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Post any and all Undead or Reanimated ladies!
Her heart might not beat but she still deserves love.
No futa
No AI art
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She's cute, never seen her before who is she?
is Bing ai girls allowed?

this has been a fetish of mine for years
Sorry no friend, any and all forms of ai art are unwanted here.
If you tell me what you'd like to see however I’d be happy to search for an image of said nature within thread rules
I cannot understand how there isn't more art for the bride of Frankenstein
female ghost, like casper, realistic for what you got
Like Casper? So do you want ghost girls that are more transparent? And by realistic do you mean you prefer 3D images?
Heres two pics before I sleep, I’ll post more ghastly waifus of different kinds when I wake up
I literally dreamt I had a zombie girl hiding in my house but she could still think and talk normally
Here I’ll post several different kinds of ghost ladies now, although I'm personally really hoping to see more zombie / reanimated girls in the thread, due to feeling they deserve more attention in mainstream art creation and consumption.
Just let me know if any of these was what you were wanting
Now here’s some 3D
And lastly heres one of my very favorite ghost girls, hachishakusama, or “eight feet tall”. I have a massive “Tall Waifu” folder dedicated to her and Lady Dimitrescu and made some threads for them some years back.
NTA, but I want ghost girl with transparent and tail like casper,
I personally would love more Frankenstein girls please
Frankenstein girls are most definitely my favorite! but it’s really hard to choose between them and zombie / vampire or ghost women as well so that’s always subject to change for me.
There should really be more of art for them, both lewd and wholesome but I have been finding a great amount recently after doing a deep dive on all the sites I know of.
I’ll definitely post more for you too then, but will post some franken ladies first since I just posted a bunch of ghosts

not really but ok
I think monster girl sex is extremely interesting, on the contrary
Here’s more of what I have and some I found recently! I used to have a massive folder with every kind of spooky girl but experienced a total data loss a while ago of many years of collected quality art.
For a long time I’ve been focused first on saving everything available on every site for zombie / franken girls when it comes to the spooky genre besides other such characters like the ones I posted earlier, and planned on moving onto ghost girls second so that the pixiv algorithm gives me everything at once rather than a mix of subjects, and to keep my image saving more organized.
Yet I’ve still saved here and there every kind of spooky woman I’ve come across, and I’ll keep a look out for transparent ones for you and others even though I haven’t found a lot like that so far.
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I feel that if zombies were real, I'd totally die trying to tame/fuck a cute one.
Kek, that’s why my fantasy is to live in a universe where there is a vaccine for immunity to the virus, and where zombies retain mental acuity and awareness and can therefore act upon sexual desire and consent, like in the anime zombie land saga, or the film warm bodies, even if they can’t or don’t always speak to communicate.
Thereby they could choose to attack you but just don’t, or maybe sense that you’re immune which is part of the kink with any monster girl of course.
I also love cute and wholesome art of zombie or frankenstein girls like this and feel they really deserve more and would like to see more of it if anyone has such art!
I’d as well like to see more of them having happy sex / making love in positions like mating press and being shy and for that reason only prefer art where they aren’t wounded / bleeding
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Yeah that'd be ideal, I like keeping some of the feral zombie traits. But with a hint of higher thinking that leads her to take unusual choices.
That idea kinda reminds me of that one manga I used to see a lot. Fraken Fran or something like that. My friend used to post her a lot.
Yeah I think that’s really hot in any zombie / ghost girl when it comes to the undead. I love vampires too even though they’re more so just feisty blood sucking women with sharp teeth.
And thanks for the recommendation, I’ll have to check that out! Those are great images of the witch btw. I’d like to play left 4 dead with some mods for her if you know what I mean
I just take the easy way out of making most zombies failed super soldiers. Or just some that exists in the setting with no explanation.
You mean where they were just created by a virus formulated for military purposes like in the origin of resident evil? And they wouldn’t necessarily be able to infect others if I understand what you’re saying? I really love when breasts or their whole bodies are very veiny or pale in that way on any undead lady or just normal women. I wonder why that is psychologically, a lot of people love it.
About to go cook dinner and eat btw I’ll be back
Thanks anon, it's really hard to find decent stuff of the Witch. So even the things I do have I have to pick and choose from what I feel is good enough to post.
And no problem, I don't know much about the manga. But the images he used to post were cute and I hope that reflects the manga itself. Now that it's back in my brain I might as well check it out myself.
here’s a goth girl that is tagged as both zombie and ghost
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Bingo I have a few versions of this idea.

