while not really being a fan of 3D or overly voluptuous bitches... Did I discover a new fetish?
i don't have pics to share but misogyny turns me on
don't like this whole "sex bots will replace women" thing though, where's the hot trad husbands sexually bullying their wives for not being trad enough?
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Every woman in the world wakes up tomorrow with one of these collars around their necks.

Which of these collars do you choose for them to be stuck with?
I've always said women don't fear oppression, they fear replacement and I've been proven right yet again
i've seen hotter captions from @biblicalgenderroles
only good pic
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