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• Respect /aco/ and global rules
• Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do it for free
• Keep art critiques short, and only give if requested
• To make the new drawthread, wait for page 10 or Image limit
• Nobody is entitled to deliveries under any circumstances within these threads. Don't critique others' requests; If you don't like it, don't draw it
• Ignore the bait, you're better than this
• Stay on topic, and report bait, deliberately poor/antagonistic "criticism," and off-topic posts

• Reply to the OP when you request
• Provide good, detailed references (pictures are better than verbal descriptions), and keep it to one post
• One request per thread
• The request must be of an Original Character. This means no licensed characters, there's a General Drawthread for that
• Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost
• Be patient, not all requests will be fulfilled, it all comes down to plain dumb luck
• If you get a delivery, wait 2 threads before you re-request. If someone breaks this rule, don't waste posts by complaining

>Drawfags and Drawfags-to-be
• Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info, but only after delivering. Otherwise, you're just advertising
• Remember to reply to the Anchor Post to make deliveries easier to track
• Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take
• Ignore the drama and draw what you want, it's nobody's place to tell you what you can or can't deliver

>Drawing Books, tutorials, practice websites, and drawing programs:

If you're looking for a deleted thread, try checking

Previous thread: >>8357827
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Anchor post
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Requesting my OC Elsie in an anal-related situation of your choice. Bad ends preferred and dronification/latex stuff adored- but, dealer's choice.
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Requesting my cuntish, shit posting generic cat girl idly browsing her phone in the nude
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Requesting, my Doll Cyllia, being a smug little shit.
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Requesting Alfhildr, my half-elven Valkyrie, being battle-damaged. Also don't mind if whoever beat her claims her holes.
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I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
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Looking for someone to draw this artist's OC posing naked, any position works as long as her tits and pussy are visible. You don't have to draw all the extras and stuff like the wings, though it should be noted that the legs are prosthetics and not boots, so keep those if they happen to be in-frame

The original artist/owner of this OC: https://x.com/Luiicu
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Requesting Lilly the Drow Druid having sex with a Dryad on a shallow pond or Fucked against a tree by a Satyr. if you pair her with other Nature themed OC it'd be cool too.
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/r/ pale guy with red eyes and short hair
not too feminine just lean and slightly muscular
he's a narcissist who will sexually harass coworkers and such
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/req/ Magical girl Kai getting spitroasted by a pair of burly demons (male or futa up to you) while their dicks hold her suspended off the ground. She can be actively resisting (yet failing miserably) or just in a near comatose state as they have fucked her into semi-consciousness, all the while mocking and belittling her pathetic attempts at resistance, or the fact that she passed out already.

If you have other ideas you want to use Kai in, I'm sure they will be awesome, just not gore or scat.
Thanks in advance.
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Requesting a horny Neon pushing her pussy into a phone, resulting in it portal-ing and sticking out of the phone of a friend that opted to help. The friend could be someone's OC if they want!
Forgot to quote
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Tall, fat, goth girl with a dick
Pale skin, hime cut like in the reference.
Breasts a realistic C or D Cup
Either a nude pinup or in a black office buttoned shirt and slacks with a bulge
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Requesting Shizuka enormous ass on Gunky Slimer, just like an image on a right
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Requesting my zombie futa in a (slighty bloody) night dress (without the thong) shyly asking the viewer if they wants to sleep with her
god second please also you forgot to quote so
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Requesting some big bara booba covered in cum, pick the guy you like most.
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Requesting Roxanne Richter converting Kim Pine to a full on lesbian by using her oral and finger skills on her, and making her admit it as well, both characters are from Scott Pilgrim
forgot to quote the OP?
Yes, you're supposed to quote link to the OP so artists can better keep track of requests.
unless you're bryan lee o'malley, this should go in general drawthread, not oc
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Requesting my Goblin Groupie Hex, stretching her butthole with a bottle, beer, wine, shampoo, it's all good, just some impromptu anal loving,

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requesting my adventurer teasing the viewer with lingerie, please
Some people just like to do so, don't need to bother people about it if they don't like some kind of autist.
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Requesting my bimbo dog girl Lyra engaging in enthusiastic sex! She's a bit excitable about the whole affair, and is eagerly willing to try anything with anyone!

If I have to put forth an idea, how about her getting a bukkake or a blowbang in a mini-bikini?
I forgot to quote the OP too.
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Requesting a flustered Dani being felt up or groped by another woman.
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Last thread I went with my ice gargant but since there was no delivery, I'll try with the other recently made ref sheet of another character.

