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"First Contact Conflict" edition

*Limited futa and A.I., just don't spam it.
**No aliens at level 2 or below, refer to the chart in the imgur link (Replace when needed.)**
>Recent Stories: (A
By Kaktus
Mycelial Bonds (complete)
Bug in the Stars (in progress)
By Snekguy
By ThisIsARealAccount
Broken Sanctuary by Jixijenga:

>Smut list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZTFvrLMY1OnNzxhU0p2UhL1wYmRgOoAjmOzkq8z_gQ/edit?usp=sharing (Needs to be updated)
>Game:http://teraurge.blogspot.com/?zx=e9ef98831783e9e6 (V3 after WW3.)
>Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/aco/search/subject/xeno/type/op/
>Enemy Quest: https://questden.org/kusaba/questarch/res/574310.html
>Enemy Quest - The War: https://questden.org/kusaba/quest/res/1080085.html
>Previous thread: >>8343068
Idea for future threads, what if we had writing/art challenges at the start of the thread? For example, this thread would be about first contact going wrong, write about two soldiers finding love in the midst of battle- or something along those lines. Bonus points if artchads draw the prompt as well.
And here's some more Eliksni babes
I just like my sangheli waifus to be of the pre-H4 design, preferably not the reach design either but I'm amendable if artistic liberty is taken to not make them have elephant proportions
Y'all motherfuckers are species traitors, for real.

How many limbs / joints on a xeno is too many?
Never a complete thread without ya. But to answer your question, the limit would be a literal centipede body of arms. The more limbs however, the better.
At this point, it's become its own fetish for sangheili with elephant proportions because of that one model. It's no longer just a xenophilia/teratophilia thing anymore. It's now taken on a life of its own. Still, I'm fine with muh sangheili having tits or no tits, either way, I'm happy.
I'm amendable to tits, it's just
>gigantic hyper BBL and weather balloon sized tits
>H4 model so the mandibles are inherently all fucked up and basically bite the eye socket, on top of being weird and bent
>the elephant hooves that would easily weigh 80kg, each
It's just disgusting and I don't understand how people can have such trash taste. The whole appeal is that they're tall, lithe, lanky, and aren't brutish
I mean, that's what Jiralhanae/Brutes are for right? They're the big brutish type. But I agree that the H4 model always looked too big and cumbersome compared to the agile Ssangheili in previous entries- then again, 343 was too lazy to actually add brutes for 4 and 5 for some reason and came up with some BS lore reason as for why.
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Reach is best
Rube was on the right track with this image here, honestly.
Reach Elites were like a perfect blend of monstrous and humanoid.
>Broken Sanctuary by Jixijenga:

I've completed the ninth chapter:

Hope you guys like it, I'm finally able to answer some of those questions about David's past that I've been dodging. I think this is a slower chapter, not a lot going on, but after what we just went through in the past eight I think they deserve a little rest.
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I wonder how long it will take her to figure out who the sky people are
>I wonder how long it will take her to figure out who the sky people are
It'll be a minute. Having ol' David explain who they are/were would be a big song and dance number that would require a lot more than just talking and since I haven't posted this on r/HFY I'm not going to sit the reader down and vomit lore into their eyes. I hate that. I've said in some replies that it's "obvious" who these people from the sky are, but I might have just been blowing smoke up everyone's ass to keep from spoiling anything.
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busy weekend but I'll give this a read and post feedback early next week!

would agree, though still kinda partial to H3

In the meantime since there was a lot of fluff vs non fluff alien talk recently, sketched this up as fast as I could
I'm not fond that they made the H3 Elites uber hunched so the models were level with the Spartans, same for H2, makes them look pretty stupid IMO.
That and they always felt inferior to the H2 Elite design and made the hunch even worse.
>busy weekend but I'll give this a read and post feedback early next week!
Appreciate that, but I'll have 10 up by then. :)
lore vomiting as a pet peeve is one thing, but I don't mind lore vomit as long as its at least mildly unique lore. If I can't tell your story apart from the rest, whats the point?
>I don't mind lore vomit as long as its at least mildly unique lore
In my opinion there's a right way to do it and just stopping the story to lecture someone about what has been happening is the wrong way to do it. Tons of HFY stories do exactly that, and frankly, it either comes in a wall of text about the setting or a very thick conversation that winds up being a wall of text in quotation marks.
>If I can't tell your story apart from the rest, whats the point?
I've never felt it productive to be in a pissing match with other authors. That being said, I don't think anyone has done what I've done with Broken Sanctuary.
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My favorite part is how she looks up in the second one with the heart eyes.
Glad to see someone else has crab brainrot.
Y'know, I think /robo/ and /xeno/ would get along just fine. A shame their thread rarely pops up anymore.
>lock a /xeno/morph in a /robo/tic milking machine devised and assembled by human hands and mind

