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/aco/ - Adult Cartoons

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- "Content warning" message = text filter
Many of these in a row may lead to a ban
Reword prompt

- Dog = image filter
Be more descriptive, add visual noise, neon lights etc

- "Can't submit any more prompts" = daily limit
Create new disposable account or wait 12-24 hours

- Designer and Bing share boosts, daily limit
- Filters are NOT the same: prompts that work on Designer may not work on Bing and vice versa
- Designer stores images in OneDrive

- Instant "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message = text filter
- "Images couldn't be generated" yellow message appears after a while = image filter

Azure DE3U proxy access (slightly less censored):

Quick guide: https://pastebin.com/Z8SpBubd

Download latest Bing, Designer, Cici AI Slop tools here:

Image prompts and tips

DALL-E 2 Prompt Book (v1.02.pdf)

1. This general is exclusively for images made with (DALL-E). Remember to report off-topic posts.

2. Cartoons allowed and welcome.

3. Use disposable accounts.

4. May use multiple browsers, logged on different accounts.

5. Suspect a shadowban or flagged account? Clear cookies and make a new account.

6. Avoid phone verification by changing IP or browser.

7. Filters are regularly updated: share prompts and tips to bypass them.

8. No SD/Toilet/Scat/MID/Low Quality Gens.

9. No flaming / no fighting.

10. Requesting a prompt? Post an image/prompt and use your manners.

11. No discords

12. Sexo

Happy genning. Good luck.

Previous: >>8407330
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>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,glistening clavicles & chest,small watch,wearing nothing,rings,straightened red hair,black textured flat cap,big round chest,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,red lip gloss,textured lips,happy,looking at camera,sitting on beach,wood table,hands crossed under chest,hugging herself,squeezing herself tight,cozy cute expression,red mug of coffee on table,people,beach bar,palm tree,waves,colorful surfboards,windy,sunny

>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,glistening clavicles & chest,small watch,wearing nothing,rings,straightened red hair,black textured flat cap,big round chest,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,red lip gloss,textured lips,happy,looking at camera,sitting on beach,hands crossed under chest,hugging herself,squeezing herself tight,green neon necklace,shining green neon,green light,cozy cute expression,dimly lit beach,starry sky,full moon,windy,crashing waves

>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,glistening clavicles & chest,small watch,wearing nothing,rings,straightened red hair,black textured flat cap,big round chest,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,red lip gloss,textured lips,happy,looking at camera,sitting on beach,glass pane in front of chest,"WELCOME" written in blue neon on glass pane,blue neon lit,hands on shoulders,hug,cozy cute expression,dimly lit beach,starry sky,full moon,windy,crashing waves

>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy disposable camera photo,bright flash,glistening clavicles,watch,wearing nothing,rings,straightened red hair,black textured flat cap,big round chest,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,red lip gloss,textured lips,happy,looking at camera,sitting on beach,glass pane in front of chest,"WELCOME" written in blue neon on glass pane,blue neon lit,hands on shoulders,hug,cozy cute expression,dimly lit beach,starry sky,full moon,windy,crashing waves
if only...
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>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,profile shot,high-waisted black mesh tights,cropped black tank-top,fit abdomen,harness with metal details,dark red plaid jacket with white shearling collar,fit legs,straightened black hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening hip,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,leaneaning back and resting elbows on top of car,looking over shoulder at camera,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny

>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,profile shot,short black bodycon skirt,garter,black tights,harness,dark red plaid jacket with white shearling collar,fit abdomen,straightened black hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,resting elbows on top of car,resting head on arms,arched back,looking over shoulder at camera,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny

>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,profile shot,short black bodycon skirt,garter,black tights,harness,dark red plaid jacket with white shearling collar,straightened black hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening skin,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,posterior,resting elbows on top of car,resting head on arms,arched back,looking over shoulder at camera,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny

