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'wait a minute that pantyline' edition


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Previous Thread: >>8364756
On devianart, dose anyone have MercyCakesCD content?
Post some wedgie fantasies you've had or think would be hot
Let’s continue the argument
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Matt and yummy's work have same quality
But Matt have nostalgic spice so that’s why yall don’t sperg him
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wow, the worst bait in existence was just posted. I feel like I was part of history
It's too bad the lolis scare away normies from this series. There are so many top tier girls, would love more wedgie content from it
I really want somebody to wrestle me to the ground, flip me over and give me the biggest wedgie of my life. I want a reputation as not just a wedgie boy, but a total wedgie bitch.
Idk I just want to give a pretty girl a wedgie so I can see her underpants.
Fagposting isn’t funny anymore
I'm serious. It's not a joke.
Then go to grindr or something gayboy damn
High waisted jeans + a wedgie is pretty good
Realizing now that I forgot the thread number and title, I'm so sorry.
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No. Eat shit and die.
Drink piss and live
I think that’s already on his agenda looking at what he’s into.
Actually yeah, that's exactly what I'm up so it's already going on.
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Pokemon Masters Wedgie Edition has finally been found.
that video ain't bad though. did always confuse me a bit at the same time, wondering if it was just some Russian(?) guy getting these random girls(prostitutes?) to engage in this highly specific fetish.
I think JeansPony's videos are the weirdest in the community. They feel odd...very liminal wow
Also somewhat illegal, mostly because their website used to be super slow and very dogshit lol
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>very liminal wow
dumb zoomer
I think the weirdest videos are those where an old man gives hardcore wedgies to a girl that I want to belive was 18 years old
Homemade vids where the end was the girl pussy with clearly bruises, vibes really creppy it literally looks like watch a submissive slave
white girl with dyed short hair and a man that no joke was looking like this
I want see
Cute zoomer, adorable zoomer even
is there an archive of refreshinglemonades stuff anywhere? I miss his stories
I only have a link for Mother's Dayrriere

Por la noche con su coche, vigilando sin cesar
Va tu amigo el policía, Policía Nacional
Los peligros que le acechan él los debe de afrentar
Pues adquiere un compromiso con toda la sociedad
Apatrullando la ciudad, apatrullando la ciudad
Por la noche con su coche apatrulla la ciudad
Apatrullando la ciudad, apatrullando la ciudad
Por la noche con su coche apatrulla la ciudad
Isn’t that the guy who keep posting the seethe shit and argues a lot
Some retard thought that he was the one who posted that, but he was really just talking completely out of his ass. He has argued here once before tho, just not that time.
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I'm not playing your shitty gacha game! The characters don't even look like they're from the same series and are all ugly!!
You ok?
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Yeah I'm alright.
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This literal who Gacha game is promoting itself with official wedgie art
Well shit, they’ve got me interested
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I will now play your game
There's also this from a screenshot on the steam page
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if I could awake an editor...
Wasn't there a gacha game that let you give slight wedgies to its girls? I think it was a dead or alive game
real ones remember all of the "amateur" videos that were deleted from YouTube over the years
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Tifa needs more wedgie content
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Natural wedgies are hot, more so if they leave them in
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Yes, Venus Vacation. The skins that let you wedgie the girls were super expensive though. Idk if that's changed since.
broooo, thank you, love that. Jirou is best girl and deserves the best wedgies (I've never seen MHA).
Wedgie mfs when the task it's knowing the source of the character they wanted wedgied (I'm mfs)
Not Jirou but have another MHA wedgie.
Despite MHA being pretty popular, I feel like there’s a disappointing lack of art in the wedgie community of girls from the series. It definitely gets more love than plenty of other anime, but I always sort of expected it to take Naruto’s place as the #1 inspiration for wedgie art/stories from anime and it never did. Which is weird, because I feel like it would be perfect: young, cute high school aged girls who are at the age where they would play pranks on each other, plenty of different personalities, cute schoolgirl uniforms, ect. Like it boggles my mind that more people don’t want to see Mina/Kendo/Nejire/Momo giving Ochaco/Jiro/Tsuyu devastating atomic wedgies. I’d really love to see more art from this series, especially stuff with Mina, Ochaco, and Jiro.
MHA has tons of wedgie art. Usually with this brown haired chick as the victim.
>I feel like there’s a disappointing lack of art in the wedgie community of girls from the series
Stopped reading there. No, not only does it have a great quantity of art but it also has really quality art, as shown by your pic related
Worth noting a lot of it gets taken down because fictional characters are totally real people guys
>Not giving wedgies to the hot and adult heroes
C'mon now...
I say as I forget my photo.
I also want to wedgie and get wedgied by Mirko
pining for the days when "wedgie caption" meant stolen art accompanied by a POV story instead of some fat fuck inserting himself into impact font memes of anime children giving him wedgies or photos of actresses with bad grammar and no sex appeal
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The hell happened to Coxxy’s art, this shit looks like it’s from 2005
Amen brother

One of the community's biggest mysteries

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