The classic old nazi lab where they were trying to make super soldiers. But the scientists only recruited female test subjects because men were needed on the front. Of course shit hit the fan, lab was sealed and abandoned.

Another is just stealing the original idea for the last of us.
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All right, how about this? She's the Big Sister from Bioshock - something of a Sci-Fi drowned girl.
You’re welcome, happy to share what I’ve found! And no worries at all, I completely agree. I’ve just recently finished going through everything available for her on rule34 and pixiv, and am about halfway through the entirety of the zombie tag on rule34 now. I definitely thought it was surprising that there wasn’t a lot more quality stuff for a cute vidya zombie girl that canonically wears just a ripped tank top and panties.
I’ve spent most of my time on pixiv compared to any other site, for all the really high quality works I know they have that feels like it’s as well in much larger quantity than maybe any other site I know of. They also have a lot of cute / wholesome stuff that I enjoy. Here’s two images of her I thought were also funny that I just got from pixiv, I’ll keep posting more of her and will check out two other sites I feel might have stuff of her.
And thanks again, I already found images of the manga and will definitely read it soon, and one other anime that just came to my mind on the subject is Sankarea, I found it to be more on the cute wholesome side and read the manga for it too but it was also depressing to me because her rich family was really crappy to the main character/zombie girl in the story. She has a love interest as the second protagonist though and I’m going to watch the ova that I hadn’t seen before soon.
Yeah that definitely seems to be a plot a lot of popular zombie franchises or game series go for, I just started the new animated resident evil film death island last night that just came out last year and they also had created a formula that did not pass on the virus to people who were attacked but only selected injected individuals, but I won’t spoil more than that even though you discover that in the first several minutes.
Another film I enjoyed more and saw recently called Army of the Dead was one where the opening scene to the apocalypse was three topless stripper zombie women chasing a guy into the bathtub, unfortunately for him they did not want sexy time at all and just all his other body parts instead lol. There was also a qt zombie girl in the movie with the same kind of higher thinking that was mentioned earlier, that was dressed like a Coachella girl, but I also won’t spoil anymore than that for anyone wanting to see it. Same with that film though, it all started with a military transport vehicle crashing and letting out the origin zombie in the first two min of the movie.
I’ve definitely saved a bunch of images of clicker women from the last of us too, although I personally like the idea of happy sex / kissing as I said before and didn’t prefer the appearance of the mushrooms covering their faces and growing all around and maybe inside the body for that reason, but I’ll post some here if someone wants that art.
Here’s a piece btw of a zombie girl with the same hair style as your pic coincidentally.
Thanks a lot for sharing this, I don’t know how I didn’t know about this character and thought I was familiar with all the bioshock girls even though I hadn’t played every one of the games. I guess it’s because she’s typically masked doing a quick search of her, but I would definitely be interested in seeing more of her if you have stuff and will search for some and other bioshock thread appropriate girls to post myself.
>a fine addition to my collection

Tbh in my opinion I'm very mixed on the clickers. Very a case by case Basis. If I made the og idea of last us I'm going full magical realm and making up my own virus.
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That’s a fun concept, so is your ideal virus like your pic rel in the sense that they wouldn’t attack you seeking to harm but only seek out sex to infect you, even if you are immune perhaps? Or maybe they just can't and that's why its a failed experiment? Like this pic rel?
Well, she's not exactly from Bioshock. She's from my fanfic based on it.
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