Since she's a blacksmith, I would like to see her rub herself on an anvil like Modeus does there
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/req/ Bargirl Zoë in a Coppertone-esque style situation, where instead of a dog pulling on her underwear it's a tentacle monster or something else that you come up with, and Zoë is panicked as she knows the look of "horny monster ready to breed" all too well.
>>8397808 #
Hoping to reach out to the artist who drew my oc! It looks perfect and I was just hoping if I could possibly get an HD version of the image! My discord is greatrevival, if that helps, if not I could totally reach out somewhere else. Thanks again!
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requesting a pin-up of my green girl, I'm not picky so anything goes
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Requesting Butterscotch getting anal creampied with a 'Filled Meter' on the side
My apologies, I am stupid apparently and got the OPs mixed up, how someone can do that with the giant "OC" in the name is a good question...
Requesting a continuation of this where both girls get gangbanged
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Requesting /r/ my cyberpunk netrunner gal here doing some really debauched stuff. she is a total freak into watersports and scat, so go wild. Ideas I have:
-Masturbating in an alleyway while people walk by.
-bad dragon dildo, lol
-sticking a sharpie up the poop chute with a date in 2045
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requesting my blonde OC having sex with a male zombie with long black hair and glowing red eyes against the wall. The blonde wears a black skirt with striped socks.
Consensual or non-consensual I have no preference
All you need to know about this character is she's a newb horror fan, although she loves zombies, she's unaware of how it'd feel to have sex with one, and she's a sort of chill laid-back person
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requesting this bimbo watching bimbo hypno porn in a chastity cage
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Requesting a bound Gita put on display, similarly to the reference.
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Requesting my gorgon doing some important virility experiments (sucking cock, gang bang, snakejob or whatever you want to do)
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/r/ Zenith Bonko (left) in the same pose (right) being ing for her master’s sperm
Is that shoulder feather wing thing part of her or just the clothes she's wearing?
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Is she shortstack or is that the only art of Zoe you have eand she's average woman height?
Madison, Audrey and Erin. what a lovely volleyball team
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She's a shortstack, around 3 feet tall, and works at a seedy bar for a scumbag who lets horrible things happen to her and adds any damages incurred in the process to her mounting debt. I have a few more pics of her but this is just one of her good reference photos.
Ah, yeah it is just clothing.
holy shit anon this is great, thank u!
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Sharing an OC in progress. Waiting for the next update from the artist.
A little about her.
She is Olivia, daughter of Oliver of the Blueridge clan at the service of you and yours.
Keeps her hair cut short as a symbol of being exiled from her clan.
Makes a living as a trapper, guide and occasional bounty hunter/hired gun.
Usual attire is a coon skin cap, buckskin vest, skirt, cloth blouse and boots. Unsure if they're knee or thigh height. Armed with a revolver, Bowie knife and a rune inscribed lever action Winchester 30-30. Dwarf crafted of course.

Not requesting anything, just wanted to share. Because there is a lack of dwarf and I aim to fix that
OR here. Thank you very much anon!
wasting space, go to /IC/ or /I/ you fuck and don't fucking use someone else oc
I'm not?
I paid good money for this dwarf.
And I'm not asking for any request, I just want to share, see what people think of her and the bit of history I have for her.

>I bet elven hands typed this, or jealous a jealous gobbo
this is a thread for requesting porn of your OC, not one to just share them
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Fuck it, requesting Madison getting it on with anyone you like, or just getting herself off. Go nuts!

Also, anyone else got OC they want fucked by the Volleyball team?
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Actually yeah, I've been wanting to do something like a group of sports teens fucking my MILF OC. You can ditch the cat ears if you want, I don't really care either way.
How about some "Talent hunting" ? I heard Erin is pretty good at convincing Futas like Jacquelyn to join the volleyball team~

I mean, surely her 6'3 height would make her a great volleyball player right~?

I mean, it says right there to tell other anons about OCs.
So that's what I did.
But I'll cease the engagement so the thread doesn't get filled up with back and forth.
Shit, wrong anchor quote. Sorry all
you are supposed to Request AND share. not just share...

The reason it says this is Not the General drawthread is because idiots come in here asking for Wonder Woman, Princess Peach, Jessica Rabbit, etc.

