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Summertime Edition

>What is SPNatI?
Strip Poker Night at the Inventory is a free open-source web game where you play strip poker against over 200 different fictional characters, including characters from Fire Emblem, Pokémon, Doki Doki Literature Club, Danganronpa, and dozens more.

Losing a hand means losing a piece of clothing, and a naked opponent must masturbate when they lose their final hand. Many characters even have epilogues that you can view by winning the game!

SPNatI is open-source, so anyone can create a character and then add them to the game. Characters are written to have specific interactions and replies with each other, so there's always new interactions to look for!

More info can be found in the ingame FAQ.

>Link to the game:

>Offline version download (includes Kisekae, the program used to make character models, and the Character Editor, which helps you make images and write dialogue):

>Link to the subreddit:

>Link to the Discord servers (development and social)

>Is making your own character hard?
>Does it take time?

Don't see your favorite character? Show us scrubs how it's done and make them yourself, or help improve an existing character. You don't need to know how to draw or code, since the development tools take care of that.

There are always lots of new characters on the testing tables (found by choosing "Testing Tables" on the select screen). Give them some feedback!
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Standard UI with the cards menu.
Try the full-screen mode!
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Winning gives you a show to watch...
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But losing can be fun in its own way.
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Epilogues are little afterstories that usually take things further. To unlock one, win against a character with the "SPNatI Epilogue Available" badge.

Some might have certain conditions to unlock--check the trophy room to be sure.

Characters also have "collectibles," which are basically achievements, though some of them can be worn or unlock new modes for characters.
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Place your bets, is a certain someone gonna react to the Setogaya epilogue thing? What about OMari's and Nami's? Would be fun to see her get a taste of her own medicine. Nah, of course that'll never happen.
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At least it's fun giving Nagatoro payback by having Mari and Rosa tell her that youre definitely not a virgin anymore. It's great when characters remember epilogues like that
If there is someone I don't wanna see this happen to, it's Tharja. Poor thing doesn't deserve such treatment, I remember her nearly wanting to off herself if you did the forfeit with Revy.
Which characters have yuri events with each other?
The ones I know about are Monika and Sayori (obvious)
Gloria and Nadeshiko
and Cynthia and Dawn
Are these all of them?
Leonie and Petra
Jura and her wife Barnette
Meia, Jura, and Barnette all together (they even have a new version now in their most recent update)
Noelle and Senko
Sheena and Yae
Cagliostro and Sucrose

Sanny (from sanny & tess) & (Kora the xenoblade one) too if you want to see Sanny fuck Kora in the ass!

Aqua (kingdom hearts) and Mia hug each other a few times, in the second one Mia outright grabs Aqua's boobs and Aqua touches Mia's butt
I haven't been able to find anything from Sanny & Tess online, where are they from?
When will Yang and Blake be re-added?
They’re original characters made by Wikipedia as examples of futanari.
Next month if you guarantee you'll sponsor them as soon as they get into testing
Mari is so pretty!!!! <3

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