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Old: >>8382460

It´s real to me, damnit >>>/aco/asdg

>Pick one and install Stable Diffusion

>Recommended /aco/ SD models

>Beginner prompts: save an image and load it with PNG INFO
https://files.catbox.moe/ie7m8h.png (embed)

>Optional extensions
ComfyUI only:

>Paint with Krita & SD

>/aco/ LoRAs:

>GPU tier list
https://files.catbox.moe/wseg1y.png (embed)

for more technical info check the thread on /g/. NO GAY/FUTA SHIT. It belongs on /trash/ or /y/.

>Related threads
> NO GAY/FUTA SHIT. It belongs on /trash/ or /y/.

> Forgets the title of the post, adds this shit.
Cry harder. We've had threads without the /csdg/ - Cartoon Stable Diffusion General in it before, and there's a dedicated /y/ thread for gay shit.
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I'm attempting to make a guide for various free online hosts for people who can't do local or people who want to do both. Does anybody have any websites they use? I only have experience with CivitAI, TensorArt, and MageSpace.
Would inpaint be the best solution for body writing? Like, photoshop the writing on then inpaint?
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Hm, it does better with larger text than smaller. I'll have to experiment further with it, since a handful of images I need to gen require body writing. But it still looks ass.
I really like this style lora with Autismmix but it has a habit of melting hands
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there's https://www.krea.ai/apps/image/realtime
It's very simplistic in the generation, and has a total of 4 styles, but one could dick around for a while with both txt2img and img2img I guess, at least it has no qualms about nudity
Prompt please
Multiple people asked you to stop posting futa. You said you'd keep doing it because the OP didn't specify no futa. It now specifies no futa and directs you to the appropriate places to post your shit. If you want me to backseat janny you, posting futa further constitutes both off topic and trolling outside of /b/, and can warrant a 3 day vacation.
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so what's the reliable keyword for nipples printing through clothes? 'nipple bumps' gave me this, 'printing nipples' covers them with stickers lol
covered nipples
>Multiple people
That doesn't work when all your posts sound like the same underaged brat throwing a tantrum.
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thanks m8
let's face it, /aco/ is the thrashcan where nearly anything that's not from/inspired by grorious nippon goes. /h/ /e/ /u/ /d/ /y/ probably something else too all rolled into one shitpile, except for it's for 194 countries and not just 1. Unfortunately.
Think it would look good on SD3?
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I'm trying to get this shirt off A18 with inpainting but I'm not having any luck. How clean does the mask have to be? Do I really need zoom in and make clean lines or is this picture just cursed
Futa is fine don't be faggots about it
Make sure the mask is larger than needed
Even just a whiff of the shirt outside the mask will get picked up and reconstruct a whole shirt
And keep increasing denoising strength, it still sees those pixels under the mask when "Masked Content" is set to "Original"
also just found inpainting sketch
holy shit this is a game changer
This is why nobody wants futa in a thread
You are all obnoxious faggots
Doesn't even matter that your gens are good actually
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Requesting Lori Loud giving futa Carlota a blowjob.
I think it's fair to say the anti-futa guy started it, and his antics deserve the mockery. I mean, he couldn't even make the new thread right, and he's still 'threatening' to get people banned.
However, beyond replies that make him angry, I don't think spamming futa would be the right way to respond, either.
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Just report the troll and stop feeding it.
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Requesting pinups of Molly Jo from Amphibia.
>>GPU tier list
>https://files.catbox.moe/wseg1y.png (embed)
>bought older 12gb gpu which was roughly the same price as a newer 8gb gpu
now I see it's still worse than the newer one. FUCK. Does video memory not matter anymore?
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Thanks. What do you like about them?
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of course, but it depends on what you do
if you strictly stick to 8GB use cases, of course the newer card will be faster

