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Emergency Thread Edition

TES General
https://www.tesgeneral.com/ [WIP]

Anon's Lewd Guide for Dummies
LE: https://rentry.org/oicfh
SE: https://rentry.org/vgxyh

Recommended skin and body suites

Recommended mods for lewd screenshots

Recommended sites for outfits

Butthole Compendium

Link to old OP

Elder Thread >>8377595
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i don't really have anything new of her just yet.

and she technically doesn't/shouldn't even exist
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i don't think i fucked it up this time, please be nice
too bad. i demand more of her.
Let's see how long it takes.
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spending summer time with your waifus

seems good enough
I'm bored already
don't give up
Well done.
c'mon stop dying i need to nut to a waifu
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tasty braed
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>Well done
So tasty!
zzZzz...can someone at least post something good?
Are you going to?
Yeah, I'm just waiting for someone to do it first. I'm a follower not a leader.
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Fuck you I heard it immediately aaaa.

ok pals, before i start the teslg modding guide, i have some questions if anyone is willing to entertain them (so i don't end up wasting my time again and losing part of my sanity along with it.)

can I use OSEX and all that instead of LL for sexual content? I'm not looking for fucking or being fucked after losing/winning, just a bit of a celebration after a dungeon or something (in theory.) I also went heavier into the osex stuff because it was all required for the randomized OBody morphs process with CBBE, to distribute them in the world, but I found a version called OBody NG that doesn't need the sex parts of the mod to use the bodyslide distribution system.

should I try and figure out what other mods not in the guide i want to use beforehand? there are a lot of compatibility patches in a lot of the mods in the guide, but I have no idea what to check before choosing all those mods, and i'm scared reinstalling them to redo their FMOD compatibility will fuck my install up. (i think that's part of what happened before)

I guess those are the only 2 questions i have now.
what would happen if I slapped it?
Born 2 hunt.

Forced 2 grill.
SexLab (SL) is basically what most here use, and what is used in the SE guide in the OP. It's old but it Just Werks, is drama-free and you can be as degenerate as you like. OStim is a supposedly more stable, basically more classy implementation of sex, but the community seems rife with dumb drama and the animations are mostly vanilla. No rape or beasts or stuff like that. This seems to be a fairly indepth guide for OStim but again, not sure if any part of the mod has splintered off into something else - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/5654
SE guide seems to list OStim as the best alternative with a writeup coming soon (lol, lmao 2021) so I am assuming OStim is what you want if you choose that route.

You'd see some very nice SMP jiggle. Also you'd best follow up with some dicking/riding depending on what toolbox you've got.

One million dead Kut-Kus.
>You'd see some very nice SMP jiggle
Okay but does the two benis variant create a drum solo?
right, loverslab is the site, sexlab is the mod, along with its addons and stuff. I like the modding guide but it feels a bit incomplete or outdated (some of the links go to defunct url's) so it's a shame it's apparently abandoned.

thanks for the reply
yarti's daughter's titties
hello /aco/ how r u
show vagina
heck yeah
where are we going

Yeah, it do be that way. I think there's enough in there for you to Google if a link is dead, mind. Good luck anyway.
I am physically attracted to those lanterns.
As if there wasn't enough circlejerking around here...
I was thinking the same thing
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this took an embarassing amount of time to setup since i had alot of issues
holy fuckin fat titties
really captured what sex with a fat girl is like. not a lot of movement, but a lot of pressure. very realistic.
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she isn't fat, just slightly pudgy
fat ass fat thighs fat tits. not sure what you're trying to prove by arguing my compliment.
no argument intended anon.

she could lose a few pounds though, she's still carrying around her 19 year old pregnancy weight.
This trash is what passes for a good waifu now? Look at that fucking face for christs sake.
now show us how you do it better
>he's actually defending that garbage
Jesus what happened to this general?
nice boobs
Your fake nice guy larping isn't fooling anyone
get a grip retard, people can be nice on this thread y'know it doesnt have to be shitfu this shitfu that
The only shitfu here is yours though
>When yarti, bosmom, and synthia exists
Yeah ok pal
Imagine having not one but THREE waifus in your head rent free
Based Myth 2.0
I wish to ask for her hand in marriage...

