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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels, including incest and harems.

Western erotic games (2D & 3D) are welcome here with these content restrictions:
>No QoS/blacked
>No futa
>No gay dudes
Report any restricted content posted here, including anything about games that are exclusively for such content.

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Previous thread: >>8401497
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My wife.
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Nova will be the first to get preggers
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Awesome news, we could be as little as two months away! All we need is the all-important final touches to Spraytan Girl and Throwaway Sidechick and we are OFF!
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bros... will i ever find an azraesha irl??
>we could be as little as two months away
lol it went from 9/12 to 9.5/12 in one month
probably not
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It's funny even without the fish lips. Amazing.
>my saves keep getting deleted due to my settings and I keep forgetting to manually back them up
What builds do you guys use? This one has all three Business classes; a few points in Intelligence, Stamina and Willpower; and the Mancatcher, Massive Load, Sharpshooter, and Debt traits.
Expenses are $45/day. Crafting knives can turn a profit but it will be tough to balance that with grinding your stats, especially stamina.
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what's so funny about it?
No... but I will!
next year maybe
MY wife.
I don't think so bud.
lust epidemic
Treasure Of Nadia
the genesis order
Symphony Of The Serpent
visiting aunt sara
Funniest WEG you ever played?
you'll never steal rae from raeposter
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OK I guess this one looks alright
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Maybe he will, maybe he won't.
who's to say, really?
you'll never be looking alright
I've seen better.
no you haven't
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It's the same 20-30 pics every fucking thread. Get some new material, is it really just one retard that brings the same shit to show and tell and doesn't say shit, just holds up pictures they like?
Thought about giving this a try but haven't yet.
Who and what?
I have no idea what this even is
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you aren't mean to
Demon Tyrant
Do you guys think showing the Jade video is gonna completely fuck her path? I don't wanna start a new playthrough just to change that
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just change the variable in URM
Knowing DPC it'll probably affect her ending.
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I'm going to wed this wetback!
Not if I wed her first!
no me
Yeh, it probably is.
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that would probably piss off a lot of players
universal renpy mod
What is that?
it's a mod you can use with any weg made with renpy
Where can I get it?
there's a thread for it on f95
Do you have a link?
The copycat
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acting lessons
in a scent
the twist
Holiday Island
this is nice
He's trolled with the ending before, he'll do it again.
without a doubt
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What's the difference and/or pros and cons of it vs unrenpy?
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urm can do everything that a renpy mod can possibly do and more, unrenpy can't
Those are some pretty big differences.
Specifically because you mentioned changing a variable. Whenever I have had to do that I run unrenpy just to enable console then load the game and change the variable from there. Does urm streamline that process?
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once in a lifetime, but unironically. or goblin layer
I can't recall a single time I've laughed playing a weg
careful man you're gonna get banned for calling out this faggotry
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yes of course, you can also track variables and other flags and values and such to quickly edit them again and again if you want without having to go into the main mod menu
Sounds based.
it is in fact very much so based
>installing a botnet for your gobbo slideshows because you are lazy
why are you lying?
I wish I was.
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so you're saying you're a lizard wearing a skinsuit then? no human can go without laughing at just how stupid some of these wegs are
He doesn't have any, anon is fibbing.
those games suck
first weg you guys have ever played?
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>this dude that spams the same pictures from the same games every single thread
Probably something from LOP Games. Tori 500 or some shit. God, those games were so old.
Newgrounds stuff like Sim Girls, Sex Kitten series, Frank's Adventure, etc.
the fuck is a lop game? stop making stuff up
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There is no such thing.
Hard to remember, but I think Dreams of Desire
No you don't.
There was a Date Ariane thread on /v/ and someone posted a link to Redemption For Jessika in it. I still have a soft spot for the Elsaverse and all the other Mortze stuff
where is it? don't see it
he has a folder from various other games and his bot just goes through those. he doesn't manually post them
rip Sally dude
it's always the same order, of the same 4-5 games
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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He changed it up a bit after getting banned like 6 months ago. Back then he exclusively posted BaDIK pics and he was much more blatant about it, literally flooding the thread with 300 pics until the bump limit. Now he incorporated different games and sprinkles some posts with no pics like all those "Recommend me some game that have sex" and its subsequent replies