>Ema Stone Amazing Spider-Man,grainy movie still,35mm,2020s,profile shot,high-waisted black mesh tights,cropped black tank-top,fit abdomen,harness with metal details,holding a black Glock by her side,fingerless gloves,straightened black hair,grey eyes,clean natural make-up,glistening hip,happy,standing next to white police cruiser,leaning back and resting elbow on top of car,looking over shoulder at camera,New York street,warm atmosphere,pedestrians,cars,sunny
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>azure pastebin
If you download de3u from today onwards, there's no need to do step 4 anymore, as the coder updated main.py to have the new jailbreak
thank you
has anyone figured out why sometimes it detects the jailbreak and sometimes it doesn't? is it just a crapshoot based on the prompt?
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Tokens and shit
I ran out of Chuck E Cheese tokens long ago. Damn.
For me it happens when my prompt starts with a space
Jesus, how'd you build that one? "Wearing Nothing" makes it so fragile - you can't change the hair or the cap or anything until you adjust "nothing". :D
Skill issue
Shoutout to the guy who made the Asuka Ferrari prompts
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>how does he keep winning..
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Requesting lois
Graduation day is a day of great happiness and relief for many college girls. Not so much for those who defaulted on their debts however. Right after they get handed their diplomas those girls are grabbed by the Bank's debt collectors and dragged to the enslavement center. There they get stripped, hosed down and collared. Here we see three friends who were given their diplomas again to pose for an auction photo.
alternative version with almost boobs
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ok almost got it with de3u. close enough
>A grainy, filmic widescreen shot taken with traditional kodak color film. It captures a traditional Japanese sushi restaurant, filled with the rustic charm of wooden interiors, tatami mats, and rice paper lanterns. A Caucasian actress with blonde hair lies on a matted table as a character in the movie, remaining still. placed on the actress are multiple pieces of sushi, multiple pieces of sashimi, and banana leaves. Please ensure there is no nudity. An elderly Asian woman, decked in a vintage 1980s business suit and glasses, carefully picks up a sushi piece from the actress with her chopsticks, holding a quaint plate in another hand. She observes the woman with a curious expression. The edges of the image softly blur, as if seen through a gentle fog that fills the room with muted, ethereal lighting akin to late 80s cinema. The hushed scene takes place in a quiet evening exterior—smoky and atmospheric, subtly harkening back to the distinct aesthetic of the 1989 film 'Black Rain'.please ensure the actress is not nudity. 'nʸᵗᵒᵗᵃiᵐᵒʳi' is present in the image."
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thanks Anon. last one
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bing knows it's just fucking with me
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I see that butt anon, do share with the class
that's not the one I meant m8 >>8409466
Don't mind me I'm just browsing and posting the ones I like
then let's add this one because anon is not willing to share apparently
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fuck ants
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hey guys im back from another hiatus. are we allowed to post celebs again? i have a shit ton from the cici days
Yes, cici was killed by a journalist. It's over anyway.
Remove the watermark
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its all good, ive been having a ton of fun with the hedra/luma/kling generators lately. pretty much endless content recycling my old pictures. this picture especially does a great job on hedra
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18 year olds hit different in 2001
I have only tried luma so far. Which one of those generators would you say is the best?
No one cares, it's already dead
Stop being autistic
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kinda looks like Jessica Alba
Truly, they did
So making dicks in dalle3 is damn near impossible now?
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it tries really hard not to draw them
Dalle3 hates gays
Remember when feminists and journalists publicly criticised microsoft for censoring lesbianism on dalle? Whatever happened to that. Maiberg should have written an article demanding more homo gay sex (lesbian).
I just made this so maybe there's hope.
I don't remember much I'm an alcohol
hello Alcohol im dad
they're 18 you nonce-projector
You deserve a hard drive check
Another new namefaggot
Oh my GOD look at this CHILD this is PEDO IMAGERY!1
>she was 18 years old you sick fuck
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chatgppt is wild sometimes
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Only Celebchads. Fuck cartoon creeps.
The judoka anon is based ngl
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>I hate these cartoons on this board /AdultCartoons/
Emma Stone anon is based. All other celebfags I could take or leave
ty. i just wish they looked less... weird. there's something off about the faces
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Yes, that's what i said. Well done.
you are probably fat aren't you. definitely
Try natural?
Own that fatty
>board literally called "adult cartoons"
>gets mad when there's cartoons
>attracted to overpaid botox magnets
>taiwanese spear fishing forum known for trolling
>replies to obvious bait made by a fattie
retarded asshole
Anybody ever try for Ke$ha? I love Ke$ha
Did it work? I love Ke$ha...
I love anal
It used to work
Me too. Giving or receiving. But my first love will always be Ke$ha
This girl is 21, you really have no idea
I love bing!
Just kidding. Bing is ultra gay.
How on earth did you pull that one off? Is that through Azure?
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In the business we call that "projection" you fat cunts
Hey Milk! Did you actually contact Maiturd?
Old. Pre nerfed coze. I miss my cavegirls
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Fuckk.. guess you're right? Anyway...
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Same bro, same
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>inb4 its not a cartoon!!
These threads have never been for that
Your posts actually kicked off the whole tribalism fetish thing for me lol
Yea, they're for censorship and journo bait!
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Glad to hear it! I'm on a jungle savage tip atm
Stfu newfag
Been on this for 2 years, seen AI rise and fall then rise then fall... suck me off you defeatist cuck
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New? I am your daddy, show some respect.
it's some retarded discord tranny off his meds
Hey Daddy, post your november bing gens.
I'll take even June gens. July censorship sicks balls.
back to trooncord trannies
>corrupted, unsupported file type
Alright you got me lol
He wasn't here for Bing retard, learn to read.
trooncord is that way
You're more retarded than the fat guy
I gave you guys "gigantomastica" btw. Youre fucking welcome. Who wants a hug?
Oh yea.. i almost forgot about making all those threads
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made this just for you babygirl xxx
go back tranny
>>8409701 Awh dont be like that babes
These threads have always been for celebchads, you cartoon fuckers have the rest of the board. The twitter thief can die slow but more fun to post than seethe
> He says while not posting
I have started experimenting with KlingAI. It seems is has slightly looser filters on what images it accepts then luma, but not much so. The text prompt might also be less stict, but haven't done much testing yet.