Those do NOT belong in the OC drawthread
I'm saving my re-up until I'm not breaking thread rules, lol
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Requesting Edda the Witch with enormous breasts
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Requesting, something dommy with my deep Siren here Lana, big fan of coiling, choking and general 'fear play' with her.
Folks can post their oc if they like, regardless of what some pissy begger like you has to say about it.

I'll throw Lyra to a whole volleyball team!
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Anchoring my fire genasi!
ah I fucked up and grabbed the broken one, shit, here's the pic but not so dark.
Why was she exiled from her clan?
What's her type?
Which of her side jobs does she enjoy the most?
Any other details about the setting she's from? I'm assuming it's fantasy American frontier so that's pretty cool

Just curious about lore, thanks for sharing anon
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>why was she exiled
Murdered her betrothed. He was the son of a wealthy merchant clan who let it slip, after getting very, very drunk, that the marriage was only a sham to get the knowledge of her clan's rune and gun smiths to sell cheap, mass produced versions of them. While her father believed her, a grudge had to be settled. Exile was the only way in which she didn't end up dead in the halls of her ancestors.

>What's her type
Usually goes for pretty looking human boys but also the rougher sort, and will even consider an elf if she's had enough beer in her. But mostly, she likes men who have a softness about em.

>Which side job does she enjoy the most
I wouldn't say she really enjoys any of them, they're all a means to an end but she does them as any good dwarf would. No corner cutting or half assed measures. In truth, she enjoys the freedom being an exile has brought her, even if it is a lonely life outside the hall of her clan.

>Anything else about the setting
Fantasy American Frontier/Wild West is as good a way to put it as any. She mostly stomps around in the Appalachian mountains from New England down into Virginia. Humans are your standard British/European stock, the high elves are Spaniards, forest/wood elves are akin to American Indians, orcs are pig like monsters who get a bullet in the brain no questions asked.
Got some other ideas about various other races, like tribal desert reptiles but I haven't done a lot of world building.

Sufficed to say, Olivia comes across man and monster alike in her travels and usually ends up putting a rune empowered bullet into one, or both of them.
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Requesting my questing kitty Oki Doki used as a human fleshlight by a Mamool Ja (or anyother beastman or monster)
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Requesting right pic in your style
Anon, I've been watching these threads for a while. Please explain why you like clothed Indian women tied to chairs so much. What a very specific fetish.
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I'd like to throw my OC Becca into the line of fire
Swear to God I've seen you out in the wild somewhere. What server are you on?
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Crystal and Chaos
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Requesting a nat 1, critical fail scene with my cleric, have at it and have fun
furshit isn't allowed on this board.
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Can I please get Bumblebee fucking Charlie Watson in one of the poses referenced with some level of glowing blue Cybertronian jizz on her? The only caveats I ask is that Bumblebee be in his VW form, and that there's no insane stomach buldging.
wrong thread
there should be a new report for stuff in wrong threads like the furry one
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Requesting my mermaid OC Stella picking at her teeth with a fish bone
Requesting my Tax Collecting Elf Inquisitor, Iris, gaining a status effect called "Pregnant" after failing to get a group of ruffians to pay their back taxes.
Did you draw the reference pic? If so, bretty gud anon. Social?
No it was a sketch page i commed a while ago. I just really like it and it's much clearer than the base i drew on.
Oh and the artist is @mistercakerz
sauce on that bumblebee and charlie pic?
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something simple 'cause I still haven't learned how to paint digitally

If anyone has a request for an oc from someone else, let me know
This thread is for your OCs, not other people's from those who don't post here. There are plenty to choose from anons who'd love to see theirs get fucked unless you are craving drama that badly.
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Would love to see you take on this artist's OC.

Partial to rough and dubiously consensual sex myself, but you're absolutely free to take a spin on it.

Oh, this is really cute. Thank you very much anon, I appreciate it!
that would be nice right now
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with a bikini asking for help putting it on
Not the anon you posted to, but does it even matter as long as we get free smut?
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Ada from zakinodo slipping out of her tail as though it were a costume or turned on by having a starfish bra playing with her nipples constantly
Nta but yes. Its off-topic, derails the thread with drama we don't want to be part of, and puts the thread at risk of getting pruned. The same dramafags that lurk here to start this kind of shit threw a hissy fit over this tried to make their own thread and that got deleted.
OP here. She looks lovely~
Dont worry Jacquelyn, if you have the potential I'm sure Erin will help you build up your stamina~
Nice work, anon! Do you have a blog?
blog? get with the times grandpa
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Would love Damiana summoning tentacles from her enchanted book
Looks like someone is angry because no one wants to draw his OC
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Requesting Freya getting a Full Nelson from a Warcraft troll.
If the Warcraft troll isn't to your taste, then just a basic orc will do.
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here you go!
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Well, I wasn't there for the discord drama so unless proven otherwise, I'm just going to assume (for now) he's nust a helpful anon that delivered on requests and wasn't the one causing all the drama.
This is dog shit
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Requesting my alien-goblin Xofia running into a typical alien-horror monster. Any type of alien from a Xenomorph to even the Killer Klowns from Outerspace is fine with me.