Yeah, that'd teach those alien freaks who's made in God's image
For me it's 2 & 3, Reach is already approaching 343-itis
robot threads were nice... when they didn't just devolve into ranting about "human women bad" for days on end.
like man i just think metal bodies are hot, i do not care for your 12-step plan to replace women with sex slave robots.
too many of those types.
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>V3 after WW3
The sad thing is this might actually be the case. I just wanted more John Teraurge hijinks before the coming ecenomic crisis followed by global war, where did it go so wrong it was just a VN.
yeah that was really weird, as were are all the people who basically wanted their robo waifu to be as fleshy as possible, or turn women into robot slaves
Just forget about that game man. Meandraco is shit when it comes to project time management. I remember when V3 was supposed to just be a UI update with a set release date, but he failed to meet the deadline twice then swore to never set a release date afterwards. Now whenever anyone ask all you get is a "I'm working on it". If it ever does come out the content won't be equal to 3 years of development time.
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Can you guys stop drawing Elixni with tits...
They need bigger tits.
You just know you had a good time last night when you can't immediately identify the species you woke up next to in the morning.
Broken Sanctuary is not yet another "alien captain from martial race invades Earth, the peaceful merchants, who respond with a giant secret fleet and a bloody, efficient war of demilitarization
>Broken Sanctuary is not yet another "alien captain from martial race invades Earth
It is absolutely not that, lmao
And to be honest, it's appreciated that it isn't. HFY stories can be ever so slightly repetitive and it's nice to get something different.
>>If I can't tell your story apart from the rest, whats the point?
To add onto this, I honestly believe creating your own original story is just taking inspiration from works before you and adding your own spin on it. After all, doesn't all modern sci-fi find its roots back to the works of Isaac Asimov?
>And to be honest, it's appreciated that it isn't.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to drag anyone else down and some people really like that sort of story. I don't, though, and I'm glad you appreciate my efforts to do my own thing.
>To add onto this, I honestly believe creating your own original story is just taking inspiration from works before you and adding your own spin on it.
I would agree, but I'll confess something that might be a little blasphemous around these parts. I don't read. Unless I had to read it as a kid (I, Robot was required reading) I probably have only ever seen the film adaptation. Most of what I read is non-fiction. Yes, my own fiction work follows tropes like everyone else, but I would chalk that up to convergence instead of inspiration. I just write what makes sense in my head and if other people have done it or done something like it then I guess all of us came to the same conclusion. I think the one book I am pulling from is Primitive Living, Self-Sufficiency, and Survival Skills: a Field Guide to Primitive Living Skills by Thomas J. Elpel. I haven't pulled it from my shelf too much, but I've consulted it a few times.
>I just write what makes sense in my head and if other people have done it or done something like it then I guess all of us came to the same conclusion.
Inherently, that makes sense. After all, there is no greater inspiration for fiction than our own reality. History is more often than not far stranger than anything a fiction writer could make for the world building of their setting. Naturally, inspiration doesn't just have to be from other works of fiction, but it can also be from situations within your own life as well as history, academia, or even a humble survival guide.
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What kind of alien embodies the archetypical Saturday morning cartoon villain to you? The smarmy intellectual kind, grandiose and theatrical, loving every minute of what they do. My conclusion was the mind flayer.
I wonder what is like to have a Mind Flyer girlfriend.
The best experience of your life, apparently.
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Made for aggressive petting
Beware the headless human.
>has tail spike
>sharp teeth (probably, can't tell with those lips)
>telescopic mouth that can punch through skulls
>still issued a knife
> fellow human male soldier loses his knife in the course of battle
> lend the standard issue knife to him
> buy the knife back with sex

>buy the knife back with sex
What happens in the colonial marines stays in the colonial marines.
Until you not only have a xenomorph wife, but a MILITARY xenomorph wife. It just can't get any better than that. Serve for 20 years, retire, and live on a frontier world where you and your loving- and very clingy- xenomorph wife may bang till your hearts content.
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what I'm worried is happening is that his innate Finngolian autism doesn't let him release V3 until he believes the new content is worth the wait, which is not only a highly subjective measure but probably not able to be done even if it wasn't, especially since the scope would just increase further as more time passes and he's just one guy. I'm sure he plans V3 as one big, final update, so he might be trying to cram a whole main story as well as the full storylines of all the current characters plus some new ones