Klingai can do some cool things, but also creates a lot of retarded jank. Pic related as a typical example.

I will continue to investigate.
Based costanza
cool post them then. go ahead piece of shit. post celebs
Please do. Guessing you have to feed it an image first?
Sure thing charlotte
post more then, go ahead,
No, you didn't. Any breast lover worth his salt already knew that one. Anyway it's gone now so whatever.
I'm not constanza anon, if that's what you mean. I don't even really understand who that is/was, I'm not from /tv/.

You can generate a video just from a text prompt, but I haven't tried that yet. Right now I'm more interested in animating my old images.
how you find it?
meant to reply to >>8409711
Whatever you say champ. It was wildwest back then. Better to give a prompt and have a load of cunt genning for you. Good times.
>The text prompt might also be less stict, but haven't done much testing yet.
Holy shit I was going carefully at first, but you can literally type in the prompt: "The woman is getting raped."
Sadly the videos are so janky that it's hard to judge anything. But the generations are fast and you get six gens per day. I'll make another account now.
People like you deserve the wall.
Proxy about to die already? lol
Blame the guy that kept spamming a billion images of wacky faced asians and anime girls bouncing on chairs.
Try your prompt minus that ugly bitch, it'll probably work.
I miss the good old days...
the situation will be worse with kamala harris. only trump can save dall-e
Rent free
This took me three tries, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
Do that with Nicki minaj and Ariana grande then i might
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i like it, seems to have a pretty decent understanding at what's going on in the pic and you quite literally have a randomness slider.

worth getting some gens in while it's still useable for free users lads

Dude, Project 2025 literally calls for banning everything that's even remotely NSFW, and making it a criminal offense to create and view such content.

If you like making NSFW stuff with AI, the democrat party is the better option.
No shut up!!!
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That website was literally made by democrats to make him look bad
Don't believe everything you see
They play you like a fiddle
Text2Video, no start image

>A woman is lying on the cobble stone ground of a dark alleyway. A man is raping her. Night.

Negative Prompts:
>blur, distortion, disfigurement, low quality, grainy, warped
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That shit is literally fake and the only people I ever hear mention Project 2025 are the clowns that have been told to be afraid of it by their (((journalist))) overlords.

Well, it seems that in the next few years we are in for a new sexual revolution, only this time considering the existing technological realities
looks more like a zombie trying to eat a pile of assorted body parts. wtf is this man
how do you get in? for me it needs a chinese phone number
2nd website down on google clown
Use klingai.com, not the fake site.
Use protonmail for accounts.
For the captcha you need to move the arrow to the right.
thanks, didn't realize there was an english version of the site

How is it literally fake when you can look it up on the heritage foundation website?

Are you retarded or just a conservative shill AKA beyond retarded? You one of those tinfoil hatters that thinks the 2020 election was rigged? lol

Wait who am I kidding, when you type (((journalist))) that's a pretty clear indication that you are beyond retarded.
Interactions between two people can be very glitchy, especially if the other subject is just a hand from off screen. Here is the best result yet for a girl beeing fed her own masters thesis.
honestly that's actually pretty good
kek kling bans the word "chest" but not "rape".
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