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eneral for western YouTuber lewds, mainly relating to Storytime Animators (STAs) and related creators, but any and all youtubers are accepted.
>All YouTube related content, including avatars, OCs, etc. are welcome.
>Don't spam/beg for a delivery of any request you have.
>No direct uploads for real life pics of any creators. Use catbox for those, especially if they're hot.
>Keep drama to a minimum.
>Keep it hate-free. Don't use this thread to attack those who use usernames before they have even posted, or if they have already posted but are just trying to contribute.
>No virtue signaling of any kind. If you see something you don't like, hide it, and if you think it breaks the global or board rules, you're welcome to report it.
>No diaper, scat OR fart porn. It'll be considered troll posting and will be reported as such.
>Youtuber sexo
Fanfics: https://pastebin.com/uSr5FFSc (last updated circa. mid 2023)
The OSP Archive:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lGGqaV1thjD4BKYe2ZitrE5xMHzU4SVU?usp=share_link (last updated March 2024)
https://mega.nz/folder/Ia90TbQR#2clwpj3Y0sP9sN98x4yLZQ (last updated June 2024)
Previous Thread: >>8394041
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Mmmmm triangle
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Harpy nest sex
Didn't know Minbitt got lewded lol
Once again, Bump
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just means there is more to cuddle!
more savannah
>Jaiden retiring
end of an era
the vid was more of a look back at everything she has accomplished in 10 years. She stated she doesn't plan on quitting soon but admits she doesn't plan on doing this forever, which is true of most YouTube careers, at least we get a heads up compared to other STA's who just stopped or slowed to a crawl with uploads.
Gotra respect the honesty and care for those that view her content
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I think it'll be funny if we draw all these youtube babes getting fucked by LSMark
I get Mineta vibes from his sona
i could definitely see a Mineta vibe with him, along with a roger rabbit like feel given his wife is a total catch, like damn nerds really do get the babe in the end. Though personal a shota bottom comes to mind thanks to jerseydevil's art
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He must be packing meat if he managed to turn a hoe into a housewife
big dicked ls mark is now canon and i wont accept anything else
There's 0 art of him and his wife lmao
More art of her with other sonas
Bet LS Mark has a solid 8 incher
Just pounding deep
i can't really explain that, I mean here plenty of art of Jaiden with alpharad, james, and scarf kid. And red with blue. it's been a year since juststop exposed their relationship so you would think there would be at least one or two. But at least we 100% know this couple is fucking.
forgot to click to react.
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Mark has sex but Veronica FUCKS
well, that's new art i haven't seen before but i expected a troll art like this to be made after the video and veronica smut is always good. though i tried avoiding much the drama because it seemed so goddamn petty like some trashy high school drama (fuck you daftpina), but was it really just veronica cheated on mark onetime?
What is Mineta
This drawing is really hot ngl
She's a serial cheater
They got married right after she cheated on Mark lol
Tragic couple
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>lives together
>always hangout together
>make content together
>post cute pictures together
>recent video has her call alpharad "the most important person in her life" separate from best friends and dreams of moving to a house far way with alpha and their pets.

give it like 6 years they are gonna get engaged
In the asexual vid did she say she was a romantic too
because if so I don't buy that
oof that sounds heavy though it still seems like something no one should expose to the public no matter how juicy it may be. and of course, veronica can change for the better like how she battles her alcoholism. not going to stop me from jacking it to porn of her getting a train ran on her cause i love trashy slutty girls and veronica can fit that bill pretty easily. But her heart (pussy) will always belong to mark
mineta is the perverted grape kid from my hero academia.
and agreed jerseydevil makes the best ls mark pics
Ngl, I haven't seen much of Jaiden's content (or most STA's desu). However, I do respect her craft, and her charm in the few videos I've watched. While I can't get behind the lust towards her, she has made an impressive mark on the community. I hope she has a great rest of her time as a content creator, and a happy future.
>and agreed jerseydevil makes the best ls mark pics
Yeah the other ones are good but >>8407843 is by far the best. The expression and the dom vibe he gives off here make it so much hotter.
Who's LS Mark's wife?
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B tier Twitter artist
Low level Oneyplays guest (Oneys ex)
Has a decent podcast I like their voices
yeah, Male STAs being doms are the hottest
Speaking of male youtubers which male youtubers do you guys wish had more art, I say goose boose
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It's unfair they got hit with drama they were barely apart of
Sex with Veronica's thighs
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Just Stop or Cartoonshi, honestly
We need more kittensneeze ngl
So many people ive never heard of b4
I'm glad it's not the same two or so people being posted/requested again and again to be honest. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
Honestly I just want to see more males here
I'm here for the babes
I mean Asexual people can still have relationships so it’s possible

Though I also still believe the conspiracy shes actually Demisexual and only can be attracted to people she gets to know on a deep level.

Regardless I’m dead inside knowing I’ll never be someone’s “most important person in their life”
>Regardless I’m dead inside knowing I’ll never be someone’s “most important person in their life”
Its not impossible man, there are plenty of people out there
Lythero. Especially with his wifey, Krooked Glasses
you mean goose boose?
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Only Lythero r34
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I think they're talking about Matt (and Ryan) from Supermega.

They got hit with a bunch of bullshit because their old channel artist Don sexually assaulted Lex updog, and Lex decided to make a bunch of her video talking about it, venting social grievances she had with Matt and Ryan that were not nearly on the same level as the SA she experienced.

Since Don isn't as well known as Matt and Ryan, they got hit with most of the anger and lost like 45k subs.
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>Regardless I’m dead inside knowing I’ll never be someone’s “most important person in their life”
not sure if you care but Red made a blog post about something like that not too long ago
This guy gives me Rayman vibes. I can't lewd him now.
saw her profile and holy shit why is she so hot?
why are so many female artists so drop dead gorgeous i thought artsy people were supposed to be mid. did media lie to me?
so is this real or photoshopped/ai generated
Looks fake, hard to tell personally, but she also draws lewds of herself too so there is a bunch of content out there of her
it's always weird seeing Her, since I know some friends who know her and I kinda know *of* her through that.
Makes me a little concerned if it is a photoshop/ai and she doesn't know it's going around.
Yeah, and that's just her main. Her alt is in her bio (glasses_gf) and she does way more revealing stuff over there.

Despite the way she treated Supermega, her body is still fuckin' *nice* all things considered.
would you fuck her?
Arachna hyper number 3 lmaoo
When will there be arachna feet
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Sucks she doesn't really have an avatar but yeah she's super hot
Love to see her go crazy on dildos
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Uniquenaomosarus has no porn at all.
https://youtu.be/zy9V7jYABOA?si=EXj95OD8Rkr4zonB :)))
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Eh, I will say its more tasteful than UrbanSpook
What is it? I haven't watched it.
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Thank you for the kind words also it's pretty cool of Red to make a post like that. Maybe one day

Saw that last night and genuinely I don't get the reason but I respect the tit cupping
Just some weird video that I think is trying to be scary or something. Like, featuring an old woman and its animated sorta like those face apps, where it poorly animates a face to be singing Surfing Bird
Ah, now I question why its here tho. Are they trying to advertise their shit in a porn thread? Because if so this seems like a pretty bad place to do so

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