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'Lounging Around' Edition

Useful links:

FDR Link:


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what is Froot thinking about here?
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Laimu’s very cute, I bet she’s a freak in bed. Her hubby must have some stories.
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Imagine if Mousey put doing this up for auction. Probably would have beaten the final bid for gaming with Pokimane
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Titty horse live
Today is Sunday. Collect your thoughts, put yourself in some new positions, and take some time for mindfulness with some yoga. Get up and get moving.
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new hyji dropped
Did you somehow get lost on the way to the incest thread over on >>>/h/
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Need smol and cute gay nerd
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I will do alot more than pressing Mint's booty
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That cute raccoon /pmg/‘s perpetually horny for is live
I’ve wanted to impregnate Mint back when she was Pomu
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she singing and its melting my heart
She’s so cute, I want to plap and mating press her till she’s pregnant with my child. She’ll be a great mother.
I’m in love
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Qrd on top right?
skyeannete live on fansly too
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(me) this bitch knows what I like.
2d lewdtuber with decent voice.
I bet Mira send Silver pictures of her pussy all the time
It’s okay to be sexually attracted to a married women

Okay these jokes about Biden joining Vshojo are pretty funny
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fuckign kek
lost hard
I wanna click mouses clicker if you know what I mean
I miss moka

wat da dog doin
Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap Plap

Getting pregnant getting pregnant!

Which is a good thing!

Thanks Mel, now I’m hungry
Moka and Nyan are around the same age, if Moka’s biological clock says its time for a kid, then Nyan’s must be too.
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Matara and Mint talking 40K for anyone here that’s interested
>Matara thinks Skaven are cute

Oh and turns out her favorite faction is Necrons, not Admech or Tyranids
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nasuaisuru live on twitch.

Who’s Mira’s new friend?
They've been friends for a while and mira's done collabs with her before. Midnight does a lot of collabs with 100~ ccv old school vtubers.
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>mfw a hot cockroach women and cute ghost maid roast your 40K army
Today is Monday. Cardio day. Move around for a good while - build your stamina. Keep heat stroke and dehydration at bay, though. Get up and get moving.
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Fillian live with Cotton, also Numi’s doing a subathon
>Lube Pool

Kind of hot
Now Cotton’s live with Camila
She'd make a good mommy. I hope she lactates a lot.
With those milkers, she will.
you know if she read these comment she would be disgusted by you right?
podgekinn live on twitch.
Mel’s hot step sister live
mel's bastard sister. live on twitch.

Girl_DM pulled a Mel. I can see Mel doing also testing her epilepsy meds my looking at bright flashing lights.
Why would she?
why do you think she quit?
For her job?
Her (blow)job (she gives me)
Because she lost most of her savings on vtubing stuff and never managed to be on a net positive, while also getting older and more alone.

I think she got the good ending actually, if you don't make it big, wasting your life away being a 2view seems like a total loss.
No, why do you think she quit doing lewd stuff before quitting definitely?

Cute! Nyan’s cute!
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I miss my kettle…
She was fucking hilarious drunk and a top notch waifu.
I loved the stream where she cried over the Naruto OP but it also made me uncomfortable how much she ended up sobbing. What a sloppy drunk.
Lewd stuff isn't profitable in the long run
[spoiler]An onlymoka would've been[/spoiler]
How new?
I really don't know why she never made one.
She mentioned often how being pregnant and a mother was her number 1 thing in life. Of course she was very hornyn dorky and a hardcore weeb, but motherhood was what gave her purpose.

She’s so pretty bros
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Zen’s horny retweeting art
I used to have a pink couch like that. Like $75 from Ikea, slept on it for like, a decade. 10/10 do recommend
For gooning?
Yeah, everything. Sleeping, fapping, drinking, drinking and fapping, then sleeping, etc
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God I want to suck Silver and Sinder’s tits while they ride my cock
Athena has been live.
for those missing dnd silver, vei, nyan, athel and lilypichu are playing on https://www.twitch.tv/burn
and its already 17.8% better.
what a grim reality we're living. Tweets and twitch streams are the msot sahred thing in this general.

