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Post Mermaids and Mermaid transformations

TQ: what made you get into mermaids?
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I’d this a new one? Are you the artist?
apologizes for the AI but this was simply too good to pass up
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The Little Mermaid, what else?
I think this is human Ariel, sorry about that. Here's actual mermaid Ariel
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Then Ariel.
Then that one episode of Fox's Peter Pan and the Pirates where Wendy got turned into a mermaid. (Still just a vanilla mermaid kink, though, and not a TF kink.)
Then Saban's Marina.
Also found some books in the library when I was a kid. "A Book of Mermaids" by Ruth Manning-Sanders and "Mermaid Tales From Around the World" by Mary Pope Osborne.
And, god damn, "Voyage of the Bassett" by James Christensen might as well have been a Playboy to preteen me.
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To this day, I need my mermaids to have green hair like Irish merrows.
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I always had a mermaid fetish but it took me my teenage years to realize it
Also thanks Disney for my love of redheads too
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>mermaid jenny wakeman
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Reminder that Jennyfag is Toplessbot
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fuck that's genius
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Requesting some uhhhh chubby/soft mermaids.
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Enough with the whales already
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my daily life
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god nikki makes the best mermaid whore
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Better you don't know
what happened to posting pictures?
ran out of mermaids its over :(
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anyone got gifs or webms
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of what?
anything goes
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man there was some fucker on twitter who did an insanely cheap YCH for an animation of characters or OC's turning into fake mermaids and it was godly
I envy your ignorance, anon.
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Hell yeah!!
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Whoever here is uploading to rule34 just uploaded a dupe rosa from hachimitsu
extremely blessed nikki
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WTF is wrong with mermaid artists? Can't we have some mermaid TF that does NOT involve faggotry?
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Mermaids are gay so it's appropriate
post them
No, Anon, YOU are gay.
And then Anon was gay.
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Saggy Booba
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too plump
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page 10 bump
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fake mermaids god yes
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If this is wip is there a finished product somewhere
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damn this look really good though
If i recall the artist was sooperman, but that was years ago on his old account that got deleted. I dobt know if its up on his new one.
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