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Last thread:
On /co/

This is a latex x bondage thread, we’re not trying to overturn the bondage thread just wanted to have a latex themed thread
Bondage is welcomed of course!
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For those just joining, the old thread died unfortunately and I was busy to notify anyone, so if you find this thread I’ll try to keep it alive as possible~
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are you the guy who made these edits? I have a particular fetish for girls in gimp masks and have made a few basic edits myself to satisfy my cravings (this picture was done by someone else in one of the screenshot edit threads a while back)
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No I am not the one who edited these, idk who but they were on the last thread

Did make this camila edit tho
Not half-bad. I have no artistic talent so all my edits consist of erasing the heads and copy-pasting a gimp mask from somewhere else in its place, like this.
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This was the original btw.
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Not bad
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not my edit
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this was the original
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Do hope more people join
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/aco/ is pretty slow, I wouldn't worry too much about it
though if you really feel like you need to, you can probably try starting a thread on /co/ and crosslinking
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Cross linking? I’m new to starting threads so I don’t know what that is
Copy paste the url of this thread into a thread on /co/ like you tried to do with the OP, which didn't work because that thread is archived.
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Ahh well gonna give /co/ a break atm unless someone else makes a new thread
Guy who made these edits and more here. I can't do some right now but probably will at points throughout the week, and aco threads tend to be slower so that seems alright. So I'll see about taking some requests here, can't guarantee I'll do all of them of course.
I also suppose with the board change we can get more nsfw with it as well, sounds fun. Just remembering to follow the no loli etc. rules of the board.
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Ayyyye welcome to the board latex anon!
Glad to have ya here, and take your time for any requests you might get XD

I suggested this back at /co/ and if you want me to change I will:
Anne, Sasha, and Marcy in these latex outfits in their corresponding colors as referenced below
(If you want to use their timeskip design that works too)
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If it weren't against the rules, would you be willing to do loli?
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How about you delete this post and we pretend you never made it, deal?
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can you do a latex edit of stacy from rick and morty with her arms bound behind her back, gagged with the zipper hod and blindfolded. can you edit out rick and morty as well
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Gonna be busy today, hope this thread survives lol
I wouldn't worry too much as long as someone's making a post or two a day
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Cool so this counts right?
Yep ^^ it counts
I don't see why it wouldn't. If it has anything to do with latex/leather fetish gear or encasement, it's welcome here as long as it's not against the rules.
I'm just waitin for the edit-anon to get back.
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When edit-anon gets back, can you give Didi here one of those zipper-mouth gimp masks like
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Killer Frost
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