A scenario related to eggs/oviposition or alien-on-alien abduction are just some ideas, though don't feel limited by them either!
Not that anon, but your art looks like...?
Dont feed the trolls.Dont bump the thread limit with your responses.
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Nothing, just shitposting here

Cope, lol
Does your volleyball team have a name or something? Like a "Futa University Volleyball team" ?
requesting my Goblin Cultist riging on someones huge cock, looking really excited and proclaiming that "This could be the second largest cock I've ever taken!"

Poses, mate and weather or not it's consentual (for either party) is up to you.
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Maybe i can Request Sally being all "Alright girls, I'm your third substitute teacher this year after all previous ones got pregnant, so lets get to meet each other alright?"

Only to be gangraped by Audrey, Madison and others?
No one cares
Teke from D-rex, blushing as she give a sloppy blowjob and/or recieve a cumshot over her face and breasts
Can't believe I did not notice this post before. But here goes mine:

Requesting DoodlePoodle's Katie Kendall from his Tales from the Tables webcomic having an intimate private time with an older school boy jock, can look like the one in the right. And make it a two panel, please.

-First panel is Katie and the older boy kissing. Full on French Kissing mouth-to-mouth with saliva leaking from each other's mouths. The Older is fingering her vagina with one hand and has his other hand beneath her shirt, fondling her boobs.

-Second panel is Katie giving the older boy jock a blowjob to his thick/girthy dick. It can be a regular fellatio or her trying to deepthroat while the older boy is is joyful in ecstasy. His eyes closed, a wide opened mouth smile, maybe with dialogue of him saying:
>"Oh yeah Katie! That hits the spot. You're so cute and funny. But- don't suck to deep if you can't. Just make sure you drink up your boyfriend's love juices thoroughly. Okay?"

-Alternatively, if you think a blowjob is too much for Katie given she is a young girl. A handjob alternative can probably do. You can alternatively have the second panel be her giving a handjob to the older boy's thick girthy dick with both her hands. With the boy telling her.
>"Good, that's it. Nice and easy. Make sure you clean it up and drink the white love juices with your tongue thoroughly. We can get boba milk tea and ice cream afterwards."

BUT! If a Two Panel/2koma request is too much for you. I can take just a single panel delivery based solely on the second panel part of my request where Katie is giving the older boy a blowjob.

Mate, this is /aco/. Take this shit to /b/ or /trash/.
Thank you most based delivery man, you are truly a gem
Your art is shitpost quality
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Facts, bait
Same thing
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Can I get Edeline in a sticky situation either with a monster, brutish orc, or cursed object? Tired, fucked stupid, with lots of cum? Bonus points for an internal x-ray shot of her being impregnated?
Not shitpost quality, but definitely has a lot of things I could criticize about it. But this isn't /ic/
Go on and show us how it is done buddy.
Really desperate to out yourself as a tourist huh?
I'm not going to redraw his garbage for him, and I'm not going to post my work.
Then I'm forced to believe you're a troll starting shit because your shit requests never get a fill. You could be the best artist in the world but with a shit attitude you'll always be a shitter.

tl;dr >>shitshitshitshitter
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Requesting Eliott wearing a cock cage and riding a large dildo, other restraints optional.
Page 10 haunts us once more.
Cope with whatever fantasy it takes
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This is Camille Mayflower, a witch tied to the season of Summer. How about some sexy summer activities for her.
Artist is Youkaiyume.
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Update on this. Is the OC's owner still around?
Im gonna line this up next
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An anon mentioned baraag last thread, I've been thinking about making an account but I don't know what username to choose, any ideas?
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Requesting a continuation of this scene of my shaman OC, being bred by two malicious poachers after stumbling into her hot springs.
I'm a fan of rougher sex and would like to see her dominated mainly. Maybe one of them could use her antlers as handlebars, up to you!