I just wish he had much smaller updates released sporadically in order to keep the hype train going since my favourite memories of Teraurge come from the /aco/ and /trash/ threads after the initial release and the V2 update. it would probably be a natural way of internally organising the development as well, so he wouldn't end up getting entangled in time-consuming, frustrating technical tangents like the krat bag stuff (after all, it's a VN and the writing is the best part)
I feel like fucking a scav would either be really nice or really awful with no in-between
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not many flat fallen pieces out there, unfortunately
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>thinly-veiled Halo thread
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Honestly, leaving the cradle has been a really enjoyable read so far. Just wish the creator did more nsfw content.

Glad for the few we have without glued on tits. Ty anon, some of these I haven't seen before.
>anon you have fingers and hands
>yet I see you use utensils in canteen
>I have a knife because I am not going to bite through wire fence or cut things with my tail
>what kind of fucking animal do you take me for
Oh no, they're my type
is that an issue? better than grubs and furries imo
>not wanting fluffy space wife
I got no problems with xenos with fur and some animal like features.They shouldn't be straight up anthropomorphic animals.
Did this guy (picklejuice) ever release this model? I found posts indicating he was working on it, but no actual download.
I just want a wool hat made by loving spacewaif from her soft fur, is that too much to ask for
So, how many of you lads are going to see the new Alien:Romulus movie?
After every single Alien has sucked after 2? Not me, unless they do the impossible and make an actually good one for once
I'd just like to point out to anti scaly dude in previous thread that this is backwards, they were once completely distinct in the early 90s, similar to bronies vs furries in 2010-2013
In fact scalies were also renowned for being pretty crazypants pseudo monarchists/nrx/technocratic elitists, dragons being especially bad and disassociated from reality (see: classic ED meme "Fuck you I'm a dragon") In weeb terms they were advanced chuunibyou, lying about how important they were irl, claiming accomplishment other people did, picking fights with others or claiming they would buy them tickets to come fight irl, etc, fun ass mofos to troll
The furries are amusingly similar to the Spanish, they invade some place, they get their asses beat and chased away after a few years, but then wherever they invaded or got invaded by starts "adopting their culture and language"
Scaly and furry was insanely bitter towards each other in the Usenet/BBS days. Then the AOLiens landed and they started uniting against the newfags.
Furry back then was also more about personality than "teh hawtness," it used to be you could figure out someone's fursona by how they acted. "Oh, the calm mediator is a bear, that makes sense," " the hyperactive one is a rabbit, yep that checks out, " "of course the horny one is a fox or fox hybrid, " funny enough you are starting to see a little bit of that come back with vtubers
Now they just pick based on aesthetic, boooooring! and removes the fun of guessing!
It sucks that it's all about the seggs now, because there used to be distinct interesting factions. The anthropologist in me has big sads at the post2000s state of furry
So you're scared of germs too?
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I love turians like you wouldn't believe.
I guess if we'll ever meet real ayys I'll still will be slightly disappointed because they are not like them.
>Appreciate that, but I'll have 10 up by then. :)

Well, look at the time, it's Monday! I completed Chapter Ten of Broken Sanctuary today:

Today's the day where I had to break up the Rentry upload into different files. There isn't much of a synopsis for this chapter other than it's the conclusion of the stuff we started in the previous chapter. Finally we've hit a point where his alien ways and flippant disregard for her people's wisdom and concern for certain things have finally become too much to ignore. There's a big decision and it has consequences for both of them.

