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The Circle Goes in the Square Hole Edition

Previous Thread:
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Thread question!

Biggest mess you ever made in your diaper?
Poop or other substances is accepted.
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literally me
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I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. Still, one day when I finally get decent at art I'll dedicate myself to making the MCU of diaper smut, multiple stand-alone comics/mangas, and images in one shared diapered universe where abdl is more globalized like RM's pieces.
I look like this
I don't wear, so I've never messed.
Why not
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So I've made a discovery... apparently, RearZ Daydreamers' plastic backing is transparent? And when you wet, it really shows up? Take a vitamin B supplement(specifically Riboflavin(B2)) and you too can have a diaper that looks like fetish art! (B2 turns your pee highlighter yellow.)

I have a couple...
>Be me
>Have IBS-C, get super backed up a lot
>Drink lots of fiber in the morning and evening
>Pad up one night, as is the usual routine
>Before I lay down, give myself one of those liquid suppositories you see in jap scat porn
>Lay down in bed, wait until I can't hold it anymore
>Let go
>HUGE soft poop, felt like it came out for, like, a minute
>Pooped several more times that night
>Weighed it the next morning just to see
>1 ½ lbs
>Holy shit, literally
The biggest mess I've ever done, in terms of mass.
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>Be me again
>Had dinner that evening with family
>A giant broiled seafood platter
>Had a seafood gratin, which is made with cheese and cream and butter
>Later on, started feeling my tum start to rumble. Chalk it up to my bowel condition and shrug it off
>FF about 4 hours
>Padded, in bed as usual
>Northshore Megamax, a bit wet as well
>Woke up at 1:30 AM to blindingly painful cramps
>Before I could act, diaper fills with boiling hot lava
>Oh shit, blowout
>¾ of the way up my back
>Out the legs
>Subsequently wet after the pressure in my stomach dissipates, total flood
>Shower for about 50 minutes
>Shirt is ritually sacrificed
The worst accident I have EVER had. 0/10, do not recommend. Thank WHATEVER you may believe in for that waterproof mattress pad I sleep on.
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I just want to be a big cute stupid baby again with my nintendies
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I'll take 20~
imagine being able to order a pack of diapers and a preschool game off steam, big baby dlc!
instead I'll have to settle for Amazon.
Still Holding hope Amazon or someone develops a CG bot, and that it can baby me.
>some sources have found:
Mommie's milk builds strong bone(r)s
>natural nutrition is better than synthetic sloppa??
I was gonna draw something like this desu but she was getting pantsed(by the cat) while holding delivery boxes
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you should
>captcha: HARR
Because I like diapers on other people, not me. That's why I have a little friend I take care of every now and then
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How much art of Jill Valentine in diapers is there?
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Does anyone have any good abdl games? Feel like recently we're in a drought. I waited years for Messy Academy and recently played the newest version and it had near zero actual content.
I remember LivinInfinite did her
>Messy Academy
lmao even
When I got into this, there was so much content but I took a break these last 2 years and there still aint any shit
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>there was so much content
Like fucking what? Everything is either eternal patreonbait, discontinued after after a while of dev time or rpgmaker shit with stolen assets.
Well, not that much quality content but there was something to do. I couldn't find anything new, regardless of quality, from the past year
Even people who know what they're doing have nothing but ideas. Graphic novels are done to death. 2D platforming or fighting abdl games based on Sketch's OCs would be nice.
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>Sketch's OC
Go have another breakdown, faggot.
Man, this image is so close to being an amazing ABDL pic. Hard to image an edit working since it's sketchy.
It can be done. Just not by me. But I want to see it.
there is not even any visible place where to put the diapers outside of maybe tenma.
Just commission someone to recreate the pic
What is the context of this besides it being vbrony shit
>Retard thinks I'm Sketch just because of mention.
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Nobody but you wants your faggy OCs. kys.
>Retard still thinks I'm Sketch just because of mention.
This can't possibly get any funnier.
I’ll do it if anyone has any suggestions.
I’ve been wanting to get this group pic of them in these outfits. Just minus the skirts and varying degrees of humiliation.
Where do you find Daydreamers while they're out of stock on Diapersharks? I can't get them from Rearz because vanilla cards don't work with international purchases. I tried getting some from a third party site, but the package has been delayed for 3 days, and I'm getting impatient.
Anyone here have some good diaper or messing doujins? Preferably not from Atelier Lunette
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There really aren't many, especially ones that aren't just primarily scat doujins that just happen to have 1 or 2 diaper panels, or otherwise have something else super extreme in them, often coprophagia.

Out of the ones I've bothered to save personally, there are some Strawberry Milk Studio (lunaluku) and Goya ones, but most of those still fall in the previous problems. You can search them on exhentai, but if you've ever searched "female:diaper female:scat" before, I'm sure you already know about them.

