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Final Fantasy 14 male focus original content porn.

Rules for the topic are as follows:
All male OC welcome. This includes anything from tbse slim to nymph to se-q to mars.
No complaining about other posters' preferences in males or derailing. No females/futa.
No mass reposting rule 34/booru/twitter/discord content, bumps and conversation are cool just don't spam or flame.
If your images have a hrothgar/lalafell it's recommended to use imgchest, catbox, mega, etc.
Feel free to use the thread to meet with other anons in game for posing/ERP.
Follow all board/global rules otherwise. Don't like something? Make your own thread or jerk off to your feed on x.
Report and ***ignore/filter*** any breaking of the aforementioned rules.

>Modding, Albums, & Resources

>Art Thread
>Main Thread
>Het Thread
>Futa Thread
>AI/Fetish Thread

>Previous Thread
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sorry for the recycled op, I don't make the threads but mods wiped 10 different boards
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YOOOOOO my 2 year old picturee!
didn't expect someone to save my bunny boy!
miera using tbse-echo here
It's the best body for miera desu
Nice buns
aw thank you <3
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old pics
always sucked at gposing
More of this gato?
since no one is posting i'll post my bad old ones
i want a roe eb so bad
Me too, bro. Me too....
sexy boy
aw thx :3
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jesus christ aren't you freezing out there
unless of course you're looking for someone to warm you up
That's the goal, yes. A little company to help keep me from being cold in the snow~
Need more
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I actually do a lot of gpose commissions, it's usually females but I don't judge since gil is gil.
Worshipping maleroe cock
See something you like back there?
Well, gonna join me or just stare?
Prove it
Best way to track down this cute sleeve?
Crystal DC, online most days after noon EST(give or take)

I'm also open to running roulettes, I've got roles to max out!
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that pink bun from last thread came over
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had a really nice time desu
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but he's fucking insatiable, someone else come grab him
Goddamn I love bunboys
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Fuck yeah now that's a man
Why is it so hard to find bunny sleeves…?
zero charisma
Finally some good fucking food.
just gotta bully them til they fall for you
I cant even locate them to roll charisma…
Built for my maleroe.
post him
the only thing I've ever seen bottoms ask for is a picture of what they'd be a sleeve for and suddenly theres no response
Been gone a couple days, miss me?
Nah. I'll meet people in game on the 'mung but I'm not interested in thirstposting that goes nowhere.
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He said, thirstposting and going nowhere?
does it make a plap sound when fucked
Please post more Malera
Concurring with the sentiment to see more malera and maleroes.

In the meantime, have my bluebun finding some solo relief
This one is a weird size because my dumb ass forgot to turn off the gpose menu so I just clipped it out in paint.
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Imagine peeling those off and being greeted by a fat throbbing cock..
I'm not trying to flood the thread but I'd definitely love to see some more posts from other anons.
Imagine having your hair grabbed and face smooshed against that hot throbbing roemeat, the smell of hot man musk invading your brain.
Now thats a faggot ass worth breaking
i'd post but my dick mod isn't even updated yet
Instantly getting weak in the knees, feeling the urge to submit and worship grow as my mind goes blank and I quickly find myself slurping down.. god I love roes
Is this homo? Based if yes
Is this cutie blue bun?
that's a female viera face?
No, I'm someone else..
Post yourself… do it to make roecock happy
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Futas in the gay thread we like this
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a lot to gather from a female head, you tranny weirdo
sauce right now
Using Fire and Blizzard and Thunder on a masochistic bunboy...
They should remove femroes and replace them with fagroes. You're either a barrel chested manly top or a fat-pecced, jello-assed barafag.
Sorry but I draw the line at "just delete women" faggotry
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LMFAO, Donny lookin ass.
hot, thanks
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Based pairing
Thank you for choosing me as your private server, "Master"

How can I serve you?
can i get a jug of your finest
I'll have a shot of your secret menu milk
You know, anon, I tried looking for a jug to use for posing a shot /just/ for a reply. Sadly you'll have to accept this instead!