>So, how many of you lads are going to see the new Alien:Romulus movie?
Probably not, I'm afraid. I have very little faith in the franchise, I have to agree with >>8400554 that everything after Aliens just wasn't good.
>they were once completely distinct in the early 90s
I remember this, holy shit the furry-dragon fights were incredible. There was also the alien-chasers back when that had this very comprehensive, but illusive, culture around having sex with extraterrestrial lizard people. I've always been a fan of the reptilian aliens rather than the Roswell-style "little green men" or Grays, they seemed more alien than just this vaguely humanoid thing that became kind of a joke anyways. That's part of the reason why my own fictional races lean heavily toward reptilians, it might be a little silly to have nostalgia for something from my childhood, but it's my stuff and I'll do what I want with it.
Whatever they find, imagine the scramble among artists to be the first to draw porn of them.
I will explain one time and give up. I will use shitty analogies and bad examples, but I will keep it simple and I hope you understand and I won't have to explain it again, because I don't have neither time nor crayons.
>Imagine 2 dudes
>one would like to put his penis in an anthropomorphic dog (he's a furry)
>the other would like to put his penis in an anthropomorphic lizard (he's a scalie)
>to an outside observer (normalfags such as myself) they are filthy zoophiles and animal fuckers.
>but saying "filthy fucking animal fucker" takes too long
>so everyone just shorts it to "fucking furries", while meaning "zoophile"
>now one of them (the one that prefers snakes) starts explaining how he's not same as that filthy dogfucker
>and that just tickles me pink so I will continue calling them furries
I hope I made it simple enough.
Avians, scalies, sharktits appreciators - everyone will forever be lumped into one term -"furry".
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>Avians, scalies, sharktits appreciators - everyone will forever be lumped into one term -"furry".
Yeah we knew this already, you aren't even the thousandth anon to say this. I can't even say you are trying to be edgy or anything, I know you get off on being a dick, but you didn't need to "explain" something that has been going on since 1995.
probably one of my favorite chapters. I hope they stay apart for 1 more chapter, always the lows and breakups get made up and fixed too quickly. Make them suffer for longer
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Lots of new metroidvanias have been coming out recently, 2 of which (Biomorph and Nine Sols) feature hot aliens
>I hope they stay apart for 1 more chapter
I tend to write with different scenarios when I come across these moments where I can do a lot of different things. I'll go with the one that works the best, but in general I agree that stuff like this shouldn't be tied up into neat little bows.
Metroidvanias aren't fun. You inevitably have to either not be stupid or constantly go back and forth between the game and a walkthrough, and being taken out of the game so frequently just makes the whole thing tedious.
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>You inevitably have to either not be stupid or
Then don't be stupid, stupid
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No just making these as I feel
She was expecting you
If that's what you want, she's all for it.
Anon who made that post here, I wasn’t trying to lump them together as in, “they aren’t different at all,” (although I’ll admit I wasn’t aware of the history) but rather, I was saying that, in the context of making a chart to categorize/xeno/ waifus, I didn’t think that distinction would be helpful.
And speaking of that post,
You have a good point, but I still can’t really figure out what exactly to call the concept I had for that third axis. Maybe Earth Fauna/Flora?
No, and I would be utterly shocked if it had a single redeeming quality. The trailers already seem to be showing it has zero original ideas but honestly at this point it would be impressive if they just managed to do a somewhat decent rehash of 1 or 2.
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>one would like to put his penis in an anthropomorphic dog (he's a furry)
>the other would like to put his penis in an anthropomorphic lizard (he's a scalie)
>What is a fandom? What is a fursona? Idc lol, I'm just using the buzzword.
How to tell you're retard without telling you're retard.
>to an outside observer
To an outside observer a generic xenofucker will be at the same level of grossness as furries.
I'm gonna play the dreaded music around them
>Not enjoying exploring an old area with new cooler powers that have you see them with new eyes and reaching new areas
I think /xeno/ as a whole could making something better for the aliens franchise than ANYTHING hollywood could hope to make. I don't quite remember where I found this out, but-
>One Alien concept early in development where the Xenomorphs actually had a civilization
>Apparently the sapient ones died out, leaving eggs that would produce young without parental guidance, becoming feral like the ones we see now
>The Space Jockey was just an unlucky traveler that crashed into a "pyramid" full of dormant eggs
But nooo, instead, we got an android (David) with daddy issues create the Xenomorphs we all know and love. If anyone has any other good ideas for an overall story for the Alien franchise- erotic or not, please, let the thread know.
I would straight up do the original Giger thing where the little mouth is some kind of ovipositor and sometimes the kissy lady misses and puts eggs into a freshly-opened brain cavity.
>If anyone has any other good ideas
More xenos born of nonhumans with the features that includes.
>for an overall story for the Alien franchise
Stop making more
There's no more stories you can tell about Alien without completely flipping something on it's head that would essentially be retconning something or running contrary to the themes (which are too simple by default to have much expansion.)
If you do any kind of intelligent, not immediately murderous xeno you call into question the entire rest of the franchise by vindicating Weyu. Best you could do is some schlock that involves multiple hives fighting over the same planet.
That was from an earlier draft of the film where the Nostromo, then the Leviathan, set down near the ruins of an alien temple instead of a derelict spacecraft. There's pretty extensive lookdev from Ron Cobb including a birth chamber with the lifecycle depicted on the wall.

