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I want photorealistic 3dpd!

>Pick one and install Stable Diffusion

>Recommended /aco/ SD models

>Beginner prompts: save an image and load it with PNG INFO
https://files.catbox.moe/ie7m8h.png (embed)

>Optional extensions
ComfyUI only:

>Paint with Krita & SD

>/aco/ LoRAs:

>GPU tier list
https://files.catbox.moe/wseg1y.png (embed)

for more technical info check the thread on /g/. NO GAY/FUTA SHIT. It belongs on /trash/ or /y/.

>Related threads
>>8393886 is still alive
Whoops -- didn't see it since I just search csdg instead of wading through the threads.
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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/w0w2z7.png) with Masha (The Owl House).
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> hand on burning stove
> wait, demons are immune to fire damage
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Requesting Lori Loud giving futa Carlota a blowjob.
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im trying to use the base pony xl checkpoint, but im having a hard time with it. do you guys still use 1.5? i have a big prompt library and it will be tough starting over. not sure if i can even remake the styles and races i was making
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Lol no, not at all. I switched from 1.5 models to PonyXL and never looked back.

First, include these in your positive prompt:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up,

Don't think about what they mean. There's an article on CivitAI by the maker of Pony that explains it, but it's not really important. Then if you're using the Tag Autocomplete extension, you'll be able to gen almost anything that you want without loras.

Also, try to stick to these dimensions when generating anything with an SDXL model. Because reasons and math, it likes these dimensions most and will give you less trouble with stretched/squashed proportions.
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Also, you can alter the autotag to do e621 tags as well -- you should try both tags if you're not getting what you want. There are also a few models that are based on pony but don't require the score junk -- but they all have pros/cons.
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>and the rest
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thanks ill keep playing with it. so far i've found its much better at doing feet and hands, like a hand wrapping around a cock.
its just not appealing bros. what lora do i need to make it look like those images people shit out on rule34?
Adetailer on face?
catbox? this is great
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Requesting this harem girl from Prince of Persia belly dancing topless.
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i dont mean the face, i mean it looks like a rough digital painting. i am not sure the word for it, but this is an example of a sd 1.5 image i made. is there a prompt to tell pony to "finish the rendering" or something
try the high res fix
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Started getting into this yesterday (running A1111 locally), lots to learn and took a little while to get the hang of it, but starting to see some results. Wonky hands and double navels have been my arch nemeses.
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Requesting this pic redrawn in the show's artstyle.

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/jm9rwz.png
You've requested this in the last five or so threads.
No one is going to do this for you. Learn how to do it yourself. You could have learned how to do that by now.
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I think I found myself a hobby.
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Question for people who upload models to Civitai since I know plenty of you lurk here.

Whenever you upload a model, do you go through a sharing the data set you used as well? I want to start doing that myself because I want others to know how to train these things too and want to share the methods and tools I used so that others can do the same. There are surprisingly few of us that know how to do the things we do, so if I ever go through writing up a detailed easy to understand guide, then I want to be able to link to one of my data sets as an example. Are there any down sites to doing this? Civitai has an option to up the data set in the file field next to the downloadable model, and I also have a hugging face page full of past trained LoRAs and their corresponding dstasets (though most aren't public yet).


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Requesting this (https://files.catbox.moe/9ljkr8.png) with Lor McQuarrie (The Weekenders).
Can you upload a color mask to be used with inpaint sketch, or are you limited to only a black and white mask and regular inpaint?
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Anyone got ideas for this Wonder Woman in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse?
Airtight WW, chained up
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How do you guys go about fixing wonky hands/extra fingers? I did a gazillion inpainting tries before getting anything remotely decent with the right amount of fingers (pic related), but I'm still not a 100% happy with the result.
Make an edit in krita with the appropriate amount of fingers. Mostly just copy an existing finger or erase the extra fingers, as long as the correct number of lines exist you can fix it in inpaint at like 0.65ish denoising
So remove extra fingers/add extra fingers (nothing detailed, but rather lineart/solid color?), then import that into WebUI, mask the hand in inpaint, and then generate?
Yeah exactly. The img2img process will do the shading for you. Inpaint only masked and make sure there's enough padding to include the torso so it knows that it's painting a hand. You can probably leave the original prompt unchanged.
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Cool, thanks a lot for the tip! Will try that out the next time I need to do some fixing.
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Requesting Molly McGee giving futa Andrea Davenport a blowjob.
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Full frontal pinup of her at the beach and getting caught jerking in her sleep based on the image here
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What drives someone to make the same insanely time-consuming and niche request in every thread for weeks. Bro, nobody is going to spend 30-45 minutes finagling 3-4 loras plus latent couple and then inpainting to fulfill your very niche futa fetish requests. And frankly for things like >>8400483 to do it would require an owl house style lora that afaik doesn't currently exist, so, you know, hours of dataset gathering and then training a lora.

If you want people to actually do your requests, either keep it simple or make it something that has some wider appeal (or both).
Sucks that Devil's Candy is still kind of obscure and in a weird grey area between /co/ and /a/. The best I got is hacked gens using the River City Girls loras, since they're from the same artist.
Please if possible upload the catbox!
also interested in this
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You post this every fucking thread, please die
Report it as spamming.
Frankie's date is *not* going well, thanks for asking
How tf is it that every sparrow style gen in this thread looks better than his own art? Is this like inverse TheKite or Incase art, where it gets WORSE over time instead of better?
I really gotta learn how to fine tune these gens
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