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This general is for the discussion and sharing of western erotic games and visual novels.
All kinds of western erotic games are welcome here (2D & 3D).

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Previous thread: >>8431876
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anyone know of a game called hummingbird? I saw it referenced in a thread a while back, but never had any luck tracking it down. I think it was a simulation game of some kind.
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I don't think so bud.
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My wife.
game ? fan renders ?
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RIP in peace /weg/
I just finished the princess trap today, It was so good I feel empty now.
try a prince's tale next
>prince's tale
how long is it?
quite short, compared to princess trap it's like a little dessert
Which of these has the strongest storytelling?
probably one of the text based ones i never give a chance
besides that maybe something like intertwined? its not a very high bar i admit
I didn't like it, other than the transformation theme it was nothing like the princess trap, everything felt generic and soulless.
Akabur just wouldn't finish the thing and keeps playing vidya instead.
Of the ones I've played, it'd be the NLT games (Lust Epidemic, The Treasure of Nadia, The Genesis Order). It still has a lot of juvenile contrivance for the sake of "humor" or sex, but the stories are incredibly solid in their construction and *most* of their telling. There are rarely any loose ends and basically zero ass-pulls for twists/reveals. And each game sets up everything for the next game pretty cleanly, well in advance. So, he main writer/dev clearly knows what he's doing with architecting this stuff.
But, I'd say the negatives are that online guides are almost necessary if you want to get any level of completion beyond just the core plot (let alone 100%) or if you don't want to waste a lot of time running back and forth trying to figure out what you're supposed to do to advance the plot (especially in Genesis Order — you get hints, but they often aren't as clear or helpful as in Nadia, for instance). The other is that the sex just linearly escalates as the game goes and starts to become almost constant near the last sections of each game, to the point that I actually found them annoying and like they were in the way of the gameplay, rather than the other way around (basically, a classic case of "too much of a good thing").
I played "My Lust Wish" recently and really liked it. It has the potential to become the Life Is Strange of sex, if it wants to. But, it'd actually have a coherent story. Lol
Kinda wish the name was different, though.
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Just discovered this game today and got sad when I found out the dev stopped working on it years ago. Honestly makes me want to learn how to make games just to pick up where he left off
someone willing to share the update 15 of henteria chronicles?
Beside poisoned wine, any other ways to gack this bitch?
after wegging for a long time now, I have concluded that good girl gone bad is the only good porn game ever made.
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just gave picrel a look
its janky but i like it, lotta prissy schoolgirls getting into catfights and the occasional bit of racism
ecchi sensei lookin ass
i wonder how many wegdevs will milk "remaking my HS weg in HS2" in the fullness of time
Four Elements Trainer/MITY's Patreon is "under review". Fucking Patreon. Anyone know what their reviews typically consist of?
Any good futa games recently?
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what are some games that evoke true dread?
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>I've played all the games
>there's nothing left to play
even the [Abandoned] ones?
I'm sad that it's so quiet here, but also my bookmark is for /weg/ and I'm too lazy to change it.
Also I love all that jew-slop.
Captcha: MRP00
any wegs with some real romance in them?
latest version of sexbot has futa in it, only one bonus scene where you're getting fucked though and it would be a massive pain to get to if you're starting from a new save.
a mother's love before it turns into a thriller
Can someone post the latest development updates for BEING A DIK please?

Here's hoping the next episode focuses on Quinn, Quinn and Quinn again.
Best mommy gentle femdom focused game?
Anything with incest and pregnancy? Preferably 2D but not opposed to 3D, being able to name characters is a plus.
>closeted coomer
you should coom proudly
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Can I get some opinions about UFO? It looks like an either 1/5 or 4/5 star game to me depending on the execution of the presented idea, and the reviews don't help. I don't get how two people can play the same game and one of them praises its "non-linear plot" while the other says there are no real choices offered.
It's ok but yeah I don't think there's many choices that really matter
There's also a mandatory scene where you get fucked even though the game says futa on male is avoidable
I only played it for the thick girls
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>The MC is a boy who's young/innocent/cute;
>Girls have very "mature" bodies. Taller and older than MC, with busty/curvy bodies;
>Their relationship with the MC is very motherly with a focus on caring, nurturing and praising;
>The girls are always taking the lead and making sure the MC feels good, comfortable, etc.

Are there any mommy kinos?
Even the rpgm ones?
roundscape was surprisingly good considering how bad it is
What about our red string?
Unleashed got an update.
What are some wegs featuring literal trailer trash?
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tales from the deep count?
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I'll give it a look tomorrow.
it's nothing like unleashed i just thought about tales from the deep because it's full of trashy characters
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Honestly better than I was expecting, it's like a less cheesy Chloe18 with cow-tits.
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There's a few ppl working on similar type games (both play and visual style). They're relatively easy to make and add content to,
Check out Innventure for similar visual.
Check out Ayura Crisis and pic related for similar mechanics.
Ded thred
Ded goonra
it's over wegs are over, im running out fucking fap material
the wegst has fallen, millions must die
Instinct Unleashed is probably one of the better futa protag games I've read.
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Good morning, /weg/.

I am making a corruption-focused game with lots of BBC/QoS/NTR. The main focus will be a teen girl watching a BBC hypno video and getting hooked.

Would you play it?
>Mr.X lookin' willy on the left.
Conceptually reminds me of this scene from cuck simulator 2 (terrible weg don't recommend) which seemed under utilized.
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Just playing around with some lighting, the pre-made dicks that come with some of the Daz assets are nuts.
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Sure. Mindbreak / corruption games are always fun.
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>amazing art style
>futas that aren't just 6 foot tall dykes
>gameplay's OK
holy shit I'm in love guys too bad the dev just doesn't post anything anywhere besides patreon
are any of the [ai cg] games good?
Can you think of a single decent piece of literature ever written by a southeast asian or indian?
Question answered.
is it a virtual novel? basically no gameplay, just clicking through pictures with captions?
Cuck games are shit games.
Some text games with a bit of ai cg are kind of promising but not because of the ai cg part.
>text games with a bit of ai cg
That's basically what I'm making right now. I'm making something that's sort of a clone of CoC.
Any open sandbox dating sim style games you'd recommend? Particularly if you are free to add or create new characters

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