awesome, all of these
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Time to get into LLMs bro
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Happy with my new OC (tomboy who is angry that everything tries to fuck her in the ass)
can you elaborate on what the cases are? I guess if you wanna make new models you need more vram right?
if you ever want to use SD3 for some God know what reason it could be beneficial? on my 8gb one I was getting some 'low memory' warnings with the largest model
Training SD 1.5 LoRAs takes more than 8GB for me, but it may be possible with some optimizations enabled
Making gens with hires fix uses more VRAM
Some controlnet models are VRAM hungry
Nothing, looks like a great sequence.
put that bat in her ass
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finally got 3 up in there. The secret is the 2boys tag but also the triple anal tag
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Requesting Molly McGee giving futa Andrea Davenport a blowjob.
Note taken.
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Trying to replace 3D game assets with 2D ai ones has been such a pain in the ass. I wouldn't say I'm a promptlet, but jesus if some of these aren't kicking my ass.
Anon cried so much that my images got deleted. I'll stop with the low-effort shitpost, but until I get a warning or a ban, I won't stop. And if I get a ban or a warning, I'll come back here and apologize because I'm not an eunuch.
Note: Just because you let the alien invaders in your ass does not guarantee survival
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Requesting this pic redrawn in the show's artstyle.

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/jm9rwz.png
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Taking requests on styles, characters, and even situations but I have one request - anything you ask for must have at least 100 tagged images on danbooru (yes I know this is very restrictive for western characters and artists). Otherwise it's just a waste of time on NAI.
How about rem (re zero) pov staring up at her from under her extra wet glazed pussy looking up at her t7nder bood and face with a wicked dominant smile (catch your breath round 4 starts soon)
Sure but it's not exactly aco related if neither the character or the style are western. Needs at least one or the other!

chel getting dp'd by both the guys from eldorado
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Lor McQuarrie (The Weekenders).
Neither of those guys have over 100 tagged posts so I can't do them, you'll just have to use your I M A G I N A T I O N.

I can do Chel though.
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It really does not like rollerblades
And one last one, because the unprompted double anal was interesting
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What's the feeling here on futa? I tried to post in the d thread but they say the art style I prompt is too western, so they pointed me here.
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It goes on trash.
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Would it be possible to have our own futa SD thread? Or is there actually a dedicated thread for such things elsewhere? the y thread is for strictly gay content, not futa, the main trash thread seems to be for furry art. Maybe the /slop/ thread?
Make your own thread then if you want. But trash is still the place it goes until a futa thread is made, even if they seem to be furry focused. It's for
not enough interest methinks. Barely enough interest here to support this thread, honestly.
These threads are plenty popular without futa. The futa itself isn't popular enough for it's own thread and is only dumped here to piss people off and to troll. The majority of the thread is against futa being dumped here, hence why it's referred to trash or elsewhere.
Alright. /slop/ seems to be an alright place. Thanks.
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which part of
are you struggling with dickhead?
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One more because I'm fucking around with loras
Goodnight, /csdg/
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>What's the feeling here on futa?
As long you don't spam, no one cares
This is a dumb question, but how do I use models? Such as


I've been using that site and remixing other works I find to make new stuff, but I don't fully understand a lot of the text prompts I see in there when I go to remix. I see talk of models and training, but I don't quite get it. Forgive, I just stumbled into all this like a week ago and am trying to understand better. But a model is something different than a prompt, correct? How do I use a model to apply to other prompts?