>Atelier Lunette
Yeah, the same thing concept over and over does get very boring.
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>postng pics of baby shit without a body attached
Could you have picked a worse image to have with that reply?
I have several, yes.
Enjoy your vacation
cute jill
I love all of you and this thread
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You too, anon
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>Posting artwork from an artist who draws human and furry children being bound, molested, and raped, even by their own mothers.

Pretty bold of you anon. What would your own mother think of you?
>human and furry children being bound, molested, and raped, even by their own mothers.
God I wish that were me
>the only diaper thread with a resident drawfag is the fucking MLP threads

Bros..... Where did all the drawfags go...Is Twitter too powerful?
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My Inner Baby also has them.
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>wet my training pants while on the potty
>tried to hide it, but while I was making food the wetness seeped through my jeans
>decided to put on a cloth diaper over the idea that I don't deserve training pants anymore.
>short dress over, easy to flash my big, bulky diaper.
well, I'm a baby girl now. time to hug my teddy bear and watch cartoons.
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>Enjoy your vacation
Those are plushies you dumb chode.
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of course anon
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last for now, not gonna spam VRChat screenshots here
that's a really cute model. is that yours?
It's a loan from a friend while I work on sculpting a diaper for a base I got
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how big does a diaper have to be before it's considered "hyper"?
Technically anything beyond the constraint of a XL sized diaper
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the users here are rude, entitled and always ask for the most autistic shit.
Babies are not allowed to cook, anon. Get a grown up or order food.
so true, xister! The folx over on twitter only ask for cool stuff like a 6158th MHA pic!
I hated sculpting so much when I had to do it. Just model it on 3dsmax/blender, details can be added with maps and textures
First diaper replied, I’ll buy a full case. Gimme something good diaper babies.
Tykables Camelots/Animooz
Unfiltered feedback isn't rudeness
>autistic shit
Wow just like everyone else in this fetish, kys
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Can someone filter this please?
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>Unfiltered feedback isn't rudeness
ah yes, “it’s shit, kys” is ““feedback””
>autistic shit
>Wow just like everyone else in this fetish
At least you admit it
(you) first
somebody needs to redraw this concept as actual anime and use the clothing of her elementary self from the gatcha.
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>ah yes, “it’s shit, kys” is ““feedback””
If people tell you it sucks it probably sucks. And people also point out the bad points. Not my problem twitter trannies are so sensitive and only accept praise.
It's just you though. Use a trip so I can filter your posts since you respond to literally everything every thread
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OMG, I NEED the rest of this set! Please and thank you :3
MyInnerBaby's where I got them from actually. Good to know they're at least reputable.
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Never knew there were ABDL servers in VRchat
Where can I find them?
Is there somewhere else I can upload them? It's all open diaper/visible scat...
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>trannoids like this are allowed to post here
>nobody says anything
>trannies, trannies, trannies
Just transition already, lil bro.
But what if I like being a guy who occasionally also enjoys being feminized but still more or less identifies as a male with no desire to imbibe hormones or apply scalpel to penis
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Then you're just a sissyfag.
Any caretaker here? Have you ever dealt with a little that says she has gotten enough and wants to move on from it? I don't think I can't take care of another little so I'll have to move on from this as well, but I want it to last a bit longer...
I am a caretaker. If they want to move on from it, there is little you can do to stop them from losing interest. Unfortunately, pressing the issue often just builds resentment.

I would suggest taking a break and seeing if they start to regret not getting the care you provide or if itll help them appreciate it more when you do have time together.
I know I can't force anyone in to a situation they don't want to be anymore, yes. I'll speak with her soon and either it will be a little break like what you said or just a weekend thing (or maybe even less).
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My mommy is making me a full time baby... im so happy ;0
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I want a mommy!
please stop making me jealous. :'(
>Never knew there were ABDL servers in VRchat
Where can I find them?

There is one I know of, but it's a hug box community, which wouldn't be fitting here. However, there are people from vrg/vrlg who are into this stuff, you just need to find them and be trustworthy.