The funny thing is no one went back to his cuck thread. He literally had to use his bot on his own thread as for it to not reach 1 month of "activity"
Josie is unironically best girl
I was hoping there will be no pregnancy in this game
I'm not sure how to get up and running with this game
Any fight I'm absolutely slaughtered and have not been able to get anywhere with talking to people
Went with slaver start thinking I could build capital with that
You need at least 40 melee/ranged skill to not be useless in combat.
The trick to winning early fights is hiring mercs. The Peasant and the Savant are cheap but the Savant probably won't last long.
Another anon suggested starting as an Academic, which gives you a free $200/day. Then working at the academy for more money while training during the evening to raise combat skills. It does work but it's boring.
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hairy, blonde buttholes are under-represented
How hairy is too hairy?
that was the maximum amount of hair I've seen anyway
"Get your cock out of my daughter!" as the FIRST thing you shout walking in on her getting banged doesn't sound funny to you?
Why do 3D WEGs look like shit yet I can easily find quality 3d animation on rule 34?
1 animation
>weg update
10+ animations
what are you a fucking faggot?
Anyone played that dystopian robot GF game? Everything outside of the robot girl and fucking her was awful. Anything else where you can interact with the game during sex?
Modded Skyrim better
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I don't want to see pregnant women in my games
if you count games with stolen assets from hentai then meet'n'fuck games from newgrounds
they're still milking LwT kek
>Anyone played that dystopian robot GF game?
Incredibly, you need to be more specific.
You can turn preggo stuff off at the start of the game
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When is the fucking update coming out?
what are you some.kind of antinatalist
What are some games with the best PLOT?
I am currently playing Stray Incubus, pretty interesting story with horror elements if you ask me
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fight me.onii-chsn
Does anybody know of any renpy games where you can unlock shit for successive runs?

Like you play the game and beat it then unlock something for your second run? If it exists I want to know so I can look at how they code that.
>If it exists I want to know so I can look at how they code that.

You use persistent variables.
To do this, simply declare variables with "persistent." before them, as in the example below:
>default persistent.fuck_mom = False

Then, when you fuck your own mother in your degenerate game, you do this in the event:
>$ persistent.fuck_mom = True

Now this variable will stay True forever, even if you start a new game. You can use it to unlock different things in new playthoughs like this:
>if persistent.fuck_mom:
>(new content here)
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Never ever
I like her tit mole
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Sweet its not as hard as I thought it would be. Thanks!
oh no is that a breast cancer
I played that too but I thought it was an H game?
what is these retarded devs' plans when they use ai art? they can't make it consistent. they can't make a scene how they want. why do they bother
sauce on this?
wants of summer. dev posts here
No she doesn't.
Ah. I see. You are a faggot.
Because it is cheaper than paying an artist.
Artists suck. Either their skill is shit or their ego demands far too much only, or both.
>dev is a tranny

oh my fuck
Artists are faggots and retards. They almost NEVER want to team up with a dev and split revenue. They insist on being paid up front. I for one am very happy that AI will be replacing them.
It still makes way more sense to try to learn to figure out consistency than to try learn how to become an artist.
then why not just make a 3d game
What game is this?
no games
it's the death of wegs
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what have you done...
Costs money to get decent assets and a rendering comp.