For a while there was both a temple and a derelict (with the latter landed on top of the former) and the crew of the Nostromo would rappel down into the egg chamber. This eventually just became the cargo bay of the derelict in the final film.

Fully divorced from the original premise of a fertility temple, there was no explanation given for why the eggs were being transported, and the idea that they were essentially ordnance in the belly of a bomber grew organically from that.
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How the hell can you guys get off to aliens? Aliens are fucking horrifying. An alien abduction is like, THE scariest scenario ever to me.
If I saw this fucking thing in my bathroom window at night I'd fucking kill myself.
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>If I saw this fucking thing in my bathroom window at night
I'd whip my cock out. Make THEM afraid of you. Be ungovernable.
Wait, xenomorph were originally a sapient species? That cool
>new cooler powers that have you see them with new eyes
except most of the time you just see those areas with tired, knowing eyes that say "great, a double jump area, guess I won't be able to explore this yet" or "great, another tiny screen I'll have to come back to later when I get double jump for some dumb collectible and couple bucks in a chest"
and you can't simply hide the hints there's something that requires an update either, or you're forcing the player to retread every single screen, which only makes for a tedious experience

not saying it's impossible to do a metroidvania right, but it is well above the skill level most devs jumping on today's metroidvania bandwagon have
Concept art for Alien by Chis Foss, plus a few other projects:
very purty anon, hope you didn't cheat
Spotted the furry
>To an outside observer a generic xenofucker will be at the same level of grossness as furries.
Maybe so, but they'd at least separate the two as
>those freaks that want to fuck animals
>those freaks that want to fuck aliens
Ok Joel, now get back to playing VotV like you promised
>they'd at least separate the two as
Holy shit shut the fuck up. Nobody does this, nobody cares to do this. You're just as degenerate as everyone else here and you said you would "explain one time and give up" so please just fuck off. >>8401830 is completely right and you can test this theory by bringing up raping aliens IRL to a random normie you find. Start with your boss and if you don't have a boss drop it in a job interview.
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>Spotted the furry
Wrong, don't have any fursonas or community affiliations, I just like any non-human women without any hypocrisy, but feel free to shout out le funneh f-word if it makes you feel superior and your peepee hard.
I did explain one time and gave up, you retards are arguing between yourselves.
I legit don't care who agrees with me or who doesn't. Like I said, I have neither time nor crayons.
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Some of us have an acquired taste for exotic women?

Surely at least one of these will catch your fancy?
288 designs and only #216 is any good. MD is a hack.
Most of them have the same general swan/worm shape and there are way too many xenomorph bits scattered around.
my wife forgot the housekey again
i'll be there in a sec, honey
I'd fuck 025, 143 is fine, 156 and 157 would be perfect with tits, 216 would be extremely interesting and fuckable with multi-tits, 224 is fuckable, 256 is very fuckable, 260 would be fuckable with some tits, and 278 and 280 are cute, 280 is basically a proto-deathclaw.
Put 188's head on 224 and that's fuckable too.
MD has a problem with skull or weird shit head design equalling interesting and alien, alongside 'I will added retarded bits into a place where they're not needed'.
does this character have high-tech floaty things for arms?
yes, and they're characters in their own right too
imagine having Clank and Daxter for arms
>Holy shit shut the fuck up.
wow, mad?
>Nobody does this, nobody cares to do this.
what are you talking about? yes they do, it's most simple differentiation that already exists: zoophiles and UFO conspiracy theorists
>you said you would "explain one time and give up" so please just fuck off
meds, not everyone you talk to is the same guy
>this guy (me) is completely right and if you do this completely insane thing that has nothing to do with anything, you'll lose your job
You don't need to have a fursona or be a part of that community to be a furry though?
I appreciate art of fluffy women. That's all there is to it.
Furries want to be the fluffy woman.
That's why they are diseased. It's extreme dysmorphia.
You do. Only retards equalize demographics judging by the only one common thing.
>Hitler, Mao Zedong, fat feminists and (You) do breath air. Do the rest of the maths.
Sounds like cope and then a strawman.
>yes I do watch scat porn but I don't play with shit so I'm not coprophile
>yes I do watch child pornography but I don't rape kids so I'm not pedophile
>yes I do jack it to furries but I don't have a fursona so I'm not a furry
Did I get your logic right?
>you can't do shitty examples, only I can!
Got tired of you already. Now call me the funny f-word and go along, sweaty.
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Teng here, Finally got around to reading this all starting from chapt 1! Got plenty of feedback but I'll try to keep it concise unless you want elaborations on something!

