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We're Back Edition

A thread for art and writing of male gas (farts and burps) of Western origin.

>Keep up variety. Try not to post the same artist's work many times in a row, if you can help it.
>No furry/anthro, (monster boys and kemonomimi are allowed though) vomit, or shit. Toilets are allowed if the subject is farting and we can't see any fecal matter.
>Try not to post art that isn't of decent quality.
>No AI art, if possible.
>No girls, unless they are being farted on by a boy or are otherwise not the focus of an image (background characters, etc.)
>No grotesque bodies (ie hyperslob, dorse, shadman). Chubby boys or whatever do not count as grotesque, as long as they aren't morbidly obese/immobile.
>No spamming images of a single series in a row.
by the way, our sister thread /onara-m/ may or may not come back. Time will have to tell on that one.
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best thread
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We really need drawfags to keep this thread a float :(
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we really do. Also writers. Anybody who can draw or write and is interested in this, please lend a hand.
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Where the hell did you get these? These are amazing!
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I'm curious too
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we are so back
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Smelly boys represent
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Can someone post more desperation? I kind of only like male content if the guy is about to shit himself. Usagaijin is pretty good at that.
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this count?
Hey I remember you! Great stuff as always
I kinda have a pitch for a konosuba fic, basically Kazuma gasses Darkness, both because i think Kazuma as some untapped femboy potential and because of the humiliation/degradation side of things, since male on female humiliation is such a great niche that could use some more pieces
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Kazuma is def a good pick, he's pretty cute for an isekai guy (I'm sorry, I don't know too much about Konosuba)
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It's pretty funny for an anime, I recommend it.
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I'll keep it in mind!
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