AI is all run on cloud and the like.
in other news, jewcat "nobly" suspended his subscribestar while admitting all he was doing was pay for VAs in a game other people were making and not-at-all-subtly criticizing CriticalBliss for actually eventually publishing finished games in one go instead of stringing people along with a subscription and tiered rewards like a set of jingly keys.
2 months ago and nobody noticed because none of them actually do anything
I have no idea what you're talking about.
can you provide more context and structure this in a non-retarded way to actually promote discussion
star periphery update when
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Imperial Gatekeeper
has... has he been got anons?? are we freed??
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probably got a 3 day vacation. If enough of us report, the job is done. Remember to always select Automated spambot
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colonize all gobbos
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oh look it's the same 4 pics from desert stalker, I haven't seen those every thread
is that like the papers please game?
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Another Chance - TimeWizardStudios
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They want to make money, basically, without really caring about their product.
And yes, there are one or two who are honestly trying to "master" the tools to offer something a bit more human-curated, but that's a totally futile endeavor, in my view, because if the technology really gets to the point where a human can force it to do something coherent, then this action also can be fucking automated.
This is the point that people don't seem to be grasping. If AI really is able to completely replace artists (it's still a long way off), then it will also be able to replace the "prompter", and AI-based games will basically start making themselves.
How is incest "vanilla"? You faggots are such hypocrites, it's not even funny.
lmao get fucked. We are not coming back to you dead (and botted) thread
faggot 100 percent
Dreams of the desire. I was playing it through my browser somehow. Didn't understand that landlady meant mom.

I also think the name "Dreams of Desire" is hilarious like someone was trying to create the most generic name they possibly could. Maybe "Summer of Desire" would be it.
I thought about making "Summer of Lust" as an ironically generic title and I think nobody would even see the humor in it because of how many serious games are named with zero creativity like that.
well fags. It looks like patreon just decided that I cant withdraw any of my money unless I show them my drivers license. Looks like my weg dev days are over. It was fun while it lasted
isn't that racism?
Do you not have a license? Or you just don't want to give it to them?
How much money are we talking about ?
Not giving them my license on principle. Its not a lot of money but it was enough to pay for photoshop subscription and buy some daz assets.
I could have sworn there was already a game with that title, but all I could find was
>I want to fuck my sister, but black people scare me.