Thanks for any help
Humbly request Misty from Pokemon wearing her Anime outfit in a Gym locker room giving a blowjob, or Misty in her Gen2 game outfit sitting at the indoor-pool's edge rubbing herself through her swimsuit.
the model is the AI data, you cant generate anything without one
you put it in your /models/stable-diffusion folder and select it in the webui
Fuck off spammer
somewhat oversimplified but:
model is the "base" of generation.
Loras are "addons", hope it makes sense. Then model+loras(if any) are used to generate image based on the text prompt you've typed in. So "1 girl, naked, large boobs" is a prompt.
So if you have chosen a model (and loras) and type different prompts the result should still look somewhat similar, because the same "algorithm" generated them. Meanwhile the same prompt word for word used on different models(and loras)can look widely different
and since you ended up asking this on /aco/ I assume the model you want is either
https://civitai.com/models/257749/pony-diffusion-v6-xl - yes it was made by ponyfuckers but it is very good at doing non-pony drawn, western-ish style things
https://civitai.com/models/288584?modelVersionId=324524 - autismmix confetti is, again oversimplifying, a somewhat deponified and improved pony
https://civitai.com/models/452757?modelVersionId=504095 - my recent go-to despite, again, not very fortunate name, even more geared towards western style drawings
but don't fret to explore and check shit yourself
Anyone have ideas for Gwen here?
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This is why you should do as much as possible locally. Any moment you can lose access to everything.
Have her meet up with some aliens.
Give her a praying mantis head
Bondage and hard anal
No thanks I don't want to try and gen what you look like
is it still bad? I'm getting back into SD after almost a year I think. Is SDXL good?
thanks. Let's hope it wasn't a complete waste. I was hoping to get some beer money with this so I was thinking I'd need vram to train custom loras and stuff
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first gen
But are there any aco requests lmao

If you need ideas, NAI can do popular super heroes, gwen tennyson, spider-gwen, main teen titans, and any western IP that has asian appeal (LoL, overwatch) fairly well.
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the double barrel buttfucking never ends
Awesome, and it better not because I want more!
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They get a little samey after a while but it's kind of hard not to when the range of motion is limited mechanically
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Never gen again
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/w0w2z7.png) with Masha (The Owl House).

You're a god

Can you do this to Ahsoka

Or how do I learn it
SD3 is pure dogshit to the point it got banned from civit due to "licensing issues"
There are other positions but I doubt the AI can do them.
nta but fuckup cunt
Ay, nice TAP!
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I do them on CivitAI, it's faster and getting they are pretty generous with the credits so long as you're not going nuts. Your options for the angle is typically from the front or "from behind".

My standard I usually use the AutismMix SDXL model checkpoint, and then for Loras:
Penis Size slider at -2.5 (smaller numbers for bigger dicks, but larger than this gets weird results)
Double Anal (https://civitai.com/models/514506?modelVersionId=571782 as there's a few)
And then the character Lora (here, Ahsoka)
I also like the "Big Natural Breasts for Pony" but that's your preference

My standard tags are : score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, shiny_skin, , horny, nipples, , eyes, scared, worried, blush, double anal, anal, anal penetration, 2boys, 1girl, double anal

(spread legs, laying on boy, pussy,) for front view

(cowgirl, from behind, back, looking back) for back view

and (triple anal penetration, 3 penises in anus, anal, anal penetration, spread legs, reverse cowgirl, laying on boy, ((triple anal:1.3)), 2boys, 1girl) for triple anal with mixed results

And negatives: core_6, score_5, score_4, worst quality, low quality, text, censored, deformed, bad hand, blurry, (watermark), multiple phones, weights, bunny ears, extra hands, centaur, penis tip, prolapse
Please keep stretching those orange butt cheeks, sir.
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as far as actually USING CivitAI.
1. Hit "Create" at the top right
2. choose your model (Pony or Austim mix, usually)
3. hit "+Add" on the Additional Resources tab and search for your pose and/or character, typically one of each but real wizkids can fine tune multiple styles for real nice results
3.5 You might have to dip stuff like character and oddball pose LORAs down to 0.8 or even 0.6
4. Enter your tags and negatives.
5. Aspect ratio matters a little bit, think about what would look best for the current pose or setting
6.CFG scale matters for how strictly you want the computer to adhere to your tags, the usual is 7.0, but you can try dipping down to 4.0 or up to 8.5 if you're not quite there yet.
7. Steps, I THINK, is more when you have visual glitches or other things that denote that the image needs more time baking, I usually don't need more than 25 but I've seen people go all the way up to 50. It is possible to have too many steps.
8. Generate