The Good:
>Overall, REALLY good about writing it from an alien's perspective, I can't emphasize this enough. Everything they think and describe is in terms of the cultural and technological norms they know.
>This extends to world building. a specific moment that goes with the above and is very concise is when she mentions "feminine" features and then lists out their society's version.

The Bad:
>seems odd her char, after seeing this spooky place (crashed ship) and mulched bodies in it, would decide to keep going, seems like she'd think it was cursed or dangerous and GTFO, maybe only coming back with tribe mates
>pacing early on with how fast they both learn the language feels way too fast to be believable, seems like this needs to be stretched out over a week(s) or more.
>Obviously a personal taste thing, but the reptilain-ish designed alien having tits is meh to me; I think it stands out more here because of how well done the rest of this is for making the world and culture feel alien, to then have a very obviously familiar feature like that in there. Obviously I understand why its there, just think it would have been better to go the route of using a... less obvious sexual feature to get the human char/reader interested? Goes along better with the whole theme of romancing something that is alien, finding the unusual, not the familiar attractive.

The Neutral:
>Space catholics or an offshoot like Dune Orange catholic bible?
>the conversation about tool/vs weapon was good, felt veeery close to the similar plot point from Arrival, did you lift it from that?
>multiple sapient species on one planet, closely related like humans to neanderthals or more divergent?

Overall this was really great stuff and can't wait to read what's next! Keep it up!
Agreed. Don't be afraid to pace it slower

Eh. Its the same movie over and over, which I guess if you like Alien a LOT could be exactly what you want, but I want to see something new. Explore the unknown of space, but its the same damn movies with the same damn aliens over and over.
I accept your concess, friend.
>The Good:
This is really good to read, honestly. I was sitting here feeling a little burned out and I glanced over to see that the tab was lit up. Really brightened my mood. Thank you. :)

>cursed or dangerous
I'm pretty sure I kept the part about the whole "if you make a mistake, the shaman will know" thing. If that got snipped somewhere during a rewrite, I'm sorry, that was my mistake. Magic is just a part of their culture, a huntress doesn't need to know how it works, only that it does.
>feels way too fast to be believable
I'm going to disagree with this and I'm sorry, I can't explain why. It was a deliberate decision to have his understanding of the language get better over a week's time.
>the reptilain-ish designed alien having tits
There's a reason for it, but I can't tell you.
>less obvious sexual feature to get the human char/reader interested?
This had absolutely no factor in it. I'm actually surprised anyone's interested in this anyways, I'm used to being obscure and ignored, so I don't include fan service or things people like to see. I write what I think makes sense. This story is part of an existing universe, I chose to just use the planet and species because I didn't really feel like conjuring up a bunch of lore and fact checking it against everything else to see if it fit.
>Space catholics
Greek Orthodox, his mother was half-Greek.
>plot point from Arrival, did you lift it from that?
As I said here >>8396623 I'm not well-read, so I don't actually know what you're talking about. Sorry. :( I know some people think it's hypocritical to write stuff and not read big sci-fi stories, but I actually prefer reading non-fiction.
>humans to neanderthals or more divergent
Let's put it this way: if Venka was a bear, the Low People would be dingoes.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate you taking the time to read and write this out. I'm glad you thought it was great, I am trying hard to write fast now that I know there's (some) interest.
I'll just continue from here and add some points I had to cut due to character limit:

>seems odd her char, after seeing this spooky place
I might not have put it across in the early chapters because I was trying to trim stuff down for really short, really fast chapters, but Venka has always been brave. I cut a big chunk out where I went on about how everyone likes her but thinks she tries a little hard because it seemed like a lecture. I don't like lectures in books, I think a lot of fiction just shouts facts at the reader for no reason and I couldn't come up with a reason to keep it. Maybe that was a mistake?
>pacing early on
I'd also like to be a bit of a hypocrite here and admit that I chose David specifically because of how fast he picks up things. Why? I didn't want to bombard the reader with ten chapters of "how say <word>" because that seemed like a dick move. I initially was going to dial it back, but I think a combination of her own language's simplicity with his background was the right choice. Obviously I'm not going to tell you what his background is or why he's this way, but I do want you to understand that this was a conscious decision.
>the whole theme of romancing something that is alien
I'll confess that I wasn't going to post it here initially, but someone suggested that it might fit here. I've never considered myself a romance writer, but I've kind of fallen into it and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I want to write about fighting aliens and blowing shit up, but it looks like I'm doing another romance thing.