Certainly, would you like to get the milk yourself or shall I handle it?
Oh I'll gladly take the shot myself, preferably straight from the source!
As you wish, "Master", feel free to take as many shots as you want~
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Sometimes you just can't get out of your shorts fast enough after a workout.
Last pic from me for the night. For reference, I'm open to meetups or even just doing some partner posing, just gotta let me know if you want to!
this bun is just begging to get into a different workout
Yes, frequently! I'd be looking more actively if I didn't have to go soon.
ha! fair enough
what server you on?
I'm on the crystal DC, so meet-ups are easiest there when I'm available.
Nice tail
Hello, friends. I have slowly began posing again. Instead of doing my usual gallery dump, I'll just stop by and post from time to time. Ok ty.
I love your use of lighting and color in these
Can you link an album of your old stuff? I adore your bunboy...
Thank you. I think this link should work
But if not, let me know
Thank you so much...
Thank you for the compliment! I think your lighting work is miles better than mine, and I love seeing your bun! Hope you have fun posing, and I look forward to not being the spammy anon who keeps posting their bluebun constantly!
You're welcome
You help keep this thread alive, so thank you for that as well
This faggy rabbit has single-handedly convinced me to play a soft, faggy rabbit from now on

Thank you for your service.
You're more than welcome. Miera #1!
agreed, miera are objectively the best race, with maybe mroe in a distant second
As a Miera, I love Miera and MRoe.

But I wouldn't say no to seeing some more Au Ra or Catboys too.
this fujobun has killed billions
Thank you, I strive to kill more.
teach me your murderous ways fujobun
Just blew three loads in a row to this faggot miera
Id give anything to plap this bun
Every man deserves a faggy miera to call his own.
One more? Just one more time, and I'll behave
You already can, just in your imagination is all
Be really really horny, like all the time!
Two more later on, I promise. Such an eager boy~
>tfw ywn be stuck between a roe and a cute faggy miera
Very very eager, as I am all the time!
Anything is possible, but only if you really want it. You have to be completely shameless sometimes, to earn what you truly desire
Such a messy boy... I love him
NEED my balls slapping against his
Tired already? I thought you would last longer than that..
Thank you
Aah, my weakness
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Why is this rabbit so damned erotic?
Cute dogboy. Would.
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thank you anon, this dogboy was made to be used
Some of it is insatiability. Some of it is also for the sake of helping keep this thread alive for juust a bit longer. I'm not quite finished with you, yet.
This bun is trying to get pregnant i think.
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Today I found out posing lips is really hard...
That looks really good though
Awhhh thanks
I have a few more reference pictures I want to copy, I'm a bit obsessed with performing oral (on both men and women)
Gonna need some hunks with big chests in here
>miera seduces me and takes me to his place so I can plap him
>it ends with me getting fucked by him because I'm a sub and he's surprisingly good at domming.
I will smooch all miera today in his honor!
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need a link to that kneesocks mod
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I want to know if making a malera look like this w/ mods is possible
Need more slutty maleroes
Here you go: https://xivmodarchive.com/modid/83832
I'd rather post here where there is a dedicated - if small - community that truly appreciates this stuff than having to deal with the braindead idiots on the vg board that are more interested in threadcred and avatarfagging over anything else
contributing with one of my first poses ever so apologies if it's shit
This assblasted pedophile really spammed this shit in every thread lmao
within literal seconds or less of each other as well; the 'tism required to have all four threads up at once and posts ready, to send them nearly back-to-back-to-back is hilarious
wonder if we can map it to some avatarfag getting BTFO'd in the vg thread
I hope so, because I want to fuck that.
>Viera boys have to turn to fucking each other because there's not enough mroe about to fuck them instead
things can always be worse
Ok but when will the maleroes start fucking each other
Waiting for the day a brave mroe will bless thread with his big meaty cock
>wonder if we can map it to some avatarfag getting BTFO'd in the vg thread
iirc spam bans are usually board-specific
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anyone wanna fuck?
you should post more
I would but sometimes i forget alot to post and when i do im often times ignored XD
Can we see more?
i honestly cant share much since 4chan wont let me post my pics cus alot of them are over 4MB i have a twitter tho
stop posting your ayy lmao tranny
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he gives and takes (bigger cock by a friend request)
too big
fair enough most people seem to like it. Thanks for the feedback tho <3
ngl you should make more wholesome stuff and it will be better
the hyper stuff is kinda disgusting.
I got your point the first time lol u dont like hyper.
heres my wholesome contribution under 4MB
i'm a different anon
that's nicer :3
THis is also under 4MB
I am a switch but these days topping more
I hate you people so fucking much
stay mad kiddo
This is a gay porn thread
obv its gay porn but doesn't mean it has to be grotesque and hyper.
good images
Your taste is not absolute
fuck off to the tranny thread
there are plenty of gay porn threads on /d/ as well, I'm sure plenty more people there would appreciate this level of modbeasting
No thanks i dont like it there. Also if people wanna call me a mod beast thats fine i just cant imagine looking the same as everyone else with the limited options the game provides you. U are more than welcome to ignore my posts tho. hope u have a nice day today :D
try not looking like a female with a horse cock before posting in a gay thread for males
And dont forget to not have a cock too big
Or a face too feminine
Or an ass too big
Or express a kink they may not like
Because a fragile faggot like this one might just have to reply to you.