You can also try "Draft Mode" which spits out cheaper, worse quality images to make sure you and the computer are on the same page. Keep in mind these image databases are seeded with existing images and you'll be hard pressed to ever create anything truly new short of drawing it yourself.
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Damn, that's good. Wonder just how many clone cocks she can fit in there.
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let's check
Well that's three.
Really need more of Ahsoka's ass being destroyed please!
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I guess the answer's 4, I didn't even ask for quadruple anal
Based AI! Maybe we should switch to some alien dicks if we want to get anymore in there... or just some more DAP, TAP and QAP would be nice.
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tried once more and got similar results. slow down, bitch
No, she needs to push it to the limit! It is the only way she'll become stronger!
I've tried some characters with NovelAi tags, but I've found it tough to keep them show accurate, and not just a generic anime style that kinda looks like them.
Just wondering what tag I can use to make them look more like themselves, apart from the character's name.
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Nice. Could you share the catbox for either of those?
I have now seen the light of Islam
There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.
I like the hypnotic undertones to this
Id love to see Tsunade with some kind of latex facemask on that covers her mouth, and with her fat juicy tits tied up
does that mean just hosting in on catbox and posting a link?

because here that is
nice catbox?
4chan removes metadata from the images so you cant get the prompt from pics posted here
that's why people post them on catbox to share the prompts
if they're made on civitai that won't do you much good, right?
i've never used civitai to gen images, but quickly checking it, seems like it's the same as local SD, just using their servers
so yeah you can use the prompts
Fuck off.
There is always going to be something here that someone doesn't like.
Learn to deal with it faggot.
What lora is this?
I think you'll find more gooners & genners here aren't into futa than are.

But you keep getting aroused at the sight of a tumescent penis while telling yourself
>it's not gay m8
because "she's" also got tits..
Do you emulate transvestites or just want to bumfuck them?
Futa is ghey and futa posters are insufferable
It's a cultural thing I guess
ITT anons are okay with fat male penis but not one attached to a woman

Gay and weak.
Now let's see some Jessica rabbit tits
not OP but I'd argue everyone in here is degenerate enough to crank their hog to anything.
Ahsoka getting four dicks in the ass is alright but the second a dick is attached to someone with tits is an issue? Weird place to draw the line bud
more importantly it says quite clearly in the OP
gotta draw that line somewhere and not being to stick to the bred's rules seems as gud as any
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>as gud
It's getting more and more obvious that the anti-futa guy is probably too young to be on this site.
mid 50's akshully, but doesn't mean I can't use the correct lexicon where it's relevant.
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forgot pic
>more importantly it says quite clearly in the OP
Of the 10 most recent threads, none had this. All of a sudden, some wanna-be jannie wanted to dictate what can or can't be posted, and you're surprised that the reaction is fuck off?
So instead of being an edgy teenager, you're a boomer Karen. That's great.
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now show me the amount of futa in those breds and how many of them then had anons telling the futa poster to fuck off.
muh kids whinged like you are... when they were toddlers.
Save the quips for facebook. They're cringe.
made me kek
That argument works the other way, too
There's always some things that you can gen which are not appropriate to post here
And futa is just one of them, so deal with it
There's more than one guy, just stop this
Makes you look desperate
Thanks anon. I appreciate you actually genning and not just being a bitcher
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Stop sockpuppeting and go back to /d/. Fucked this thread enough already.
>t. samefag
I'm quite literally the requester of that pic you drooling retards, and it's my first post of the thread.
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Back to /d/.
You mean >>>/trash/slop
I forgot I couldn't call you a slut on this cunt board so settle with me calling you a closeted loser
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And your great gens? Back in /d/?
Think you'd be up for genning Starfire and BBC?
Nigger I'm agreeing with you he needs to fuck off. But /d/ won't take shitty futaposters anymore, so the slop threads is where they go.
Nice job idiot
Enjoy your temp ban