Maybe you should start posting them instead of whining about what others post about
All the anons who actually tried to put effort in posting and sharing lewdtuber streams here gave up because nobody gives a fuck about lewdtubers anymore and only care about Twitch streamers
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MGS roleplay sex with Miny
Today is Tuesday. Work on your upper body. Curl-ups or pull-ups, small circles to the front and rear, and close-hand and elevated wide-arm pushups. Hopefully you've still got the energy to get your arms in shape after your day. Get up and get moving.
fr this thread should be renamed to "Everything Adjacent to Lewdtubers General"
You know, it makes sense that Mint is attracted to Henya. Mints always retweeting cute Japanese girls, and Henya is a cute half Japanese girl.
Athena VOD, 720p, h264:

wow this one looks nice thanks
Do people actually fap to these? I cannot find her hot for the life of me.
looks like its going to be three, three hour sessions with the possibility for more.
Just admit you don't like lewdtubers and go back to your twitch streams.
I'm asking honestly. I like lewdtubers. I just can't imagine anyone fapping to Athena.
Her model’s kind of hot, but she’s kind of crazy. Borderline Kircshe
>He wants to imagine me beating my meat to athena.
why are you gay bro? But you've got me curious,If you don't find athena attractive then who do you find attractive?
How many ferrets does Laimu’s have?
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Thank you Numi, because of you we might get a lot more pregnant art of you and you friends
That makes it better for me. Cartoon women with strong opinions trying to be taken seriously is my fetish, even if they're retarded.

Melody agrees
Someone shilked inside of Yuzu and she’s about to produce a lot of shilk!
They're not too far apart in terms of quality, so I don't understand your apathy.
Is shilk more of a Nyan thing or a Michiganer thing
(me) And when they can't deal with the heat of the conversation and start crying is even better.
Like when the Phase girls say they’re straight but we all know they’re gay for each other?
Please stop.
Please continue.
Oh fuck, keep going I’m almost there
So do any of you actually watch any of the vallure girls? Found a new waifu? Are they any good? Recommendations?
Do you like chocolate? That's all I can really think for suggesting

prism is coming back this sunday with a lingerie outfit.

I’m miss Tricky
Her screeches used to make my spine tingle.
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Found a waifu mommy that won't stop saying shiko. I love her.
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Also, vallure is so tame compared to other lewdtubers. I'll start watching them when they stream on fansly.
shiko shiko is right my cup of tea
this link feels a bit dirty though, ngl
they are more like old vshojo kind of lewd than actual lewdtubers
Mel is supposed to be doing her birthday stuff including a subathon during August right? but the thing is Mouse's anniversary and her annual subathon is also in August. so how's this going to play out?
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>following thru on things
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I do!
Honestly if your not into audio porn/asmr I don't really recommend any of them. Though they are opeing fansly streams next month, so maybe that will change.
I like all of them and they all pander to different people so I can't really recommend one. My fav is Stronny though, She's professional, a hard worker, loves her job and loves her viewers. She also really wants to rape her viewers, so I like that.
I like stronny
Besides being Latina and a woman, what makes her crazy to you? I haven't kept much of my attention on her. Genuinely asking.
As a lolicon who likes it when my women are a little crazy, Immy and Icey are great for me. Icey's a little TOO menhera so I'm keeping my distance on that. Shibi's pretty good too.
fantasticboombastic....I think she upgraded to a 2d model now, she looks amazing now.
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Does anyone know her? She´s on chaturbate. Her name is Anika and her username is fantasticboombastic
that's a pretty model

It happened again, at this point she needs to speak to Mel about these things.
You're stupid if you think she doesn't know what she's doing.
You’re no fun
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She needs some squish
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Oh the shill is back, and more obvious than ever.
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you are so tiresome
vex live on twitch.
I’m still sexually attracted to Mousey’s bff Roxy
do we know what she looks like?
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fantasticboombastic (Anika) on chaturbate.
Idk her avatar looks hot and I hope it’s somewhat close to her irl looks
free vods (slow download)
She seems interesting and she does JOIs
Matara Mommy GF nursing handjob asmr!

