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File: 00026.png (1.41 MB, 1664x2432)
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/asdg/ and /csdg/ no longer tolerate futa images.
This is now the Stable Diffusion general for realistic or cartoon futa/trans/femboy content.

1st Inaugural Thread
2nd Thread
>>404 Not Found

>What belongs here?
Normal /aco/ rules apply, see >>133810
/futasdg/ includes feminine penis-having characters with or without balls, and with or without vaginas.
They can be solo, or with men, women, or other futas. The futas can be topping or bottoming.
Try to keep images either photorealistic or Western art influenced.
The lines between Western /aco/ type art and anime can be blurry, don't think too hard about it.
If you want help with your gens, post an image and your generation settings, and ask for advice.

>What doesn't belong here?
Unsolicited requests
Bitching and complaining, especially bitching and complaining with no images.
Futas aren't real, don't argue or complain about anatomy.
Flat-chested, vagina-less futas with balls are dangerously close to femboys. Post those judiciously, if at all.

>Have a request?
Go to >>>/trash/slop
Feel free to solicit requests, though. E.g. "What other characters should suck Poison's dick? I'll generate them."

>How do I start to make these?
Check the linked threads below.

I want non-futa photorealistic 3dpd!

I want non-futa cartoon styles!

>Related threads on other boards
File: 00022.png (2.11 MB, 1248x1824)
2.11 MB
2.11 MB PNG
>put title in name field
>retard alert
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Requesting Anne Boonchuy giving this futa harem sand girl a blowjob.
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2.07 MB
2.07 MB PNG
My new wallpaper for the new expansion
>2nd Thread
jannies accidently full several board
why are threads being deleted? Can anyone tell me?
some mod fucked up
about dozen boards got completely wiped
if you go to a slow board like >>>/3/ you can see it still has 2 pages
I'd let her give me an expansion.
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ded thred
probably this is what happens if you don't put the fucking thing in the subject field
File: Lori X Carlota.png (3.33 MB, 4310x4238)
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3.33 MB PNG
Requesting Lori Loud giving futa Carlota a blowjob.
L moment
How is it that those of us who crave full package futa have become such a tiny minority? What used to be the default, or at least a common thing, has become a tiny pocket in a sea of trannies. Many of us have to resort to imagining there's a pussy under there.

Feels like dying of thirst in the middle of the ocean. The ai revolution brought abundance, but not for us.

Stay strong FPF brothers.
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2.93 MB PNG
>who crave full package futa have become such a tiny minority
There's hope yet anon.
>Many of us have to resort to imagining there's a pussy under there
I know that cope well.
File: 00057-242925753.png (1.03 MB, 768x1280)
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you can easily generate full package futas, if you stop whining and download stable diffusion solution. they are one click install apps nowadays
Are any of these usable on android?
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File: Raven X Violet.png (2.87 MB, 1968x2544)
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Requesting Raven giving futa Violet Parr a blowjob.
My go to for mobile genning js civitai
Mind sharing what kind of prompts you use with civitai? I've never done this before.
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sometimes I don't understand the trainings that people do, what is the need to train in pony a model like this, if you just put in the prompt “asian,futanari”, it's the same, why do you want a lora, that 99% of the models already do natively, there are many loras that people train with absurd things that the models already do without training anything.
File: file.png (1.58 MB, 1746x1303)
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1.58 MB PNG
best start with civitai and I guess also SD in general is first finding an image you like using the image search then pressing the blue remix button and then messing with the prompt/parameters that were used
make sure to change seed from set to random so you don't keep recreating the same image over and over again
Thanks for the advice, its been working well. Made some tanuki girls.
File: Luz X Masha.png (2.99 MB, 4614x4722)
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2.99 MB PNG
Requesting Luz sucking Masha's futa dick.
This one is really good!
Vagina for the full package lovers.

For a lot of these images, they could have a vagina, but the perspective would hide it, and you would have to force a tilted up perspective to see any labia.
Be very afrot.
One of the best parts about having a tranny ride your dick is her cock slapping your stomach at the end of each down stroke.
This isn't full package, guy.

Cock, balls, and pussy. I want to fuck a girl in her pussy and give her a reach around. I want a slut bouncing on my cock, impaling her drenched baby hole, while spraying me in the face with her futa cum as her balls slap against my belly.

Miss me with that anal obsessed shit.
Oops, forgot about the balls.

What are your thoughts on pregnant futas?
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Bubblegum-flavored cum. That sounds pretty good.
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Nta but preggo futas are underrated
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fuck I wish she was caramel colored, she is already nice here
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based horsecock chad
never stop posting
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Jaffar, what is the meaning of this?
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what are you looking at peasant?
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Uoooo moreeee (please) <3
would marry
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All this jasmineposting suddenly reminded me of an artist called hi5/highfive who drew this kind of Disney stuff (not gonna attach any pic related because it's not thread relevant)
Disappeared for a while and then came back as Slice of Pie, posted literally 2 Jasmine artworks and then disappeared forever again
Does anyone remember?
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Nice choice of style
>Does anyone remember?
No, but I imagine he's not happy at all about AI generators.
Sometimes you just need to let the AI do its thang and appreciate the art...