Again, thank you for the read and criticism, I really do appreciate it. I just ran out of space for letters!

>Agreed. Don't be afraid to pace it slower
This is shaping up to be where things are going, honestly.

>I'm pretty sure I kept the part about the whole "if you make a mistake, the shaman will know" thing
I guess I didn't quite see how it lined up with that? Like later on she is dead set against going into the abandoned ship with the symbols on it, I figured she'd be pretty dead set not to go very far into the recently crashed ship. It does kinda have to happen for the plot to kick off I suppose,

>There's a reason for it, but I can't tell you.
Ohhhh I have some guesses from things early on but I'll wait and see. Am curious

As for other foreshadowed stuff, there were mentions of some sickness in an early chapter, are we going to see effects of radiation sickness, and them being unable to understand how this invisible thing that kills people isn't magic? This was just a a guess I had when I read some of that.

>not well read
was a movie, so thought perhaps you'd seen it. it is fun to see writers come to similar ideas independently!

>This had absolutely no factor in it
I think I get what you're laying down
oh damn I wrote and posted this resposnse >>8404593
before your addition loaded, that makes sense pacing wise why you did that for the language, so I get that. You want to get to the meat and potatoes of what the story is about.

>I've never considered myself a romance writer, but I've kind of fallen into it and I'm not sure how I feel about that
The best romance is just going to be a well written story that has romance in it. "Pure" romance stuff tends to be written poorly and in a very contrived way to clearly get X thing to happen. The most satisfying romance stuff can have the romance part of it take up maybe 10% of it, because the character arcs that support it for the other 90% are what make it satisfying.

So don't worry about "being a romance writer", just worry about being a writer who happens to have romantic bits in some stories. Good writing is good writing
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She's missing her facial marks.
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man I love stomachs
they really activate my neurons
Is that a Qu
No? That's never been a requirement. Ehat you're saying sounds like extremely gigacope
vore/macro/fatfags like stomachs
Trilogy elites are so much better it's fucking astounding anyone has ever even humored any other opinion in history.
Not that anon but
>I frequent e621
>scalies, avians, furries, robots - you name it, I've coomed to it all
>haven't watched normal porn with human women for years now
>at the same time vehemently hate fursuiters, fursonas, all the "culture" related to stuff I fap to
What even am I, a hypocrite self-hating furfag? Been trying to figure it for a decade now, settled on that I'm just a degenerate.
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I like how bulky and monstrous Reach elites look
they're about 7 and a half feet tall, but it's not really conveyed well in the first three games because John Halo himself is fucktall hueg and their armour rigs are quite sleek and modest in comparison to Reach
I like the softer, "cuter" faces of 2 and 3 better, though
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speaking of which, here's another comparison chart but for faces
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>ywn see your children growing inside her
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>That old Alien concept
That's been living in my head rent free. It's such a unique concept that established a spooky cosmic predator-prey dynamic that trumps The Three Body Problem's cosmic sociology.
Imagine the driven lethality of a Xenomorph, but instead of being a smart animal, it can plan, analyze, and coordinate large scale battlefield engagements that utilize quick blitzkrieg or shock and awe tactics.
>Most Marines could barely react in time to the ambush
>And those Marines were either dead or taken to be raped
>Between the shock of the sudden carnage and the occasional fale-outs, desperate Marines radio for back up
>And just in time at the lz, a quick wave of armored, armed xenos dispatch and steal most Marines
>Every wave is stronger than the last
>They're smart enough to not overreach with controlled losses of disposable "feral" Xenos
>They're smart enough to distract, flank, and psychologically wear down the enemy when appropriate
>They're smart enough to identify ranks, weapons, key structures, and can even distinguish between combatant and civilian
>They're smart enough to know when to end the manufactured "forever war" on this planet before moving on to the next
Man, fuck such civilizations. Zero chance for diplomacy, zero chance for trade, all they do is consume and reproduce to consume more, like cancer. Now, if they had some "peaceful" reproduction i.e. surgeons to remove larva or herd animals they use for facefuckers, sure. But the whole "get shot to be taken prisoner to be raped to die a death ten times worse than blowing yourself with grenade" - me no likey. They're like cravers from endless space, then, except cravers would just grill and eat everyone while this "civilization" would rape, wait for chestburst, and then grill and eat remains.
Like, civilization is something more than just military industrial complex
I'd say both can be true
1. Great, nice and sleek. Very fitting for the term "Elite"
2. & 3. Gold standard
Reach: Return to 1's eyes, but also the beginning of the end for the rest of the body
4. *Vomit*
Blur: Pretty good
Infinite: Something's off, but it's not necessarily bad. Maybe it's too lumpy and the eyes are too recessed
>Like later on she is dead set against going into the abandoned ship with the symbols on it
Yeah, but symbols are all around her. Just because she recognizes a certain corporate logo doesn't mean she's afraid of the bar code on the side of Dave's pod. It's different, but so are the distant tribes that she meets and that includes tribes that have adopted a tragically corporate art style.