for example I know the person who made this model and the poster.
i dunno man, listening to people chat here, so many peeps dont deserve a mommy.
Just zip them and post it on https://catbox.moe/
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who needs proportions or anatomy, amirite?
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Does anyone have like a blank diaper template to draw my own designs over it?
>not finding yourself a female toddlerkun
>so many peeps dont deserve a mommy
If you managed to snag one then you deserve them. Have yet to hear of someone who doesn't deserve their baby position.
Finally got my Daydreamers in. Are... are they supposed to be this thin? It's weird given their capacity. They're comfy right now, but I'm skeptical of how well they'll hold up to the impending flood. I should be careful with these things.
Is kemono kill?
Fanbox and fantia are dead, I believe. A short while ago, Fanbox added ddos protection in the form of checking a box that fucks with scrapers and kemono devs aren't particularly good at getting around that stuff.
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Checking a box is botmaking 101.
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Less pulp, more SAP. All stuffed into less space in the eternal chase for BIG NUMBER
Ah okay. Yeah, after using them, I can confirm they're holding up very well.
I can live with that
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>who doesn't deserve
Yeah fucking Toddlerfag. Imagine having the life and complaining that you need to play the part of a fucking baby when shit is handed to you on a silver fucking platter.
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I don't have this series saved in my folders, anyone have the rest?
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Anons, how many boosters do I shove in this Trest? They’re northshore, and I can wear for as long as I need to. I want to do at least 2, maybe 3, is that feasible?
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Three is dumb and will overflow your leak guards. Do the Japanese style that got found out a few years ago: take two boosters, fold them in half, and press the resulting corners into the leak guards. That will supposedly get you huge thickness while also preventing leaks.
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If there are any caregivers that are willing to say, what would you do for your little one if they came through the front door wobbly from drunk? would you puit them to bed, cuddle them to make sure they stay in a safe place, or what would you do if they had a "nip" that night?
reason: I've had a steel reserve and I'm curios what I would be in for if I had someone who cared what I was doing with friends. I'm currently rolly headed because I'm drunk, haha.
I'm kinda feeling the need to plop on my bed and cuddle my stuffed bear, is it bed time for me? I mean I want to, but how long sould I wati after drinking the water to get in bed?
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me and who?
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Here you go. Warning...scatty
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>boosting a trest
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>telltale ai signs from the thumb alone
Kys Toddlerkun
Did you wake up already? Are you ready to apologize for the show you put up last night?
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Thanks anon! You're the best!
I hate how every diaper image I see on Devart is just how shitty can we treat the person to make them a baby. shit like how we come in after the "conflict" has happened and we're supposed to be suddenly invested in a story of yet another, probably male, being forced into a diaper. their algorithm cares not how many times I try to "correct" what I want to see, when I see these SHarts I click on the "see less like this" but yet it still keeps showing what I have tried to tell I don't like. I could deal with the brain dead stuff if when I told it to stop it actually stopped. I just want a nice story about a little girl/boy, haveing a nice day with CG and then they need a change, but instead all I get is "huhur, you did crime, you have to be Identity death now, and be a shell of a human. or they ignore every protest because *le gasp* the teen decided they wanna dress slutty, so Naughty! fuck, if they're gonna keep on with this shit, they could at least come up with something new.
You ever just really love a pic for no particular reason?
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How does this affect you?
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Can I please have a sauce on this?
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ai sloppa
>leainigger pretending to ask for a source
the background sure as fuck ain't, spreg
>Serve up some slop
>Put some salt and pepper on it
>"It's not slop"
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I wish Kuma would stop being mortally wounded, unemployed, and generally fucked over by life. He's a genuinely nice guy and has good art.
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>aifags acting the same as hyperfags even down to the pretending to ask for source posting
It shouldn't be so funny
Any artists with a similar style at least?
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If it is it's been edited as well, you're being a pedantic retard when you imply it "has no source"
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Yeah it's even worse because I can count the pixels without glasses.
it's a style, dumbass.
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>umm it clashes with the character ON PURPOSE
didn't say it didn't, god, you people are so autistic. If somebody does "raw pixel" backgrounds with minimal shading it's intentional, stop being ignorant.
You can make pixel slop now in addition to regular slop, so it probably is.
not once have I commented on the center piece lol
It's an AI image edited by baboon.

Here's the OP gallery. The edit is in the comments.

Now that's an actual mental illness
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>Now he's losing his shit over the file extension.
This kind of mental regression makes my penis hard.
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My nigga if you are uploading an entire gallery in FUCKING WEBP you need to be restrained.
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Webp is a useless shit thing
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Didn't he break his legs in an accident then his mother found out his fetish?
am I really like a toddler because I'm drunk, or is that wishfull story telling?
>had one malt licor, and 4 beers
Thank you anon! I love diapers+overalls. It's like both of my kinks go together so well.
Now that Ive seen the whole album it's obviously AI.

Can we have more overalls+diapers? Drives me nuts.
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I've seen enough people acting and talking like children when they're drunk to say it's a fair call
I've never drank alcohol or smoked anything before but came close just because of anons saying it's a good mix with diapers
It's a good mix with everything desu
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He got found out by his mom, then he injured both ankles so he couldn't walk, then he lost his job, THEN got covid.
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His mom should've forced diapered him when he had broken ankles
Yeah be real fucking careful about using alcohol for incontinence; the reason you piss/shit yourself when sufficiently under the bottle isn't because your body is "more relaxed"--it's literally because your organs are shutting down, for the same reason why dead people void their bowels. It's literally on the black end of alcohol poisoning where you need to go to the hospital or else have a high risk of dying.
gotta go to pamp meet...
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Wow! Who made this?

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