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Femdom thread
>No futa shit
>No gay shit or single males, at least one dommy woman in the picture
>No queen of spades cringe
>No gas or onara
>No drama
I NEED a woman to dom me like that. Also please nuke my threads harder, mommy janny!
Hot af
Glad you enjoyed, anon
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Some wholesome femdom bondage.
My favorite.
I NEED this!
"And get to licking, tarnished~"
This is the life~
Would this even remotely physically possible? Looks like the "seat" would break his neak in 15 minutes.
Bad art bad concept

Just bad

Effectively the same photo, waste of an image post
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Is there more femdom like MARE? Stuff where a hot woman is physically gentle and more or less polite, but says things that are psychically damaging.
That is real hot!
I need this
Anon, are you familiar with a new concept called fantasy?
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Nothing wrong, destroy my ass please mommy
>Hurf durf it's fantasy so it's okay if it's retarded and shitty, quality doesn't matter in fiction

Your kind are the fucking worst
Go back to filling out the tech specs for imaginary vehicles on fan wikis, you dumb autist.
U r gay
I want a dommy mommy to milk me like this!
I don't, that man is seconds away from a ruptured aorta in his heart
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A man's place
She was asking rhetorically
I'd let her put her thingamabob in my whatchamacallit if you know what I mean
>bad art
Just looks like ancient ass art from pre-2000.
Guh! YES! I need this!
Love seeing womwm take advantage of our weakness
It is beautiful indeed
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You're objectively wrong
That's where you're wrong kiddo
No feather pubes?
anyone got anything where the dicks are like cut in half length ways?
i read a femdom fic where some space domme cut the dick into quarters down the middle and had it pulled back to the base with piercings
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No sorry anon but will look into it
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just accept it
Sorry no can do, I'm not gay
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I have a huge crush on Leonard Nimoy so I drew this. I imagine meeting him after a theatre performance in the 70's and teaming up with some fangirls to overwhelm him. We push him into a dressing room somewhere backstage and lock the door hehe
T. Autistic femanon
Part 2 <3 Everyone is just too excited to listen to him and will take turns with him
That readhead is so happy to have his shirt, i love it
Just find some guy who cosplays Nimoy and get plowed relentlessly so we don't have to see your cringe posts
Stay single, so we can see more of your posts
Really good stuff, spockanon!
Fuck off
Go fuck yourself cringetard trekfag
I don't get it. Is it a claw game to see if the claw will grab on to his towel and give it to you?
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I want to be a lewd girl's chair!
She's so dominating.
What do you call your dom? Goddess, Mistress, Mommy, Queen, Domina, or something else?
Imagine if he gets brain damage from how hard the girls ride that. Imagine if that just excites them more.
Day 13 of locktober and my goddess-wife says I am the perfect level of desperate. I've been more attentive to her needs and I eat her pussy and ass like a "man who is starving".
U getting pegged to glorious analgasm?
More likely getting a double serving of creampie for dessert after thanksgiving.
the old rotten.com had pics of dicksplitting IRL
You Canadian then?
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I do not get why a woman eating a man's ass is femdom when a man eating a woman's ass is also femdom.
It depends on the context. Does the man want his ass eaten or not? Is the woman overpowering him? Is there some humiliation aspect to it?
Don't question it sissy sub
Means ur gay
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I need this
we all do
And this too
So get it
Someone peg me please!
Why is he so small, anon?
whered u meet ur wife
that's a short 20cm ruler, so his dick is not even 10cm with foreskin
life can be brutal
You have no idea.
3½ inches. Ouch. That's too short to be normal and not short enough to be exotic fetish material.
Knew a guy on fetlife who wasn't shy about being 1 inch, and he got a lot of girls (and guys)
You just know this is totally their sex life
>and he got a lot of girls (and guys)
no you didn't
that's hot
I need to be pegged so hard!
Ideal relationship right there
Damn, nice!
I want to have my sphincter fingered by a hot female!
This looks like a ritual I want to be part of
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maybe it is, maybe it isn't
don't check comments under this pic on rule34.xxx
Wait, we can post yuri itt?
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we don't do that here
Azula is the queen of femdom!

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