She just doesn't make the connection between ancient super Satan and him. To her the Sky People are massive literal ten feet tall monsters that can choke a bitch and throw her in a cage like nobody's uncle. I specifically included a sentence describing their height and that little domestic dispute touched up on it again. Pic related might shed some light on why she hasn't even considered humans as candidates for that.
>some sickness in an early chapter
I'll just say that Venka's luck is going to run out soon.
>pacing wise why you did that for the language
I'd really like to shed some light on David's intelligence soon. Grasping cave lizard language is one thing, but I'd like an opportunity to show him as a very smart guy that made some very dumb choices.
>"Pure" romance stuff tends to be written poorly and in a very contrived way to clearly get X thing to happen.
I find a lot of fiction is like this which turns me off because I notice what they're doing. I like when plots are engaging, but it's such a big disappointment when they aren't that I just retreat to the safety of technical manuals or something. FM 90-10 has never betrayed me.
>So don't worry about "being a romance writer", just worry about being a writer who happens to have romantic bits in some stories
Yeah, it's good advice and I wish I could say that I'll take it to heart, but I feel like a fraud a lot of the time. Irrational, I know.
>Like, civilization is something more than just military industrial complex
Not if you're American.
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>Double gorilla grip
Where's the alien? I'm just seeing a bunch of humans, anon.
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>You spotted the difference! You're lucky that's just Lilara 11 Beloved, you can never bee too careful!
>can never be too careful
I just know if she finds a cut on my finger - every sharp object will be gone and I'll have to cut my food with plastic kid knife. While wearing tough leather gloves
I think the vorta were cute enough with their gill ears and 80's pompadours without needing to be turned into marmosets
I thought that made them look worse and offset whatever positive traits they had
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...so I got gatewayed into this via snekguy's stories. Was going to ask if that's common but he's right there in OP.
So... what's the next step? I'm mildly terrified.
Next step is never being able to finish xcom 2 or play Aliens games or watch Alien films.
Good thing I've already done Isolation then
Or Halo... shit man I can barely enjoy space sci-fi games now, I am holding on to X series because those aliens are socugly nobody makes porn of them.
Hell, I'm so far gone I can only play helldivers 2 exclusively against cyborgs
Holy fuck everything about her posing and interactions is so peak erotic
I'm curious how this pipeline works, indulge me in a question or two:
-How did you end up finding snekguy's work
-How from that did you end up finding /xeno/? its very much not something even people whpo started out here would advertise or direct people to, its pretty niche and hidden away.
I tried to find erotic art of the Automatons to spite thee and failed.

You try Starship Troopers Extinction or Terran Command?
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wow, the 4chan grapevine is fascinating.

Hey I'm tengridus, local drawfag, welcome to /xeno/ I guess.
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Since a drawfag is/was here...

I have no skill
but I must draw

No fucking idea where/how to start, yet this urge to doodle my idea won't go away.
Just do it. sounds like shit advice but one of the harder parts is motivating to get things done even when you know it will not be as good as you want it to be. But you'll never get there without trying. So basically there is no choice but to put out shit until you can make something you like. Its a path of suffering but there is no other choice.

For more specific "how 2 git gud", using refs is always good. observe how things are and try to emulate it, break things down into smaller elements and go from there; the shape of the thing, the shapes colors/shadows take on it, ect...
Humans with gills are uggo and make no sense for the vorta.

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