You're both just too stupid to figure out who you're even arguing with
I´d do it, but its unlikey I could get something plaltable from that free site. Doing something else ATM, making an effort soon.
Civit ai? If so, that makes sense
No, perchance. That explans the lousy baking.
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Please don't tell me that people actually use perchance.
That poor.
Isn't it kinda fucked that shadman ai genners do more with his style than he does? Last I heard he was out of prison but all he did was maybe 6 pics this entire year and most of last year. He might as well be dead
You could be at least using CivitAI. It's free and unlimited if you don't mind shuffling emails.
You too. Stop begging and be productive.
I got restricted on it for trying to make Raven porn
"Teen" titans is a bad prompt to have
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Oh noooo you're gonna scare the closet gays here. Good work actually
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I know requests are kinda shunned here but would you be interested in genning Hermione getting fucked by monsters? Sparrow has series case of hit or miss with his Hermione art so I figured I'd take a chance
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Got nowhere viable.
It's the thought that counts
just "raven" should work usually, she's a popular character
I was gonna get around to destroying her with monsters eventually but ill start started early as a courtesy to you
Bad news goth girl, the team of huge jocks you've been fighting with for years got turned into lizardmen by a mad scientist and they all want to have their way with you as payback
I appreciate that
Sorry these arent better, im just an amateur trying to fill an underserved niche
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Who likes thick big titty milfs
And who even reads the OP?
If the new thread isn't linked in the last, just ctrl+f "dg/" and skip the wedgie thread.
Except OP is a retarded faggot and couldn't even manage to title the thread.
anybody know a good combination for mechanical tentacles?

This is sex machine, bound, bound wrists, mechanical tentacles, robotic tentacles

and they are still squishy. :(
I can't even generate a vibrator without it being a mess. It either wants a fake penis or an egg vibe, not something like a traditional long vibrator.
moved her to a research lab, and negatived out octopus, and got closer.
up to RNG now, I guess. :/ :/
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The absolute hardest I've ever cum

Thank you for these
Why does it say unauthorized when I try to gen
Ok faggot retard
Only one? You're killing me
No idea. maybe your account is too new
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are no new models getting uploaded to civitai today or is there something up on my end. i ask because i can't find anyone talking about the problem online, so I'm wondering if it's a cache thing.
im slow cookin
yeah I posted the futa jessica rabbit in response to the other guy
pic related: another bit of slop from that gen batch lol
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same fag here, got a few things I want to ask some fellow de-genners -
1. I'm having trouble getting desired positions and I'm not finding any loras to help with it. I've only recently started playing around with inpainting and its a godsend. Is Openpose something I should be playing around with as well? Most of my previous gens using it were kinda wonky. Say if someone's right shoulder wasn't visible, do I place it where it WOULD be or should I just hide the r.shoulder node?

2. in regards to inpainting, are there any A1111 extensions to improve the Windows 97 UI? Something with more modern masking tools maybe?

3. I've done some surface level research on how to make my own loras using kohya or whatever it is. I've used Grabber to get some pics from r34 to use as a training set but I have no idea what to do next. Don't I need to use something to tag all the imgs?

(pic to contribute, I was gonna put "bait used to be believable" over it for the futa hating boomer but I can't be bothered lol)
Luffy joined the zog and became an admiral?
I like it vegeto wearing a suit nice. I kinda want to give this a shot but not sure if my pc can handle it.
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It's easier to use inpaint. This way, you're not bound to a particular location/style and can add as much detail as you want.

1. Yes, you should learn the basics of controlnet. I believe both cases would work. It's been a while since I used it.

2. To edit the base image before masking, use an external program like SAI, Krita, CSP, etc. You get better control when adding elements you want to the image. You'll spend more time per image, but it's worth it. >>8396247 is an example. I wanted the wind and the sun to interact with her pussy juice, so I used clip studio to add a simple semi-transparent string with some sparkles.