Ok, hillbilly.
>thinking "hillbilly" is more of an insult than "BBC-worshipper"
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ors updated
Its Ian point of view, nobody cares
would it really be better over spamming/flooding?
yes. Maybe a mod thinks that these threads getting many pics spammed is par for the course
alright, cool, thanks. i've been consistently reporting his posts in every thread for the past 2 weeks but i was selecting flooding. maybe that's why it was never effective
nta but just as a heads up do not spam report all his posts, I got a warning for that a couple of months back. Just report a couple of pics and one or two of those "Any game with vaginal sex in it?" its subsequent replies.
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Yeah I know. Not that this would be guaranteed but theoretically it has more ground for punishment since it also leads to spamming the catalog with new threads
what? spamming the catalog with new threads itself is grounds for punishment
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Nah but having multiples of the same thread might lead to someone checking up on why that's the case
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(cont) and it also slides out other threads off the catalog
I don't know if you're no here but the last time that happened the multiple threads maker got the hammer and literally nothing else changed, stop trolling by trying to get the wrong people banned if you're not new
>no here
new here
the last time that happened OPsperg got the hammer along with him.
cool so you admit to trying to get other people banned as well, go ahead and do it yourself then nigger
>admit to trying to get other people banned as well
Relax schizo. Anon didn't even offer to make new threads so you don't have to worry about him
Seems like a good trade to me
why would I be worried about you offering to fall on your sword? I take issue with you trying to get other people to do it for you, I'm not getting banned again for you nigger
>'I won't be making threads'
>I'm just going to ignore you calling out my trolling trying to get innocent bystanders banned
I accept your concession nigger
Bloo, calm down bloo
Cool, we're gonna miss your threads anon
Soon I will start making pweg threads - Pure western erotic games. And there will be NO INCEST ALLOWED. Sorry creepy incest freaks
have fun with that. we'll be in here wanting to fuck hot milfs and imoutos, having a new thread every couple days
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I don't think so bud.
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OUR wife.
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halfway there!
halfway house
4 more months bros!
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nice. i felt like the previous update was very lackluster. didn't have much meat to it aside from the branching path in the hunter server, which was cool i guess. so i'm looking forward to this one, see how the death plotline gets resolved.
predictions for sex scenes? he said there would be 4 in this update. i don't remember what outings/events with various girls were planned, but if i had to guess:
>normal sex scene with nancy
>first time sex scene with dalia
>a dom scene with annie (like penny had)
>some outercourse scene with calypso, maybe a titfuck since i can't see her giving a blowjob
and if i really wanted to be hopeful, rather than the annie scene i think there could be the first threesome of the game
too early for threesomes, I guess.
I agree with your predictions, although Annie already said she'd be ready for him - she'll also lose her v-card in her next scene
I hope there are no sex scenes honestly. The problem with the game is unironically too many girls and each girl MUST progress from handjob->blowjob->sex for muh buildup. Multiply that by 8 girls and have reached a point where the sex scenes have arrived and now caribdis cant fucking update his game because he has to make animations and sex scenes for all of these bitches. Game would have been so much better if there were only 3 grils. Nancy, Annie, and one of the sisters. Thats all you need.
>I hope there are no sex scenes honestly.
The dev already said there will be 4 of those, lol
for some reason i thought we already had a sex scene with annie. i forgot both of her scenes (excluding the first one) were outercourse stuff
I don't think it's too early. Around this time in Once in a Lifetime, there was already the voyeur scene with Judie and the cousin, and then the threesome with the both of them in the bed. It doesn't have to be sex, just a handjob or something. There's already been so much hinting of it in the past couple of updates that it's hard to imagine one not happening within the next 2 updates. The only problem I can think of is I don't know WHO would be in the threesome (for this update). The most likely pairings at the moment are Dalia + Alex, Penny + Nova, Annie + Dalia, or maybe Annie + Nancy. But I don't think he'd forgo Dalia's first proper sex scene for a threesome, and Nova most likely wouldn't get a scene because she just got a big one last update. Oh well.
There was the thighjob waaay back in 0.2, humping back in 0.4 and the BJ in 0.6.
OIAL was a shorter game and with a less developed story. Things are slower in Eternum
yea, i know. i just thought the bj scene was a sex scene for some reason. i don't like annie at all so i just sort of glaze over for her scenes
>don't like annie at all
...how is that even possible?!?
That may seem true, but in reality the pace of Eternum is quite quick. The characters and plotlines have progressed quite a lot; I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 3 or so updates, we have a marathon sprint to get the other Gems of Doom, and then the update after a big showdown with Thanatos to get the others. I'm not saying there's not a lot to resolve, because there still is. But the pace of the sex is not matching the pace of the story, so unless he doesn't actually include many scenes for all the girls (for example, only like two proper sex scenes per girl), then he needs to ramp it up a bit. It'll be about time for a threesome.
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british. also find her personality worse than every other girl. i like petite girls but despite being that archetype she doesn't feel petite. she's still very thicc and has a lot of meat to her
She's half-Spanish and half-Russian. Also,
> she's still very thicc and has a lot of meat to her
The dev likes his girls thicc. The most 'petite-looking' girl is Luna
she lived in london. she no doubt has a british accent. and yea, i know. despite annie being the petite girl of the group luna fits that archetype much better with her overall body
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if caribdis doesn't make proper endings for eternum and ditches it like he did once in a lifetime, i will write a VERY strongly worded letter.
What are you talking about? OIAL had a very satisfying ending as far as porn games go.
he was supposed to make harem scenes + pregnancy scenes but then just kind of dipped to make eternum.
I would have liked one more update with the pregnancy and living their new life. Youre right.
>devs bending the knee to patreon like a bunch of cucks
Crypto is the only way forward and yet you just know that at least 50% of redditors are pozzed cucks who think crypto is evil and shit.
do you guys have signatures on your f95 account
I have eight f95 accounts and there are signatures on all of them
Now thats a real wegger
God damn this game is so frustrating. Its too convoluted. Its basically impossible to make the things you want happen or get on the right path without a guide.
it would be funny if the only reason the spammer sperg got banned is because he started spamming the dead thread to keep it alive
Although what you say makes sense, the dev said none of the characters have a British accent.

The dev doesn't like preggo scenes, so I doubt there will be some in Eternum.
Could be. He spammed it to reach it to 300 2 days ago
>Season 1
>9.2 GB
damn, it better be good
Based on the probably unique text in the image, a quick search for 'nsfw game raana' gave me masters of raana on itch io. Thats probably it.

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