hrothgar looking for love and watersports
ok. your old stuff was way better but ig you can appeal to the futa crowd if you want
You say shit like that but this is off-topic, read the OP and then consider sucking on a shotgun.
>No females/futa.
Handsome hroth......
Post more big mommy straight porn lolz make these fags seethe
on the top post there is a image of a character using muse. Female character with Male body. Why is it okay to be a hypocrite because u dont like my posts
I was made fun of and insulted with my old posts as well im quite used to it at this point
Posting my Boyra
Thanks i apreciate it but i dont think ill post often cus of the 4MB limit on 4chan plus most XIV related threads are pretty barren and inactive and if and when i do post someone has a problem. I just cant imagine continuing to post with a crowd thats so miserable. If i do post it will be out of spite, i still dont understand why some people get so riled up about my posts. its kinda sad now that i think about it. Thanks for being posititive and having my back :D
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Posting MY Boyra
thanks for the blog post but you're not the main character sweaty, post actual males or fuck off back to the other thread
no, i dont think i will. :D
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best post itt
You're a fucking retard, that is a trap and a literal woman with huge tits.
This is an acceptable 'female body' post, not whatever the fuck you're trolling with. >>8529042
just stop giving it (you)s and it'll naturally go back to attentionwhore
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it's pretty good, I'll give you that
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Incoming dump of Twitter shit since I've been too lazy to pose myself.
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ultramasculine body/hair with femboy miera heads are never not funny to me
it's a good shot but damn do miera not work with that bodytype
Personally I find it hot as fuck. Guys with more fem/androgynous faces with masculine bodies make me crazy.
yeah agreed
miera are too fem for that
having them wear beards is also blasphemy
their best role was always to be feminine.
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Adding it to the list
This is a very cute bun but that grip is fucked
This looks terrible, comedic even.
This is a good masc viera.
What a miserable place to be in life
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Cute boy
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cute shota!
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Yup, was a lazy shot for a friend and noticed too late
Partaking in a fun little kinktober challenge, so here's a set for day 1, Lingerie!
Last one of the set, though personally I think the one with the ass focus was better, this shows off the whole outfit a bit better
god those heels are fuckin hot
Aren't they? I'm a sucker for them! They're actually from a mod by Felis called "Boys Night" and override the 2B boots
Thanks, I'm gonna put a nice xherry red pair on raha and then rail him
Take pictures! Raha sex is best sex!
Worshipping roe cock
that looks nothing like a shota, you're mentally ill and trying way too hard to bait reports
I would fuck this boy senseless, oh my goodness
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switching to this catboi from my hroth
Why don't you then, pussy, get in first before I do
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The lipstick marks and ball fondling are peak. Does this boy also frot?
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I love seeing this boy! He's such a cutie~!
Kinktober day 3, Phone Sex/Sexting!

I'm only posting the nsfw ones here but there's a cute little outfit that I had one for the set! I kept most of it at least~
This one was my favorite shot of the set though. It feels open and lewd!
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I'm doing kinktober too!
Weren't you the weird fuck asking to get shit on by lalafells? Go away.
pissed on, at least get the degeneracy right.
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I need to mating press this boy till he goes cross-eyed, now!!
No dying quite yet! When I finish the new set, I will be needing this thread
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I'm considering swapping my main to a malera, trying to go for a mix of masc but still slutty and this is what I've got so far

Having a bad time finding decent mods, poses, outfits, etc to put with him though, anyone got suggestions?
Lose the facepaint before anything else
Yeah, was already thinking that, sorta threw together the basic stuff pretty quick since I just wanted a base to play around with
Whoops I'm a retarded faggot and posted in the wrong thread xD
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As much as I like TBSE-X I think the proportions look too buffed, play with customize for a sweet spot of nice chest and arms

at least you are cute
Are you going for an ambush look?
I want mine to be that huge. Life's not fair :'(
>too horny and dumb to show off his body to get it right
I like this
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greasy asf
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Not a fan of the proportions here, he’d be cute with a wider waist
Is still cute.
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Need to suck him off
Do you have a twitter or something?
Page 10 bump
thank you necromancer
I think this catboy might be making me gay, bros

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