3. Yes, you can use WD Tagger or whatever the most recent caption thingy is to tag the images automatically, or you can manually tag them.
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beautiful, catbox?

I used adetailer for the face and inpainting (plus a lot of patience) for the toes
Oh shit keep cookin
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posting these for the MCU thread.
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More of Smurfette, please. I love this artstyle.
>they're all pink on the inside...
Any way to get the girls in a 69 position (with another girl, as well)?
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Agent Kalaschnikov from Robotboy
Thank you!
bless your heart and keep em coming
you don't know what 'bless your heart means', stop using it
you really being a grammar nazi in a porn thread
Rebecca always loved visiting the kennel down in the basement of the RPD building to say hi to the dogs. After the specialized t-virus transmuted them into rape-crazed wolf men, they were more than happy to pay her a visit.
Congrats you make better sparrow art than sparrow does
You up to do a request?
If so, id be really happy to see Jill or Rebecca getting their throats stuffed full of regenerator or licker tongues
being this autistic in public is rude you know. like coughing without covering your mouth
literal "balls deep"
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what causes a gen to do this? I can fix it by removing things from the prompt and dialing down the lora weight but what exactly is going on? is the lora over baked?
Go to settings

Search "emphasis mode"

Select no norm

Apply settings

This will no longer occur
CFG too high?
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that makes things like (short shorts:1.2) no longer work? I use that all the time. I don't want that off. how else am I going to fight with all these poorly made loras that are uploaded to civit?

I have it at 5.5
No it doesn't make it not work, it just turns off a buggy normalization that goes on in the background.
Blezz you're heart u r retard
> literal "balls deep"


The knot isn't in
You can clearly see the balls do not make contact with the sphincter
How to deep knot?
Well technically the knot inflates while inserted in the first place.
Azula's solo beach trip is interrupted by a wayward lizardman, who isn't aware of how to properly treat a lady and isn't even sure which hole is which, but is very aware that it feels good when they stretch out over his thick cock
the monster fucking will continue until morale improves
God fuck yes man, this hits the spot
You good to try a teen titans request? He draws Starfire and raven completely different each time but his slime raven pic was good. Would you be okay with trying out Starfire or Raven with mindflayer and tentacles in their ear? There's recently been a Lora made for it under the ovipositor tag on civit. Id try it myself but I'm shit at genning
Amazing! How to get this kind of plug?
More lube and sit on that thang
My morale is very VERY low

Please continue
Can you gen some earfucking by tentacles like sparrow does sometimes?
There comes a point where I'd just commission MrPotatoParty if I needed that image
On the other hand if someone trained a LoRA of JerkDouglas, using it to make porn of Cassidy would be funny
They're in the oven, refining, will post later.

I've only published a few on CivitAI but I think I'm going to go back and start publishing a bunch soon. Mostly Sparrow-eqsue art. Monster/beast sex with Jill Valentine, Gwen Tennyson, Frankie Foster, April O'Neill, Azula, Rebecca Chambers, etc. username is Carpenterbutt
*SunsetRiders7, I'm blind
>Exclusively buttfucking
It's a start?
I follow the whims of my heart. By next week I'm sure they'll all be throated (also anal seems easier to generate imo)
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Can i get supper pecs boobs Zarya with biting her lip
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Requesting the hands groping Pharah's tits removed.
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as in she just standing there naked?
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/pp1650.png

Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/86hg90.png
You have no idea how long I have waited for Azula to reward her Mongoose Lizard by letting it fuck her in the ass. This is probably as close as I'll ever get, thank you.
*Inhales* o yeah firm like to boulders....
uploaded more here but they flagged a few for review:

Well fuck me. Google won't let me sign in without a phone...
Do you think Rocksteady is a good boyfriend?
Love iiiit
Holy fuck bro teach me please
Requesting the tits be removed but keep the groping hands
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