"prompt": "score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up,score_6_up, futanari, solo, nude, Detailed and Intricate, masterpiece, perfect lighting, high resolution, best quality, rating_explicit, uncensored",
"negative_prompt": "score_6, score_5, score_4, signature, watermark, censored",
"seed": xxxxxxxxxx,
"use_stable_diffusion_model": "ponyRealism_v21MainVAE",
"clip_skip": true,
"use_controlnet_model": null,
"control_alpha": null,
"use_vae_model": "",
"sampler_name": "euler_a",
"width": 512,
"height": 896,
"num_inference_steps": 18,
"guidance_scale": 10.0,
"use_lora_model": null,
"use_embeddings_model": null,
"tiling": null,
"use_face_correction": "GFPGANv1.4",
"use_upscale": "RealESRGAN_x4plus",
"upscale_amount": 2
Oh it's great.

It's this lora:
It really gets the animated Pokemon style.

And if you don't want Jessie specifically, it's flexible enough to work with other characters.
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1 MB
Thanks for sharing
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> Job interview
Tell me about the benefits "package"
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2.27 MB PNG
A+ edit, holy shit.

If I had a job like that, I would never want to go home.
Biggity bump. Glorious thread.
More of these please. They're amazing.
File: 4k bulge dlc pack.png (890 KB, 768x1216)
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890 KB PNG

Anymore like this?
With horsecock??
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Was this inpainted? I always get dicks with separate sleeves just for them instead of an actual bulge like that.
That's right, I've given up on genning bulges down the leg on the first go because it's too hit or miss even with related loras. And inpainting is better for controlling the size/direction/side anyway. I will say the one fail of that image is that the bulge looks like a slightly different art style from the rest of the pic.
I mean the one fail besides all the general ai goofiness
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To the anon who suggested the "caught" take in /csdg/ thanks.
Another because why not
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Looks good to me.
Honestly yeah. If anything, the face and eyes look mismatched rather than the cock.
Canon Poison
This is a futa thread not a tranny thread.
Requesting these pics redrawn in the show's artstyle.

Reference: https://files.catbox.moe/7m4kft.png
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2.31 MB PNG
Nobody tolerates futa
More of THIS please.
This too...
File: Candace X Vanessa.png (3.87 MB, 2982x2861)
3.87 MB
3.87 MB PNG
Requesting Candace giving futa Vanessa a blowjob.
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971 KB PNG
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>a girl brings you to her house after a night out
>you go to the bathroom and take a piss
>you come back out and she's staring at you like this
what do
> Gluk gluk sounds
> Jumping on pogo stick
> Pregnant man emoji
File: Sharon McGee.png (2.22 MB, 1664x2432)
2.22 MB
2.22 MB PNG
Requesting futa Sharon McGee titfucking her own dick.
ok, delivery here >>8499584
every lesbo feminist's wetdream
Is there an original clean version?
File: 0-straightversion.jpg (322 KB, 1162x1500)
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322 KB JPG
Is there an original clean version?
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1.36 MB PNG
Here's some more
File: True Ending.png (1017 KB, 896x1152)
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1017 KB PNG
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994 KB PNG
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973 KB PNG
i got no contributions, but wanted to say I like these
Original clean version?
No, these are gens made with one of the Archie loras and the Jessie + Pokemon style lora, not inpainted from SFW images.

They're just pretty good loras that stick to the style.
File: K__00506_.png (1.31 MB, 768x1280)
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1.31 MB PNG
Thanks, here's some more
File: K__00626_.png (1.55 MB, 768x1280)
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1.4 MB
1.4 MB PNG
Have some chocolate!
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914 KB PNG
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879 KB
879 KB PNG
I downloaded the wrong FF7 rom, maybe.
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1.12 MB PNG
POV: you meet a moderately passing tranny in university
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ur mom
Futa Femme Fatales, superhero names still pending. This might be the Pink Pollinator. 1/?
Considering her horse cock, I would say the Sassy Stallion
4/? ... more later.
More dog dick would be awesome
atm i'm struggling to prompt tanuki proportions... small dick seems to counteract gigantic balls.
is there more? who's the artist?
Guy, this is a generated image.
Stable Diffusion
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2.01 MB PNG

Forge UI
Could you post a catbox for any of the WoW 3D style pics? I really like it, and I'd like to try it out myself.
File: file.jpg (130 KB, 1024x1024)
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130 KB JPG
Slowly learning
File: file.jpg (133 KB, 1024x1024)
133 KB
133 KB JPG
Ooh, I really like that HQ one. Good job on these.
requesting futanari science, scientist turned futa by chemicals pondering about the results of a forbidden biochemical agent or smiling at them, preferrably no balls.


Requesting futa Hermione Granger
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1.02 MB PNG
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968 KB PNG

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