>calls herself Myth
>doesn't have a cock

You're a goddamn phony and a liar.
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tough crowd tonight
Kahjit sub with crawl on all four sneak.
Oh yea
your shitfu is so awful it makes even chey and bosmom seem not that bad
not dub?
so you like the cock
You actually gonna post something for once in between all this bellyaching & whining you do every thread? Do you even have the game installed?
Still can't be worse than synthiashit
You first
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what are your ideal waifus then anon?
He doesn't have any, genius
ah, so he's purely doing it for the hate of it? there's always one of them.
The ones that clearly aren't posted here. No need to reply to yourself.
I want nadi on top of me right now
i hope you're strong enough to handle her, she's become a bit of a dom in her milf years...
Yes anon, I like cock, anymore stupid questions?
We're pretending to like that downie monster now then?
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This thread is making me want to re-install the game again but the work needed to put everything back together again is a little steep.
>another futafaggot
you can fuck right off
shitmom and uglynthia
The thread is basically dead and you're trying to run people off?
yeah. We need a purge on the non-straights.
Fine, I won't be posting in this thread, don't need some triggered little kid whining at me.
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it's a chore to setup, but so worth it in the end
for many of us, the only dick we want to see is Snakestone's dick going into Yarti.
>more snakestone and yarti cringe
yeah no
Tell us then, what dicks would like to see?
Yarti's dick going into Snakestone
Some nice prehensile tentacle dicks would be nice. Maybe a few at once for good measure.
I'm ok with any dick going into pretty waifus, not the gross mutants being posted these days
Then make a pretty waifu and post her, whiny little sissy.
can we see the back?
They're so hard to work with tho.
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can I request some goth chey
was recently reminded of her
That looks nothing like a goth chey. Seek mental help

Good things come to those who suffer. Endlessly. Tentacly. Miserably.
>garbage above was so shit that it killed the thread
I like this waifu. I like this waifu ALOT!
What did you expect from synthiashitter, aka literally the least talented waifutroon and screenshotter? The guy has never posted a good screenshot, ever.
I guess you're right, my mistake. You would've thought that the dumbass would've actually improved over the years. You know what, I wouldn't mind if >>8403135 started posting more instead.
Based waifu appreciator.
Who are your 6 most appreciated waifus
And don't say shitfus like uglynthia and shitmom
Well, I no longer like this waifu
how do I set up hung cock out futa mod?
That body is just comical. Absurd. Fuck off.
Always with this turd waifu.
not gonna lie, I think the anon here >>8406533 is not that wrong. Something feels off. Maybe it is the perspective, maybe we need more Synthia pics on the thread to further evaluate it
Definitely voting for more Synthia pics
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queen of elf boobs
chey and bosmom can't compete
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can I keep racemenu presets from the LE if I finally give in to the SE
turn her around...
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havent touched this in years and getting nostalgic so guess Im just gonna spam a bit
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fuck off samefag
Tf is that weird fleshy spiky thing?
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2 waifus
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4 waifu buns
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pretty sure it was from some rando mod I grabbed from loverslab for the LE, also directly ripped from witcher 3
you mean 2 disgusting monstrosities
dude honestly what is fucking wrong with you if you think the face on that green turd is okay
It's the tree spirit boss thing from Witcher 3.
Why are balls in lewd content always so dangly? Mine stayed relatively close to my body after puberty, but I almost never see ones like that in drawn porn or modded content.
>always so dangly?
oldfags trying to depict reality. balls drop multiple times in life not just once.
Same reason boobs are always perfect in porn or mods I guess.
Are the Wabbajack nsfw mod packs any good? Or should I just stick with the long route to setting up my skyrim game.
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Avaline and Ventra are having their turn.
kino butthole
That dick looks very weird and since when is Korrinth into shotas
skin + muscle setup?
>nearly as tall as her
Ngl chest is pretty good. Pencil dick tho.
I'm bored again...
Please name 10 waifus you would like to see posted that don't make you bored.
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How about you play the game
or answer this >>8408401
with that cat around youre going to need those kneepads
is skyblivion ever going to be released or is it always going to be "in 2 more years" mode?
>inb4 "but what about bruma?"

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