The original prompt was:
>her tribe is xenophobic against anyone that steps in their local neck of the woods — maybe one or more foreigners could make her think otherwise?

I'm good for any NSFW tags and arts involving her as long as it isn't too out there and that she's still submissive.

If the original drawfriend that did her is still checking in around here, I want to let you know that your delivery really made my week that month and I hope you're doing alright. Thank you so much!

More character references/pose references listed below.
Still around, thanks for the update! Do you have socials or post anywhere aside from here?
I'm interested, but I need some more to go off of. Hair color? Eye color? How long do you want the hair, like a bob, or shoulder length, or really long or what? What details about her personality that might reflect in her design?
hair color is black but with a slight purple tint
eyes are dark purple
heavy eyeliner
pink lipstick
hair hime cut like in the reference that goes to just below the shoulders
She's a bit tomboyish personality wise so she'd wear like black pants and buttoned shirts
engages in witch craft (real in fantasy settings)
it's a tumblr-esque archetype that kinda dislikes men
She's a futa, prefers females and I'd only have her with males if they're femboys ramming her
Athor691 on twitter, but i might post an edited version there and pat reon because of rules and crap
Whatever you go with, drop it here sometime. I'd love to get commissions from someone with based taste
>furry and underage on /aco/
>eternal no-draw out to spoil other folks fun
That is what I thought. :P
this shit unironically looks like the kind of garbage a pedo troon off /co/ would draw to groom minors
drawing them all as lil girls is gross as shit too
fucking who?
I'd be disappointed if this is what I was offered for free
i thought it could be you, but never mind
Thanks, anon!
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Requesting a pinup of my nereid Iridessa, either lounging on an anchor to tease some sailors, or accidentally tangled in nets and ropes trying her to it.
She have two arms and legs, webbed fingers and somewhere around a C-cup.
How he has not been fired yet remains a mystery
thanks anon!
Hmm, I feel like offering her to the OC Drawthread again. Have at thee!

Marie's gone under a few changes since the last time I've shared her to any form of the internet, mainly that she's progressively gotten less and less Human--and by extension, likely less conventionally attractive. But what do I know? And another thing I should say is that the legs don't have to stay as exactly as they are shown, you can give them as many or as few joints as one would like. I know how mechanical stuff can be a pain to draw.

One thing to note is that she now has vampire fangs, now fuelling (or feeding, whichever way you want to put it) off of blood. Going all Dracula to a person every now and then.
Anyhow, I find it quite amusing that I made this character to be as literally as unfuckable as possible, yet the only place I dare to ever post anything about her is in /aco/ of all places.
I wouldn't mind any criticism or advice, since It's quite clear I'm not used to drawing people beyond mere stickfigures.
Sorry anon, loli content is not allowed on /aco, so I'll pass
Oh! Oh! Can I share a headcanon!? I bet despite being reported and called in by HR. The guy is not only NOT fired, but is instead having woohoo fun time with the HR ladies themselves. And while he's humping one of the HR ladies, she'd tell him;

>"How many times do we have to tell you to not show your dick off like that during midday hours!? You're lucky your so handsome and attractive, otherwise we would have given you the boot a long time ago- AND DON'T THINK WE FORGOT THE TIME YOU IMPREGNATED SEVERAL INTERNS WITHIN A WEEK! COULD YOU AT LEAST BRING PROTECTION WITH- HEY NO! DON'T CIM INSIDE ME- NO!"

Yeah, I bet that fuck boy has not been fired yet because he's hot and the HR Ladies and Lady Admins begrudgingly keep him around for his cock, do they?
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/r/ 3koma featuring a young black fast food cashier and a white boi.

First panel is the cashier gal asking for what his order will be only to be quickly interrupted by the guy saying he wants her to be his delicious black choco queen-wife.
>"Hello sir, may I take your order -"
>"Please be my delicious sexy Choco queen-wife."

Second panel is the dude literally dropping a lot of cash on the counter as a marriage dowry and him presenting a diamond wedding ring to her with the cashier surprised and blushing.

Third panel is the cashier gal and white dude in bed passionately kissing and fucking in missionary. Please do show some breeding action with signs of cum in pussy during the humpings if you can.

Go ahead and make the white guy young or older, but prolly wealthy looking due to the "dowry" and ring he presented.
You still taking more? Care to give this a shot? >>8399304

Also I do find your drawing style sort of cute in a way. Go ahead and make it cute in your style if you can.

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