Mel chatting with Geega tomorrow

Finally a puntable version of Zen!
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What does Mim and my favorite French composer have in common, Debussy!
I wish 80% of her stuff wasn't tickle fetishism, but I'd still like to suck her clitty.
>shiko mommy
thank you anon
some resident lewdtuber should unironically do one, they can use some stroking pattern too maybe those shiko sounds or a metronome
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Fuck off.
Again, you are so tiresome
I'm starting to think you are a bot.
Today is Wednesday. Use what time is left in the day to improve your core muscles. Side to sides, torso lifts, leg lifts and planks should do the trick. Get up and get moving.
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Damn first Layna and now Hannah, why are my waifus getting burnt out lately

That sucks, hope she can get her bnb soon
Happy anniversary to the cute and smol gay nerd Minty Goodness
sorry, not enough cheater cock to use
God I love penis
mel's bastard sister live on twitch.
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nothing gay in that
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Cute eepy gecko
Busty comfy wolf live
and for those that ordered the figure. its shipping out and should be its way. also shes hinting at another even sexier figure.
She knows she’s going to probably get some hot glue tributes right

Speaking of cute Vshojo pets, I present to you, toe beans ft Kson’s toes
for free!
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Stream Veibaeya!
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cv live, playing edf with ember
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Today is Thursday. Yoga day. Chill out. Stretch. Collect your throughts. Seek mindfulness. Get up and get moving.
God I wanna harpoon this whale
Speaking of the whale, thar she blows

I like blondes, but I like red heads better
I can’t really blame Numi for being Sinder’s lap cat. If I was close to Sinder I’d have my face buried in her cleavage or thighs constantly, Same with Silver. For Mel and Vei, I’d always be resting my head on their booty.
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I kind of miss Titty Fappy
crossy new pics on manyvids
Both of my favorite busty comfy wolves went live at the same time today
also for those that ordered the silver figure, they should be on the way.
Incoming hot glue pics
good, but why right in the middle of summer
I hope the heath doesn't ruin it
If it did, Novel would've sorted things out. That was the exact reason that Buff's had been delayed. Gotta say I'm glad they wrap stuff in a good amount as mine was taken out of package for space reasons & did not wanna get "caught."
They take care in product rather than rushing em
Geega live with Mel on YouTube
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oshi posting
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I want to do so many things to Michi that her country made illegal.

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Kek, Fillian’s setting up a Vtuber dating show for Bao’s sister.
Today is Friday. Before you go out partying to celebrate the end of your week, work on your legs first. Unless your idea of a week's-end party involves a leg workout, which honestly isn't the worst idea in the world. Either way, same suggestions as always - squats, calf raises, fire hydrants, flutter kicks, and mule kicks. Get up and get moving.
one hour 37 minutes
best time of the week
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new camila model leak
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current body
>Smaller tits

Honestly, I might be a boob man, but it’s kind of refreshing to see a Vtuber model without monster tits
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full leak
its the hips for me
chefs kiss
Got to agree with you here>>8409168
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My kettle’s coming back tomorrow!
After seeing Katiekat wear Mel’s swimsuit, I’m jealous of Bipsy. She gets to suck on Katie’s big fat tits.
and her throbbing girlcock.
>go to simpcity.su
>go to Kson thread.
>see latest post and video.
>flashed her cooch enough in a spread eagle way to my surprise wearing no underwear,
This dick is going to be sore for a week. We now have to change the OP thread to /kson/ kson, lewdtubers and friends.
God, imagine what a real simp city would smell like.
>my surprise wearing no underwear

thats mostly your fault for not knowning she never wore panties even during her corpo days.
ever been to con?
Finally someone more on topic posting great Asian woman pictures than the guy posting Giri tweets here.

We talking about Kson’s pussy?
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>and friends
>someone on simpcity just deleted the kson video.
Blackjack here I re-uploaded the video and pics at my forum.
Go away

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